Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Stupid ass governor of the empire that killed those diplomats and the Sultan failed to punish the person who done because he was too confident that he would win against the Mongols.

Sultan fled the fighting was left to his son. His son did his best to repel the Mongols but it was all in vain.

Still he inflicted some defeats against Genghis.

After the Kwarazmian Empire collapsed a lot of their Turkic warriors became mercs for the various Muslim states and the Mongols.

Basically became the wagner group of their time even terrorised the crusaders by taking Jerusalem itself. These mercs starting to become to powerful that Muslim sultans like the Ayyubids and the Seljuks of Anatolia began to fear their growing power.

Interesting piece of history.

One of the main reasons the Turk-Mongols were so successful was the singular direction and loyalty of its generals. If a general was captured and sentenced to death he died happily knowing that he served the great khan to the end. He didn't run from it and wasn't fearful of it. When you look at the dying days of the Ottomans how many times did we read about generals selling the state out? If i remember correctly was it a bosnian or albanian general of the Ottoman empire who didnt fight during the balkan wars? Basically selling the Ottoman state out?


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I dont want to go off topic.

But Genghis Khan's earliest defeats actually came from two Turkic Empires, Volga Bulgaria and the Kwarazmian Empire.

Turks and the Mongols know each other far too much.

They how to defeat us while we knew how to defeat them.

Its not a surprise that the first peoples to defeat the Mongols would be Turkic tribes who knew how they think and fight. Another good one is Baybars who crushed them in syria.

Even the Ottomans greatest threats for much of their existence came from rival Turk-Mongol states to her east as opposed to europe. Timur is a good example who almost completely destroyed the Ottoman empire a the battle of Ankara 1402. One thing you have to give the Ottomans is that absolute resilience to continue to fight. After that war the Ottomans would go on a 20 year destructive and brutal civil war, lose control of most of their land in the process. Only to 20 years later conquer istanbul and turn the Ottomans back into a great power. And the Ottomans really always had that ability to keep the fight on irrespective of setbacks. And we still saw this during the independence war that created Turkiye.

The Turkic-Mongol empires/states to the east of Turkey started to lose out as war become more industrialised. We are finally starting to see a Turkic state raising its level to that of the modern world, lets see where this takes the Turkic world in the future.
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One of the main reasons the Turk-Mongols were so successful was the singular direction and loyalty of its generals. If a general was captured and sentenced to death he died happily knowing that he served the great khan to the end. He didn't run from it and wasn't fearful of it.

Logistics systems how they lived off the land.

Mongols and Turks had no problem by living out of cities hence why they did not have to worry about supply lines being cut from city centres.

People forget how important the Central Asian Camel played. These animals were like the trucks of their time they carried food, water and lots of arrows.

I mean lots of arrows.

Now imagine psychological impact of being under a shower of constant arrows.

Thats what we need to replicate here in Syria.

The terrorists need to be scared with a shower of drones.

I cannot imagine the fear of Tb2s, Akincis, Ankas and Akunsgurs coming.

Now imagine the MIUS KE which is coming soon it wont operational for a while but it will get their.


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Logistics systems how they lived off the land.

Mongols and Turks had no problem by living out of cities hence why they did not have to worry about supply lines being cut from city centres.

People forget how important the Central Asian Camel played. These animals were like the trucks of their time they carried food, water and lots of arrows.

I mean lots of arrows.

Now imagine psychological impact of being under a shower of constant arrows.

Thats what we need to replicate here in Syria.

The terrorists need to be scared with a shower of drones.

I cannot imagine the fear of Tb2s, Akincis, Ankas and Akunsgurs coming.

Now imagine the MIUS KE which is coming soon it wont operational for a while but it will get their.

In Turkish war academies are Turk soldiers taught about our history of warfare, what works and what doesn't? Yeah technology changes but the underlying principles don't. This is why the Tzu's art of war today is just as valuable as it was thousands of years ago.


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Let's give an end to history debate guys. Do you think we will launch an operation in a week or not? The real question is are we going to give an end to their Rojava dreams or not? I won't be satisfied with a limited one. We need to destroy their dreams .

Agha Sher

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Let's give an end to history debate guys. Do you think we will launch an operation in a week or not? The real question is are we going to give an end to their Rojava dreams or not? I won't be satisfied with a limited one. We need to destroy their dreams .

I think weather plays an important role as least in the early phase of the operation. The weather is currently unfavorable (cloudy and rain). Weather is to improve on Sunday and Monday (allowing UCAVs to operate effectively). However, weather turns cloudy again Tuesday till Thursday.

If TSK and SNA is ready, we could see a push Sunday and Monday, with consolidation Tuesday-Thursday. Then another push on Friday.


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Let's give an end to history debate guys. Do you think we will launch an operation in a week or not? The real question is are we going to give an end to their Rojava dreams or not? I won't be satisfied with a limited one. We need to destroy their dreams .

Rojava is buying time nothing else.

They want the usa and russia to stay because they know once they are gone the Turks will pounce.

It is said the sdf areas are full of corruption and resistance. Ypg pissed off a lot of locals by imposing their leftist and commie views on the populace.

You see lots of Arab tribes rebelling against them.

Its a failed proxy project.


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Rojava is buying time nothing else.

They want the usa and russia to stay because they know once they are gone the Turks will pounce.

It is said the sdf areas are full of corruption and resistance. Ypg pissed off a lot of locals by imposing their leftist and commie views on the populace.

You see lots of Arab tribes rebelling against them.

Its a failed proxy project.
It doesn't matter if we don't act fast they will complete another part of the puzzle. We have one of the strongest armies in the world so I can't bare this situation. Russia, USA etc. Yes they are superior to us maybe but we have to do it. How many time do we need to act before it's too late. Did Atatürk said there are England France so delay the ops.?


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If Erdogan loves arresting journalists he should start from westerners.

Thow them in a cage and throw the keys into the sea.

They cant even say the Turkish armed forces they call it Recep Tayyip Erdogans forces 🤣🤣🤣

most journalists in the west are just propagandists. They are an extension of the states geopolitical ambitions. So the state wants to create a pkkistan, all the media is going to run with narratives to justify it. When the PKK bomb went off in Istanbul it was "a blast by militants in a tourist area". When Turks bomb pkk its "18 civilians killed in attacks"

The media in the west is just as corrupt as they imagine it to be in Russia.

I don't even need to read a western article i know exactly how they will report every issue concerning Turkey. 99 times out a 100 i know the exact sloguns and talking points they are going to raise against the Turks. and it really doesn't matter which media outlet you go to, both the right and left unite in their propaganda. Imagine the right who claim they are against wokism and marxism, will promote the marxist pkk just as much as the left. The left right argument in the west is just a distraction for the public, both wings are part of the same body.

this is why i always say if you want to know what a states true feeling towards you is in the west pay attention to her media. The British is just as hostile towards Turkey as the American or French, meanwhile Turks are getting excited about cooperation on a fighter jet. There are more negative articles directed against Turkey in the british media then Iran.

Now remember the actual Kurds who fled to europe and arrived on the Polish border, the media absolutely demonised them and showed them as middle eastern invasion, a hostile entity and form of hybrid warfare. Thats what they really think about all middle easterners, they hate kurds just as much as they hate Turks or Iranians or Arabs, but only certain kurdish groups can be used as a divide and conquer tool.


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most journalists in the west are just propagandists. They are an extension of the states geopolitical ambitions. So the state wants to create a pkkistan, all the media is going to run with narratives to justify it. When the PKK bomb went off in Istanbul it was "a blast by militants in a tourist area". When Turks bomb pkk its "18 civilians killed in attacks"

The media in the west is just as corrupt as they imagine it to be in Russia.

I don't even need to read a western article i know exactly how they will report every issue concerning Turkey. 99 times out a 100 i know the exact sloguns and talking points they are going to raise against the Turks. and it really doesn't matter which media outlet you go to, both the right and left unite in their propaganda. Imagine the right who claim they are against wokism and marxism, will promote the marxist pkk just as much as the left. The left right argument in the west is just a distraction for the public, both wings are part of the same body.

this is why i always say if you want to know what a states true feeling towards you is in the west pay attention to her media. The British is just as hostile towards Turkey as the American or French, meanwhile Turks are getting excited about cooperation on a fighter jet. There are more negative articles directed against Turkey in the british media then Iran.

Now remember the actual Kurds who fled to europe and arrived on the Polish border, the media absolutely demonised them and showed them as middle eastern invasion, a hostile entity and form of hybrid warfare. Thats what they really think about all middle easterners, they hate kurds just as much as they hate Turks or Iranians or Arabs, but only certain kurdish groups can be used as a divide and conquer tool.

They created this notion that Kurds hate Islam and are progressive and secular.

Kurds are much more conservative than either Turks or Arabs.

I talked with a girl from Sanliurfa she told me its very patriarchal she is half Turkish from her dads side and half kurdish from her mothers side.

Not just conservative but very tribal and also have strict rules. Boy and girls are not even allowed to talk to each other until they get married.

Aga is also used as a title a lot.

Westerners especially libtards and leftists get the wrong idea of Kurds.

In the Ukraine war, western liberals act all shocked when Ukrainians march into battle with Eastern orthodox christian icons.

They dont know anything about the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe.

They are gullible


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They created this notion that Kurds hate Islam and are progressive and secular.

Kurds are much more conservative than either Turks or Arabs.

I talked with a girl from Sanliurfa she told me its very patriarchal she is half Turkish from her dads side and half kurdish from her mothers side.

Not just conservative but very tribal and also have strict rules. Boy and girls are not even allowed to talk to each other until they get married.

Aga is also used as a title a lot.

Westerners especially libtards and leftists get the wrong idea of Kurds.

In the Ukraine war, western liberals act all shock when Ukrainians march into battle with Eastern orthodox christian icons.

They dont know anything about the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe.

They are gullible

They don't care about Kurds they care about being able to use them in their greater middle east ambition. If middle easterners are killing each other, the western man and the Isreali feel safer.

Yes the marxists pkk Kurds are diametrically opposed to the majority Muslim Kurd. The Marxist leaning Kurds wouldn't make 5% of their population, nearly 90% of Kurds follow some branch of Islam. The majority of the PKK's victims until they began the ethnic cleansing of Northern Syria were Kurds themselves.

The west are also aware of this, this is why their media has incrementally being pushing towards creating the narrative that this is about the Kurds desire for statehood and the racial oppression coming from Turks etc. They know the marxist agenda narrative is a dead end, so they don't talk about and actually do everything to hide it.

They are doing everything to make the common Kurd think he's being genocided by Turks, Iranians, Arabs, they are trying to create an image that all Kurds are under threat. Its a simply western style lie.

But here is the problem, if the entire western media is pushing these lies, outside of Turks and reasonable westerners how do you counter it? Qatar spent 220 billion on the world cup, they could have brought out controlling stakes in most western media companies for that money.

And yes of the millions of Kurds in Turkey millions of them have intermarried with Turks over the past 1000 years. So millions of these so called oppressed Kurds are mixed with Turks.


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Let me add something else this is also the main reason Christian missionaries are sent to Turkey, where 99% of the time they go the south east of Turkey to brainwash the Kurds. They know as long as Kurds are Muslim its very hard to set them up against the region. So Marxism came and then Christianity. This is why you see many dead PKK with the cross round their neck, these people are being brainwashed and used. Christianity is used by the west among the Kurds as a divide and conquer tool. Now this doesn't mean the missionaries are in on it, many of them are genuine in wanting to spread their faith, but the financiers of such things know exactly what they are doing.

Turks got to wake up.

up until a few years ago we had the soros open society foundation operating in south eastern Turkey and when you go to their website its all about promoting kurdish national identity, promoting that they are an oppressed people and pushing for Kurdish autonomy. Operating freely and openly within Turkey under AK parties nose until they were shut down in 2019.


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Why are we even talking to Russia, i swear to god. We have the chance of a life time to finally end YPG but instead we are talking with Russia. Great.

Mehmed Ali

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If Erdogan loves arresting journalists he should start from westerners.

Thow them in a cage and throw the keys into the sea.

They cant even say the Turkish armed forces they call it Recep Tayyip Erdogans forces 🤣🤣🤣
That's nothing new, repeatative semantics from days gone by. Sandams forces , Gadaffi forces , Francos forces etc , their writing is nothing more than slogans. Trotskysts to the core , the same ideas and styles which never evolves. Basically someone can become a journalist by manipulation of few phrases and fit it in the given contest. Many western media houses should be banned from reporting. For example, you don't need DW and bbc at once in a country, simply on pretext of not doubling the same narrative you ban one and add less journalists , less travel, less carbon footprint. Let them chase their own tail, those pedos

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