TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Within the scope of the Claw-Lock operation, the Metina Mountain range was completely taken under the control of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Operation Claw-Lock, which started with infiltration operations against the PKK camp in the Metina region in the spring, continues successfully.

Troops affiliated with the Turkish Armed Forces took control of the Metina Mountain range, which extends over 25 kilometers and started to work on establishing a base area.

On the other hand, the troops continued to advance in the countryside and began to destroy PKK elements hiding in civilian settlements by carrying out operations in the villages.

Members of the terrorist organization were traveling around the villages with pickup trucks and tried to target Turkish Armed Forces units with guided anti-tank weapons and mortars.

There are 5 tunnels and caves under the Metina Mountain range where members of the organization are hiding. While some of the tunnels are completely blockaded, the entrance and exit routes of some tunnels are kept under observation. 7 PKK terrorists who tried to escape from these tunnels and caves in the last 3 days were neutralized.

In result of the successful operation, the number of terrorists in the Metina camp area has decreased significantly since the operation began.

It is expected that the terrorist organization PKK elements in the Metina countryside will be completely cleared by the Turkish Armed Forces in the following months. The situation of terrorists in the blockaded tunnels will be determined by the tunnel operations of the Turkish Armed Forces.



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Within the scope of the Claw-Lock operation, 4 more terrorists were neutralized in the Metina region. The number of terrorists neutralized in the last 3 days has increased to 10.

Troops affiliated with the Turkish Armed Forces took control of Hirval Mountain, located south of the Gire Biye base, within the scope of the Claw-Lock operation. There is no PKK camp area here, but there have been many ATGM and mortar attacks from this mountain to the base in Gire Biye.


Most likely, our guys merged the Claw-Lightning and Claw-Lock operation areas. We know that there was a deployment to the area located to the west of the Metina Mountain range from the west.



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Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs: "PKK and PUK burned the marketplaces in Erbil, Kirkuk and Duhok"

Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs spokesman Mikdad Miri announced at a press conference that 3 people affiliated with PKK and PUK responsible for burning down national markets in Iraq and KRG were arrested.

Stating that the suspects confessed their crimes, Mirani stated that the attackers were planning to target Turkish territory and the Iraq-Turkiye oil pipeline.

It was stated that the planner of the attack was Honer Fahreddin Ahmed and he was in charge of the 70th Peshmerga unit affiliated with PUK.

It was stated that the other suspect was Muhammed Nejat Hasan, an officer of the PUK's special force, the Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG), and that he was trained by the PKK. Mirani said that PKK's security and military staff came from Syria, Turkiye and Qandil and were trained in the Baghdad-controlled city of Kifri and PUK-controlled Sulaymaniyah and Sengaser. That's where they were assigned to carry out these terrorist acts.

For the first time we got a meaningful step by Baghdad. Congratulations!

For an introduction to these cases I share the information below. The organization was tasked with conducting false flag operations in the name of the imaginary Turkish nationalist organization "Ahd-ı Milli".

The ransoms first started in Kirkuk at the end of last year. It was claimed that a Turkist organization called "Ahd-ı Milli" claimed responsibility for the attacks. But the burned shops belonged to Turkmens. Finally, they took responsibility for the burning of the market in Erbil, and then the "Ahd-ı Milli" organization closed their website.


The domain location of this so-called organization is in Germany. This "organization" suddenly disappeared when information about the investigations in these cases started to be leaked.


Strong AI

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PKK Terrorists Now Blowing Up Ammunition Depots in Villages

Terrorists who have entered villages in northern Iraq and used civilians as human shields to launch mortar attacks on our troops had started setting forests on fire to avoid detection. Realizing that they had no escape despite their dastardly plans, PKK terrorists have now blown up ammunition depots in the villages of Dergele and Miska. Disregarding the lives of villagers, the terrorists detonated the ammunition depots within the villages and completely set Dergele village on fire.

Our Turkish Armed Forces continue their operations with caution to avoid harm to innocent civilians, the environment, and nature.

No matter what the terrorists do, they cannot escape their inevitable fate!



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Turkish warplanes carried out an air operation against PKK points in Banavyan, Salavyan and Sheikh el-Marain villages in Penchvin camp, 200 away inside the Turkish border.

An air operation was carried out between Casusan and Kenemawi Mountains of Kandil and Sile, Kurtek villages.

An air operation was carried out against the Gara-Zewka (south of centre) region.

An UCAV shot was carried out against a vehicle belonging to the PKK terrorist organization in Hakurk-Soran-Dayla.

Intensive air operations are also carried out against the Tepe Bahar-Matin Mountain area.

37 targets were destroyed per the Ministry of National Defence statement.



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The lock is closing!

📍 Northern Iraq/Claw-Lock Operation Area

If I am not wrong you can see the Sergele passage, a little further the Sergele village, if we managed to get an angle a bit more to the 2 o'clock direction we would be able to see the Matin Mountain and to the left of the passage is Tepe Bahar. Judging by the point of view we can say that the system is deployed at the Bazni hill base area.

Interesting news are circulating about the Sergele village from yesterday. PKK sources report that yesterday TSK pushed the button for the emptying of the Sergele, Guherz, Belave and Berci villages.

Right after that we got the news for the deployment of TSK units in the Sergele and Amedi villages.

And now guys, be ready for the big news, 100% confirmed, no speculations!


Simultaneously with this deployment, TSK units were also deployed in the area of the Sergele Barrage. We know that the Sergele village was used as a logistic hub for PKK and with the help of a tunnel which connects the Sergele Barrage to the Matin Mountain and Tepe Bahar tunnel networks, the terrorists managed to receive supplies and manpower in the winter. With the new operation style of the TSK this logistic corridor was cut off from the beginning of this spring trough the Pesmerga, TSK and Iraqi Army checkpoints and targeting of logistics infrastructure and transportation means.

When it comes to the Hakurk-Sekif Mountain deployment I want to say that we deployed there in the beginning of the first "Claw" operation in 2019. Due to the highly disadvantageous situation we were forced to retreat. Our bases in Hakurk are very well built and positioned and due to these factors there are no PKK attacks there. Still the other half of the Hakurk camp is not under our control. Hakurk was very important point for PKK and many PKK attacks inside Turkish borders were organized and directed from Hakurk in the past. Hakurk is also the key to Qandil.

After TSK units were deployed to the Sergele village, PKK carried out a rocket attack after which there is a fire in the village. Intense fighting is reported.

TSK units are spotted in the vicinity of the Belave village under Tepe Bahar.



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Unfrotunately Engineer Specialist Sergeant Cebrail ACAR fell martyr after a firefight erupted with PKK in an unspecified village. In the same fight 2 PKK terrorists were neutralized and 5 terrorist were neutralized in total after the successful sweep. May Allah accept the martyrdom of our soldier!



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The Ministry of National Defence leaked footage of the air assault operation in Tepe Bahar.

Together with this TSK was deployed to the Berce village and units at Tepe Bahar were spotted.

Recently, 3-4 PKK terrorists were neutralized in the region north of Avasin. It was thought that there are is presence of terrorists in this area, but it was confirmed now.

The area located north of Avasin and opposite to the Ikiyaka Mountain (in Turkiye) is very sharp and not suitable for establishing a base area. There are also many stream beds. They managed to get in, but entering an area where they cannot get supplies and which is surrounded from all sides is not a logical move.


One of the biggest mistakes made by the PKK is that they persistently try to send terrorists in small groups even after they lose the area. They are suffering very heavy losses in order to show that they have some presence.

The most likely reason for this is the PKK's command level's inability to accept defeat due to arrogance. There is no supply, there is no hole to enter, there is Turkish Armed Forces personnel everywhere, but you still persist to get in there. More than 20 terrorists were neutralized in the area of the Linik Mountain after they were blocked, so they couldn't do nothing and it was the effect of this mentality.


Scott Summers

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There must be peace again in Iraq ans Syria so that their economies could integrate with our economies. They are great markets for us.


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Interesting news.

Demka village was evacuated in accordance with the request of the Turkish Armed Forces.

According to the CPT report, the villages of Kani Tuya, Shive, Zrize, Demka, Blijan, Korka and Brifka on the Girebye axis were evacuated.

Checkpoints and possibly base areas are being built in these villages.

The Turkish Armed Forces are being incredibly cautious in this operation, they want to put the entire Metina and Berwari Bala under control. It seems like they are trying to implement a regular area from Metina to Haftaninand this is a great project. Lets hope we see it and it progresses.

The Claw-Lock operation areas were combined with the region taken under control with the Claw-Lightning operation areas and the road going to the border gate and Turkiye was taken under control. The hills on the route that the organization used for attack purposes from time to time were also taken under control.


On the other hand, possible routes located in the north of the Metina Mountain range, where the organization does not have a camp area, but which terrorists could use for infiltration, supply and attack purposes, were blocked.


In the village areas, Dergele and Miska villages, which had been attacked since the beginning of the operation, were cleared. As we can see in the videos shared by the Ministry of National Defense, there was a serious PKK presence in Dergele village.

In the Tepe Bahar region, we evaluate that TSK is deployed in the areas to the east and west of the mountain. They were also deployed in the Sergele Passage area.


Sergele village is located under Matin Mountain. The area where we lost 16 soldiers last winter. It is a critical area in the context of the Tepe Bahar deployment. The organization shared 2 ATGM videos. They fire ATGMs from the positions pointed with red. That is just below the Matin Mountain.


The positioning point is a low altitude, civilian area. They may be coming from the road and setting up the ATGMs. Even if the area around the base is completely protected by concrete, if things continue like this, it may become an easy target for the organization, but if it is planned to establish a base at this position and the efforts prove successful, it may be incredibly useful position.

In the Hakurk region, deployment was made to Mount Sekif, which is more than 3000m high. There were deployments to this mountain before, but unfortunately we were forced to retreat. The base area on Sur/Tatasara Hill, where we lost 6 martyrs in the winter and we criticized the illogical deployment and bad conditions was most likely the first step for deployment to the Sekif Mountain in the summer. Life will be difficult at an altitude of 3000m.


As for the 5 tunnels in Metina, it looks like they are not as tough "as promised". Normally we would have had a few bad incidents around the tunnels by now. From what we understand, the tunnels are completely under pressure and the rats inside can't do shit. We wouldn't be surprised if they fall one by one soon.

The map has been arranged for you to understand better, following the evaluations of our main source for the operations. There may be a few mistakes because the situation is a bit messy, but there are no major mistakes. We will re-interpret it towards the end of the operation.

For the best sources on the operation follow the accounts below:



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Fast rope insertion in night time of our commando unit during the air assault operation on Tepe Bahar.

According to Barracuda the kamikaze UAVs that PKK uses may be launched from either Gara or Mije, Spindar villages that are taking place right on the logistics route between Gara, Tepe Bahar and Matin (which is now under high pressure by TSK).

Looks like the freedom of movement of the PKK is on a good level and if this continues we may see the emptying of the village of Sergele and other location in the area.

Earlier when we started to target the logistic supply vehicles and depots of the PKK that come from Gara we also hit Mije and Spindar villages. Looks like they are very important locations and a possible launching points for the suicide drones of PKK.

Due to the kamikaze UAV attacks at TSK points in the area of Sergele and the bad quality of the drones there is a big fire that is still active in Sergele. With the neutralization of the drone threat we will both ensure the security of the locals and the TSK units in the area from both enemy fire and also natural disasters caused by the fighting.

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