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shameful behaviour. Instead of turning on Turks, demand Mr "we can come suddenly one night" to get off his arse, we are talking about the sovereignty of the nation at stake here.

keep in mind that all over the world we are watching muslims getting crushed and no one can say or do anything about it. That happens after a long line of incremental political failures.

What matters is the nation, if the administration is not performing we need something else. Its no good justify one crap because we argue the other crap is worse, because at the end of it all you will still end up with crap.
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They wouldn't have joined the american/isreali war against Assad. That was insanely dumb and you see the fruits of it.

Now we get to enjoy watching both the USA/Russia united in their support of the PKK along our border, while the international media portrays Turks constantly committing genocide on all Kurds. Basically a rerun of what they did with the Armenians against the Ottomans. Stirring the eventual insurrection of all Kurds across the entire country, if the mess continues maybe 30 years from now you will see all major Turkish cities on fire. With the international media portraying the entire Turkish state as a criminal.

AK party did most of the work too in destabilising in syria, then inviting the syrians too basically depopulating the north making it easy for the YPG to annex.

No idea why people find it funny, the entire world is shitting on Turkey and portraying Turkey as the major terrorist operating within Syria. AK party dived head first into that for you all. Your only get out of jail but whutt about CHP.

As for Bojo he's an ethnic Circassian i think he originates from the same area erdogans georgian ancestors originate from.

And why are you islamists are attacking the Turkish guy for making a joke of pro-Russians who justify the actions of your biggest enemy? Shameful behaviour, but thats political islamism in a nutshell, no honour. Your basically a cult at this point no different to how iranians act over their cult. Everyone outside of it is the enemy.

And don't shit on western Turks, their expertise and knowledge from the west keeps Turkey from looking like another Pakistan. Even erdogans son in law was educated in the USA.

I would hate to see what Turkey would look like today without its connections to the west, its economically in terrible shape as it now. Without that western connection, education and expertise, jesus christ were in trouble.
You are very wrong here.


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That's why I always tag Akp organizatios and important figures of it under the martyr news and threatening them with votes. That's the only thing they care unfortunately

Its the right thing to do. If Turks are angry and they feel it will cost them support, they will move.


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You are very wrong here.

as arrogant as it sounds i'm rarely wrong in assessing geopolitical situations. Before Turkey dropped Assad to join the syrian civil war i told people all around me what was going to happen, none of them wanted to believe it. I was right on nearly everything i predicted, the only thing i was wrong on i didn't think when the time came that the Americans would capitulate against Turkey, i didnt expect them to capitulate i expected that they would hit Turkey. In reference to Trumps threatening letter.

This is about greater kurdistan, always has been and Turkey is the major target in it all. They want to break Turkey up and they want to start an ethnic based civil war within Turkey. Hence why all the media talks about KURDS.

And a greater kurdistan is just a step towards the greater middle east.


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They wouldn't have joined the american/isreali war against Assad. That was insanely dumb and you see the fruits of it.

Now we get to enjoy watching both the USA/Russia united in their support of the PKK along our border, while the international media portrays Turks constantly committing genocide on all Kurds. Basically a rerun of what they did with the Armenians against the Ottomans. Stirring the eventual insurrection of all Kurds across the entire country, if the mess continues maybe 30 years from now you will see all major Turkish cities on fire. With the international media portraying the entire Turkish state as a criminal.

AK party did most of the work too in destabilising in syria, then inviting the syrians too basically depopulating the north making it easy for the YPG to annex.

No idea why people find it funny, the entire world is shitting on Turkey and portraying Turkey as the major terrorist operating within Syria. AK party dived head first into that for you all. Your only get out of jail but whutt about CHP.

As for Bojo he's an ethnic Circassian i think he originates from the same area erdogans georgian ancestors originate from.

And why are you islamists are attacking the Turkish guy for making a joke of pro-Russians who justify the actions of your biggest enemy? Shameful behaviour, but thats political islamism in a nutshell, no honour. Your basically a cult at this point no different to how iranians act over their cult. Everyone outside of it is the enemy.

And don't shit on western Turks, their expertise and knowledge from the west keeps Turkey from looking like another Pakistan. Even erdogans son in law was educated in the USA.

I would hate to see what Turkey would look like today without its connections to the west, its economically in terrible shape as it now. Without that western connection, education and expertise, jesus christ were in trouble.

Chp would have waited like a mal.

Chp's policy would be no different to Ahmet Davutoglu.

The Pacifism coward policy.

I know the akp has fcked up but people putting politicial parties in matters of geopolitics is not helping us one bit you either be proactive or get surrounded.

Erdogan allowed Davutoglu to beat around the bush too long when isis and ypg were at our fcking border while the proxies we backed against were too busy killing each other.

Whole thing is a quagmire.
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Chp would have waited like a mal.

Chp's policy would be no different to Ahmet Davutoglu.

The Pacifism coward policy.

I know the akp has fcked up but people putting politicial parties in matters of geopolitics is not helping us one bit you either be proactive or get surrounded.

Erdogan allowed Davutoglu to beat around the bush too long when isis and ypg were at our fcking border while the proxies we backed against against were too busy killing each other.

Whole thing is a quagmire.

no chance, the mistake ak party made in joining the american/isreali war against Assad was colossal. It takes something truly special to do something like that. Even a moron would struggle to fall into that sort of obvious trap.

If you remember how the media portrayed Turkey during those days, it was showing us as turning east and an enemy of the west because we were trying to find a diplomatic solution to the problem. The moment AK party took the bait and fell for American and French lies, it was done. They broke up with Assad and joined the war that was meant about weakening Assad enough that a PKK statelet could form.

Turkey was allowed to bare all the costs, to use her nation to supply the rebel factions to destabilise syria, but the moment Turkey tried to enter at every opportunity the EU, Russia and America together opposed it. Behind the doors they all have a unified strategy towards Turkey. Even today when you read about the PKK they still portray Russia as a good guy in this story, only the Turks are the bads.

If AK party keep sitting on their arses they will settle their pkkistan/kurdstan in sryia, iraq, moving their army into and start building it up. The narrative will switch completely to how Kurds are oppressed in Turkey, they will funnel all sorts of weapons into Turkey, supply an endless amount of finance towards various separatist groups and they will incrementally work on Turkey. It may take 50 years, but thats the direction they are heading in.

Their greater armenia project took a massive dent when Azerbaijan crushed them. Meanwhile they are doubling down on their greater yunanistan project.

The PKK/Kurdistan agenda is almost an exact copy of the Dashnak/Greater armenia strategy utilised against the Ottomans.


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The peace deal with pkk allowed the pkk to withdraw from Turkiye and nurse themselves back to health in Syria and Iraq.

Also Turkiye and Syria have long had tensions, Turkiye actually came close to war against Syria in the late 90s.

Syria has always been a hot bed of terrorists supported by the Assad regime against Turkiye like the pkk and asala.

Even if Erdogan and Bashar al assad hanged around like buddies it really did not mask the tensions both countries had.

Mind you the Syrians still want Hatay back still dream of retaking it.

Syria and Iraq are both dead countries.

Time to stop with the bs of territorial integrity and establish a country for Syrian Turkmens and Iraqi Turkmens.


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The peace deal with pkk allowed the pkk to withdraw from Turkiye and nurse themselves back to health in Syria and Iraq.

Also Turkiye and Syria have long had tensions, Turkiye actually came close to war against Syria in the late 90s.

Syria has always been a hot bed of terrorists supported by the Assad regime against Turkiye like the pkk and asala.

Even if Erdogan and Bashar al assad hanged around like buddies it really did not mask the tensions both countries had.

Mind you the Syrians still want Hatay back still dream of retaking it.

Syria and Iraq are both dead countries.

Time to stop with the bs of territorial integrity and establish a country for Syrian Turkmens and Iraqi Turkmens.

peace deal basically legitimised them in the eyes of the entire world and made the world feel comfortable in supporting them. In reality that action is an act of treason or immense stupidity.

Yes we had major problems with Syria supporting terrorists. But before the civil war erdogan and assad were having holidays together.


When the civil war started we were actually doing the right thing, communicating with assad and trying to get him to hold elections. During this period the international media was doing its thing and demonising us for it claiming we had "turned east" getting close to nations like syria, iran and russia. Then about 6 months maybe a year into it AK party made the biggest mistake of the republics history, they joined the american/isreali war in such a way where Turkey was trapped and could be manipulated. 10 years in and they still messing us around.

It should have been played in a similar way to how Ukraine is played, doesnt matter which it goes Turkey is hedged.

As it stands now AK party created a situation where we get to feed 10 million syrian refugees while everyone else is united against us in syria. Insane fail and the constant barking we can come suddenly one night tarnishes our reputation and harms any threat we may have to stop others doing evil towards us.

like i said AK party is basically a collection of populist politicians, they are not statesman.

Anyway what Turkey would give to go back to pre civil war situation in syria.
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peace deal basically legitimised them in the eyes of the entire world and made the world feel comfortable in supporting them. In reality that action is an act of treason or immense stupidity.

Yes we had major problems with Syria supporting terrorists. But before the civil war erdogan and assad were having holidays together.


When the civil war started we were actually doing the right thing, communicating with assad and trying to get him to hold elections. During this period the international media was doing its thing and demonising us for it claiming we had "turned east" getting close to nations like syria, iran and russia. Then about 6 months maybe a year into it AK party made the biggest mistake of the republics history, they joined the american/isreali war in such a way where Turkey was trapped and could be manipulated. 10 years in and they still messing us around.

It should have been played in a similar way to how Ukraine is played, doesnt matter which it goes Turkey is hedged.

As it stands now AK party created a situation where we get to feed 10 million syrian refugees while everyone else is united against us in syria. Insane fail and the constant barking we can come suddenly one night tarnishes our repetition and harms any threat we may have to stop others doing evil towards us.

like i said AK party is basically a collection of populist politicians, they are not statesman.

Syrian Civil War was actually caused by assad himself.

Like all dictators he was going to keep his power with bullets.

Assad supporters once said this. Assad or we burn the country. Now they have both.


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Syrian Civil War was actually caused by assad himself.

Like all dictators he was going to keep his power with bullets.

Assad supporters once said this. Assad or we burn the country. Now they have both.

Yes it was caused by him, but that doesn't mean that we pour fuel onto our neighbours house so that the fire engulfs us too.

Assad was the devil we knew, know we have Russia and the USA working together in northern syria with the PKK against us and anytime we want to protect ourselves the EU starts threatening us too.


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The syrian situation should have been played similar to how ukraine is played. Yes we want Ukraine to win, but we have moved in such a way that we cannot be trapped or manipulated over it.

If tomorrow the west does a 180 and claims the ukrainians are all nazi's and russia is the good guy Turkey is not trapped. Because thats what they pretty much did to Turkey in syria, we became the only bad actor in Syria.

When isis came about the media was even running stories about how assad and iran was united with them, while every headline ran with Turkey being behind isis, despite Turkey suffering the most isis terrorist attacks after syria and iraq.


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If there is no operation artik.

Time to do Israeli like raids into Syria.

Better than nothing.

Bosniak Revival

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as arrogant as it sounds i'm rarely wrong in assessing geopolitical situations. Before Turkey dropped Assad to join the syrian civil war i told people all around me what was going to happen, none of them wanted to believe it. I was right on nearly everything i predicted, the only thing i was wrong on i didn't think when the time came that the Americans would capitulate against Turkey, i didnt expect them to capitulate i expected that they would hit Turkey. In reference to Trumps threatening letter.

This is about greater kurdistan, always has been and Turkey is the major target in it all. They want to break Turkey up and they want to start an ethnic based civil war within Turkey. Hence why all the media talks about KURDS.

And a greater kurdistan is just a step towards the greater middle east.

These are some good points

Whilst I heavily Dislike Assad at the time I was against Turkeys heavy response at the initial stage of the Syrian revolt in the summer of 2011

It contridicted the "zero problems" policy & couldnt fathom why AKP did not send Davutoglu to Damascus to negotiate with both sides instead of almost immeadiatley reacting by closing relations with President Assad.

I also did not understand why Turkish goverment was so quick to rush to the same side of France & USA who both were sponsoring the PKK at the time both covertly & overtly.

Would it be fair to say that Davutoglu & Gulen wealded much influence ovdr AKP at the time?

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