Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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BREAKING: HEZBOLLAH USE LARGE MISSILE FOR FIRST TIME THIS WAR The explosion below is suspected to be ''Burkan" Missile from Hezbollah. This would be the first time that Hezbollah has used this weapon in this war, marking an escalatory step due to its increased payload. The Burkan, also known as “The Volcano”, has a range of 500-2,000 meters and can carry explosive warheads that weigh hundreds of kilograms. The video below shows the rocket being used in a different conflict. Is this a warning to Israel, or is it indicating an intention to escalate?
Source: Yedioth Newspaper


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Burkan looks like one of the many iterations of IRAM used by Shia militias in Iraq and Syria.


Not the escalation I'm looking for


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A holocaust is taking place just south of us. Israel chose this, they have passed the point of no return. İMO, cooperation with Israel in the region from now on will be extremely damaging.

Are we really going to believe that somehow the worlds most monitored borders somehow didn't see the hamas attack coming? A border that has 24 hour surveillance, cameras that pick up movements and heat. A border that has her agents imbedded across the other side keeping a look out, a border that's monitored 24/7 from the air?

Quite a few ex-IDF intelligence soldiers came out and said its impossible that Isreal wouldn't have seen this attack coming. IMPOSSIBLE, unless they wanted this attack to happen.

In order for Isreal to expand she needs conflict, she needs to create the perception that she's the only democracy in the brown islamist middle east. To me it looks like the common Muslim is falling for Isreali tricks.

All the barking and screaming from the Islamist leaders including erdogan so far has amounted to ZERO. Its all just theatre. The Isrealis are in Gaza now looking to annex at least half of it and no one is going to stop it despite all the barking, no one.

After Palestine is gone, the so called enemy will be bordering nations who the Isrealis will claim are harbouring Palestinian terrorists who have designs on their land. A terrorist attack here and there and Isrealis will claim they have the right to defend themselves and then the expansion outwards occurs. This is a hundred year game we all got ahead of us.

Isreal is just the tool, the heads of this imperial project are the USA/UK and a few European nations.

In the background the decades of dehumanisation directed against Muslims and specifically against us Turks, no other Muslim finds his people constantly dehumanised like the Turks is about preparing the long game for when a day comes that they target us directly.
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Whenever I see Arabs protesting on the streets or in the net the irony couldn't be bigger.

Arabs (particularly from Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt) should start taking a stand. Raise your militia, I prefer something like a Sunni copy of the Hezbollah in Jordan, Saudi, and Egypt. You cannot win by mere protesting. There's no war ever that was won with protest and screaming on the street.

Now the time is ripe, you have surrounding you, non-state military actors, open direct line of communication with them, negotiate transfers of arms and knowledge transfer in the forms of training, start organizing recruits, intimidate local government if they stand in your way.

Why would Arabs in Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Egypt want to drag themselves in a perpetual never-ending war that results in only death and suffering for them?

Why would Saudis want to be like Lebanon?

Saudi Arabia is a wealthy country where most people live a good life. Why would they want to become a failed state like Lebanon and live in misery, with the constant fear of being bombed by Israel?

Look at the countries that host shia militias, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and tell me if the people there live better than people in the peaceful Arab countries.

You want more successful countries to copy failed states. Your idea is just insane.


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Why would Arabs in Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Egypt want to drag themselves in a perpetual never-ending war that results in only death and suffering for them?

Why would Saudis want to be like Lebanon?

Because :

1. Why not
2. They're ARABS ffs, it's their kin, do something !!!
3. It's an open opportunity they should not miss.

See Abdullah below:


instead of attending boring jobs and working to death, why not start a militia? The country he resided in (Saudi Arabia) originated when a group of minor noblemen, started an insurrection against the Ottoman state.

As we speak, right now in the Middle East armed groups are exploding like crazy, guns getting cheaper, anti tank missiles proliferate everywhere. If Abdullah has any entrepreneurial spirit he would've noticed the opportunity. If he's lucky he could be the next king of Saudi Arabia by means of conquest, Saudi Arabian military isn't that good to begin with.

Saudi Arabia is a wealthy country where most people live a good life. Why would they want to become a failed state like Lebanon and live in misery, with the constant fear of being bombed by Israel?

True, but the Saudi state is a state founded on top of a puritanical interpretation of Islam, and many Saudis are puritanical in their interpretation of Islam, that's fact.

Right now, as they live the good life, the sanctity of Jerusalem is being shitted all over the place, while their ruler has left their roots to becoming another Ottoman state ( A state that many Wahhabists portrayed as too Westernized near the end of its history). Even with Bin Salamn's secularization drive, I know many Saudis aren't satisfied seeing the Westernization of their country and abandonment of the third holiest city in Islam and their Arab kinsmen.

So why don't attempt what their forefathers attempted? Seize power. Especially now the situation permits to start a gradual move towards one. Aren't the Arabs moved seeing your Arab kinsmen getting bombed by a people only 7 million in size while there's 400 million of you ? Where is your pride ?

Look at the countries that host shia militias, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and tell me if the people there live better than people in the peaceful Arab countries.

You want more successful countries to copy failed states. Your idea is just insane.

It is because I like Arabs and I wish them to take back their place in the world that I wish more of the region left their luxury and comfort and resort to war. Especially because Palestine needs them.

You know back when before Arabs became a dominant player on the world stage, the Arabs were classified as three distinct people:

-Arabia Petrae
-Arabia Felix
-Arabia Desertae

Arabia Petrae and Arabia Felix are described as highly advanced, westernized people, living in skyscrapers, and adopting Western (Roman) lifestyle, think about 6th century UAE and rich Gulf countries (Qatar, Kuwait etc).

Shibam, the ancient Arabian skyscraper, Yemen (Arabia Felix) used to be the UAE of the Arab world LOL


While Arabia Desertae are described as poor, illiterate, and rough, in addition to having "war-like" mentality, Muhammad the prophet of Islam, comes from these people.


Guess which one delivered the Arabs to their dominance in the world stage ? 😁 😁
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9 865
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See Abdullah below:

instead of attending boring jobs and working to death, why not start a militia? The country he resided in (Saudi Arabia) originated when a group of minor noblemen, started an insurrection against the Ottoman state.

If I didn’t know you are serious, I would think this part of the post is satire.

You are advocating for people living a good life to start a militia and to live and die like rats, just because you think Saudis should sacrifice themselves for a far away place known as Jerusalem.

As we speak, right now in the Middle East armed groups are exploding like crazy, guns getting cheaper, anti tank missiles proliferate everywhere. If Abdullah has any entrepreneurial spirit he would've noticed the opportunity. If he's lucky he could be the next king of Saudi Arabia by means of conquest, Saudi Arabian military isn't that good to begin with.

His chances of becoming the next king of Saudi Arabia by means of conquest are lower than his chances of winning the lottery, with the caveat that he will lose his life if he fails. A risk-rewatd proposition that only a retarded would choose.

While Arabia Desertae are described as poor, illiterate, and rough, in addition to having "war-like" mentality, Muhammad the prophet of Islam, comes from these people.

This is why the Saudis won’t join the militias. Because they are not poor, illiterate and rough, and don’t have a war-like mentality.

You should put your hopes on the Houthis in Yemen, because they are the closest thing to the people you admire.


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A good documentary.
It shows how can a pathetic political leader (just to save his face and ego) turn an initial victory into a half-lose.

The idea that 90 percent of the Egyptian army was standing on the other side of canal without any fighting despite having the chance to retreat and do operational manoeuvre before Israelis block the supply route behind third army, is mind boggling.

And It wasn't even that Egyptian high command was incompetent and didn't know what was the appropriate course of action, but Incompetent Sadat overruling the army chief of staff at such a crucial juncture meant war was half lost.
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If I didn’t know you are serious, I would think this part of the post is satire.

You are advocating for people living a good life to start a militia and to live and die like rats, just because you think Saudis should sacrifice themselves for a far away place known as Jerusalem.

Not only Jerusalem but to kickstart that vitality back into the Arabs as a civilization, as I said many many times before the Arabs will be the dominant race in the ME at the end of this century, they will be at a minimum 910 Mil people just in MENA and some estimates even put it at 1.1 Bil people.

It will be saddening to see that when that time comes, Palestine and Jerusalem will still be in the hands of the Zionists when they could start the dismantling process from now on.

His chances of becoming the next king of Saudi Arabia by means of conquest are lower than his chances of winning the lottery, with the caveat that he will lose his life if he fails. A risk-rewatd proposition that only a retarded would choose.

The goal is to militarily conquer Israel. Becoming king of Saudi Arabia comes as a bonus. If he fails, he will be a hero and go straight to heaven. 😁


This is why the Saudis won’t join the militias. Because they are not poor, illiterate and rough, and don’t have a war-like mentality.

Osama Bin Laden isn't what exactly what you call poor, do you think he embraced war because he was "poor and illiterate and rough"😂

Again, it's up to the Arabs, if they want to stay humiliated like this, then embrace peace, if they want greatness, then know that greatness usually comes with hardships.

You should put your hopes on the Houthis in Yemen, because they are the closest thing to the people you admire.
I put my hopes in Yemenis, Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis and anyone who bear arms to topple Israel in the Middle East. It's not like Saudi Arabia will be there forever, one day some of these militia force in the Middle East could just swept into their country and there's nothing they can do other than surrender.

Major civilizations are ALWAYS run by "rough" people who push the boundaries and embrace pain and suffering.


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Not only Jerusalem but to kickstart that vitality back into the Arabs as a civilization, as I said many many times before the Arabs will be the dominant race in the ME at the end of this century, they will be at a minimum 910 Mil people just in MENA and some estimates even put it at 1.1 Bil people.

I think the Saudis, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar are the only countries right now that are actually trying to kickstart that vitality back into the Arabs as a civilization.

You don’t kickstart a modern civilization by waging militia warfare and ruining your country. The Syrians, Iraquis or Yemenis are nowhere near starting a great civilizatio right now.

You are stuck in the XXII centrury mindset, and you are unable to see that the world has evolved and changed, and you can’t create another great civilization through waging brutal war.

If a country / nation / ethnicity / people, etc. want to become great in the modern world, they need investments, education, technology and money.

You can’t achieve greatness anymore with hand-made rockets and primitive military equipment. You will always remain at the mercy of big powers who could decide whenever they want to erase you through carpet bombing.

The world has changed. Wars are not won by those who are willing to sacrifice the most, but by those who have more resources and are technologically superior.


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Wow, their Tactical coherence is more than I expected!

1st hit-



2nd hit-


3rd hit-


4th hit-



5th hit-



6th hit-


7th hit-


8th hit-



And finally we got-


Obviously these two days of fighting (Thursday and Friday) has taken place at the outskirts of the city. Initially, doesn’t look promising for IDF.


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Wow, their Tactical coherence is more than I expected!

1st hit-

View attachment 62583
View attachment 62584

2nd hit-

View attachment 62585

3rd hit-

View attachment 62586

4th hit-

View attachment 62587
View attachment 62588

5th hit-

View attachment 62589
View attachment 62590

6th hit-

View attachment 62591

7th hit-

View attachment 62592

8th hit-

View attachment 62593
View attachment 62594

And finally we got-

View attachment 62595

Obviously these two days of fighting (Thursday and Friday) has taken place at the outskirts of the city. Initially, doesn’t look promising for IDF.
Twice as many casualties, and deaths as the last attempt in 2014. Imagine if Hamas had more powerful anti-tank missiles.

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