Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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According to sources IDF managed to rescue 4 Israeli hostages.

Is there any other occasions where they succeeded? I know that they usually kill them and hear about rescuing them for the first time. My question is serious tho...

Footage has emerged of Israeli forces using an aid truck and a civilian vehicle to infiltrate the Nusairat camp in central Gaza.


Bosniak Revival

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Hamas need to take what deal is offered to them & end this conflict.

Once the IDF starts rescuing more hostages they (as in Hamas) will lose all levereage for a permanant ceasefire.

Then you will get a permanant IDF occupation of Gaza & Palestine that will make the last 20 years look like a cake-walk.

Shamefull. All of this bloodshed to feed the Ego of A Minority Deravitive sect in Iran who can't & won't help them. And just want to win PR points over Saudi Arabia.

The behaviour by the Hamas leadership recentley is un-islamic, sacrificing your own people for some "Greater Good" sounds more like some wicked Maoist cult than that of Islam.

Hamas are displaying the behaviour of brainless low IQ morons & quite frankly even Qatar will be fed up of them once their torch get's extinguished in the night.


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Map of current IDF control in the outskirts of Deir al-Balah and Bureij:
- The IDF reports that the purpose of the raid was only to give cover for today's hostage rescue mission in Nuseirat. - I am told the 98th Division is currently in the process of withdrawing again.


Unit rotation: IDF's 401st Brigade moves from Tel as-Sultan to the Rafah coast.
- The IDF withdraws from most of Tel as-Sultan after completing a raid on a Hamas training grounds in the area.
- 1 battalion is still present in the Taiba Mosque area, might leave later.

Some thoughts

The IDF doesn't have enough soldiers to capture Rafah in one bite. If they want to advance in one area they have to move units there from another, so they always end up advancing in one place and withdrawing in another. 4 brigades isn't enough soldiers.


In Rafah the reason for the low amount of forces is political, but it's also that the IDF doesn't have enough soldiers. Take for example Khan Yunis, which they withdrew from in order to then have enough forces to invade Rafah with. The process continues in each place they enter.

I'm often asked why the IDF has such a dire manpower issue. The reason is that they're not supposed to be fighting this long. The mobilization system can give them mass amounts of troops but it can only do so for around 3 months.

The idea behind this is to knock out your opponent quickly while you have the overwhelming mass mobilization, and to then win the war before you run into the "reservists have to go home" problem. In Gaza this failed, which is how we got where we are today.

The IDF now basically only has enough forces to occupy a few military corridors and to then raid whatever is in between. They don't have enough soldiers to occupy even 1/3 of Gaza.

@Kartal1 @NEKO @Afif @TR_123456 @Gary @satria @Ryder @Heartbang

And the Americans expect this army to fight against Hezbollah in Lebanon. We are talking about an army that cannot even control one-third of Gaza.
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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According to sources IDF managed to rescue 4 Israeli hostages.

Is there any other occasions where they succeeded? I know that they usually kill them and hear about rescuing them for the first time. My question is serious tho...

Why do so many Israelis look borderline Asian, maybe that whole "modern Jews are actually Khazars in disguise" theory isn't nonsense after all... XD


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That is why I'm always a proponent of expanding and escalating the war.

I'm likely the few of the pro-Palestines that don't support ceasefire.

If the war expands into Lebanon you have a point but expect complete destruction of Gaza(I don't think there will be any buildings left), a death toll of several hundred thousand people and resettling in Gaza will be impossible.


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If the war expands into Lebanon you have a point but expect complete destruction of Gaza(I don't think there will be any buildings left), a death toll of several hundred thousand people and resettling in Gaza will be impossible.

I always see things from a grand scheme of things. A little dead here and there doesn't amuse me.

If the war escalate to the point where the IDF enters Lebanon (I pray this is the case) then it will lead to something... I don't know what is that something. But something tells me it is to the detriment of the West and to the advantage of me.


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I always see things from a grand scheme of things. A little dead here and there doesn't amuse me.

If the war escalate to the point where the IDF enters Lebanon (I pray this is the case) then it will lead to something... I don't know what is that something. But something tells me it is to the detriment of the West and to the advantage of me.
If all else fails for Israel. The US will intervene, and you can be sure of that.


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I always see things from a grand scheme of things. A little dead here and there doesn't amuse me.

If the war escalate to the point where the IDF enters Lebanon (I pray this is the case) then it will lead to something... I don't know what is that something. But something tells me it is to the detriment of the West and to the advantage of me.

A little ?

You're fighting Israel to the last Palestinian and don't care about actual Palestinians


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If all else fails for Israel. The US will intervene, and you can be sure of that.

Oh I'm totally sure about that. In fact, what the U.S will do next is that of a predictable nature. They will spend money, they will gather allies, launch airstrikes if necessary etc etc.

And because the U.S response is so predicable, I have a general picture where we're heading.


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A little ?

You're fighting Israel to the last Palestinian and don't care about actual Palestinians

Look all wars are political in nature, it's the political goal that should bother people, not a singular event.

And all wars are guaranteed to inflict some sort of misery. Vo Nguyen Giap, the Vietnamese general once said that he is willing to sacrifice 10 Vietnamese for every ONE American. And he actually walk the talk.

The atrocities we're witnessing in Gaza is nothing new, there has been multiple instances where cities are razed and the inhabitants massacred in basically any wars. The genius of Hamas is they do this knowing exactly that their act will lead to this and most importantly... Televised.

Do you know what else is televised? The 1982 bombing of Beirut. That event led one guy, Osama bin Laden to attack the Twin Towers which in turn led America to launch wars in Afghanistan and Iraq trying to subdue the Islamic world. The Americans achieve nothing, the Taliban is back in power, and Iraq came up with ISIS and the Iranian-linked militias that are now busy sending missiles and suicide drones toward Israel.

All the while, the 20+ years of war in the Middle East has compromised the heavy industry of the U.S. when the Obama (and later Trump) admin decided to pivot towards China mid-2010s they found that the US shipbuilding industries have been so much reduced due to the Pentagon obsession with low-intensity warfare. The Chinese could build 200x the ship U.S. industry could provide. In short, for basically achieving nothing, the U.S. is on course to lose its superpower status if let's say a war broke out (in Taiwan wink) that stresses its shipbuilding to the max.

This is the importance of seeing things through the grand scheme of things. The loss in Gaza is relatively small, but the damage inflicted on the long term sustainability of our enemy will be felt LOOOOONNNGGGG after the last bullet has been fired in Gaza.

So what is the political goal here? For Hamas, the cessation of normalization trends in the Middle East and the Islamic world in general. For me? Well the Gaza war is just one battlefield in the war of Islam against the West. This is just ONE of the many arenas we will fight them, and it will continue until the West is subjugated. Gaza itself is merely the means to an end.

The way I look at things is like this: Islam has been at war with the infidels of the West since its inception, the conquest of the Levant, Egypt, Anatolia, the Crusades, the siege of Vienna etc etc. This war is in its basic tenet, a generational war.

Islam dominated them for some time, and then after some time, the world changed. the Westphalian model of nation-states was (tragically) adopted by Muslim states, the Ottomans, long the vanguard of Islamic expansionism ceased to exist, replaced by secular armies that have nothing to do with Islam, so does the situation in practically all Islamic countries. From the 1920s onwards, if you're a Muslim and you want to offer services, your option is to join what? the National Army, which is mostly crafted in the image of the secular Westphalian model , the Egyptian army, the Iraqi army, Syrian army etc. And this is the case for some time.

Salvation will come, in 1979. Well 1979 is an important year, because this is the year that:

  1. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
  2. The Iran revolution began, that led to the Iran-Iraq war a year later
The world we're seeing today, and why the Middle East is such and such situation could be traced back to those two events in 1979. The immediate effect of the war in Afghanistan and the subsequent Iran-Iraq war was the Islamization of the region and the reintroduction of the Islamic military class, loyal only to Islam and fought for the establishment of Islam. Al-Qaeda, Ansarallah (Houthis), Al Shabaab, JNIM, Hezbollah, The Taliban, and The Islamic State all could be traced to the actors that fought in Afghanistan and the Iran-Iran war.

Who would've thought that some commie incursion into Afghanistan in 1979 would trigger a series of events that would see the arena of warfare stretching from Pakistan to the Sahel in 2024 ?

Now in 2024, who would've thought what the war in Gaza would end up with? No one knows but god, but what is clear (at least to me) is the increase in militancy, Islamic militancy in the region. When Muslims all around the world and immediate to Gaza saw those images of babies cut in half what will they do? They will avenge those, through military means. And if the national armies of their respective countries won't give them the platform, they will channel their anger by joining the various jihadi group in the region, destroying the very fabric of the nation-state model that is imposed by the Sykes-Picot agreement and reintroducing the Emirate style state that is the norm in the region for millennia, where warlord, emirs, sultans and caliphs rules. Thereby ensuring the eventual triumph of Islam on top of the Western political system in that region and in the future in the West themselves.

This is how I see the events around the world, and I couldn't bring myself complaining. This is why I'm against peace and ceasefire and pushes for total war and the continuity of war. Because I understand this from the lens of the grand scheme of things, not merely Palestine.

Do I see Palestinian lives as cheap ? Of course not, it distresses me when I saw babies cut in half, or mothers grieving their dead sons vice versa, but the consequence in the long run is something I can appreciate.
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Al-Qassam Brigades broadcast scenes of the targeting of occupation soldiers and vehicles in the Yabna camp, south of Rafah.


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