NAZIonist, time is running out for them.
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NAZIonist, time is running out for them.
So I think that Hamas attack is not so bizarre at all, they understand the end goal and sacrifice what remains of them to pursue it.
Back in the Indonesian war of independence, we did similar attacks, although we're not that cornered in the first place. We attacked Jogjakarta and occupied it for a day, only to retreat...because we didn't want to win military objective (land), rather we wanted political victory by sending the message to the world that the Indonesian government still exist after the Dutch falsely claims its demise.
Here's what Indonesia's current Vice President said about Hamas:
Dan memang mantra mereka itu selalu saja mengatakan bahwa Hamas itu teroris, nah itu, kemudian melakukan penyerangan. Padahal itu kan perlawanan rakyat yang terjajah di dalam rangka ingin melepaskan diri dari penjajahan walaupun dengan kekuatan yang sedikit," kata Ma'ruf di Ponpes Kauman Lasem, Kabupaten Rembang, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (27/1/2024).
Their (Zionist) trick is to label Hamas as terrorist that started an attack, when in fact Hamas is just regular Palestinians that rose up against the oppressor even though they are very weak in power.
He continues by noting Indonesia did a similar attack once during the war of Independence:
Ma'ruf kemudian mencontohkan dengan Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 di Yogyakarta. Ma'ruf menyebut serangan itu membuktikan bahwa rakyat Indonesia ada.
Wapres Ma'ruf: Serangan Hamas ke Israel Ingin Tunjukkan Bahwa Palestina Ada
Wapres Ma'ruf Amin mengkritisi alasan Israel menyerang Gaza, Palestina, atas dalih Hamas adalah
I've previously mentioned this very attack before.
Reminds me of Davutoglu calling ISIS angry children
That's not the same.
There's a video of Hamas going house to house executing civilians, Israel's behaviour doesn't really excuse this the same way Assad didn't excuse what Al Nusra And ISIS did.
I did not say terrorist acts committed by Hamas members is excused.
I am just pointing to the fact that, Hamas and ISIS are not ideologically and practically similar.
Add to that, some of the crime can be attributed to angry armed mob and criminals that entered from Gaza later. I don't want to rewatch the horrible decapitation attempt by shovel. But iirc, it wasn't someone wearing combat camo.
Still Genocide apologist , much?Well they don't have to be idealogically similar but they were and are both being excused by phrases such as "regular Palestinians" or "angry children"
Still Genocide apologist , much?
Seems you forgot what it looks like when a terrorist organization is in a city, the trench wars that happened to us with the PKK. Or maybe you support the terrorist organization. During this time a half a million were told to leave the cities so casualties could be minimised. Israel is doing the same.
Urban warfare is going to be extremely destructive.
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Dave who?Reminds me of Davutoglu calling ISIS angry children
I believe that I didn't ask you to support Hamas, no point of it. I am sure if they didn't kill a single Israeli that you wouldn't support them in any case.I am against what the Israelis are doing to civilians as my previous posts all say, but that does not mean I have to support a group that uses terrorism as a tool of war
The wasps have right to defend itself.
I believe that I didn't ask you to support Hamas, no point of it. I am sure if they didn't kill a single Israeli that you wouldn't support them in any case.
All talk " Yes sir Israelis ain't good buy but " Wll , the same talk I saw in Bosnia a long time ago. I know what kind of logic is applied to those kind of arguments, I know who stand behind them and for what reason.
I'm fact , at least in my case it is crystal clear.
Of course, you just by the different linguistic, perpetuating that story of Israeli babies in owens.
At least, it ensures that The Original Sin is on the Palestinians. That will do I guess and I guess that's the only possible way forward for you.
Even if we apply this to anything similar, it will show the same Logical conclusion.
I mean, this us nit the first time that you claimed that I said, what I didn't ???
Where exactly, I said in my post that you should support terrorists? Where? Of course you know that I didn't ask you such question, it is just the semantics in order to reinforce your story.
Now I am not going to imply what you said but in reality, you didn't.
In the context, what have you written in this thread and others , I can say that you are GENOCIDE APOLOGIST . Most definitely