Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Neutralizing manpower is also important but what we did with the last air operation was even more important. Both important infrastructure was hit and also terrorists that were responsible for the contacts with their western "partners". Contrary to the belief YPG has extremely fragile structure and the day US leaves them they will melt in a matter of weeks. That's why they are pushing all the buttons they can by both keeping contact with the West, Russia and Assad. They are also aware of their real situation contrary to the propaganda they make as "the undefeatable force that defeated DEASH single handedly".

The last air operation brought them to their knees and it wasn't even something intense. Imagine what happens when US leaves and TSK unleashes its full power on them. I am giving them maximum two weeks before they start to beg for mercy and we start to capture their leaders on the border posing as refugees.

I honestly don't see the USA leaving, they got big plans for the region. An incremental approach is what they are taking. Bases in Northern Syria and Iraq, bases on the Aegean island and tomorrow if they could help it they will even put bases in Armenia and potentially in the future on the Crimea should the Ukrainians take it back. Via the British bases they technically should they ever need it have bases in south Cyprus too. A complete encirclement is on the cards. Meanwhile were not really doing anything, lots of barking, lots of refugees, a failed economy, destroying relations in every direction etc. Meanwhile they got you fooled on this pivot to the far east bullshit.

While Russia has buried herself in Ukraine and we cannot take advantage of that, no chance this government can take advantage of the USA. They will behave like the Persians and like all islamists do in the end, do a little song and dance here and there to placate the people, but the agenda the americans/europeans and Isrealis are pursing will continue with next to no resistance.

Because political islamists like the hamas leader whose a billionaire, its about personal enrichment, they don't actually give two shits for the people or the country. Thats the biggest mistake the people make when they support political islamists, they don't see that these guys are just frauds, charlatans, grifters.

If i wanted to screw Turks or any Muslim id become an islamist in an instant. Easy money, very easy.
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I honestly don't see the USA leaving, they got big plans for the region. An incremental approach is what they are taking. Bases in Northern Syria and Iraq, bases on the Aegean island and tomorrow if they could help it they will even put bases in Armenia and potentially in the future on the Crimea should the Ukrainians take it back. Via the British bases they technically should they ever need it have bases in south Cyprus too. A complete encirclement is on the cards. Meanwhile were not really doing anything, lots of barking, lots of refugees, a failed economy, destroying relations in every direction etc. Meanwhile they got you fooled on this pivot to the far east bullshit.

While Russia has buried herself in Ukraine and we cannot take advantage of that, no chance this government can take advantage of the USA. They will behave like the Persians and like all islamists do in the end, do a little song and dance here and there to placate the people, but the agenda the americans/europeans and Isrealis are pursing will continue with next to no resistance.

Because political islamists like the hamas leader whose a billionaire, its about personal enrichment, they don't actually give two shits for the people or the country.
It is wrong to interpret the US military infrastructure in the region as a move against Turkiye. There are also facilities in Turkiye that are used by the US including the Incirlik airbase. If anybody is being encircled it is Iran and not Turkiye. US military presence in some points where Turkiye has interests is there as a stabilizing factor preventing destabilization and helping the "ally" countries concentrate on the goal which is the oil of the Middle East and limiting Iran's expansion.

The US will come to a state where they will not be able to sustain their presence in Syria anymore. As I said YPG/SDF is not as unified as people think. It is extremely fragile structure which is operating only due to US guarantees. We saw that clearly with the recent clashes between the YPG and the Arab tribes in Deir Ez-Zor. YPG needs further legitimation and this can't happen without connection to the Iraqi side. The US is trying to make the connection between the YPG and Talabani but with our recent actions this will just not happen. YPG is a dead project. It is as dead as PKK. The biggest Kurdish influence center in the region is Barzani. As long as we keep Barzani by the balls we are fine. No Kurdish project can live without Barzani either in Syria or in Iran and no Barzani can live without the existential support of Turkiye. Even if the situation is looking bad right now this is a project born dead, artificially pumped up so the US can stay a bit more. They will collapse under the pressure of Turkiye, Iran and Assad and the opposition.

The only concern I have is the internal stability in the north of Iraq. Soon we will start to see direct clashes between Barzani and PKK. This is the time where we should provide support to Barzani and prevent any overthrowing of the government. This will turn into a cross-border clash which will be stopped in its early stages by the US but Barzani will start to talk against the YPG. They will start to touch harder. Lastly they arrested a "journalist" in the PKK media organization that was "visiting relatives" in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo (a YPG stronghold). Barzani also has political ambitions in the north of Syria trough the ENKS party which is also part of the Syrian opposition. They were violently suppressed by YPG including killing, abductions, attacks on offices etc. As long as we keep Barzani on a short leash and we also keep him by the balls we will be fine but we need patience. The perspectives are that new operation can be launched next year. While we use our chances to get tactical victories we should keep the Kurdish parties busy fighting each other and support the ones we keep by the balls. In the long term this strategy will pay off. With the start of the Claw series of operations in the north of Iraq there are strategic processes that were commenced which would bring PKK to a state which is no more a direct threat to Turkiye. First step is the buffer zone and we are moving swiftly. Despite the initiatives towards the Syrianification of PKK and its legitimization with the help of Talabani they will fail miserably and will end up in a state no more than that of a used condom. I am waiting these days.


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It is wrong to interpret the US military infrastructure in the region as a move against Turkiye.

Yes they dehumanise you internationally, support even terrorists against you and their ambitions for statehood, but yeah their moves are not against Turkiye. Sorry this is madness, if our leaders think like this no wonder its been so easy for the USA to run rings around us, even threaten war against us.

remember they are taking the path of least resistance, give a little here and there which allows america to achieve her ambitions easier. Why go to war against Turkiye trying to create Kurdistan if we can make Turkiye complicit in helping us every step of the way. They got it in iraq and they are getting in syria, for the most part Turkiye helped them do it. Incremental steps here and there, is the best way to defeat Turkiye.

like kissinger said " its more dangerous to be an ally of the USA then a foe" as an ally they screw you better. Turkiye is getting screwed really good, where we dont even want to see it taking place.

There are also facilities in Turkiye that are used by the US including the Incirlik airbase. If anybody is being encircled it is Iran and not Turkiye. US military presence in some points where Turkiye has interests is there as a stabilizing factor preventing destabilization and helping the "ally" countries concentrate on the goal which is the oil of the Middle East and limiting Iran's expansion.

Americans will use you every step of the way before they ruin you, that's modus operendi from them. Even when they balkanise you they will hope still to have their bases in your lands, just like the treaty of sevres. British bent you over, they still want their bases in what little remained and the Ottomans complied.

The US will come to a state where they will not be able to sustain their presence in Syria anymore. As I said YPG/SDF is not as unified as people think. It is extremely fragile structure which is operating only due to US guarantees. We saw that clearly with the recent clashes between the YPG and the Arab tribes in Deir Ez-Zor. YPG needs further legitimation and this can't happen without connection to the Iraqi side. The US is trying to make the connection between the YPG and Talabani but with our recent actions this will just not happen. YPG is a dead project. It is as dead as PKK. The biggest Kurdish influence center in the region is Barzani. As long as we keep Barzani by the balls we are fine. No Kurdish project can live without Barzani either in Syria or in Iran and no Barzani can live without the existential support of Turkiye. Even if the situation is looking bad right now this is a project born dead, artificially pumped up so the US can stay a bit more. They will collapse under the pressure of Turkiye, Iran and Assad and the opposition.

USA is a super power with a trillion dollar military. When it came to destroying gaza they had plenty of aid to give. Its clear you dont understand whats taking place here. The American agenda is to be everywhere, to control as much as possible and at a minimum to influence. Hence why they have so many bases across the entire world.

This mindset within 30 years you will have your greater kurdistan.

stop thinking like a middle easterners and start thinking like an anglo saxon.

Just like a hundred years ago no Isreal existed, today it not only exists but i can commit an open genocide blame the entire muslim world and there is nothing 57 muslim majority nations can do but look on. Officially Britain was against this, but unofficially they have been the biggest ally of Isreal and international Zionism. The truth is not what they show you its what they try to hide from you.

And if the Turkish government didnt believe the americans were in syria and iraq against Turkiye, we would have never taken afrin, albab or the region in the west. Its because they entirely fear the americans are trying to create a kurdstan that will be used against Turkiye.

Turkiye has no choice but to take control of northern syria/iraq if you dont the americans/russians will by giving into kurdistan, once that happens talks of civil war in Turkiye will become very real.

If Ataturk could see the region today, he would ask how badly Turkiye played her politics that she could allow both the Russian and Americans to encircle her, to allow both of them to entrench themselves within the Kurdistan project. He would wonder if our leaders had gone mad.
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A man flirts with a Turkish mans wife, he goes to war. The americans come to your border and train and arm pkk terrorists and then threaten you directly not to attack them. Nah, its not against us. Its for Iran the western created theocracy, whose only history has been to kill and murder Muslims, to legitimise Isreal and not much more.

And just like a poster pointed on her the Azeribajian Turks are oppressed in Iran, the Kurds are not oppressed in Turkey. We hear nothing about the suffering of the Azerbaijanis. We see no western agenda to destablise Iran over her largest persecuted and oppressed minority. But the Kurd, every day its genocide being committed by the Turks in the american/european media.

Persian Muslims have f'k all history of resistance against the west, the Turk is the primary concern of the west. Were the only ones with the right character that could change this miserable situation the entire Muslim civilisation finds herself in. But we wont achieve that being naïve.


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Yes they dehumanise you internationally, support even terrorists against you and their ambitions for statehood, but yeah their moves are not against Turkiye. Sorry this is madness, if our leaders think like this no wonder its been so easy for the USA to run rings around us, even threaten war against us.

remember they are taking the path of least resistance, give a little here and there which allows america to achieve her ambitions easier. Why go to war against Turkiye trying to create Kurdistan if we can make Turkiye complicit in helping us every step of the way. They got it in iraq and they are getting in syria, for the most part Turkiye helped them do it. Incremental steps here and there, is the best way to defeat Turkiye.

like kissinger said " its more dangerous to be an ally of the USA then a foe" as an ally they screw you better. Turkiye is getting screwed really good, where we dont even want to see it taking place.
Turkiye has been the main enabler together with Saudi Arabia for the US policies regarding the Middle East from the beginning of this century. If you think that the US will engage in military confrontation against one of its most important allies in the region, the ally that will eventually work with the US in Caucasus and Central Asia I am sorry but this is madness.

While the relationship with the US is controversial they don't have the luxury to ditch Turkiye as there is absolutely no alternative to Turkiye. Look at the regional developments in Europe, the Balkans, Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Turkiye's diplomatic and military role and think again why would the US ditch Turkiye and launch a military operation against Turkiye from a military base in Dedeagac, Greece for the sake of a condom that is talking every week with Assad when the US is silent or small scale provocation in the Aegean where status quo is present for decades. Even if hypothetically a State called Kurdistan emerges it could never reach the level of influence Turkiye has all around the world. This is not Call of Duty and Turkiye is not Yemen.

All the regional issues Turkiye has will be sorted out with the language of diplomacy. Condoms like YPG will be used and thrown away. The US is not in the region against Turkiye but to protect their own interests. The moment interests align again everything will end things will be back to normal. For the sake of this Turkiye must abandon its populist policies and "wanna be the savior of the world" bullshit and move forward based more on pragmatism rather than moves that are worthy only to the uneducated uncles in the cafeterias which think that "The signatures are put, tomorrow Turkish tanks will enter Gaza and Lozan will end in 2023". If Turkiye takes its rightful place and cooperation commences everything will be alright. Turkiye has the potential for strong economy, Turkiye has strong traditions, army, hard working people, big population. The only problem is that Turkiye is not a puppet anymore and they will have to deal with it.

The problem is that Turkiye wants what Turkiye have rights over and the US doesn't like that because as we talked many times the US doesn't like to have allies but puppets and Turkiye is out of this mentality since the 15th of July till now. In the end of the day both sides will make compromise in the name of prosperity. Until then Turkiye must endure the hardships and not allow to be pressed in the corner. This must happen in order to take our place in the new world order. In the meantime we work to limit Iran in Iraq, Syria and the Caucasus. Turkiye is not a real threat to the Western world but Iran is and not only to the Western world but also to Turkiye and Azerbaijan. What's happening between Turkiye and the West is like a fight between cousins. It will end one day and until that day we must win whatever we can so we could have something to put on the table and negotiate. At the current moment we are dependent on them for many things especially when it comes to our military and economy so they use this as opportunity to exert pressure over us. One after another these dependencies will perish and in the end a day will come where they will beg us to work together again. The head of the snake is crushed while the snake is still small they say... Turkiye is not a small snake anymore. They lost their chance.

As our leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK says:

“The main thing is the interior front. The external front may be shaken and defeated, but it can never destroy a Country or a Nation!... What is important is the collapse of the internal front, which destroys the foundations of a Country and captures the Nation.”

As long as the internal front in Turkiye is stable we will be alright. We may criticize big part of the internal politics of the current government but this will be a theme of talk for another thread. I can guarantee you one thing. Governments will come and go but the State will continue to exist. In order for the State to exist the indivisible integrity of the State must be kept. Turkiye will not allow a terror "State" on its borders.

They push and we push but in the end we will take our place.


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Looks like they have local support.


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Looks like they have local support.
Qamishli is one of the first places where PKK established offices under Assad's protection. Due to the repression of the Assad regime the locals saw an opportunity for opposition and taking in account the fact that Assad even declined giving IDs to Kurdish citizens PKK came as a savior there.

PKK has very deep tradition in Syria from the times of Ocalan's residence in the area. Once Syria was the center of PKK and slowly we are returning to the old days. To be a PKK terrorist is going trough generations in some families. One if the biggest families of which majority are PKK members is the Cilo family.

While PKK is getting hit hard in Iraq they shifted priority in Syria and use Iranian territory as a safe heaven for the high level leaders of the Kandil branch (the north of Iraq) of the organization. Don't be shocked at pictures like these.


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As a result of the YPG/HAT raid; "Ahmar El-Mawzar", the brother of the sheikh of the Manasra tribe, Khalid El-Mavzar was killed.


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As a result of the YPG/HAT raid; "Ahmar El-Mawzar", the brother of the sheikh of the Manasra tribe, Khalid El-Mavzar was killed.

It almost feels like they are provoking the tribes into revolt just to decapitate the leadership and eliminate tribalism, to keep power centralised


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Important commander of the YPG was killed in result of clashes with tribal forces. Code Name Roni Welat, Serwan Hasan was killed. He was one of the cadres which took place in the establishment of the SDF.



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The SNA is now threatening the life of a prominent Turkish analyst, and his family:

"I am threatened by the so-called Joint Forces within the Syrian National Army. The two leaders of these two groups are responsible, from insults and threats against my family to crimes ranging from drugs to murder, from confiscation of property to kidnapping."

Again, TR pays the salary of the SNA. These groups abuse the Turkmen, Arab, Kurdish population they rule over.

The leader of one of these groups of were charged with rape and murder by a court within the Syrian interim government, but TR previously intervened to protect them. They are now currently allied with HTS and aided HTS in taking SNA territory against the Arab groups.

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