Some might say the jordanian royal family are simply simping for the US . Which in turn could only further alienated them from the masses...
Jordan doesn't have a choice. Their economy relies on it.
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Some might say the jordanian royal family are simply simping for the US . Which in turn could only further alienated them from the masses...
Some might say the jordanian royal family are simply simping for the US . Which in turn could only further alienated them from the masses...
Jordan doesn't have a choice. Their economy relies on it.
Jordanian Royal family is the same royal family that backstabbed the Ottoman Empire.
A disgusting family of course.
The Jordanians are angry at Iran using their territory and smuggling drugs
That same royal family also betrayed the Egyptians during the Egypt-Israeli war by selling sensitive info to the Mossad for money and priviliges from the USJordanian Royal family is the same royal family that backstabbed the Ottoman Empire.
A disgusting family of course.
Jordanian Royal family is the same royal family that backstabbed the Ottoman Empire.
A disgusting family of course.
Bro, they are the direct decendents of the prophet. So, please let's blame individuals. Not the whole family.
Even Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of Isis claimed he was descended from the Quraish.
Do you consider Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab as enemy too? Because his followers1 was with Abdullah Bin Saud during Ottoman-Wahhabi War.Jordanian Royal family is the same royal family that backstabbed the Ottoman Empire.
Simple, but many would angry. Don’t like authoritarianism myself, but for the sake of national interests in international relations, it’s easier to negotiate with one family state than democracies.
Do you consider Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab as enemy too? Because he was with Muhammad Bin Saud during Ottoman-Wahabbi War.
Okay. Personally I care nothing about all of that tho.nearly all these western created states in the middle east are British vassals. Whether it be jordan, kuwait, oman, saudi, uae etc. They exist because they were the traitors who were willing to be used by the British to destroy the last serious caliphate. Many traitors tried to do the same to Turkey, whether it be Boris Johnsons great grand father ali kemal who accepted british vasselage and tried to have Ataturk murdered and the Turkish forces destoryed. Or whether it be the Kurdish islamist said nursi who was another british plot to try and destroy Turkish independence. A guy btw who is an icon within FETO/Islamist circles. Nearly all political islamists are western puppets, tools.
Nearly the entire Muslim world is occupied, either overtly or covertly. And if you look at the holy sights of the Muslims, the zionist occupy Al Aqsa, while everyone excepts the saudis are western puppets which means medina and mecca our occupied by the Kaffir.
In Turkey had been using political islamists for decades to try and take over the state and then subvert. FETO is a prime example of this.
Bro, they are the direct decendents of the prophet. So, please let's blame individuals. Not the whole family.
I dont believe it to be honest. Everybody claims they are descended from Prophet Muhammed(peace be upon him)
Even Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of Isis claimed he was descended from the Quraish.
Bro, obviously he was a scam.
Actually not only the Jordanian proper, but everywhere in the Arab/Muslim world, people are having enough of their leaders. This area is a powder keg, ready to explode whenever opportunity exists.Which it wouldn't bode well for their monarchies continuation ...
Sooner or later things like angst and disssatisfaction would unfold and hell willl break loose in the jordanian proper
Actually not only the Jordanian proper, but everywhere in the Arab/Muslim world, people are having enough of their leaders. This area is a powder keg, ready to explode whenever opportunity exists.
The Royal Jordanian army denying involvement in the raid on Iraq and Syria is a pragmatic move IMO, the last thing Arab Monarchs want to do now is to show who their real allegiance in the last 50 years or so is (the West). Previously this was an open secret, but with the war in Gaza, open moves like this are no longer tolerable, less they want a revolution in their country. And yes, that includes the door to the so-called 'normalization' with israel.
Bahrain this almost happened in 2011. But the primus inter pares of the Gulf monarchs, Saudi, helped them to prevented it.Actually not only the Jordanian proper, but everywhere in the Arab/Muslim world, people are having enough of their leaders. This area is a powder keg, ready to explode whenever opportunity exists.
The Royal Jordanian army denying involvement in the raid on Iraq and Syria is a pragmatic move IMO, the last thing Arab Monarchs want to do now is to show who their real allegiance in the last 50 years or so is (the West). Previously this was an open secret, but with the war in Gaza, open moves like this are no longer tolerable, less they want a revolution in their country. And yes, that includes the door to the so-called 'normalization' with israel.
With terms and conditions. One of it Israel have to recognize Palestine as a state, not mere an autonomy. US looks like also making plan for the recognition of Palestine, maybe part of bigger post-war plan.Because if Saudi's normalize