Malaysia rules out giving up on Russian weapons purchase over situation in Ukraine

Isa Khan

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As reported by TASS, Malaysia has no intention to give up on the maintenance and purchase of Russian-made military hardware despite the conflict in Ukraine, Malaysian Defense Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said: “The Russia-Ukraine conflict will not have any drastic impact on procurement and maintenance of the nation’s strategic assets”, the Star newspaper quoted the Malaysian Defense minister as saying.

“Local company Aerospace Technology System Corporation Sdn Bhd (ATSC) is able to carry out maintenance work on our Sukhoi Su-30 airplanes and has spare parts to last for two years”, Malaysian Defense Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said, adding that “even before the conflict began, we already had plans to reduce dependence on Russia.”

The Malaysian Defense minister assured that the situation in Ukraine would not affect the purchase of Russian Metis-M portable anti-tank missile systems as it was done through private companies.

Army Recognition explains that Metis-M1 is a Russian-made ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missile) system. "9K115-2" is the Russian designation of the system. It was designed and is still manufactured by the Russian defense company KBP Instrument Design Bureau. The Metis-M1 ATGM system is designed to engage modem tanks fitted with both add-on and built-in ERA armor, dugouts, light armored vehicles, launcher vehicles, manpower, etc. Small dimensions and weight of METIS-M1 components allow fitting in small-size packs that can be carried by a crew of three.
- Metis (AT-7 Saxhorn): First generation of Metis family anti-tank missile with a range from 40 to 1,000m
- Metis-M (AT-13 Saxhorn-2): Modernized version of Metis (AT-7 Saxhorn) with a range from 8 to 1,500 m

As of 2016, Metis-M/M1 ATGM systems have been supplied to Algeria (500 missiles), Bangladesh (1,200 missiles), Hungary (2,100 missiles), Malaysia (100 missiles), South Korea (2,700 missiles) and Syria (500 missiles).


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