According to them this is an assault rifle. And I thought Russian propaganda is bad.

According to them this is an assault rifle. And I thought Russian propaganda is bad.
the UAE in particular decimated the poor yemenis and partook in the siege on qatar yet they're best buddies with the iranians with trade value around the 7 billion figure yearly, the iranians occupy two of their islands.In general, they are corrupt, absolutely useless and many of them don't serve the people's interest.
In my opinion, watching conflicts and civil wars in the Middle East, the rulers of the 20 or so Arab countries, profited from the suffering of its people or the people surrounding their country. You have Saudi/UAE starving fellow Yemeni, or Syria's Bashar starving its own people, while leaving the true enemy unscathed.
When it comes to hurting their own kin, their pride is immense (see UAE/Saudi blockade of Qatar), but when facing foreign people which has nothing in common with them, they're meek, and even worse they cooperate with them at the detriment of their own people
I'm always shocked by what seems like a lot of money to people that live in that region. $7 billion, seems like so little in the grand scheme of things, similar to the $4 billion USA gives Israel every year.the UAE in particular decimated the poor yemenis and partook in the siege on qatar yet they're best buddies with the iranians with trade value around the 7 billion figure yearly, the iranians occupy two of their islands.
imo the degree of corruption if not straight up evil might vary among the regimes and "leaders", some are worse than others, but they're almost all if not all scum and the absolute rock bottom of their respective societies has to offer, there's much more to muslims than the scum that governs us.
This is what the OIC/Arab league is all about . A bunch of grumpy old man attending a festival of useless talk where they read non sense script and statements and ended it up with a group picture.
This is what the OIC/Arab league is all about . A bunch of grumpy old man attending a festival of useless talk where they read non sense script and statements and ended it up with a group picture.
Some fine dressed ladies and gentlemen! Heck, they even invited some people dressed as wizards.This is what the OIC/Arab league is all about . A bunch of grumpy old man attending a festival of useless talk where they read non sense script and statements and ended it up with a group picture.
No nation should let itself completely throw away rationality like this; how can you just ignore the fact that you're surrounded by Arab and Muslim populations for the rest of history, and the balance of power and forms of government and heads of state change constantly and then continue to enrage, trigger and provoke the population that surrounds you? You could have gone the conciliatory path, keep your irredentist ambitions at a reasonable degree (what you already have, 78% of land instead of the original 56%), and with a peace deal help create the Palestinian state, quenching the flame of anger that exists against your very existence.
The fact that Israel lacks public intellectuals to warn their society of the fact that the process which has led to dehumanization of Palestinians in the eyes of Israelis, make their society look like a bunch of maniacs to the impartial outside observer, shows that this society is diseased conformist monoculture that is incapable of self-reflection. In the long-run the Zionist project is doomed, anyone who can't see this is blinded by prejudice.
They weren't tough at all in their 3000 years of existence. There's only 3 Jewish state in history, the Kingdom of Israel, the Kingdom Israel and Judah and the current state of Israel.They werent talking so tough when the Wehrmact and the SS was annilating them.
No nation should let itself completely throw away rationality like this; how can you just ignore the fact that you're surrounded by Arab and Muslim populations for the rest of history, and the balance of power and forms of government and heads of state change constantly and then continue to enrage, trigger and provoke the population that surrounds you? You could have gone the conciliatory path, keep your irredentist ambitions at a reasonable degree (what you already have, 78% of land instead of the original 56%), and with a peace deal help create the Palestinian state, quenching the flame of anger that exists against your very existence.
The fact that Israel lacks public intellectuals to warn their society of the fact that the process which has led to dehumanization of Palestinians in the eyes of Israelis, make their society look like a bunch of maniacs to the impartial outside observer, shows that this society has become a diseased conformist monoculture that is incapable of self-reflection. In the long-run the Zionist project is doomed, anyone who can't see this is blinded by prejudice.
They weren't tough at all in their 3000 years of existence. There's only 3 Jewish state in history, the Kingdom of Israel, the Kingdom Israel and Judah and the current state of Israel.
In those 3000 years span they got whipped time and time again everywhere they go and settle, becoming 2nd class citizens in Europe and the Middle East while they watched how Christianity and Islam took over the world while they're left to sit and watch from the sidelines.
Please note that the 2 previous Jewish state didn't survive past 80 . I'm not quite sure how much longer the current of Israel will last, but this will likely be the final Jewish state in history. Because for one, I don't think there will be any mercy from the Arab/Muslims when the cycle of power shifts and if you are Muslims, you might be familiar with a certain hadith that actually predict the grim fate of this people at the hands of Muslim in the end times.