If you think facts i post are wrong refute them. Instead you just post "propaganda", "hasbara" "brainwashed" etc. Thats classical ad hominem discussion.I stopped reading after "facts".
And no, don't take it personal. I never attacked your person but I also had enough of propaganda and gaslighting when I can see everything with my own eyes.
I understand the point of defending your country's honour, but you here are defending something else.
You keep insulting our intelligence with your propaganda (which may work on some doomsday Evangelists in the US and the brainwashed and the gullible), then you'll get called out but it doesn't surprise me that as soon as someone confronts or criticises you, you go into victim mode and start pointing fingers (projecting).
You keep defending a government that has Smotrich, Ben Gvir and Netty in it, you should take it on the chin when someone confronts you or is it too much to expect?
Try to challenge my position not my personality for once