Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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mehmed beg

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Since 7th of October, about 600 people were arrested in France due to " verbal delicts " all of those arrests were for alleged Anti Semetism, whatever that means these days. No one was arrested for Islamophobi nor any such low exists.
All of despite, that famous Declaration of Human Rights, which allegedly insures the equality.
So weather the Jews are super humans or Muslim are such humans, maybe both?
What insures this policy, the amount of the war crimes done or abated or enabled?
The history has the answer, all of above.


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Since 7th of October, about 600 people were arrested in France due to " verbal delicts " all of those arrests were for alleged Anti Semetism, whatever that means these days. No one was arrested for Islamophobi nor any such low exists.
All of despite, that famous Declaration of Human Rights, which allegedly insures the equality.
So weather the Jews are super humans or Muslim are such humans, maybe both?
What insures this policy, the amount of the war crimes done or abated or enabled?
The history has the answer, all of above.

Its interesting to see the non existent western pressure being applied to Isreal despite clearly committing genocide compared with the pressure that was applied to Azerbaijan in liberating her own lands.

The west rushed to demand a ceasefire and the armenians did everything to bullshit the world a genocide was taking place.

Isreal is committing an actual genocide and no one in the west gives two shits about it. The west at this point is just a gang with the americans at the head of it. Rest of the white world does what the americans demand.

mehmed beg

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Its interesting to see the non existent western pressure being applied to Isreal despite clearly committing genocide compared with the pressure that was applied to Azerbaijan in liberating her own lands.

The west rushed to demand a ceasefire and the armenians did everything to bullshit the world a genocide was taking place.

Isreal is committing an actual genocide and no one in the west gives two shits about it. The west at this point is just a gang with the americans at the head of it. Rest of the white world does what the americans demand.
I wrote on the last page the nature of the people who are the simps for them. Also if I may add , it is becoming clearer that this is just cult.
Someone supports Israel, what exactly? To oppose Islamic Fundamentalism ? Yet we clearly see Evangelical and Jewish religious fanatism , those things ain't new. Or they fight this battle from the point of the secular Liberalism, yet all of this is a construct and can be defined every which way , they want it. It is the esoteric point of view. Both those opposites are wrapped in the same packing. Alleged reason, freedom of the speech, accountability etc. Those things are presented as the absolute yet , since everything is relative and construct , they maintain the sanctity of their position???!!!! So it is impossible to really come to any reason with them or agreement or compromise.
I said it before here, they think that we are on the trial here. The same thing is repackaged and any answer is ignored.
So the same situation is in regards of Azerbaijan.
The bottom line here, as long as the people of our kind are still around and hold the ground, they won't be satisfied. Weather we size to exist and let the " humanity" worship them or we have to annihilate them. It is like that everywhere and not only Zionists other farcical groups. This will not end.
No point to call them the hypocrites etc , they enjoy it obviously. They are truly devilish people.


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killed as many Fatah opponents they could and elections no more in their Islamistic stripe of land. Terrorising their own people
I think Israel is fine by that. Its easier to fight a half nation than a whole nation. Can you agree with that?

mehmed beg

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I think Israel is fine by that. Its easier to fight a half nation than a whole nation. Can you agree with that?
This guy is an example of what I was talking about. He so keen to talk about this yet his kinsmen to the north are prime example of what he is allegedly against, no? The guy said at begging that Hamas are Anti Semetic yet after exchanges with me, he agreed with me that Arabs are Semetics. Of course, he would carry on with the same terminology. So imagine someone from far away, who hasn't got any particular contact with Muslims and whose words have deliberately wrong meaning, and trying to make you to accept his point? So Palestinians don't the right to fight for their freedom but his grandparents had the right to fight Japan???!!
What is to discuss here? Basically this kind thinks that we should spit on all what we are because such greatness would be satisfied???? To me ? A person whose none of forefathers never died as the subjugated as is the case with Turks.
We are not dealing with normal people here.
As I said before, I can understand the Jews or the critique which is made with the reasonable point but this ?
This is completely worthless.
Even when they speak the truth, they lie , as Good Book says.
Myself, in one of my posts I implied about Jewish fascination with the child sacrifice, I don't have a direct proof so I would like to withdraw that statement. Alas with all all this kind we can't count on any fairness, they are in possession of the absolute truth.

Brace Yourself

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I don't quite understand on the last video .... IDF are suplying fuel . So ??
Earlier they showed drone footage of Hamas is storing something in the hospital. Now It seems like it was IDF.

If there is Hamas in the hospital, why idf is supplying oil there?
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mehmed beg

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10s of thousands of the comments on the various platforms , how to expelled Muslims out of the Western world, but of course that would be just the beginning.
American General insists that American soldiers should die for Israel and on a command of Israelis.
Yet , we have the vomit about the concern for their pathetic terminology and ideas.
Law , order, democracy, transparency, freedom and transparency.
Of course, by the given history for us , it should be the leap pf faith. So my prophet should be some Talmudic Rabbi or Evangelical priest or someone for whom words have relative and selective meaning? Or I would choose Muhammad ASSWS? Funny thing is , there is no doubt that this was foretold.?.???
You see I should be greatful to them because 1995 , they let me exit ( not f them. I defended myself )
On my worst day I am billion times superior to this junk.
Ps oh yes , if you are nice guy , they will let you live, no. They just want you to save them the effort, that's it , by killing yourself
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mehmed beg

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Obviously, the ethnic cleansing is coming. According to Sholtz and the German Greens it is democratic, I agree, it is really democratic. People if Israel had the vote and political rights so we have to accept it and " learn democracy ".
Some might say , I am going outside of the topic but no .
You see , many things, for some time, left the realms of the classic politics and political action. So many things are irrational ( remember they claim that they are the paragon of the logic and reason) it really started to get the semblance what many people for a long time called Satanism.
But there are good things , now it is easy to make propaganda ( right kind) , just by the usage of their own words . Nothing more is needed and they themselves gave the complete justification for the future repercussions.
So in the future, I will condemn Muslim acts only but only if it goes against Qur'an and Hadith. All other angles of the condemnation , the one who asks , can shove it where sun doesn't shine


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Racism?Ethnic cleansing?
Does Israel kill all Palestinians?
What about 20 % of Israel citizens? How many Palestinian Muslims are the citizens of Israel?
Racism? Ethnic cleansing?

How many Jews used to live in Egypt, Algeria, Jordan before 1968?
Answer:100.000 Jews per country.

And How many Jews live in those countries now?
Answer: Currently Zero Jews !
Ethnic cleansing , Racism?

@500 i would love to read your opinion about this war?
we had more than that and we got rid of them in 1962

guess how we did it ?

we won the independence war, and they happened to be french citizens, traitors of their hosts who brought them europe during the prosecution, they thrived and got filthy rich living among us, and the payment was siding with the french and participating in oppressing us on our own lands with their former prosecutors and committing unspeakable attrocities against the local muslim population, they get full rights while we live like dogs (cremieux decree of 1870). they saw the writing on the wall along with the french colonizers and their Harki lackies (algerian traitors), and fucked off. i call it the filth's integrated self cleaning mechanism, we didn't have to "ethnically cleanse" anyone out of anything.

lastly, fact that there's muslims still in occupied palestine doesn't negate the fact that ethnic took and is still taking place, its just being done at a level that is palatable by the average US honky and euro conservacucks

mehmed beg

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In many of these countries, many Jews came as the refugees from Europe. Many moved voluntarily away. What is certain though, they were moved out of the political reasons but they moved the Palestinians from the " religious " point of view. That point of view requires the territories even in Turkey.
Ben Gurion said " Our claim is religious one but our political system is none religious one" . They like it to have it both ways. Also , even more today then before, they bragg about their " right " and the factual reality to dictate their will onto others. That's nothing new, so they are a dangerous element in any country. Proven time and again.
Us Army General claims that Johnny from Ohio , who might be a Catholic, should die for Israeli. Presidential candidates practically falling over each other to explain that US need Israeli not the other way around.
Obviously, they are destructive element in any society so personally if I am in charge I would kick anyone of them , who doesn't toe the line, straight away. Don't tell me that I am insueting something, practically they Bragg about it openly.
Ps o think that till early 30s , there were a couple of hundreds of thousands of the Armenians in Turkey. They left and live all over the world, you see even 1928 someone can be a victim of the alleged genocide which allegedly occurred in 1915.


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Guys we see a tendency for off topic posts coming back. Please stay to the topic! The topic is Israel-Palestine and everything related to the context. I see some of you tend to start or participate in off topic discussions that derail the thread. Despite the fact that many of these discussions are interesting and there are many things to be said regarding different topics related to geopolitics, history etc I am forced to delete these messages.

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