Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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*Harrison Ford voice* Who gives a shit?

They'll justify Hezbollah existing no matter what, the reasoning's inconsequential. They're here, they exist, they need to be dealt with, and seemingly mostly have been. No need to give them the type of fight they want, tunnel ambushes. Just continue stomping them every time you pick up the heat signature from a rocket launch, Israel can do that in their sleep. And in the meantime, you cut the umbilical cord feeding them with all these munitions, by going after the Ayatollah and his guys. More assassinations inside Iran, nuclear scientists having friendly encounters with a plain-clothes guy on a motorbike with an uzi, the works.
The people who wishes to understand ANYTHING give plenty of shit to the basic facts. Like, If you want to understand a conflict and make slightly accurate assessments, you should at least be able to identify the warring sides and know about their backgrounds.

It seems like you're not interested in such things but I'm still going to write this response for the general audience here:

Israel used means of violence and invaded Lebanon in 1982, thinking that this will provide security for Israel.

We are now in 2024, 42 years later, Israel is using means of violence and invading Lebanon again, thinking that this will provide security for Israel.

This time, danger posed against Israel is much bigger than what it used to be in 1982 because the invasion caused establishment of an armed resistance group with the main purpose of hurting Israel. In short, violence created new and more advanced threats.

What makes you think that it will be a solution this time? Why it would work now while it actually made things worse before?

It is expected from a human being with an average IQ to be able to learn from its mistakes so it won't repeat them again. However, pride can be such a powerful and blinding emotion. It beats basic reasoning and makes you repeat the same fucking mistakes over and over again... Till your last mistake.
History is full of such examples.

I wish, "the God's Chosen People" will keep believing in their delusions, their self assured victim hood+superiority complex.

And I wish the "good Goyim" of the Chosen People continue not giving shit about basic facts.
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"Limited ground invasion" reads to me more like a negotiation threat rather than an actual commitment.

And yeah, I'd wager that Iran sold out Hezbollah. They are more interested in Iraq at the moment.

Lebanese army also withdrew which makes it even more hilarious.

Yeah its a land grab. The chosenites can invade also cry as the victim at the same time.

But all of us as usual have to keep quiet because of "Anti Semitism and the Holocaust" or how they will send the ADL and their Lawyers.


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Hezbollah was created by Iran to ''help'' in case of war with sunnis and Israel(attack on Iran).
Take a look at Syria,Hezbollah got involved because of Iran.
We have sent many to their maker when they killed our soldiers during the various operations in Syria.
You can say that its also good for us that Hezbollah gets destroyed.
Did Iran "create" Hezbollah from nothing? Like everything was perfectly fine in Lebanon and suddenly Hezbollah popped out?

Israel created the grounds, Iran took advantage of the situation.


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Welcome to the land of delusions.


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If Israel and Hezbollah wind up fighting anything that amounts to an "extensive" war, one has to wonder how far back it might set Hezbollah. Years? Decades? Assuming Israel's casualties are fairly numerous during the ground portion of their invasion, how much will they be willing to endure before they inevitably withdraw? And how much damage can be afflicted on Hezbollah before they retreat?


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It has begun... Israeli artillery and aircraft are in support as Israeli forces enter southern Lebanon. It will be several hours before we get an accurate picture of what's happening on the ground. Hezbollah claims to be prepared. Israel is obviously confident that they can handle what the Lebanese throw at them. We'll see what transpires and if Iran continues to sit on the sideline or not...



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We all talking about whay Iran didnt send troops but whay should they send them? Hezbolah have more than enough troops in Lebanon. If needed more man can come from Iraqi militias. Only thing that Iran needs to send is ammunition, weapons and intel. For Iran is more inportant to made A bomb and that would be more complicated if it enters in war. For now time is playing for Iran and not for Israel. Altgough Israel has tactical advantage and it seams that has won majority of battles it seams also that for now they are loosing war.


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In this conflict UN failed in every possible way. That corrupt oraganization for old, useless diplomats should not exist anymore.
They let Hesbollah grow, they let Israel do whatever they want, they had "peace troops" in Lebanon that are doing absolutely NOTHING.


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In this conflict UN failed in every possible way. That corrupt oraganization for old, useless diplomats should not exist anymore.
They let Hesbollah grow, they let Israel do whatever they want, they had "peace troops" in Lebanon that are doing absolutely NOTHING.

UN has failed just like the League of Nations.

Humans will always be in constant warfare.

What Europe got right was after two World Wars they were able to come together and form the EU along with Nato.

You wont see this in another parts of the world. Because grievances run too deep. Political interests run too deep.


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Yeah, when's the UN been good for anything?

I've pretty much shrugged and laughed at anything UN related since the Rwanda says. And no security council with the US, China, and Russia having veto power on every issue is good for a damn.

Anyway, yeah, seems like it's still mostly an air campaign and the ventures into Lebanon on the ground are pretty small-scale with super-high-end units, if it stays to that it'll probably be pretty effective. I still don't really get how/why they can't just obliterate the tunnels from the air though, they have the means. I don't know, maybe it's more an intelligence & proof factor, they want to talk to some Hez guys who happen to want to continue living, and want photo evidence of all the stuff they've been stockpiling over two decades? Kinda the "we could have droned Bin Laden into oblivion, but I wanted to be satisfied with proof so I risked the SEAL raid" Obama thing?

In any case, I hope they've genuinely taken lessons from '06. Modern Merkava tanks are absolutely badass as hell, but any armored brigade's vulnerable to the pew-pew rockets of doom. I wouldn't put it past them to have some ace up their sleeve with that, considering how crazy effective the pager/walky and systematic dismantling of their entire leadership's been so far. Here's hoping. Israelis are willing to lose quite a few people to this campaign, they get the necessity, but yeah, you don't want to have all this success/momentum shit on by the Hez grunts getting a tank turkey-shoot.
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