Macron: Turkey is doing operations in Syria without getting approval from Assad


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Did France get approval for doing operations in Syria?

French troops increase contacts with YPG/PKK terrorists

The French military has stepped up coordination with the YPG/PKK terrorists in parts of northern Syria held by the terrorist group.

Late last month, leaders of the SDF -- which is, in fact, the Syrian branch of the PKK terror group -- met with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris.

French media outlets later reported that France had promised to send troops to Syria’s northern Manbij region with the aim of supporting the SDF.

In previous statements, the French Presidency said that Macron had voiced hope that “dialogue” might be established between the SDF and Turkey “with the help of France and the international community”.

In response, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had said: “If the remark [by the French Presidency] that ‘We can mediate between Turkey and the SDF’ is true, it far exceeds the capacity of the person who said it.”

Boots on ground

According to information obtained by Anadolu Agency from local sources, French Special Forces arrived at a U.S. base in the YPG/PKK-held town of Rmelan -- located in Al-Hasakah province -- late Thursday night.

According to the same sources, French military personnel frequently enter and exit Syria through neighboring Iraq.

With the use of armored vehicles, French troops -- with the knowledge of the U.S. military and the YPG/PKK -- are also operating in and around Manbij, Raqqah and Deir az-Zor, where they frequently visit positions of YPG/PKK terrorists.

French military personnel have also met with leaders of the terrorist group, to which France has provided weapons and military equipment, the same sources said.

Five bases

The French military currently maintains a presence at five military bases in northern Syria in areas held by the YPG/PKK terror group, according to the same sources.


More than 70 French Special Forces units -- working under the auspices of an international coalition against Daesh -- are now deployed at the Lafarge Cement factory near Mistanur Hill and the village of Harb-Isk in the city of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) in Syria’s northern Aleppo province, the sources said.

French forces, they added, are also conducting field operations alongside YPG/PKK terrorists.

An airbase built by the U.S. military in Harab-Isk was later incorporated into the nearby cement factory.

The facility is currently run by U.S. military personnel operating under the coalition, while a number of French troops are also stationed there.

Meanwhile, more than 30 French troops are also operating with the terrorist organization in Syria’s northern city of Raqqah.

Along with French Special Forces, the 1st Marine Infantry Paratroop Regiment and the 10th Paratroop Commando Force are also operating in the region.

While these forces are technically stationed in Iraq, they frequently cross into northern Syria via the Simelka border crossing.



Think Tank Analyst
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Forget everything. Did France take permission before launching Operation Chammal? France used two major excuses and declared them as legal doctrines thanks to the UN Resolutions in terms of Afghan war.

1. That France has right of Hot Pursuit against terrorists and terrorism is a direct threat to french existence and safety thus the law of hot pursuit could be applied whose land and air version is derived from old maritime law.

2. Secondly that French operations are against ISIL, a global terrorist agency which needs to be purged from gaining strength in Syria and Iraq and if the two countries were capable of doing operations against them then we wouldnt have to get involved but the precarious situation in both countries has allowed for large scale safe havens to rise where this global terror group operates from and threatens France.

Turkey used the same excuses. Operation Euphrates shield was declared as an operation against terrorists especially ISIL and the Turkish Grand Assembly vote in 2014, i think, where 298 voted for intervention pointed to terrorism as the reason for the operation. Secondly speaking from the complexity of the most complex law out there, Revolutionary Constitutionalism, Turkey does not recognize the Syrian government as the legitimate government of Syria and states that it has lost the mandate and supports the Syrian National Force as the legitimate revolutionary force for Syria and considers them as the only legitimate revolutionary force. The same way France and US and other nations use Revolutionary Constitutionalism as a means to give legitimacy to the Syrian Democratic Force.

Frankly it is not my care and if turkey is wrong, i will call them out but macron has absolute no locus standi here

So in the above the question is not whether Turkey took permission from Assad for operations but whether Turkey, US and France, even need permission from the Syrian Government or will the Revolutionary governments propping up and their consent gives them legal status and persmission? That is the question that needs to be answered.

Here is the thing. The Taliban controlled 90% of Afghanistan but US legitimized its invasion by stating that the 10% divided northern alliance provided them consent. What a convenient legal loophole to destroy entire nations. So the moral of the story is that revolutions become the playground of the international players and if your country is strategic, do not use armed revolution as a means to create a new government. The world will tear you apart if you do.

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