TR Marine Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland)


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@Cabatli_53 @Test7 @Zafer @Anmdt @Kartal1 @T-123456 @Combat-Master @Yasar @Fuzuli NL @Nilgiri @Nein2.0(Nomad)

If the news is correct, the US seems to be intended to stick a Turkish Greek War.

The Usa is playing a dirty game.

We all know its to contain Turkish ambitions and that Russia is a smokescreen.

Lets not forget they embargo us, sanction us while supporting terror groups inside and outside the country.

Remember when it comes to Korean war we fought for our Korean brothers not for the Americans. Commander Hasan Tahsin said this thats how he motivated his troops.


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Even if these rumours are unfounded it's necessary for TSK to react to it. It's taxing and may be waste of ressources, but it's important to nevertheless to show a proper reaction. Either with naval drills or increasing presence.

The best solution IMO would be to report treaty violations to UN etc. and even air the possibility that Turkey will consider the treaty signed void and the islands belonging to Turkey now under armed occupation. Airing this verbally will literally mean Turkey can with armed force take them back any time.

It'll also mean the US being present in those islands and places covered by the treaty will face backlash at the hands of Turkey. We could possible even consider them hostile and deny passage through the strait.

And Incirlik could be closed, we still do have cards in our hands. What matters is we take away their cards in hand instead of allowing them to increase the cards in their hands.

Lastly join Russian drill in Adalar denizi could be done, we could call it drill of free passage in international waters. Which would be message.


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KARARLILIK-2021 drill to be performed in the Aegean Sea and Eastern Mediterranean. Within the scope of drill; With our land, sea and air forces, the coastal security elements are planned to be tried to support the possibility of mutual support with joint operability procedures.






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Turkey rejects 'provocative' Greek Navtex in East Mediterranean​


SEP 20, 2021 1:49 PM GMT+3
A Greek flag flutters on a beach near the town of Kyllini, as a rare storm, known as a Medicane (Mediterranean hurricane), hits western Greece, Sept. 18, 2020. (Reuters File Photo)
A Greek flag flutters on a beach near the town of Kyllini, as a rare storm, known as a Medicane (Mediterranean hurricane), hits western Greece, Sept. 18, 2020. (Reuters File Photo)

Turkey issued a navigational telex (Navtex) rejecting one issued by Greece for violating its continental shelf in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Defense Ministry sources said Monday.

Noting that Greece has attempted to violate the Turkish continental shelf under the guise of conducting scientific work, sources said the country continues to carry out provocative acts.

Navtex, or Navigational Telex, is a maritime communications system that allows ships to inform other vessels about their presence in an area, as well as other information.

Ministry sources also rejected reports by Greek media outlets claiming that Turkish warships were blocking the work of research vessels to map the proposed "EastMed" pipeline.

They noted that some of the vessels entered the Turkish continental shelf without informing authorities.

Turkey, which has the longest continental coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, has rejected the maritime boundary claims of Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration, stressing that these excessive claims violate the sovereign rights of both Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots.

Turkish leaders have repeatedly stressed that Ankara is in favor of resolving all outstanding problems in the region through international law, good neighborly relations, dialogue and negotiation. Turkey has also criticized the European Union’s stance on the Eastern Mediterranean conflict, calling on the bloc to adopt a fair attitude regarding the dispute and give up favoring Greece under the pretext of EU solidarity.



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A joint military drill with the Russian Black Sea fleet in the sea of islands might be a good message. Also if this happens expect Russia to go hard on Greece.


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Turkey shot in their own foot when they halted drilling in the East Med. With drilling and exploring you build pressure on Greece and give a strong signal to the world in combination with charme offensives against other neighbours (Syria, Russia, Armenia etc) and enemies (USA, France etc).

1. Make peace with Armenia and open the borders. Trade with them and renovate their old churches and shrines in Turkey. Continue drilling/expliring.

2. Call with France, visit Paris and buy the subs that Australia rejected (combined with attacking some YPG terrorists in Syria). Continue drilling/exploring.

3. Make peace with Egypt, give them the MB fugitives, talk about EEZ deal (combined with attacking some Haftar troops in Libya). Continue drilling/exploring.

4. Give Iraq more water from the Euphrates and Tigris (in order to get more infrastructure projects than Iran and Egypt). Continue drilling/exploring.

5. Support Lebanon with reconstruction and aid and ask to sign a EEZ deal. Continue drilling/exploring.

6. Hold talks between North and South Cyprus and let the world know you are pulling back half of your troops, combined with the building of a massive air-and-land base in the North. Continue drilling/exploring.

7. Let the world know that you want to negotiate between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia about the Great Reinesance Dam and do this every month. Continue drilling/exploring.

8. Pull back your watchtowers and checkpoints outside Idlib and the Euphrates Shield zones and start talking with Assad, meanwhile bomb some YPG bases. Continue with drilling.

9. Buy a lot of stuff from the USA (meat, corn, whiskey) and give them more space in the Bosporus, meanwhile invade some areas in the YPG zone. Continue with drilling.

10. Ask to mediate between Georgia and the Osetians and Abchazians, and buy more gas from the Russians. Meanwhile exploring and drilling.

Foreigh policy is like a chest game bu to get something, sometimes you must give up another thing. In the end, your enemies are checkmate if you can handle this game.

You need to be a fox in the world of geopolitics, but Turkey acts like a wolf. If you act like wolf, then you get resistance and your enemies building alliances to fight you.

If a fox plays in a village, people would make less panic. But when a wolf enters, everyone would grab their guns.


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Turkish frigate warns Greek vessel violating continental shelf​


SEP 22, 2021 11:31 AM GMT+3
This handout photograph released by the Turkish Defense Ministry shows Turkish seismic research vessel Oruc Reis (C) as it is escorted by Turkish Naval ships in the Mediterranean Sea, off Antalya, Aug. 10, 2020. (AFP File Photo)
This handout photograph released by the Turkish Defense Ministry shows Turkish seismic research vessel "Oruc Reis" (C) as it is escorted by Turkish Naval ships in the Mediterranean Sea, off Antalya, Aug. 10, 2020. (AFP File Photo)

The Oruç Reis frigate warned a Greek vessel attempting to violate Turkey's continental shelf in the Eastern Mediterranean to stay away.
The frigate told the crew on the Greek Nautical Geo vessel that it would interfere in case of a violation.

Turkey issued a navigational telex (Navtex) rejecting one issued by Greece for violating its continental shelf in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Defense Ministry sources said Monday.

Ministry sources also rejected reports by Greek media outlets claiming that Turkish warships were blocking the work of research vessels to map the proposed "EastMed" pipeline.

They noted that some of the vessels entered the Turkish continental shelf without informing authorities.

Turkey, which has the longest continental coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, has rejected the maritime boundary claims of Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration, stressing that these excessive claims violate the sovereign rights of both Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots.

Turkish leaders have repeatedly stressed that Ankara is in favor of resolving all outstanding problems in the region through international law, good neighborly relations, dialogue and negotiation. Turkey has also criticized the European Union’s stance on the Eastern Mediterranean conflict, calling on the bloc to adopt a fair attitude regarding the dispute and give up favoring Greece under the pretext of EU solidarity.



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Very good. The Mavi Vatan area is like your own land. No one could tresspass it without our permission. Where is Macron to help the Greeks?


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Turkey should negotiate with France to buy the ships and meanwhile beginning with the building of artificial islands in the Aegean and East Med to crafting the borders of our Blue Homeland zone.

France is in big danger now, their defence firms are pressing Paris and want their investments back (researching, testing, building, productions, loans), about 40 billion dollars. Turkey could hold France in this tangible situation by negotiate about the subs and offer to fill the role of Australia, and meanwhile building artificial islands.

1. You kept France away from the East Med.
2. You are negotiating for achieving powerfull subs, pressing the Germans and Americans to ease their military tech sanctions.
3. You keep away the bad attention that will occur when you act like China in the sea by building fake isles.
4. At the end, you have marked your own area in the sea and no one could pass it without permission.


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Turkey should negotiate with France to buy the ships and meanwhile beginning with the building of artificial islands in the Aegean and East Med to crafting the borders of our Blue Homeland zone.

France is in big danger now, their defence firms are pressing Paris and want their investments back (researching, testing, building, productions, loans), about 40 billion dollars. Turkey could hold France in this tangible situation by negotiate about the subs and offer to fill the role of Australia, and meanwhile building artificial islands.

1. You kept France away from the East Med.
2. You are negotiating for achieving powerfull subs, pressing the Germans and Americans to ease their military tech sanctions.
3. You keep away the bad attention that will occur when you act like China in the sea by building fake isles.
4. At the end, you have marked your own area in the sea and no one could pass it without permission.
This is just giving Macron a lifeline to save his ass
First of all, a 40 billion dollar mediocre submarine sales is just way too out of proportion. Pls keep in mind that Erdo is surely emptying his vault for R&D in military projects and somehow you want the TSK to cough up 40 billion? From where? Lol
Secondly, Even if you save France this time, they will still betray Turkey. Pls learn from your past mistakes for God's sake. You not only saved france's but also all of Europe's ass from refugees and what have you got in return? The middle finger from Europe. Europe are a group of fqing liars that arent to be trusted at all. I mean even Erdo earned his lesson; just hope that the ppl does as well. Oh ajd out of all the EU countries, France is the most treacherous..... Period!
Finally, Turkey already has a great submarine deal with germany involving air-independent propulsion and technology transfer which is a result of 20 years of both hard work and negotiations..... You want all that to be gone just to please France? Lool fq them mate..... I mean even the US doesnt give a F**k on whether they are pissed or not..... lool

Anyway, shit doesnt seem good tbh
Erdo needs to pull his shit together tbh (like praying for a miracle at this point, tbh, lool)
It would be a disgrace to every Turks' dignity if those fqs were to win..... period

I mean why would he rising star of the CHP meet with some1 whose educational minister gave the order to tear the pages containing Ataturk's name from their history books. Like fqing why? I really wish Ataturk was alive to set these shit straight


This is just giving Macron a lifeline to save his ass
First of all, a 40 billion dollar mediocre submarine sales is just way too out of proportion. Pls keep in mind that Erdo is surely emptying his vault for R&D in military projects and somehow you want the TSK to cough up 40 billion? From where? Lol
Secondly, Even if you save France this time, they will still betray Turkey. Pls learn from your past mistakes for God's sake. You not only saved france's but also all of Europe's ass from refugees and what have you got in return? The middle finger from Europe. Europe are a group of fqing liars that arent to be trusted at all. I mean even Erdo earned his lesson; just hope that the ppl does as well. Oh ajd out of all the EU countries, France is the most treacherous..... Period!
Finally, Turkey already has a great submarine deal with germany involving air-independent propulsion and technology transfer which is a result of 20 years of both hard work and negotiations..... You want all that to be gone just to please France? Lool fq them mate..... I mean even the US doesnt give a F**k on whether they are pissed or not..... lool

Anyway, shit doesnt seem good tbh
Erdo needs to pull his shit together tbh (like praying for a miracle at this point, tbh, lool)
It would be a disgrace to every Turks' dignity if those fqs were to win..... period

I mean why would he rising star of the CHP meet with some1 whose educational minister gave the order to tear the pages containing Ataturk's name from their history books. Like fqing why? I really wish Ataturk was alive to set these shit straight
View attachment 31831
This happened to because Greeks visited us firsts They called the İmamoğlu later to be their guest It happens all the time


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Dont be surpried with the Greeks stealing Turkish eez.

Afterall they stole Turkish coffee, Turkish delight and Turkish yogurt and marketed them as Greek 🤣🤣

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