Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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There will be no 2 state solution
The more anyone asking for one state solution, much more killings gonna happen. The Arabs say that land belongs to them, the Jewish (ethnicity) say they are there even longer than the Arabs, what we expect? Let each of them have their parts.

Many maybe look at the Haredi don’t like Israel (state) and say that Israel is not needed. Haredi doesn’t like Israel because they think the only legitimate state for the Jewish is from the Messiah, not build by the Jews themselves now, the same reason why they don’t like Jesus (if really exist or you believe it) too, even though we see word INRI1 everywhere, they don’t believe it. Some don’t even want to be drafted because the risk of secularization of their community by the IDF’s way of life.

But there are millions out there that asked for Israel, then what? Someone don’t like that then they would stop?

1) INRI: Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jewish


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This whole conflict will end up like Algeria.

You know its not going to be pretty.


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This is what far-righters of India and Europe fears, threats for them is to be outnumbered by Arabs or Muslims. Like Berbers or you name the others.

Well, sooner or later they will be confronted by this. There's no running away from a clear trend.

Good for us, they are at the twilight of their empire life cycle.
This is what people called as high on religion lol. Not about this impossible to happen, but how theatrical it said.

“Soon this, soon that.”

Just be casual lah

It is up to you to think of what it is? high on religion...or common sense?

It's clear, that the Arabs and the wider Muslim world will not surrender or even accept a Jewish state in the Middle of their cultural land. That Hamas diplomat interviewed by AlJazeera clearly says what most Muslim thinks about Israel...a disaster that the West intentionally created in the middle of us.

So because we will not yield an inch (and neither do they), the options going forward will be perpetual war. When the West is strong enough to protect Israel, they're safe...but what if they no longer be able to ? What if in the next 20,30 50 years or so, the U.S. retreated the same way all empires before her retreated?

You do realize that the accumulated hatred towards Israel that the Muslim world has held for so long will have to be released? no ? And that thanks to this war, there WILL be guaranteed compulsory reminder how evil israel is from the old to the young.

Israel is as much a contest between Arabs v Non-Arabs and that of the West and Islamic world as a whole.


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Well, sooner or later they will be confronted by this. There's no running away from a clear trend.

Good for us, they are at the twilight of their empire life cycle.
Is this what “not looking for a fight” look? These words probably boils someone blood right now


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Think about Israel as a parasite controlling the body of a bigger organismus (the West)

If you look at how small Israel is, and how limited its potential is..and you see how they act all haughty with the power they don't have. You would've thought the AIPAC does its job well in controlling and manipulating the brains in Washington.

The problem with parasites is, eventually after chewing up so much of their hosts, they're eventually left on their own.

I can't stress just how damaging Israel is to the West as a whole, from reputational damage, credibility damage, and so on. But the Israelis don't care, for them, they'll use the West and suck it up until it is left to die.

The Israelis insist the U.S goes to war for them in the Middle East, even though the U.S is barely able to keep up with the arms race in the Pacific, iron dome batteries and missiles that are slated to defend Guam are now diverted to protect settlements in Israel, ships that are slated to guard the first and second island chain are now overworked to intercept Houthis missile.

This is where we should take advantage as soon as possible, and this has something to do with the upcoming showdown between the West and China in defending another "country" which is Taiwan. China will look at how distracted the U.S. is in the Middle East, getting bogged down and unable to even convince Israel to let them go and focus all their efforts against China.

China could start a long pattern to exhaust the U.S. and its allies in the Pacific, by ramping up provocative flights that will chew up the lifetime of the jets confronting them. China simply built more warplanes in a shorter amount of time than the U.S. is currently able to. So when the war eventually starts, the U.S. will be facing China with a fatigued airframe and fatigued warships that are now on average 35 years old. Not to mention the amount of munitions that the Israelis expend that thinned out the U.S. stockpile for a China fight.

So whatever the anti-zionists players are doing at the moment make sure this is enough to over time weaken the main backers of Israel. The Romans spent a whole campaign trying to defeat Persia vice versa, only for both to be steamrolled by the Arabs coming out of nowhere in the 6th century AD. The Brits spent the Pax Britannica fighting useless wars in Afghanistan and South Africa that they became less ready to fight for WW1, eventually winning WW1 and WW2 after an onslaught that while won, eventually led to the demise of the British empire.

I'm sure as hell whoever wins the upcoming war in the Pacific, none of them will be strong enough to even remotely play the world police the U.S. is playing right now and play the 'daddy' of Israel. Israel is living on bought time and that time-up is closer than you might think. So prepare what you can do and start the shaping operations phase before the main blow.

mehmed beg

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Okay. Personally I care nothing about all of that tho.

For me, today’s Muslims idea for caliphate is more towards resentment to status quo. Taught to hate so much since childhood; this and that are bad, whatever. The only venting is to know that someone would stop all of that bad things that they taught to hate, period. Without specific substantive measures how to make their life better, except offering to eradicate what taught to them as bad, even though that things they taught to hate actually bother/harming no one. Not talking yet about wealth inequality as one direct result of influence peddling in the politics to fuel the hatred.
For which part you don't care? That Al Aqsa is in hand of Israel or that Mecca and Medina are indirectly in the hands of the Western powers? What wealth inequality?
Jordan had the population of about 1, 3 million, the year I was born. Jordan has now 11,3 million people nowadays.
Just an hour ago I received the massage from my friend who is in Sharm Al Shaik. He says, no women works and nonof them heard of Bosnia? 21 Bosnians were the governors of Egypt.
Anyway, Mustafa Kemal offer to Shariff Ahmed Al Senoussi the Caliphate 1924, he didn't accept it.
Also, personally believe that the events of betrayal of the Ottoman Empire were not so bad for Turkey. On your way Jack.
In any case if Central Powers had won , Enver Pasha would had taken Turkey into different direction.
So I care about the Palestinians but the wishes or ambitions of Arab youth? Well , I have never seen in it anything of value, so they cased off. That I care for Abdul and his 17 children? Who can't solve the equation with 2 unknown and in the " inequality " which he finds himself? No


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Brigade Commander of Fatamiyun forces Hamza Alawi (Afghanistan) killed in Al-Bukamal, Syria in result of US airstrike.



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When the USA goes down (civil war, fall of the dollar, trillions of statedebt, Donald Trump, transgenderism, wokism), China will be the next Israel-supporter.

You see how Israel gets close with China the last years. The CIA wrote in their report that they were afraid that Israel passed US technologies to China. Rich jews and their property are leaving the US and moving to China.

A crazy Turkish historian said this decades ago, that the zionists would suck the US dry and move to China and make them the new superpower.

I mean I would like to see how that worked out, unlike the U.S., China doesn't have an equivalent of Christian Zionism or political lobbying group like AIPAC that works very well in a democratic multi-party country, in China the only business is the CCP. Also, like the rest of the world, nobody is moved by the stories of the Holocaust. In fact, many of us in the East celebrated the Holocaust or outright denied it. Unlike the West, nobody here could be blackmailed with statements like "I'm a holocaust survivor", nobody is going to lose jobs just because we don't talk Jewish talking points.


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The fact that Jordan, a country nearest to Palestine that did nothing while massacres are going on in Gaza, yet chose to play 'aatack dogs' when it comes to American death shows my earlier thought about the countries surrounding Palestine...

You cannot destroy Israel before destroy their Arab extension. It is imperative that the artificial countries that the Europeans draw using rulers to be either :

1. United under one banner
2. Turned into an entire war zone that turns them into a failed state, Syria style. That way the security of Israel will be compromised over a long period of time until the time is right to deliver the blow.

We need to adopt the "The lesser of two evils" concept which I see that you have failed to address a couple of times. A destroyed Jordan, or Egypt, or any other Middle Eastern country only serves the expansionist, and interest of the Americans, and their Western counterparts. There is time for war, and time for clarity, and patience. Look how Syria in the past always worried the Israelis due to their close proximity, now the West knocked Syria out of the game while allowing shism to spread in the Middle East. The first issue that is important, and that we need to address is self-sufficiency when it comes to weapons. How do we expect a country like Jordan to wage a war against Israel when all their weapons are procured from abroad? This concept applies to most of the Muslim countries.


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If there's one thing Indonesian and Chinese netizen agreed on, is we don't like Jews. And our hate speech against them is tolerated lol 😄

I don't think this is the win you think it is.


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I don't think this is the win you think it is.

Did I ever say it's a win or not? The only win I will accept is when we get Israel to cease to exist.

My post is a response to @Scott Summers idea that Israel could easily manipulate China the way they did with the West, people kinda underestimate the level of hate people in the Far East have for Israel. Certainly, the kind of trick that works with the U.S. and Germany (Holocaust guilt syndrome) would not work with Asian demographic giants like China and Indonesia, which don't care how many Jews are dead at the hands of Hitler to play by their rules.

From my observation as well (in PDF before it was closed), mainlanders viewed them negatively, and accused the israelis behind the mass demonization of China in Western media.


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The more anyone asking for one state solution, much more killings gonna happen. The Arabs say that land belongs to them, the Jewish (ethnicity) say they are there even longer than the Arabs, what we expect? Let each of them have their parts.

Many maybe look at the Haredi don’t like Israel (state) and say that Israel is not needed. Haredi doesn’t like Israel because they think the only legitimate state for the Jewish is from the Messiah, not build by the Jews themselves now, the same reason why they don’t like Jesus (if really exist or you believe it) too, even though we see word INRI1 everywhere, they don’t believe it. Some don’t even want to be drafted because the risk of secularization of their community by the IDF’s way of life.

But there are millions out there that asked for Israel, then what? Someone don’t like that then they would stop?

1) INRI: Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jewish
freedom has a blood tax, that said the argument of the jews is hilarious, if the land belongs to who once conquered it back in history then better start ceding land to italians on the coasts of the Mediterranean because rome once conquered them, its a chimp brain logic that only clicks inside a chimp's brain. that said the land was initially founded by the cananites, then succeeded by the egyptians then the jebusites, only after them the jews managed to control the land for a sliver of time, egyptians and syrians and Lebanese got an older and stronger claim by that dumb logic, besides the arabization process isn't ethnic or genetic, it doesn't eradicate the pre existing groups, genetic studies shows the palestinians are native to the land.

the point is making concessions to the jews based on any argument beyond the one of might make right is naive and outright stupid and ignorant, their presence there is only justified by their martial power (theirs and the one deligated to them by their western overlords), the land's owners are the people who lived in whom they drove out, and sooner or later they'll be driven out like any colonial power, they're a cancer in the region that grants its tyrants a lifeline against the popular flood that longs for unification.


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Yes, they are shit sure afraid

When it comes to the youth in the wider Islamic world, there seems to be some sort of 'return to Islam' movement going on very rapidly in the last 10 years or so, with the digitization of the Da'wa (preaching). For Israel, this is a threat, because the more religious Muslims are, the less able they are to argue that their occupation of Palestine isn't a big deal.

This is where the Israelis conspire, they cannot control the perception of the Muslim/Arab masses, which are increasingly returning to their religion after decades of secularization, but they sure can control the preachers who spread those messages.

This is why surprisingly israel's best ally against the growing movements of Islamization... is none other than the Salafists, more exactly the Madkhali Salafists which are funded by the state of Saudi Arabia and exported all over the world.

The Salafists are many, but in general, Madkhalism is the largest Salafists movement getting exported in the world right now and is the one that is tilting or having a close relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Some of this 'Saudi oriented Salafists/Madkhalis' like Faris Al-Hamadi I talked about earlier, for example. Urge the Muslims not to boycott Israeli products, because it is (according to him) against the Sharia law. Here's him 3 years ago trying to bullshit that normalization with zionists is ok according to the Sharia.

One of the most recognizable traits of these Saudi oriented Salafists is their blind obedience to the government.

So if let's say Abu Janda, becomes president of Indonesia. And he (expectedly) decided that Indonesia will normalize ties with Israel. Than these Salafists WILL obediently follow him, because for them as ridiculous it sounds, in the end, it's part of their effort to stay 'true to the religion and follow Allah's command'. Some of them are even more extreme, like Riyadh Bajrey who suggests the government just kill people who protest against their rule

A month ago, the Israeli newspaper , The Times of Israel published a writing that acknowledged that these "Salafists Madkhalists" are indeed their greatest ally against the growing Islamization that over long term threatens the existence of Israel.

Here's their reasoning of such believe :

They mention another "salafists", Sahmsi Ben Safi from Algeria whose talking points are all the same..."Yes, you may not like normalization with Israel, but by accepting our leaders to normalize (and abandon fellow Arabs and Muslims in Palestine) you have obeyed your religion"

View attachment 65309

This trick with the Salafists worked for quite some time, until Hamas attacks and many of these Salafists have second thought about blindly following these preachers.

This is bullshit, and everyone with a brain knows that. If the U.S. will stand by israel with all the recorded live genocide in Gaza right now, where people, children, and women are intentionally killed in large number to satisfy the blood lust of the zionists and not a single condemnation from the state dept. What would you expect from the Americans to enforce the state of Palestine free from Israeli settlers, or if they even move forward to the recognition of Israel ?

Good for Hamas, they destroy those plans. There will be no 2 state solution, there's only going to be one state Palestine, from the river to the sea. When will it happen? We don't know, but it's good practice not to even think about a two-state solution, because Palestine will eventually be rid of those settlers, its just a matter of time.

Tan Malaka is right when he said that the owner of the house should not negotiate with the robber of his house.

the thing about madkhalism is, it doesn't pander to your tyrant, it panders to the tyrant which the saudis like
they attacked the GNA, Erdogan, the emir of qatar and Hamas despite being muslim rulers, and went ahead and fought against them based on the view of the saudis

keep in mind this sect came into existence to substitute the sahwa salafists who were vehemently against the destruction of iraq through bringing americans and westerners in their unholy alliance, those same sahwa salafist whom were used as a shield against secular arab "republican" regimes, to show this manipulation of the faith by those animals is a matter of state policy, when saddam was bloodying his country and iran in a futile war, while being a baathist, he was the lion of the ummah as per their description, when he directed his arms against kuweit, he became a kaffir murtad because of his baathism, funny part about that is they included hafiz al assad the baathist in their coalition against this baathist, most shameless vilest filth one could encouter. their current hate and obsession with islamists is a continuation of the terror they felt from the arab "republican" regimes: an islamic revolution in the image of that of iran, to them this is scarier because it proven to be a viable system, proof is iran terrorize all of them and thwarts all their geopolitical projects despite the sanctions and seige and despite their own wealth and western backing.

that filth called madkhalism is a filth that needs to be eradicated at any cost, they're a liability and a danger to their host nation, they have no true concrete doctrine, their only doctrine is loyalty to the filth directing them from the gulf, it is by design since they learnt their lesson from the sahwa, that a principled movement would sooner or later turn back on them due to their unrestricted vileness and corruption.


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the thing about madkhalism is, it doesn't pander to your tyrant, it panders to the tyrant which the saudis like
they attacked the GNA, Erdogan, the emir of qatar and Hamas despite being muslim rulers, and went ahead and fought against them based on the view of the saudis

The Madkhalis are the clear scum of the Islamic nations, I put them at the same level as the pagans in their destructiveness towards the interests of the Islamic world.

Here's a QnA session of the Salafists in Indonesia, the speaker is Firanda Andirja one of the more famous Indonesian "Salafists"

Title : What is our attitude towards Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Q: Ustadh, what is the Aqidah/manhaj of the Palestinian people? Should we help them?
A (Firanda) : Yes, we should help them because they're still Muslims
Q: But if we help the Palestinians, that mean that we help the Muslim Brotherhood !

The red-bolded text one is the kind of people that these Madkhali Salafists produced, brain dead and utter morons. These people have no problem with tyrants and blatantly traitorous 'leader' the kind of Bin Salman and Bin Zayed, the latter are clear cut zionists dog doing their bidding to destroy the Islamic world, but they have ALL the problem with the Muslim Brotherhood, who has yet introduce night clubs to Saudi Arabia.

So according to them, these traitors who sell Palestine and even defended Israel against Houthi missile:


Are legitimate Muslim rulers, even though they introduce corruption, moral decay to the Islamic world and in Saudi Arabia specifically, and they must be obeyed

But this guy, his struggle doesn't even deserve help, because he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood *Hamas originated from MI), the very fact that they even come up with questions like " Should we help Palestine?" baffled me, and I think this is the same with every Madkhali, in and outside Indonesia. They're morons if not outright traitorous.


keep in mind this sect came into existence to substitute the sahwa salafists who were vehemently against the destruction of iraq through bringing americans and westerners in their unholy alliance, those same sahwa salafist whom were used as a shield against secular arab "republican" regimes, to show this manipulation of the faith by those animals is a matter of state policy, when saddam was bloodying his country and iran in a futile war, while being a baathist, he was the lion of the ummah as per their description, when he directed his arms against kuweit, he became a kaffir murtad because of his baathism, funny part about that is they included hafiz al assad the baathist in their coalition against this baathist, most shameless vilest filth one could encouter.

During the war in Afghanistan (Soviet one), I heard stories how these Salafists frequently entered local Indonesian mosques in and out, trying to lit up Indonesian youth to go fight in Afghanistan. Quoting verse from the Qur'an and fiery oratory about how great the deeds are in fighting the communists. Yet, when it's time for the Americans to invade Afghanistan suddenly they're meek, and when asked "what should we do" they come up with the usual classic "our government knows better, it's best to stay patient and pray, do not talk about something you have no clear knowledge"

Everyone with a brain would've known the motives behind fighting for the sake of Allah, and that with the sake of America.

This is why the Times of Israel, correctly identify them as Israel's bastion against the growing Islamization that could threaten the existence of Israel in the log term

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mehmed beg

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Makhdalis or whatever flavour of so called Islamists , at least in the great majority of cases , bring just destruction to Islam.
Those ideologies ain't that Islamic in their core, one way or other.
It is all amalgam of the various strange " ideas".


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freedom has a blood tax, that said the argument of the jews is hilarious, if the land belongs to who once conquered it back in history then better start ceding land to italians on the coasts of the Mediterranean because rome once conquered them, its a chimp brain logic that only clicks inside a chimp's brain. that said the land was initially founded by the cananites, then succeeded by the egyptians then the jebusites, only after them the jews managed to control the land for a sliver of time, egyptians and syrians and Lebanese got an older and stronger claim by that dumb logic, besides the arabization process isn't ethnic or genetic, it doesn't eradicate the pre existing groups, genetic studies shows the palestinians are native to the land.

Most of the Palestinian 'Arabs', a significant portion of their ancestry are Jews themselves. Many Jews and Christian Levantines in what is today Lebanon, Syria and Palestine converted en masse to Islam in the 800s.

the point is making concessions to the jews based on any argument beyond the one of might make right is naive and outright stupid and ignorant, their presence there is only justified by their martial power (theirs and the one deligated to them by their western overlords), the land's owners are the people who lived in whom they drove out, and sooner or later they'll be driven out like any colonial power, they're a cancer in the region that grants its tyrants a lifeline against the popular flood that longs for unification.

There's none, from my observations, these supporters of Israel are there because they wish harm to the Arabs and Muslims and they use all sorts of bullshit to justify why Israel should be there in the first place.

You will find the Western Europeans/Americans to spearhead this grasping-at-straws effort, but it isn't limited to that particular geographies.

Of course their dream of a forever home for the Jewish people will eventually be crushed, it's just common sense, a country that is built on "might is right" will cease once their "might" ceases as well. And everybody knows the"might" that Israel has, they hijacked those rom the Western power thousands of miles away in Washington. Once they go down, so will Israel.


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We need to adopt the "The lesser of two evils" concept which I see that you have failed to address a couple of times. A destroyed Jordan, or Egypt, or any other Middle Eastern country only serves the expansionist, and interest of the Americans, and their Western counterparts. There is time for war, and time for clarity, and patience.

There's no such thing as the lesser of two evils, what is happening in Palestine right now is peak evil.

Look how Syria in the past always worried the Israelis due to their close proximity, now the West knocked Syria out of the game while allowing shism to spread in the Middle East.

You do realize that the Shia crescent is only possible because of the likes of these Sunni monarchs and their utter incompetence? The Iranians with all their limitations are able to harness Shiite's potential from faraway Afghanistan, arm them, and send them into combat in Syria eventually winning. While the so-called Sunni states stopped arms delivery, or even outright torpedoed the efforts of the Sunni militants once it became clear that they viewed these Sunni militants popping out in the region could be a possible threat to their thrones.

Why are you blaming it on me when I want these countries destroyed ?, why don't you blame those Arab kings instead? All the money and American protection and now these buffoons are encircled by a Shia power (Iran which doesn't enjoy even 1/10th of their weaponry).

I am not putting any hope of military or diplomatic breakthroughs with these kinds of idiots in power in the Middle East. If they can't defeat Shia Iran, I don't think their brains are sophisticated enough to defeat the West, Israel's main backers.

But I do have hopes in the likes of Non-state actors. Why?

Well here's the thing...a little flashback from 3 years ago

👇 👇 👇

When it becomes clear that after the Abraham accords, Saudi Arabia is slated and expected to be the next country in the Middle East to normalize relations with Israel, proponents of Indonesia-Israel relations are openly talking (triumphantly) that Indonesia will eventually recognize Israel and abandon Palestine, you should look at the thread.

When I saw this, there was only one option in my mind, to make something so bizarre that neither Saudi Arabia and the Indoensian govt could move forward with normalization. I was actually sceptical at first, the only organization in the Middle East that is crazy enough to do bizarre things in the Middle East at the time is ISIS,and they're as good as destroyed. Never in my mind that Hamas would do something so bizarre to overturn this trend of Islamic countries-Israel normalization.

But that is what happened on the 7th of October. Hamas attacked out of nowhere, killed 1500 Israelis, provoked the most extreme right-leaning government in Israel's history (with Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich trios) to resort to mass killing in the name of satisfying Israel's blood lust. And potentially destroy any hope of normalization between the Saudis and later on, Indonesia for at least another 50 years.

Saudi Arabia is quite important because many proponents of Indonesia-Israeli normalization like to use Saudi Arabia as a standard for whether or not Indonesia should normalize with Israel. Now thanks to Hamas and the Israeli genocide, even if Saudi Arabia normalize, Jakarta won't, because the cost simply outweigh the benefit for Jakarta to move forward (not because Jakarta doesn't want to normalize with Tel Aviv). Had it not for Hamas, and this trend continues, you would find Saudi Arabia one one hand (the owner of the two holy cities) and Indonesia on one hand (the largest Muslim nations on Earth) normalizing with Israel, and what would be the defense for the likes of Malaysia, Brunei to continue non-relations with Israel?

So just like how impressed I am with these non-state actors, I'm leaning my hope toward them to eventually turn the Middle East into an active battlefield, which will erode the authority of these so-called MENA states, which are nothing but an extension of Israel and their 'anchors of stability'

Even the Israelis admit that they fear the fragmentation of these MENA states and the rise of non-UN state rival power that could they couldn't control the same way they control so-called "Sunni Arab countries"

Screenshot 2024-02-05 194030.png

Screenshot 2024-02-05 194157.png

The first issue that is important, and that we need to address is self-sufficiency when it comes to weapons. How do we expect a country like Jordan to wage a war against Israel when all their weapons are procured from abroad? This concept applies to most of the Muslim countries.

The Jordanian royal family are a well-known traitors, this is not about weapons, it's about willpower.

It's the Jordanians that alerted Israel of the impending Arab attacks in 1973.
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There's no such thing as the lesser of two evils, what is happening in Palestine right now is peak evil.

No such thing according to who? Since you mentioned creed and Islamic ideology you should be aware that we have such a principle in our religion. Even if you would consider these leaders the worst of the worst, that does not mean that it's in the best interest of the Muslim nation, and arab nations to wage a full-scale war on Israel, or Jordan as you mentioned.
You do realize that the Shia crescent is only possible because of the likes of these Sunni monarchs and their utter incompetence? The Iranians with all their limitations are able to harness Shiite's potential from faraway Afghanistan, arm them, and send them into combat in Syria eventually winning. While the so-called Sunni states stopped arms delivery, or even outright torpedoed the efforts of the Sunni militants once it became clear that they viewed these Sunni militants popping out in the region could be a possible threat to their thrones.

Iran outplayed them and scored many more points with a mix of their soft, and hard power. Political failure is one thing either by the military, or diplomatic loss.. Even if I personally believe that Iran is cooperating with the West under the table, just like they tried, in the beginning, to "push" Jordan, and Egypt into confrontation against Israel.

The Jordanian royal family are a well-known traitors, this is not about weapons, it's about willpower.

It's the Jordanians that alerted Israel of the impending Arab attacks in 1973.

Jordan is one of the nations that actually surprised Israel when it forced Israel to stop its advancements into Jordan, while they were penetrating Syria all the way to Damascus. Where did you hear that Jordan alerted Israel during the yom kippur war? Israeli sources? That is funny to hear since Egypty surprised Israel with crossing the channel during Operation " Badr".

mehmed beg

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No such thing according to who? Since you mentioned creed and Islamic ideology you should be aware that we have such a principle in our religion. Even if you would consider these leaders the worst of the worst, that does not mean that it's in the best interest of the Muslim nation, and arab nations to wage a full-scale war on Israel, or Jordan as you mentioned.

Iran outplayed them and scored many more points with a mix of their soft, and hard power. Political failure is one thing either by the military, or diplomatic loss.. Even if I personally believe that Iran is cooperating with the West under the table, just like they tried, in the beginning, to "push" Jordan, and Egypt into confrontation against Israel.

Jordan is one of the nations that actually surprised Israel when it forced Israel to stop its advancements into Jordan, while they were penetrating Syria all the way to Damascus. Where did you hear that Jordan alerted Israel during the yom kippur war? Israeli sources? That is funny to hear since Egypty surprised Israel with crossing theby channel during Operation " Badr".
Jordan alerted Israel about 1968 war.
1965 Arab meeting in Morocco was listened to by Mossad.
Anyway, the failures on such scale should be punishable by death penalties.
Oh I forgot, I read in Daily Telegraph some time ago , the article about King Hussein
The writter of the article states that King Hussein biggest regret was when he disinherited ( at the time) his son. In reality , it was harder for him than loosing Al Quds. Even the journalist of The Telegraph was surprised by that.

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