Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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I have told this fact multiple times in the past, and this is why I'm the rare pro-Palestine supporter who is against ceasefire and even wishes for the:

  1. Prolonging of war
  2. Expansion of the war
Many of those points the zionist's general staff lament, I have exhaustively written about that. Some of the things I observe in the Middle East.

  • Islamists, and not secular nationalists are the only hope Palestinians have to turn to kick the zionists out
This is because the Arab secular nationalists failed to take advantage of their numerical superiority, there's a saying: "You fight not by following the rules of your enemy, but by forcing your enemy to fight by your rules". And boy those secularists failed big time as they played to the advantage of Israel everytime.​
If you look at Arab-Israeli wars that were fought in the 20th, it's always characterized by:​
  • Short sharp wars that are to Israeli advantage
  • it always ended with foreign powers intervening (on behalf of Israel and to Israel's advantage) before anything could be done to reverse the situation
This in turn led the secular Arabs to lose their stomach and will in the long run and prefer:​
  • normalization early on
  • followed by full-blown cooperation with the zionists later on.
This is nothing surprising for people with understanding. Because the bedrock and foundation of secularism that the Arabs surrounding Palestine adopt is worldly in matter. They have no concept of good and bad, right or wrong, the hereafter etc. For secularists, good life and money is the end goal. And because money is the goal, the Israelis could direct the Americans (through AIPAC) to shower them with money (and other worldly matters) in return for abandoning Palestine. This is the case with Egypt at the Camp David accord, the case of Morocco in selling Palestine for some empty desert etc.​
In contrast, Islamist is the anti-thesis of secularists, their goal is not some earthly matter, their stated goal is to make god laws supreme, and to do that they must fight and die. Not any amount of earthly gold and money could buy an Islamists stance in regard to the status of Al-Quds.​
Also, most Islamists are extranational, they see themselves as one (the Ummah) and do not separate their identity with man-made imaginary borders. In contrast, the nationalist Arabs see themselves as either Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis etc etc. Which led them to busy quarreling with each other.​
This explains why the wars of secular Arabs ( Six day war, October war) are short in nature, never exceeding 3 months in duration. While if you look at the war waged by Islamists spans in the years and decades. The Afghan war is 40 years old, the Iraq war is 21, the Syrian war is 13 years old etc etc. The Maxim "You fight not by following the rules of your enemy, but by forcing your enemy to fight by your rules" is something that Islamists understand better than Secularists.​
This is why Israelis prefer secular regimes because it will be easier to navigate and make deals with them.​

  • It is imperative to expand the war to the detriment of Zionists
I saw a lot of 'Muslims' on Twitter desperately calling for a ceasefire. This is not smart, because a ceasefire allows the Israelis a breathing space. Like I said, the wars that Israel has fought in the last 70 years are short in nature never exceeding 3 months before they direct a ceasefire.​
What Israel is facing is Hezbollah, an Islamist group and not the secular Lebanese national army. War with Hezbollah, just like the war with the Taliban, AL-Qaeda, the Islamic State etc is a war you are ensured to be sucked into for decades to come.​
Just like In Ukraine, at some point, these zionist will lose the will to fight, because they are mostly and exclusively settlers, there's always the option to flee, which will hurt the state of Israel, especially in the middle of a war that is guaranteed to last decades and not weeks or months. As the Americans figure it out the hard way in Afghanistan​
The religion of Islam + the numerous Arabs that adopt it is the ultimate combo of this war because Islam is a religion that emphasize martial struggle (Jihad) and it is a religion that elevates martyrs (shahid) to such a very high and noble degree, again this is something that secularists neither know nor understand. The Egyptian army for example pursued ceasefire after the Israelis came close to Cairo in 1973, meanwhile Islamist Hamas fought on for 9 months already inside Gaza. There's a very big difference between the two bedrock of Arab struggle against Israel.​
A war fought and directed by Islamists will make sure the maxim "You fight not by following the rules of your enemy, but by forcing your enemy to fight by your rules" is to the advantage of Arabs. Because the Arabs have the numbers, and with Islam as its soul, they will never be short of willing-to-die manpower to fight the war.​
An expanded war the engulfs the Middle East will make it easier for recruitment because what I observe in Syria is that Islamists simply have the appeal to the masses more than the secular FSA.​
  • Rarely if ever a war against a region of Islamists hotbed goes the way the Zionists want
The Netanyahu cabinet of Ben Gvir and Smotrich goes to war in Gaza believing that Hamas will be gone in weeks or months, it's been 9 months and Hamas is yet to be cracked. The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan that was directed by the Jews not only failed to transform those states into 'friendlies' (Like Morocco) it backfired. Iraq comes up with ISIS and the Shia militias that are now sending missiles and drones towards Israel. In short, rarely their plan works. Unlike their dealing with secular regimes.​
This again shows why it's imperative that this struggle to boot out the Zionists is done exclusively through warfare and not peace talks and conferences. Because whatever the Zionists plan, they couldn't control the outcome.​

Bro honestly Islamists and the old hardcore communists like Kim Sung, che guevara, mao zedong and ho chi minh are so similar.

Mao zedong kept the fight for decades.

This is actually one of the most informative post even my teacher at uni talked about why Islamists and Communists constantly kept the war going even when the tides turned against them but still kept the war going until they after decades they won in the end.

Riffians resisted Spain for 20 or so years until the Spaniards resorted to Chemical weapons.

I think the tribal people also have the same mentality like Omar Mukhtar who said we either win or die.

mehmed beg

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Omar Mukhtar was a great man bro.
Umar Mukhtar was a member of the organisation created by The Turkish Nationalists , Tashkilat I Mahsusa.
Moroccans at least helped Franco to break the spine of the people about whom , sick Islamists bark all the time
I believe that Izzudin Al Qassem was member of Tashkilat.
At that time, Turkish Nationalists led the international Jihadism, which had valid goals
Since Mullahs faggots took over , we can see results.


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Bro honestly Islamists and the old hardcore communists like Kim Sung, che guevara, mao zedong and ho chi minh are so similar.

Mao zedong kept the fight for decades.

This is actually one of the most informative post even my teacher at uni talked about why Islamists and Communists constantly kept the war going even when the tides turned against them but still kept the war going until they after decades they won in the end.
In general Islamists and communists have that important 'will do and will die' mentality that is important in any protracted struggle.

But that's where the similarity ends. Communist militancy died when their patron, the Soviet Union ceased out of existence, they either blended with Capitalism as part of the 'international community' or obscured their capitalist leaning by maintaining nominal communist leadership (China).

Islamists on the other hand didn't stop fighting just because there was a lack of foreign backers, when the US funding for Afghan jihad ended, the likes of Osama financed it from his own pocket (the guy is a multi-billionaire). Nor did the absence of a sovereign Islamic caliphate deter them from rebuilding it.

Riffians resisted Spain for 20 or so years until the Spaniards resorted to Chemical weapons.

I think the tribal people also have the same mentality like Omar Mukhtar who said we either win or die.

Omar Mukhtar, may god accept him, is not a Libyan 'nationalist', he is an Islamist. His allegiance is to the Senussi movement, a Sufi Islamist movement, do not be fooled by contemporary Libyans portraying him as a fighter of Libyan nationalism.


mehmed beg

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I have told this fact multiple times in the past, and this is why I'm the rare pro-Palestine supporter who is against ceasefire and even wishes for the:

  1. Prolonging of war
  2. Expansion of the war
Many of those points the zionist's general staff lament, I have exhaustively written about that. Some of the things I observe in the Middle East.

  • Islamists, and not secular nationalists are the only hope Palestinians have to turn to kick the zionists out
This is because the Arab secular nationalists failed to take advantage of their numerical superiority, there's a saying: "You fight not by following the rules of your enemy, but by forcing your enemy to fight by your rules". And boy those secularists failed big time as they played to the advantage of Israel everytime.​
If you look at Arab-Israeli wars that were fought in the 20th, it's always characterized by:​
  • Short sharp wars that are to Israeli advantage
  • it always ended with foreign powers intervening (on behalf of Israel and to Israel's advantage) before anything could be done to reverse the situation
This in turn led the secular Arabs to lose their stomach and will in the long run and prefer:​
  • normalization early on
  • followed by full-blown cooperation with the zionists later on.
This is nothing surprising for people with understanding. Because the bedrock and foundation of secularism that the Arabs surrounding Palestine adopt is worldly in matter. They have no concept of good and bad, right or wrong, the hereafter etc. For secularists, good life and money is the end goal. And because money is the goal, the Israelis could direct the Americans (through AIPAC) to shower them with money (and other worldly matters) in return for abandoning Palestine. This is the case with Egypt at the Camp David accord, the case of Morocco in selling Palestine for some empty desert etc.​
In contrast, Islamist is the anti-thesis of secularists, their goal is not some earthly matter, their stated goal is to make god laws supreme, and to do that they must fight and die. Not any amount of earthly gold and money could buy an Islamists stance in regard to the status of Al-Quds.​
Also, most Islamists are extranational, they see themselves as one (the Ummah) and do not separate their identity with man-made imaginary borders. In contrast, the nationalist Arabs see themselves as either Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis etc etc. Which led them to busy quarreling with each other.​
This explains why the wars of secular Arabs ( Six day war, October war) are short in nature, never exceeding 3 months in duration. While if you look at the war waged by Islamists spans in the years and decades. The Afghan war is 40 years old, the Iraq war is 21, the Syrian war is 13 years old etc etc. The Maxim "You fight not by following the rules of your enemy, but by forcing your enemy to fight by your rules" is something that Islamists understand better than Secularists.​
This is why Israelis prefer secular regimes because it will be easier to navigate and make deals with them.​

  • It is imperative to expand the war to the detriment of Zionists
I saw a lot of 'Muslims' on Twitter desperately calling for a ceasefire. This is not smart, because a ceasefire allows the Israelis a breathing space. Like I said, the wars that Israel has fought in the last 70 years are short in nature never exceeding 3 months before they direct a ceasefire.​
What Israel is facing is Hezbollah, an Islamist group and not the secular Lebanese national army. War with Hezbollah, just like the war with the Taliban, AL-Qaeda, the Islamic State etc is a war you are ensured to be sucked into for decades to come.​
Just like In Ukraine, at some point, these zionist will lose the will to fight, because they are mostly and exclusively settlers, there's always the option to flee, which will hurt the state of Israel, especially in the middle of a war that is guaranteed to last decades and not weeks or months. As the Americans figure it out the hard way in Afghanistan​
The religion of Islam + the numerous Arabs that adopt it is the ultimate combo of this war because Islam is a religion that emphasize martial struggle (Jihad) and it is a religion that elevates martyrs (shahid) to such a very high and noble degree, again this is something that secularists neither know nor understand. The Egyptian army for example pursued ceasefire after the Israelis came close to Cairo in 1973, meanwhile Islamist Hamas fought on for 9 months already inside Gaza. There's a very big difference between the two bedrock of Arab struggle against Israel.​
A war fought and directed by Islamists will make sure the maxim "You fight not by following the rules of your enemy, but by forcing your enemy to fight by your rules" is to the advantage of Arabs. Because the Arabs have the numbers, and with Islam as its soul, they will never be short of willing-to-die manpower to fight the war.​
An expanded war the engulfs the Middle East will make it easier for recruitment because what I observe in Syria is that Islamists simply have the appeal to the masses more than the secular FSA.​
  • Rarely if ever a war against a region of Islamists hotbed goes the way the Zionists want
The Netanyahu cabinet of Ben Gvir and Smotrich goes to war in Gaza believing that Hamas will be gone in weeks or months, it's been 9 months and Hamas is yet to be cracked. The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan that was directed by the Jews not only failed to transform those states into 'friendlies' (Like Morocco) it backfired. Iraq comes up with ISIS and the Shia militias that are now sending missiles and drones towards Israel. In short, rarely their plan works. Unlike their dealing with secular regimes.​
This again shows why it's imperative that this struggle to boot out the Zionists is done exclusively through warfare and not peace talks and conferences. Because whatever the Zionists plan, they couldn't control the outcome.​
Please do take up the arms, you see I did as my father did my grandfather did etc etc etc .
Now , you can come to Turkey as it seems that your wish at least in regards of Turkey is coming through.
As I said before please show me a single example when filthy Islamists liberated a square multimeter of Muslim land .
I am sick and tired of the gloating of nobodies.
If you followed this forum , you could have seen that when people annoyed me , I was ready to travel far to meet them.
I am not the revolutionary in some slum.
By the way , 1952 my aunty got 3 years of prison for wearing niqab but she was a professor of Neurology.
My grandfather never ever took a photo but he was in Ottoman and German army.
I am telling you this, because it seems to me that you are acting as big Muslim here

mehmed beg

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In general Islamists and communists have that important 'will do and will die' mentality that is important in any protracted struggle.

But that's where the similarity ends. Communist militancy died when their patron, the Soviet Union ceased out of existence, they either blended with Capitalism as part of the 'international community' or obscured their capitalist leaning by maintaining nominal communist leadership (China).

Islamists on the other hand didn't stop fighting just because there was a lack of foreign backers, when the US funding for Afghan jihad ended, the likes of Osama financed it from his own pocket (the guy is a multi-billionaire). Nor did the absence of a sovereign Islamic caliphate deter them from rebuilding it.

Omar Mukhtar, may god accept him, is not a Libyan 'nationalist', he is an Islamist. His allegiance is to the Senussi movement, a Sufi Islamist movement, do not be fooled by contemporary Libyans portraying him as a fighter of Libyan nationalism.

Wether you like it or not so was Izzudin Al Qassem and even Ben Gurion tried in 1915 to join.
Ahmed Sharif Al Senousi refused the offer from Mustafa Kemal to become Khalifa.
Is it so difficult to understand that?


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Please do take up the arms, you see I did as my father did my grandfather did etc etc etc .
Now , you can come to Turkey as it seems that your wish at least in regards of Turkey is coming through.
As I said before please show me a single example when filthy Islamists liberated a square multimeter of Muslim land .
I am sick and tired of the gloating of nobodies.
If you followed this forum , you could have seen that when people annoyed me , I was ready to travel far to meet them.
I am not the revolutionary in some slum.
By the way , 1952 my aunty got 3 years of prison for wearing niqab but she was a professor of Neurology.
My grandfather never ever took a photo but he was in Ottoman and German army.
I am telling you this, because it seems to me that you are acting as big Muslim here

You are (as always) resting the validity of your arguments based on the deeds of someone else (400 years of my race killing white, my friend kills serbs, my aunt this, my grandfather that) because other than that you are unable to come up with a coherent answer of your own. Your argument is either weak or full of unnecessary rage that NO one cares about.

But here's my point in regard to the Palestinians and Muslims in general.

  1. The secular Baathist/Nasserists government that dotted Arabia for the last 70+ has failed you. Have you (Palestinians) not come to your senses? What is the secular PLO doing in the West Bank other than being the guard dogs of the zionists, where has the bald man of Cairo channeled the martial prowess of the Egyptian army ? if not to kill Muslims while protecting the Copts, what has the king of Morocco done other than trading Al-Quds for some ugly desert in the Sahara?
  2. The Islamists are the ones who have proven again and again to fight for the interests of Islam and the Muslims because this war (in Palestine) is in its essence a religious war between Islam and Judeo-Christianity (West). And no one understands this better than the Islamists. Sayyid Qutb is right when he said that these (secular) Arab armies will eventually drop their arms against the zionists.
  3. In any war, it's important to know the core problem, the end goal, the strength and weaknesses of the party involved in war. Again secularists failed again and again to identify that this war in Palestine was all about religion and they failed to come up with an adequate strategy.
I would happily make an entire chapter about this LMAO.

Wether you like it or not so was Izzudin Al Qassem and even Ben Gurion tried in 1915 to join.
Ahmed Sharif Al Senousi refused the offer from Mustafa Kemal to become Khalifa.
Is it so difficult to understand that?
Nop. He is part of the Senussiya movement. And he fought not for the establishment of a 'nationalist' Libyan state but an Islamic revivalism.

Whatever Mustafa Kemal was offering Al Senousi had nothing to do with what Omar Mukhtar (may god accept him) was doing during his struggle.

mehmed beg

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You are (as always) resting the validity of your arguments based on the deeds of someone else (400 years of my race killing white, my friend kills serbs, my aunt this, my grandfather that) because other than that you are unable to come up with a coherent answer of your own. Your argument is either weak or full of unnecessary rage that NO one cares about.

But here's my point in regard to the Palestinians and Muslims in general.

  1. The secular Baathist/Nasserists government that dotted Arabia for the last 70+ has failed you. Have you (Palestinians) not come to your senses? What is the secular PLO doing in the West Bank other than being the guard dogs of the zionists, where has the bald man of Cairo channeled the martial prowess of the Egyptian army ? if not to kill Muslims while protecting the Copts, what has the king of Morocco done other than trading Al-Quds for some ugly desert in the Sahara?
  2. The Islamists are the ones who have proven again and again to fight for the interests of Islam and the Muslims because this war (in Palestine) is in its essence a religious war between Islam and Judeo-Christianity (West). And no one understands this better than the Islamists. Sayyid Qutb is right when he said that these (secular) Arab armies will eventually drop their arms against the zionists.
  3. In any war, it's important to know the core problem, the end goal, the strength and weaknesses of the party involved in war. Again secularists failed again and again to identify that this war in Palestine was all about religion and they failed to come up with an adequate strategy.
I would happily make an entire chapter about this LMAO.

Nop. He is part of the Senussiya movement. And he fought not for the establishment of a 'nationalist' Libyan state but an Islamic revivalism.

Whatever Mustafa Kemal was offering Al Senousi had nothing to do with what Omar Mukhtar (may god accept him) was doing during his struggle.
Umar Mukhtar was part of the organisation established by the Turkish Nationalists, he could had been Sufi.
It seems that for you it is difficult to comprehend that someone can be a member to of Sufi Tariqat and a member of special operations unit. Hahaha.
Yet again, can you show me a single example where islamusts like you liberated a multimeter of Muslim Land.
Just tell me about your victories
Don't mention Afghanistan, because Taliban got in trouble because of Islamists
You actually have the audacity to explain to people who fought many ani crusade battles, what's this all about?
You mentioned that you like the chaos, ok . In Idlib is chaos , make your way now and do what you preach
Secularists failed in Palestine, I saw Sadam hit Israel and Islamist Isis work for Israel????? No ?
Yes , I will mention me and my family and my experiences every single time.
Because I and them sacrified and did what we preached and you didn't
If not for Stalin and Hitler, you would be a part of Holland
Don't mention Nusayris , in Ukrainian forum you practically going to any lengths in support of their Russian masters.
When I realised that that war is going to the strange direction I almost stopped supporting Ukraine, just a bit
A contraire , you from supporting Ukraine became bigger Russian then Black Jack.
And what I am sure , if you are in the physical presence of some of those Romanians , Polish and Ukrainians , you wouldn't say a word.
For difference to you in Sarajevo I exchanged a gun fire with both Russians and Ukrainians .
Yes , doayen of Islamism Sheikh Albania issued fatwa to Palestinians to abandon Palestine, so did Bin Baz and Ibn Utheymin.
Which flavour of Islamist are you?
Imran Hussain? Isis? Al Qaida? Jahbetul Nusra , Makhdali ?
In reality, I don't know even what are you.
By the way, I never said that I am Secularist but to be with whats out there?
Nusayris???? Hahaha , just 2 hours ago , you were singing the praises to their pay masters in Ukrainian forum.
How normal person can trust you?


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Umar Mukhtar was part of the organisation established by the Turkish Nationalists, he could had been Sufi.
It seems that for you it is difficult to comprehend that someone can be a member to of Sufi Tariqat and a member of special operations unit. Hahaha.

1. Yes and no, he is a Sufi, a Sufi Islamist. No, he is not part of the Special operations unit. The Senussi might have some form of cooperation with the Special unit you talked (Tashkilat) about, but that's hardly surprising because the Ottoman state is the caliphate, the leader of Muslims worldwide and it's their duty to help the Muslims, not to mention that Libya was once an Ottoman province, and the Tashkilat as part of the Ottoman security body is responsible to guard it.

It's more about self-defense against an aggressor combined with loyalty to the Caliph than some nationalistic inuendo that Omar Al-Mukhtar goes to war with.

Yet again, can you show me a single example where islamusts like you liberated a multimeter of Muslim Land.
Just tell me about your victories

Have you seen the ANA in Kabul in 2021? Have you seen where are those Iranian monarchists now?

Look at it this way. Ever since the disbandment of the Caliphate, Muslims have been like a lost chicken, without any nominal head to rally into. From the 1920s, if you were a Muslim, and you wanted to offer service, you either became bandits/mafia...or join the national army. And these national armies have nothing to do with Islam and the interest of Islam, they are secular, if a Muslim dies in their service, I would consider it dying in vain.

And then by the grace of god, the year 1979 came. 1979 is the year in which 3 major events happened:

  1. The assault on Mecca by Juhayman
  2. The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union
  3. The Iranian revolution that toppled the monarchs of Persia and turned it into an Islamist theocracy
Those 3 events in 1979, are why the world is what they are today.

The invasion of Afghanistan created an Islamic military class that was simply absent from the 1920s-1960s, they call it now as the Jihadists, but back then the Afghan freedom fighters. The fighters that graduated from Afghanistan's jihad 'university' would then come to ignite the global conflict that is now raging from Pakistan to the Sahel.

The Iran revolution toppled one secular monarchy in the Middle East, replaced by a government that is hell-bent on exporting its ideology, in 2024 this ideology is why the Houthis are blowing up ships in the red sea and Hezbollah is stockpiling rockets, ready to be launched into Israel at any moment notice.

While the assault on Mecca reversed the trend of liberalization and secularization of Saudi Arabia until MBS came into power, but it is enough to create an entire generation that is loyal to Islam.

All of these acts by these Islamist in one form or another make sure that the order that the West imposed in the Middle East is broken little by little.

That is a victory to me, and one victory leads to the other. For me, the final victory is when Islam wins against whatever Western trash that comes in the 20th century + the reclaiming of {Palestine

Don't mention Afghanistan, because Taliban got in trouble because of Islamists

in any war, standing by your allies is guaranteed burdensome and the worth of your alliance is measured by how far you are willing to stand side by side. The Taliban knows the price. Mullah Omar is once quoted to say


20 years later the Taliban re-entered Kabul as a triumphant conqueror. They not only kept their promise and worth, they won against all odds.

You actually have the audacity to explain to people who fought many ani crusade battles, what's this all about?

The grandchildren of those who fought this crusade have abandoned the raison d'etre of why their forefather fought in the first place.

Just to be clear here, I always make the distinction between the Mameluke and modern Egypt, the Ottomans and the Republic of Turkiye, The early Muslims and Saudi Arabia.

Just because forefathers had offered good service for Islam doesn't mean their grandchildren could exploit it.

Secularists failed in Palestine, I saw Sadam hit Israel and Islamist Isis work for Israel????? No ?

There's no proof that ISIS works for Israel
Yes , I will mention me and my family and my experiences every single time.
Because I and them sacrified and did what we preached and you didn't
If not for Stalin and Hitler, you would be a part of Holland

If not for the international fighters flocking to your aid, you'd be serving the Kosovo equivalent of Kadyrov.

Don't mention Nusayris , in Ukrainian forum you practically going to any lengths in support of their Russian masters.

Out of strategic interest. At the end of the day, Ukro-Russian war is an infidel-infidel war. I do not betray a single Muslim here

When I realised that that war is going to the strange direction I almost stopped supporting Ukraine, just a bit
A contraire , you from supporting Ukraine became bigger Russian then Black Jack.
And what I am sure , if you are in the physical presence of some of those Romanians , Polish and Ukrainians , you wouldn't say a word.For difference to you in Sarajevo I exchanged a gun fire with both Russians and Ukrainians .

I'm sure in the Kosovo war you don't even shoot any of those guns and show any of those bravado. but flee, maybe that explains why your flag is the UK.

Yes , doayen of Islamism Sheikh Albania issued fatwa to Palestinians to abandon Palestine, so did Bin Baz and Ibn Utheymin.
Which flavor of Islamist are you?
Imran Hussain? Isis? Al Qaida? Jahbetul Nusra , Makhdali ?
Those are palace scholars. I do not trust palace scholars

TBH I simply have no flavor, their mere presence is what I've been predicting for quite some time. Eventually the Islamists will bear the brunt of fighting the zionists.

In reality, I don't know even what are you.
By the way, I never said that I am Secularist but to be with whats out there?
Nusayris???? Hahaha , just 2 hours ago , you were singing the praises to their pay masters in Ukrainian forum.
How normal person can trust you?

You don't need to know who I am, come with an explanation that people could at least read and understand


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As if 4 million Bosnians , well our military record in regards of the Europeans is evidently superior to all of South East Asia and Indian Subcontinent combined.
That tells you that we are superior to you.

Alright, enough of entertainment.

These topics has no relevance to Israel-Paeslstine live conflict thread. @Kartal1 I think this thread may need some clean up.


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Gary, mehmet beg

While discussing matters like the ones above keep to the topic of the thread, stay out of personal attacks and be respectful.

I was thinking of giving you both 3 day thread ban, but looks like the system banned you automatically due to repeated offences and warnings. This is a wake up call for both of you and your behavior in the forum. I warn you to be more careful and comply with the rules!

Messages deleted and warnings were given.

Thank you!

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