TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

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Fast rope insertion in night time of our commando unit during the air assault operation on Tepe Bahar.

According to Barracuda the kamikaze UAVs that PKK uses may be launched from either Gara or Mije, Spindar villages that are taking place right on the logistics route between Gara, Tepe Bahar and Matin (which is now under high pressure by TSK).

Looks like the freedom of movement of the PKK is on a good level and if this continues we may see the emptying of the village of Sergele and other location in the area.

Earlier when we started to target the logistic supply vehicles and depots of the PKK that come from Gara we also hit Mije and Spindar villages. Looks like they are very important locations and a possible launching points for the suicide drones of PKK.

Due to the kamikaze UAV attacks at TSK points in the area of Sergele and the bad quality of the drones there is a big fire that is still active in Sergele. With the neutralization of the drone threat we will both ensure the security of the locals and the TSK units in the area from both enemy fire and also natural disasters caused by the fighting.

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This morning a Mugin-3 kamikaze UAV attack was carried out on our position on the Amedi hill.

There were extremely interesting developments today.

PKK attacked the Peshmerga base in Sergele with rockets. At least 1 Peshmerga fighter was injured in result of this attack. According to some sources we may be talking about an ATGM attack.

An unidentified C-130 conducted a low passage over areas in which fighting is going on. It might be TSK's, Iraqi or US plane. No explanation so far.



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The Ministerial Council for National Security holds a meeting chaired by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani and confirms the rejection of the Turkish incursion into Iraq

Today, Wednesday, the Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, chaired a meeting of the Ministerial Council for National Security, in which the most important security topics and developments were discussed, and the issues on the agenda were discussed, and the necessary decisions and directions were taken regarding them.

The Council addressed the issue of interventions and violations practiced by Turkish forces in the common border areas, where it was emphasized that the Turkish military incursion and infringement on Iraqi lands were rejected, and that Turkey must observe the principles of good neighborliness, deal diplomatically with the Iraqi government, and coordinate with it regarding any issue related to the security aspect.

The Prime Minister directed that a delegation headed by the National Security Advisor be sent to the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In order to review the general situation and come up with a unified position on this issue that affects Iraqi sovereignty.

The Council called on all parties and national forces to support the government’s position in this matter, reiterating the Iraqi position based on the constitution and the law, which prohibits attacks on its lands, or the use of Iraqi lands as a launching pad for attacks on neighboring countries.

The Council considered other topics on its agenda, and the necessary decisions were taken regarding them.

••••• Major General Special Forces Yahya Rasool Abdullah, Spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
10- July- 2024



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Yesterday there was a rocket attack on one of our resupply convoys under the Matin Mountain (Sergele area). A truck was lightly damaged.

TSK reinforcements entered Sergele village and started tightening up the security in the village.

TSK is uncovering PKK caches every day. Today we also managed to neutralize 7 terrorists (contrary to the statement of Barracuda).

A serious UCAV strike also took place against a PKK target in the Guherz village taking place in the area under Tepe Bahar (south).



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I assume the Iraqi government has to come out and say those things. Because otherwise there is no state that does it best to protect its citizens.

The best they can say is to make a unified stance together with others in the country to Türkiye's moves within the country. If they just let us to things without trying to alleviate their citizens then they'll just lose what few cards they have left in their hands.


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In the last couple of day there were some good and some bad developments in Iraq.

We saw the routine airstrikes in Gara and Tepe Bahar, but we saw also something not very good.

During an UCAV operation in Asos (south of Qandil), our Aksungur UCAV was hit by an Iranian supplied "358" missile. The Aksungur managed to stay in the air, cross in Turkish airspace, but unfortunately it crashed in Hakkari, Turkiye.

The Aksungur UCAV that was hit was photographed over Gara and you can clearly see the empty gap on the right wing where the missile hit it.

Today we targeted a couple of villages that are known to have been used as a logistics hubs for the PKK. Among them are Guherz (Tepe Bahar area), Mije (Gara-Tepe Bahar route), Saliawa, Nzara and Dara Gurgan (Asos-Qandil).

We also most probably prevented an attack over our logistics convoy. A PKK target was put under fire by our F-16s.


In the same time TSK units were deployed to the Amediye town center. We can say that TSK is providing the security in the area, not the Peshmerga or the Iraqi Army.



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The Iraqi Badr Organization/Movement, which has a presence of between 10 and 50k fighters, and the Iranian-backed Nujaba Movement, which has close relations with Hezbollah and the IRGC Quds Force, with a number of 10k fighters, threatened the presence of the Turkish Armed Forces due to the Turkish military operations in Iraq and called for withdrawal.

I couldn't find the original source, but I trust the word of Barracuda.



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What would be the reasons for the announcements from this week from KDP, Iraq and PMF groups to demand an end to the operations? Just looking tough?


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What would be the reasons for the announcements from this week from KDP, Iraq and PMF groups to demand an end to the operations? Just looking tough?
Well, I am not shocked by the statements from Iraq and the PMF/PMU. I am not aware of any such statement from the KDP side or maybe I missed something? :unsure:

As for the other two actors it is normal. The operation in Metina is continuing extremely well and the PKK couldn't put any opposition to the non-standard way of how TSK operates this time. They know that till the end of the year we may be done with a big part of Operation Claw-Lock and if we manage to develop an effective approach for the tunnels we can basically destroy most of the PKK's fighting force in Iraq. After this, there will be only strategic and symbolic targets left like Gara, Sinjar and Qandil.

What I see from the Iraqi Central Government are that some people push for the Development Road Project and some are pushing against it (Iranian proxies). In order for this project to be concluded successfully a PKK presence in Gara is unacceptable. The Iranians probably see us as a threat to their influence over Iraq and they want to slow down our success in the operations as much as possible.

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Well, I am not shocked by the statements from Iraq and the PMF/PMU. I am not aware of any such statement from the KDP side or maybe I missed something? :unsure:

As for the other two actors it is normal. The operation in Metina is continuing extremely well and the PKK couldn't put any opposition to the non-standard way of how TSK operates this time. They know that till the end of the year we may be done with a big part of Operation Claw-Lock and if we manage to develop an effective approach for the tunnels we can basically destroy most of the PKK's fighting force in Iraq. After this, there will be only strategic and symbolic targets left like Gara, Sinjar and Qandil.

What I see from the Iraqi Central Government are that some people push for the Development Road Project and some are pushing against it (Iranian proxies). In order for this project to be concluded successfully a PKK presence in Gara is unacceptable. The Iranians probably see us as a threat to their influence over Iraq and they want to slow down our success in the operations as much as possible.

Israel might have found a solution to TSK's tunnel problem.


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Israel might have found a solution to TSK's tunnel problem.
I don't think this design will prove effective in the tunnels of the PKK, but I thought about UGVs. The biggest difficulty is that with the depth of the tunnels the communication becomes a problem. I thought that we may solve this problem with a fiber cable communication and data link, but so far I don't see any Turkish product featuring it.

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I don't think this design will prove effective in the tunnels of the PKK,
Why? What is wrong with the design?

The biggest difficulty is that with the depth of the tunnels the communication becomes a problem. I thought that we may solve this problem with a fiber cable communication and data link, but so far I don't see any Turkish product featuring it.

Why not just give it a gun and program the AI to kill everything that moves in those Tunnels? It's different from a civilian area and has fewer variables than an open space area; it is a small, closed-off tunnel system after all. If TSK already knows all the tunnels exist, there shouldn't be much of a problem.


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Why? What is wrong with the design?

Why not just give it a gun and program the AI to kill everything that moves in those Tunnels? It's different from a civilian area and has fewer variables than an open space area; it is a small, closed-off tunnel system after all. If TSK already knows all the tunnels exist, there shouldn't be much of a problem.
First of all it is too big. The tunnels are designed in such a way which allows a human to move only by crawling at some places. Adding a gun to it will make it even bulkier. The AI idea is more suited for a movie 😅 There is no such AI which can effectively navigate these tunnels, kill only whatever it has to kill and not to forget that our soldiers are also moving in these tunnels.

The tunnels are not small. They are killometers long, multiple floors, got multiple entry points, they are reinforced etc. These tunnels are not to be confused with the caves the MoD shares occasionally.


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Message from Massoud Barzani to PKK: "They will pay the price"

Erbil administration announced that the bomb attack on the car of a KDP official was carried out by the PKK.

Massoud Barzani, who met with the official who survived the attack, targeted the terrorist organization PKK, saying, "The perpetrators of this terrorist act and the people behind it will definitely pay the price for this attack."

Massoud Barzani had not made a statement about the PKK's attacks against the KDP for a long time and stated that the war between Kurds and Kurds was "not permissible".

Big Barzani made a statement about the PKK after a long break. The assassination attempt after the burning of the markets must have forced him to say something.

During the Claw operations, PKK and KDP came face to face and clashed many times. The expansion of cooperation with the KDP in the recent operations of the Turkish Armed Forces and the fact that we are approaching the end of them may now force the parties to take steps that will cause permanent damage.


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