Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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No thanks; we will wait until the Arab brethren take the first step with their trillions of dollars of free oil money; they don't need to fight, just boycott.


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The nation that is one step below God, the center of the world as they say! But what do you expect from a people who killed Christ himself.


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BBC reports that Turkiye is recalling its ambassador to Israel.


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Twice as many casualties, and deaths as the last attempt in 2014. Imagine if Hamas had more powerful anti-tank missiles.
Hamas has a limited stock of PG-29V rounds for RPG-29, I wonder how many is around.

We also haven't yet seen much of Kornet in action or Bulsae-2 over the last week.


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Israel will continue its operations in Gaza until it achieves victory, even if that takes a full year, the nation’s defense minister said Saturday.

This means that Israel can almost completely ignore troop deaths so as not to consider itself a failure.


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Israel taking plenty of casualties in Gaza, as expected. Any time you commit ground troops to an urban setting, with thousands of fairly well armed militants on the opposing side, you can expect significant casualties. Would anyone be shocked if Israeli ground forces suffered 5000+ military casualties during this ground invasion / occupation?

I don't think you call up 300,000+ troops for a war, unless you expect to take some serious casualties.


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Israel will continue its operations in Gaza until it achieves victory, even if that takes a full year, the nation’s defense minister said Saturday.

This means that Israel can almost completely ignore troop deaths so as not to consider itself a failure.
They might destroy the tunnel system below Gaza, but an occupation force is not going to accomplish anything of substance. They'll wind up leaving at some point, and the region will simply be in a worse situation then when the bombing campaign began.

There is very little to be gained from a ground invasion, short of destroying Hamas' tunnel system.


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Israeli analyst Nitzan Sadan:
Yesterday, I realized that Abdel Nasser cannot be compared to the leader of #Hezbollah. Gamal Abdel Nasser, despite his intelligence, yielded to enthusiasm and populism, became reckless, and lost the war with us... As for Nasrallah, who yesterday could have gained the popularity of hundreds of millions with a single word, he preferred to lose his popularity in order to achieve an overwhelming victory in the future. This man is exceptional, he is terrifying

Israeli analyst: 5 reasons why Hamas can continue firing rockets​

Israeli aviation analyst Nitzan Sadan said there are 5 reasons why Hamas is able to continue firing rockets from Gaza. Hamas's rockets are scattered over a wide area and have been built in such a way that it is impossible to know where each launcher is. The militants fire relatively few rockets per burst, choosing when to focus their efforts and firing more. The rocket fire is an important show for the movement, as Hamas tries to show the Arab world that it stands firm against the IDF.

Israeli aviation analyst Nitzan Sadan said there are 5 reasons why Hamas is able to continue firing rockets from Gaza, despite the ferocity of Israeli bombardment.

Israeli aviation analyst Nitzan Sadan said in an analysis for the Israeli news site Ynet that there are 5 reasons why Hamas is able to continue firing rockets from Gaza, despite the ferocity of Israeli bombardment.

First reason: location

Hamas's rockets are scattered over a wide area and have been built in such a way that it is impossible to know where each launcher is.
The firing is carried out using a remote control or timer, and militants can fire from a nearby hideout, without walking around the area, he said.
"Long-range rockets, such as those aimed at reaching Haifa, are fired from a reusable underground compound."

The second reason: the structure of the missile group

Which are designed so that they can operate independently of the state of command and control systems.
He added that the militants only need a command and remote control for the rocket launcher, so fire easily.
He pointed out that you don't even need to shoot, everything is drilled and preset, so even if we eliminate senior commanders, the "little ones" in the field can still shoot when asked.

Reason Three: Fire Management Policy

Hamas began carrying out the "deadly Black Saturday attack" (on October 7) knowing that it would then slide into war with the IDF, receive no reinforcements, receive no ammunition aid, and must use what it has wisely until the end of the fighting.
Hamas's open-fire policy was also designed to keep firing for as long as possible.
The militants fire relatively few rockets per burst, choosing when to focus their efforts and firing more, he said.

Fourth reason: public relations

The rocket fire is an important show for the movement, as Hamas tries to show the Arab world that it stands firm against the IDF, thereby preserving the idea of "armed Sunni resistance."

The fifth reason: the attrition of the Israeli army

After all, there are limited reserves of fuel and ammunition, a limited number of qualified soldiers, and support and legitimacy can also change both in Israel and abroad.
The Israeli analyst pointed out that locating all the rockets in Gaza would be an unequivocal waste of resources, as there are a large number of armed launchers ready for launch, and the appropriate answer is the crews of the "gifted" Iron Dome batteries, that is, working to repel rocket attacks.
Since the Palestinian resistance, led by the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, it has so far killed about 1600,<> Israelis.
The Palestinian resistance also captured about 250 Israelis and announced that it wanted to exchange them for more than 6,<> Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.
On Saturday, Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari announced that the number of soldiers and officers killed had risen to 345 since October 7. "We have informed the families of 241 abductees in Gaza and are continuing our intelligence and operational efforts to retrieve them," he said.
For its part, Israel continues its aggression against Gaza, bombing homes, schools, hospitals and mosques, resulting in the death of more than 9,500 Palestinians, mostly women and children, in addition to the injury of more than 22,<>, the destruction of entire neighborhoods and the displacement of most of the population.


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El Mundo newspaper, one of the Spanish media, announced that Israel employs mercenaries in Gaza. The news included an interview with Pedro Diaz Flores, a Spanish mercenary who was reported to be affiliated with a neo-Nazi group and fought against Russia on the side of Ukraine. In his interview, Flores said, "I came to Israel for money. They pay very well. I get paid 3,900 Euros a week." he said.


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I think the Saudis, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar are the only countries right now that are actually trying to kickstart that vitality back into the Arabs as a civilization.

You don’t kickstart a modern civilization by waging militia warfare and ruining your country. The Syrians, Iraquis or Yemenis are nowhere near starting a great civilizatio right now.

If a country / nation / ethnicity / people, etc. want to become great in the modern world, they need investments, education, technology and money.

I appreciate the initiatives taken by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to modernize their nations with Western assistance. The educated workforce, administrative professionals, and scientific community that emerge from these efforts will likely be valuable once their new masters arrive.

When followers of Muhammad conquered Syria and Egypt, they make great use of the Roman-trained bureaucrats to run the new country. So does Mongols use many trained Arab workforces and bureaucrats to run their newly expanded empire.

You are stuck in the XXII centrury mindset, and you are unable to see that the world has evolved and changed, and you can’t create another great civilization through waging brutal war.

You can’t achieve greatness anymore with hand-made rockets and primitive military equipment. You will always remain at the mercy of big powers who could decide whenever they want to erase you through carpet bombing.
The world has changed. Wars are not won by those who are willing to sacrifice the most, but by those who have more resources and are technologically superior.

See this :

Even if the Arabs managed to become an advanced society they do so under the thumb of American rule and served as an extension of the Zionist state. In fact, as I've repeated for the nth time, the biggest beneficiary of the current status quo is Israel. This will not make them a world power.

It's very easy to turn 400 Million Arabs and 1.5 Billion Muslims worldwide docile and impotent while Isael bombs with impunity, they simply only have to control the fellas here:

👇 👇


These "leaders" in turn will use their authority to quash whatever the Muslim world is trying to do to help the Palestinian cause, using their secret police, intelligence agencies, judiciary you name it. They won't even allow mentioning the word "Gaza" in sermons in Saudi Arabis these days, and UAE backed "preachers" like Faris Al Hamadi are busy using the verses of the Quran to serve the zionist's interests. Not to mention their "air defense" are now used to defend Israel.

So I see the Arab state of today are a mere extension of Israel, they need to go and the order needs to be re-established.

And for Abdullah below:


This is the best time for him (and the millions of Arabs) to capitalize on the current situation, not only to help Palestinians but to help himself as well. Right now, as we speak, militia groups are proliferating at an alarming rate. Sunni/Shia, you only need to choose. Just do it.

He can organize something like a Gulf Hamas, where they could open a direct line of communication with Tehran to supply them with the technical know-how and the supply of arms. Think about the supply of kamikaze drones, and rockets from their many proxies in Iraq, Lebanon or Syria, while men could attend commando class in Iran or Lebanon.


It's a lot more useful than periodically filling the streets while shouting (and creating traffic jams), which didn't alter the balance of power whatsoever. Seriously I can't quite understand what's the use of protests.

Again as I've mentioned before, you cannot pin your hopes in the national armies of Arab states to defend Palestine. Regardless of ideology. Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS is just a little glimpse of what tiny armed groups in the middle could achieve even without proper resource. And I'm betting that as time passes we will likely see more armed groups in the ME, not less, especially in the light of Israel's open brutality in Gaza.

The most strategic place to start is I believe Jordan, because they have direct borders with the West Bank, and it'll be easier to smuggle arms through the Jordanian border and Jordan itself borders Syria and Iraq which makes supply line easier for outside actors (like Iran) to supply arms.
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Greece Moderator
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I appreciate the initiatives taken by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to modernize their nations with Western assistance. The educated workforce, administrative professionals, and scientific community that emerge from these efforts will likely be valuable once their new masters arrive.

When followers of Muhammad conquered Syria and Egypt, they make great use of the Roman-trained bureaucrats to run the new country. So does Mongols use many trained Arab workforces and bureaucrats to run their newly expanded empire.

See this :

Even if the Arabs managed to become an advanced society they do so under the thumb of American rule and served as an extension of the Zionist state. In fact, as I've repeated for the nth time, the biggest beneficiary of the current status quo is Israel. This will not make them a world power.

It's very easy to turn 400 Million Arabs and 1.5 Billion Muslims worldwide docile and impotent while Isael bombs with impunity, they simply only have to control the fellas here:

👇 👇


These "leaders" in turn will use their authority to quash whatever the Muslim world is trying to do to help the Palestinian cause, using their secret police, intelligence agencies, judiciary you name it. They won't even allow mentioning the word "Gaza" in sermons in Saudi Arabis these days, and UAE backed "preachers" like Faris Al Hamadi are busy using the verses of the Quran to serve the zionist's interests. Not to mention their "air defense" are now used to defend Israel.

So I see the Arab state of today are a mere extension of Israel, they need to go and the order needs to be re-established.

And for Abdullah below:


This is the best time for him (and the millions of Arabs) to capitalize on the current situation, not only to help Palestinians but to help himself as well. Right now, as we speak, militia groups are proliferating at an alarming rate. Sunni/Shia, you only need to choose. Just do it.

He can organize something like a Gulf Hamas, where they could open a direct line of communication with Tehran to supply them with the technical know-how and the supply of arms. Think about the supply of kamikaze drones, and rockets from their many proxies in Iraq, Lebanon or Syria, while men could attend commando class in Iran or Lebanon.


It's a lot more useful than periodically filling the streets while shouting (and creating traffic jams), which didn't alter the balance of power whatsoever. Seriously I can't quite understand what's the use of protests.

Again as I've mentioned before, you cannot pin your hopes in the national armies of Arab states to defend Palestine. Regardless of ideology. Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS is just a little glimpse of what tiny armed groups in the middle could achieve even without proper resource. And I'm betting that as time passes we will likely see more armed groups in the ME, not less, especially in the light of Israel's open brutality in Gaza.

The most strategic place to start is I believe Jordan, because they have direct borders with the West Bank, and it'll be easier to smuggle arms through the Jordanian border and Jordan itself borders Syria and Iraq which makes supply line easier for outside actors (like Iran) to supply arms.
This will take another 10-15 years to become a reality. In the other words, when the geopolitical chessboard shifts to Africa and the China Sea, and the USA will no longer need Israel because their interest will be elsewhere. To do it faster there should be a plan to overthrow the geopolitical power of the USA in the Arabian Peninsula with the organizer of Iran and the military protection of China. The Arab Spring was what brought the US into a position of power in the region 10 years ago, but it also brought Iran into a position of power in several countries. There could be a new Arab Spring with Iran as the organizer. The countries whose governments need to change are the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. If these states are overthrown in a new social uprising then things will change rapidly as all Arab countries will follow the anti-Israel policy. Russia can also play a role in this game and cooperate with China for such social destabilization and overthrow of the Arabian Peninsula regimes. The Palestinians are on the right side of history, Western societies worldwide are on their side. The only thing left is for the West-friendly Arab Governments to go. Hamas did well because the whole planet saw how sick the Zionists are, the opinion that almost everyone has now is not going to be forgotten. Iran perhaps very intelligently did not pull the rope because it realizes that the situation needs a different kind of management. Iran and China are not yesterday's states, they have thousands of years of accumulated experience and know how to get what they want. The War of Rage against Israel will not begin with an all-out war but with a systematic dismantling of the geopolitical supremacy of Israel and the US in the region. This is perhaps the biggest blow of all to those who think they are the "center of the world" and "one step below God". I have always believed that the criminal Zionist strategy followed by the state of Israel will bring it to its destruction, with current events I am now convinced that Zionism will be a thing of the past. And Hitler thought that Nazi Germany would last for 1000 years.


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yes, yes terrifying.....

got to keep the threat open so that the war of expansion can continue for Isreal over the coming decades.

Isreal got the most advanced army in the middle east, they didnt do that just to sit on that small strip of land.

The nation that has f35 and nuclear weapons is scared, but the big dirty beard sandal wearing backward ass shites whose science is mostly the quran, hadith and sunnah and also some cheap chinese knockoff rockets are "terrifying".

Jews are laughing all the way to the bank. When Jews were very little they destroyed actual armies of multiple neighbouring nations. Now while she has the most advanced military in the region and her enemies have been reduced to conducting these sorts of terrorist style fights, since no neighbouring nation could challenge her in a conventional fight anymore, the so called middle easterners think they are winning.

Lost the last 100 years, i expect the people of the middle east will lose the next 100 years. No brains whatsoever.


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The War of Rage against Israel will not begin with an all-out war but with a systematic dismantling of the geopolitical supremacy of Israel and the US in the region.

There's a saying by one pro-military forumers that I keep to this day: In war, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

In Viet Nam, the Communists didn't win a single battle in the 10 years of fighting, in fact looking at the methods they use against the 20th century biggest power is largely down to earth primitive warfare which most resulted in a 1:100 KIA ratio. The Viets didn't win by trying to match the Americans on a one-to one basis, or attempt technological parity, rather the Vietnamese controlled the course of the war by compelling the Americans to fight on their terms.

Vo Nguyen Giap rests his war on the final belief that Americans would eventually be tired. He didn't win the war by maneuver, rather he won by convincing the Americans at home that their war is futile. In fact if you look at the Tet Offensive, you would think that attacks are futile, considering the sheer losses the VC lost that day without any tactical return whatsoever.

Yet it is the Tet Offensive that finally turned the American public and their willingness to continue the war. resulting in the collapse of RVN in 1975.

Hamas, Hezbollah or whatever armed actors didn't need to face the IDF the same way the Egyptians and Syrian attempted in 1973, where they go to war where Israel dictated the terms, they need to look at the wars in VietNam, Algeria, the two Afghanistan wars, where the underdog compelled the opposition to fight wars the way the want.

If you look at the Middle East today you could easily identify why Israel could afford to be relaxed, the order of the Middle East are controlled by Washington and the only way to defeat them is to put an end to the imposed order. And a long war that systematically dismantles the "norms" is the best way to de-legitimize order.


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There's a saying by one pro-military forumers that I keep to this day: In war, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

In Viet Nam, the Communists didn't win a single battle in the 10 years of fighting, in fact looking at the methods they use against the 20th century biggest power is largely down to earth primitive warfare which most resulted in a 1:100 KIA ratio. The Viets didn't win by trying to match the Americans on a one-to one basis, or attempt technological parity, rather the Vietnamese controlled the course of the war by compelling the Americans to fight on their terms.

Vo Nguyen Giap rests his war on the final belief that Americans would eventually be tired. He didn't win the war by maneuver, rather he won by convincing the Americans at home that their war is futile. In fact if you look at the Tet Offensive, you would think that attacks are futile, considering the sheer losses the VC lost that day without any tactical return whatsoever.

Yet it is the Tet Offensive that finally turned the American public and their willingness to continue the war. resulting in the collapse of RVN in 1975.

Hamas, Hezbollah or whatever armed actors didn't need to face the IDF the same way the Egyptians and Syrian attempted in 1973, where they go to war where Israel dictated the terms, they need to look at the wars in VietNam, Algeria, the two Afghanistan wars, where the underdog compelled the opposition to fight wars the way the want.

If you look at the Middle East today you could easily identify why Israel could afford to be relaxed, the order of the Middle East are controlled by Washington and the only way to defeat them is to put an end to the imposed order. And a long war that systematically dismantles the "norms" is the best way to de-legitimize order.
Although I am convinced that Iran has the ability to destroy Israel militarily. Iran has nuclear as well as conventional weapons while the geography, the hollow mountains with the huge military bases below (which cannot be threatened by anything) give it the advantage. Probably Iran is going for something bigger than hitting Israel and that is its dissolution as a state. It cannot do this with guns as they need other tools to achieve it, they see it with the Palestinians whom the Zionists bomb, imprison and build concentration camps for. And yet the people of Palestine endure, Iran does not want Zionism to endure but to eradicate it. This takes time and patience. China will be very happy with such a move as it serves its own geopolitical interests.


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The nation that is one step below God, the center of the world as they say! But what do you expect from a people who killed Christ himself.

Out all of racists and supremacists in this planet.

Zionists are the most heartless and make white supremacists and black supremacists look like school children.


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Same.can be applied to Turkic history. Urbanised Turks mainly became comfortable in civilian life and also took up Persian and Chinese culture overtime.

Due to this they got conquered by the tribal nomadic Turks.

Buddhist Karluk Turks were mainly urbanised while the nomadic Turks who became Muslim did not discard their way of life instead the Muslim Nomadic Turks conquered and dislodged the Buddhist Turks.

Mahmud Al Kashgari talked about how superior the nomad man was in fighting compared to the urban dweller. He considered Urban dwellers to be slaves compared to the free Wild men of Nomadic peoples.

Offtopic but your post had me thinking about my own history too.

Hard times create men who have nothing to lose. I now believe the Palestinians will now be fighting as they have nothing to lose.


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The plan is older then yinon, he just verbalised it and gave it official status. But the ambition is followed diligently by the USA/EU.

The only way the greater middle east agenda can work is if the USA already controls the governments of strong nations in their targets. FETO and AK party were the people they had hoped to use to disintegrate Turkiye from inside. We need to ignore what people are saying and just look at what they are doing and what is the end result of what they are doing? Hamas did this attack, the result looks like Iseal will at a minimum annex half of Gaza. So either Hamas are fools, or Hamas is directed by Isreal. Same shit with Iran, nothing they are doing is reversing the agenda, its all helping it move along.

This is a hundred year agenda, Israel plans to expand and expand.

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