Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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You have so many targets all around northern Syria that you can hit without declaring war on anyone or even making a statement about it. For many of them you don’t even need to fly a plane like what Israelis are doing when pulverizing Assad and IRGC forces every week.

The best way to keep Russians and their pawns in check is with brute force- this is the only language the drunkards understand.

Artillery strikes we will reply back to as usual.

The russians are throwing a ballistic missile at us while we reply back with artillery.

We need to throw bora missiles also do drone strikes. Every time we dont do shit and stand there the Russian bear gets bolder goes in more and more.


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Those shield areas need to be real safe zone so refugees will settle there. Oil facilities are strategic targets, but I wish we could have tested some AD systems...


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It was announced that the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) test results of Bashar Assad, the leader of the regime in Syria, and his wife Esma Assad were positive.


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Either they call you racist, fascist or either play the Muslim card, especially the last one was used by them to expand inside Turkey.
There are for sure Kurds in the TSK and thank them for their service but that doesn't change the fact that millions are seperatist minded.

However supporting KRG while Turkmens were left alone during Saddams Arabization politics in Kirkuk and other Turkmen majority regions, ISIS expansion and also KRG's occupation of Kirkuk is a shameful fact.

I recommend everyone to watch the latest Veryansin interview with Osman Pamukoglu and also the Mevzular video with Hasan Atilla Ugur, but only available in Turkish.

Lets not forget how we had to drop support for our Syrian Turkmen brothers when that bastard prick Can dundar told the world we were giving weapons to isis.

Journalists play a big role anti Turkiye propaganda. Guess where they come most of them are either liberal or leftist while giving cover for Kurdish nationalists.


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Now lets be consistent here.

Arming a specific ethnic group(Syrian Turkmens) in a country that goes through a civil war is a senseless policy.
It would create paranoia and animosity towards that ethnic group.

Same as Rums/Armenians of Anatolia during our sovereignity war. Greece used Rums of Anatolia and French/Russians used Armenians who lived here together with us for 1000 years when they invaded Anatolia, armed them and when the allies got defeated all these people had to leave their houses, their ancestral lands because of the ethnic animousity these imperialist countries have created. Even today they suffer from this.

Today it has been %100 obvious that Assad isnt going. Now all the groups Turkey has armed will be viewed with suspicion. Syrian Turkmens lived in there for 1000 years. What do you think will happen to them when the war ends?

We have made a terrible evil to Syrian Turkmens.

I have been so proud of who we were and what role we took 100 years ago. I am heartbroken we are doing what they did to us after 100 years. This shouldnt have been our historical role in a time of such humanitarian crisis. We should have standed for the unity and stability of Syria.


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Now lets be consistent here.

Arming a specific ethnic group(Syrian Turkmens) in a country that goes through a civil war is a senseless policy.
It would create paranoia and animosity towards that ethnic group.

Same as Rums/Armenians of Anatolia during our sovereignity war. Greece used Rums of Anatolia and French/Russians used Armenians who lived here together with us for 1000 years when they invaded Anatolia, armed them and when the allies got defeated all these people had to leave their houses, their ancestral lands because of the ethnic animousity these imperialist countries have created. Even today they suffer from this.

Today it has been %100 obvious that Assad isnt going. Now all the groups Turkey has armed will be viewed with suspicion. Syrian Turkmens lived in there for 1000 years. What do you think will happen to them when the war ends?

We have made a terrible evil to Syrian Turkmens.

I have been so proud of who we were and what role we took 100 years ago. I am heartbroken we are doing what they did to us after 100 years. This shouldnt have been our historical role in a time of such humanitarian crisis. We should have standed for the unity and stability of Syria.

Assad crime family has been oppressing them for decades because Syrian turkmens have always been seen as outsiders that harbour Pro Turkish views.

Stop being a assad fanboy.


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Assad crime family has been oppressing them for decades because Syrian turkmens have always been seen as outsiders that harbour Pro Turkish views.

Stop being a assad fanboy.

I am not an Assad fanboy but you need to learn to be consistent.

I dont really blame Armenians/Greeks/Assyrians blindly believing in how evil Turks genocided them at this point. You are the same person. You are that Armenian, you are that Greek. Your only difference is that you were born a Turk. I can see the absolute same blindness at you.

Go learn about American white helmets , go learn about how US sends them to plant fake evidences regarding humanitarian crisis when they are supposedly a humanitarian help group.
Your kind probably would have talked about Saddams nukes had you been born in US. If you lived in Özals period you would say 1 koyup üç alacağız.

The guys minister of defense is sunni, his fucking wife is a sunni. Overwhelming majority of his country and his army is sunni. He is a dictator but a westernised and a secular man who doesnt give a shit about sectarianism.

You blame this man for genociding sunnis, bombing his own people etc.

When US/Israel hit the button for Syria Erdogans ''My brother Esat'' has turned to ''Eset''. The borders were cleansed from mines(the bid was given to an Israeli firm), jihadists were trained in Maras. They acted as the bogeyman and people in the so called Kurdish corridor escaped to Turkey. 5 million plus refugees. Absolutely raped our country, its security and even reviving dead sicknesses and gave opportunity to a Kurdistan in Syria by demographically emptying that so called Kurdish corridor.

Today there is a YPG state in Syria. We dont know what to do. It is solely because of Erdogan. Erdogan literally made this happen. He is the biggest YPG hero. Now he can all make operations and such all day he wants. They fucking got it. Those 5 million plus Arabs and Turkmens were the biggest obstacle and we cleaned our border and aided that gangster thug US to scare off the population towards our border. We didnt shoot ourselves in the feet, we emptied a magazine to our chest. Erdogan did it. Erdogan is one of the biggest traitors of our history.

We literally acted as the hitman of Nato. We only came to our senses in 2015 when they almost founded the state and believe the only reason, the sole only reason Erdogan ended the solution process was because this was deteriorating his public opinion and votes.

I hate how this glorious army which gave all the worlds oppresseds a hope against the imperialism a century ago has turned to a hitman of it.


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I am not an Assad fanboy but you need to learn to be consistent.

I dont really blame Armenians/Greeks/Assyrians blindly believing in how evil Turks genocided them at this point. You are the same person. You are that Armenian, you are that Greek. Your only difference is that you were born a Turk. I can see the absolute same blindness at you.

Go learn about American white helmets , go learn about how US sends them to plant fake evidences regarding humanitarian crisis when they are supposedly a humanitarian help group.
Your kind probably would have talked about Saddams nukes had you been born in US. If you lived in Özals period you would say 1 koyup üç alacağız.

The guys minister of defense is sunni, his fucking wife is a sunni. Overwhelming majority of his country and his army is sunni. He is a dictator but a westernised and a secular man who doesnt give a shit about sectarianism.

You blame this man for genociding sunnis, bombing his own people etc.

When US/Israel hit the button for Syria Erdogans ''My brother Esat'' has turned to ''Eset''. The borders were cleansed from mines(the bid was given to an Israeli firm), jihadists were trained in Maras. They acted as the bogeyman and people in the so called Kurdish corridor escaped to Turkey. 5 million plus refugees. Absolutely raped our country, its security and even reviving dead sicknesses and gave opportunity to a Kurdistan in Syria by demographically emptying that so called Kurdish corridor.

Today there is a YPG state in Syria. We dont know what to do. It is solely because of Erdogan. Erdogan literally made this happen. He is the biggest YPG hero. Now he can all make operations and such all day he wants. They fucking got it. Those 5 million plus Arabs and Turkmens were the biggest obstacle and we cleaned our border and aided that gangster thug US to scare off the population towards our border. We didnt shoot ourselves in the feet, we emptied a magazine to our chest. Erdogan did it. Erdogan is one of the biggest traitors of our history.

We literally acted as the hitman of Nato. We only came to our senses in 2015 when they almost founded the state and believe the only reason, the sole only reason Erdogan ended the solution process was because this was deteriorating his public opinion and votes.

I hate how this glorious army which gave all the worlds oppresseds a hope against the imperialism a century ago has turned to a hitman of it.

Look up who takes up most top positions its all alawites.

Assad regime is a secratarian one. Only secular by name.

Dont forget how they supported asala and pkk. In 1999 we came close to war with them due to the pkk.

If its so secular why is it backed by the Fanatical Iranian Mullahs.

Assad could have easily avoided the Civil war if he stepped down and brought in elections and reforms.

But nah he replied back with bullets and they tortured a 14 year old kid to death and cut his penis.

As a Turkish person we have to support every Turkic ethnic group. Conquering and imperialism in is our blood. I 100% support Turkish imperialism. Our ancestors were imperialists nothing to be ashamed about.

If we did not become imperialists the Turks would have got wiped out from history. Either we conquer or we become the conquered. Take a page from history.
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Look up who takes up most top positions its all alawites.

Assad regime is a secratarian one. Only secular by name.

Dont forget how they supported asala and pkk. In 1999 we came close to war with them due to the pkk.

If its so secular why is it backed by the Fanatical Iranian Mullahs.

Assad could have easily avoided the Civil war if he stepped down and brought in elections and reforms.

But nah he replied back with bullets and they tortured a 14 year old kid to death and cut his penis.

As a Turkish person we have to support every Turkic ethnic group. Conquering and imperialism in is our blood. I 100% support Turkish imperialism. Our ancestors were imperialists nothing to be ashamed about.

If we did not become imperialists the Turks would have got wiped out from history. Either we conquer or we become the conquered. Take a page from history.

The guys wife is a sunni! He literally married to a sunni! His minister of defense is sunni! Overwhelming part of his army is sunni!
He trusts on a sunni guy to protect his life! How the hell can he be sectarian in such an overwhelmingly sunni country?
The minister of defense, I say. His wife I say. The generals of the army I say, are sunni!
What does he genocide sunnis with? His army that is led by sunnis?
Why did he marry a sunni if he is a sectarian?

Asala was fucking over in 1991. For the Pkk cut the crap really. We became hostile with Assad in 2011. From 2011 to 2015 was the golden age of solution process with PKK, it started in 2009. So you make solution process with PKK between 2009 and 2015 but wage war on Assad for supporting them in 2011? How the hell can you live with so much inconsistencies? Doesnt your brain really accept these as insults to itself? Your fucking ally who is the sole reason you fought against Assad supports PKK as the number 1.

Not to mention, like I said before, we did the biggest good to PKK/YPG ourselves by emptying the so called Kurdish corridor by destabilising Syria, cleaning mines on our border, training jihadists in Marash etc as the bogeymen.

A person so deceiveable like you, would be easily convinced if there was a, god forbid, civil war in Turkey if you were born in another country. I tell you, you would be easily convinced by the arguement ''but the Erdogan was a genocidal maniac against the Kurds''. You would totally take it, I tell you. Whether believe me on this or not. I am telling you here the sole truth: you would believe it and you would support the Pkk in that civil war.

''Assad could have easily avoided the Civil war if he stepped down and brought in elections and reforms.''

What a fucking joke. Yeah there is a dictator in a Middle East country. Lets try to kill him and even start a civil war that would last 10 years that will totally annihiliate the country and its people if needed. Because you know, those people deserve democracy and shiet. Because democracy is the biggest concern of Erdogan. Inconsistency couldnt have a better example.

''If its so secular why is it backed by the Fanatical Iranian Mullahs.''

Uhmm because everyone else wants a piece of him? He is also supported by Russia and he doesnt reject that because they are Orthodox or whatever.

''As a Turkish person we have to support every Turkic ethnic group. Conquering and imperialism in is our blood. I 100% support Turkish imperialism. Our ancestors were imperialists nothing to be ashamed about.''

I read this part afterwards sorry. Didnt know you were someone to be not taken serious. Just this: We did a great evil to Syrian Turkmens. Forget about the Turkic presence in Syria. That became a phenomenon of history after a 1000 years. It is over. Just like how Greek presence ended in Anatolia same will be the case the moment the war ends. They cant live there now. They are now seen as collaborators of foreign invader Turkey just like how Rums of Anatolia were to Greece.

''If we did not become imperialists the Turks would have got wiped out from history. Either we conquer or we become the conquered. Take a page from history.''

We literally destabilised our neighbour and gave birth to the biggest national security crisis in our modern history since the single party regime times. Erdogan sacrificed an entire country to his ihvanist political obsession.
Your ihvanist ''imperialism'' is about to cost us our natural rights in East Mediterranian due to losing Egypt.

People like you were down with when Turgut Ozal said ''bir koyup üç alacağız''. He couldnt even take a third of a one. Because people like you dont know our yesterday, we are destined to repeat this fate in every 10 years. At least back then there was a Kemalist bureucracy to prevent these kind of crap to a degree. Minister of defense resigned saying I wont send my soldiers without air support. Because today we dont have such a person, we lost 35 maybe more so last year for no reason.

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