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This guy is covering the possible risks of Kyrgyzistan being infiltrated by FETÖ in all layers of public institutions.

Seeing as the goverment atm is ppl who has received sentences and are criminals.

He's saying US, China, Russia are vying for influence, and the only one not there is Turkey.

Fetö being supported by US is trying to excert influence, but Russia might instigate another coup to overthrow such government.

But the ppl are in bad condition and are stuck in between those pro pro parties.

Kyrgyzistan needs a nationalistic uprising like Atatürks and root out these puppet governments.


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What's happening in Kyrgyzstan? Elections canceled 06.10.2020

As a result of the election held in the country on Sunday, October 4, four of the 16 parties participating in the race passed the 7 percent threshold and qualified to enter the parliament.
The two pro-Russian parties that got the most votes caused the debate to begin. The United States, supported by President Sooronbai Jeenbekov, received 24.53 percent of the votes, and Mekenim Kyrgyzstan, 23.9 percent.
In the country where the turnout rate was announced as 55 percent, the supporters of the parties that could not enter the 120-seat parliament started protests on the grounds that the results were fraudulent.
Demonstrators gathered in front of the Parliament, Central Election Commission and Presidential Palace buildings stated that the votes were bought.
The Social Democrats party, founded by the children of former President Atambayev, was among the parties that failed the threshold.
The performances that started with the participation of approximately 500 people first grew with the participation of thousands of people in a short time. Police intervened in the crowd in front of the presidency and parliament. After the police intervention against the protesters trying to enter the buildings, at least 590 protesters were injured and one person died.
Demonstrators occupying two administrative buildings of the country called for "We took the Presidential Palace" and "Almazbek Atambayev and Sadir Caparov must be released" from the speakers.
Kyrgyzstan Interior Minister Kashkar Junushaliyev did not go to his post on Tuesday morning. Opposition leader Kursan Asonov has confiscated the post of interior minister, according to a ministry spokesman.
The demonstrators who went to the prison where the former President of the country Almazbek Atambayev was arrested in an eventful manner as part of the corruption investigation last year demanded Atambayev's release.
The protesters who later occupied the prison also removed Atambayev, who was sentenced to 11 years in June. According to the reports of Akipress and organizations broadcasting in the country, the current position of the former leader is unknown, but it is stated that Atambayev will address his supporters in the coming hours.

It was reported that President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Ceenbekov signed the decree dismissing the prime minister and the government. It was reported that the President of Kyrgyzstan, Sooronbay Ceenbekov, signed the decree dismissing the prime minister and the government.
Kyrgyzstan President Ceenbekov declared a state of emergency in the capital due to the protests that turned into violent events after the general elections.


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Su-30SMs in Kazakhstan


The TV news agency "Khabar 24” has revealed previously unseen Su-30SM of the Kazakhstan Air Force participating in a combat exercise. The footage was seen on 8 October 2020. According to available data, eight Su-30SMs have been delivered to Kazakhstan throughout the 2020, under the pending contract between the Kazakh Ministry of Defence’s Kazspetsexport agency and Russian aircraft manufacturer Irkut Corporation.

As a remainder, Kazakhstan has thus far ordered two dozens of Su-30SM under four separate contracts. The mentioned unknown third batch should feature eight aircraft, the "Khabar 24" footage showed
the previously unseen Su-30SMs with Bort numbers 14 Red and 17 Red.

The first four aircraft under the first contract worth USD 65 million (5 billion rubels) have been inducted in April 2015.

The next batch of these multi-role jets was ordered at the Army-2017 International Military Technical Forum in Moscow and this resulted in Bort Numbers 05 to 12 Red. Eight aircraft (including those of order number 1?) have arrived in Kazakhstan in January 2018.

A third deal was inked during the KADEX 2018 exhibition in Astana in May 2018. The Su-30SMs from this order shoud be Bort Numbers 13 to 20 Red

The final known order so far was signed during a bilateral conference held in Astana in November 2019.

The published overall numbers vary from source to source but it Scramble believes that Astana ultimately aims to acquire more than forty Su-30SMs for its Air Force.


Agha Sher

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Turkic countries are making great progress towards becoming a unified block in the future. All the best!


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Another 11.88 kilometers of the disputed part of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border has been determined

According to the statement made by the Kyrgyz government press service, the border determination committees met in the city of Buston in the Sogdiy Region of Tajikistan on 17-23 December.

The working groups reached an agreement on another 11.88 kilometers of the Kyrgyz-Tajik state border and signed a protocol on this issue.

The parties will meet in Kyrgyzstan next week.

There was a debate about 503 kilometers of the approximately 970 kilometer border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The working groups had previously agreed on approximately 240 kilometers of the disputed part of the border.



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Another 11.88 kilometers of the disputed part of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border has been determined

According to the statement made by the Kyrgyz government press service, the border determination committees met in the city of Buston in the Sogdiy Region of Tajikistan on 17-23 December.

The working groups reached an agreement on another 11.88 kilometers of the Kyrgyz-Tajik state border and signed a protocol on this issue.

The parties will meet in Kyrgyzstan next week.

There was a debate about 503 kilometers of the approximately 970 kilometer border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The working groups had previously agreed on approximately 240 kilometers of the disputed part of the border.

For those that missed it I want to remind that the border area between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan was a very hot area with violent armed clashes trough the years. These are very important and positive steps in the direction of strengthening regional stability.


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An operation was organized in Kyrgyzstan against a group, which allegedly prepared a coup by provoking a popular unrest​

The State Committee of the Kyrgyzstan National Security carried out operations against the group, which it is alleged to have made preparations to overthrow power by provoking a popular unrest.​

Nazir Aliyev Tayfur |11.01.2024 - Update:11.01.2024



In a written statement from the State Committee on National Security, it was stated that the operation was carried out to the group preparing to overthrow power through the popular uprising.

The statement reportedly detained a man who allegedly made preparations for provocation of the public and a suspect who had allegedly planned to transfer money from some names in the United States.

"Imamidin Tashov and Tilekmat Kurenov, who were wanted by the aurhorities on the basis of that "they are preparing to take power forcibly", said in a statement that supports the suspects detained, the indictees testified that Tashov was the financier of the preparations and organizations to overthrow power.


Gulen's book attracted attention in search of a house​

In the statement, the information was shared that searches were carried out in houses where Tashov was residing and luxury vehicles, money and banquet items were confiscated within the scope of the operation.

The State Committee on Mili Security shared photos of the operation and search activities.

In one photo, the book "Road Memories" written by Fetullah Gulen, the ringleader of FETO, on the mirror in the bedroom, drew attention.

It was stated that the work for the group continued.


A search bulletin has been issued about Tashov​

Imamidin Tashov was detained by the Committee on the complaint of the owners in November 2023 and released on bail in the range.

As a candidate in the 2021 presidential election, Tashov, in a video he released on the night of January 9, made various claims about the security forces and said, "You have crossed the border" for power.

The committee has issued a search warrant for Tashov, the owner of a construction company in Kyrgyzstan.

Tilekmat Kurenov, who was wanted, was arrested on charges of illegal demonstration and left the country after he was released in October.


Looks like FETO took another blow in Kyrgyzstan.


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It makes sense if Kirgizistan is still under some kind of protection of Russia. Considering it's neighbour.

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