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Turkish names, Turk citizens in Iran's Hezbollah
US evangelist Franklin Graham, who visited Netanyahu, gave A pep talk to Netanyahu, who murdered nearly 5 thousand children in 1 month:
"I think Israel is God's people, the Bible tells us that. And the devil wants to destroy the Jewish people."
"One of them is the President of Turkey."
I don't now if someone have posted al ready but i going to post is, when Turkish Armed Forces bombs pkk hideouts. First country who barks is Sweden occasionally.
What lesson we did learn from this is, ther is no human rights. Ther is a right and thats might. Imagine a muslim country did all this to a x country. Believe me they would put ambargo, Armenians have occupied 30 years Karabag. Nothing did happen,look how Turkish Cypriots are treated. The list goes longer but the message is clear.