무역협회 통계, 작년 사우디向 전차 수출 1억1573만달러 트럼프 2.0, 중동서 입지 넓혀가는 K-방산 “계엄 사태 장기화 리스크…여야 협력해야” K2 전차 기본과정에 참가한 폴란드군 교육생이 K2 전차 운용 노하
Last year, South Korea exported $157.3 million worth of land armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia, which are believed to be TIGON 6x6s, although the South Korean defense contractor did not identify them due to the Saudis' trademark secrecy. A total of 30 units are estimated to have been exported. It will be used as a fire control command vehicle for the already imported Chunmoo .
I don't understand why they tell Korea to keep it private when they're going to reveal everything later anyway.