Boycott does work mate
There are many ways to fight and harm Israel even though you're in a position of general weaknesses, the options are there until you are strong enough to punish them with arms.
Note that BBC mentioned Indonesia, whom the clerical body, MUI, earlier declare that it is COMPULSORY to boycott Israeli product to weaken their economy.
This is why numbers matter, why Indonesia matter. As much good news (for the Zionists) that UAE is normalizing, the main prize would be Saudi Arabia and Indonesia whom before the October attack are weighing in on normalizing. As wealthy and as sophisticated the UAE and Bahrain is, they are just a small player with a combined pop of around 10M. Because this war is mainly a religious war, Indonesian Muslims must realize that they have a significant card to punish these Zionists by sheer number alone. In fact, all Muslims must realize that their sheer number is a strength of its own.

McDonald's to buy back Israeli restaurants after boycotts
The deal follows protests against the firm after franchisee Alonyal gave free food to Israeli soldiers.

There are many ways to fight and harm Israel even though you're in a position of general weaknesses, the options are there until you are strong enough to punish them with arms.
Note that BBC mentioned Indonesia, whom the clerical body, MUI, earlier declare that it is COMPULSORY to boycott Israeli product to weaken their economy.

MUI: Boikot Produk Pro Israel untuk Lemahkan Perekonomian Negara Zionis
JAKARTA, MUI.OR.ID— Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Bidang Hubungan Luar Negeri dan Kerja Sama Internasional Prof Sudarnoto menyampaikan alasan MUI mendukung boikot produk-produk yang pendukung atau terafiliasi dengan Israel.Prof Sudarnoto menjelaskan, aksi boikot tersebut yang diserukan...

This is why numbers matter, why Indonesia matter. As much good news (for the Zionists) that UAE is normalizing, the main prize would be Saudi Arabia and Indonesia whom before the October attack are weighing in on normalizing. As wealthy and as sophisticated the UAE and Bahrain is, they are just a small player with a combined pop of around 10M. Because this war is mainly a religious war, Indonesian Muslims must realize that they have a significant card to punish these Zionists by sheer number alone. In fact, all Muslims must realize that their sheer number is a strength of its own.