Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Foreign Minister Cavusoglu: Turkey, Syria's territorial integrity defense, will continue to fight to protect civilians and terrorist organizations.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: "Russia, Turkey and Qatar, had agreed on initiatives to fight against separatism in Syria"
Turkey, the foreign ministers of Russia and Qatar in joint written statement, stressing their determination to stand up against the separatist agenda in Syria.


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The guys wife is a sunni! He literally married to a sunni! His minister of defense is sunni! Overwhelming part of his army is sunni!
He trusts on a sunni guy to protect his life! How the hell can he be sectarian in such an overwhelmingly sunni country?
The minister of defense, I say. His wife I say. The generals of the army I say, are sunni!
What does he genocide sunnis with? His army that is led by sunnis?
Why did he marry a sunni if he is a sectarian?

Asala was fucking over in 1991. For the Pkk cut the crap really. We became hostile with Assad in 2011. From 2011 to 2015 was the golden age of solution process with PKK, it started in 2009. So you make solution process with PKK between 2009 and 2015 but wage war on Assad for supporting them in 2011? How the hell can you live with so much inconsistencies? Doesnt your brain really accept these as insults to itself? Your fucking ally who is the sole reason you fought against Assad supports PKK as the number 1.

Not to mention, like I said before, we did the biggest good to PKK/YPG ourselves by emptying the so called Kurdish corridor by destabilising Syria, cleaning mines on our border, training jihadists in Marash etc as the bogeymen.

A person so deceiveable like you, would be easily convinced if there was a, god forbid, civil war in Turkey if you were born in another country. I tell you, you would be easily convinced by the arguement ''but the Erdogan was a genocidal maniac against the Kurds''. You would totally take it, I tell you. Whether believe me on this or not. I am telling you here the sole truth: you would believe it and you would support the Pkk in that civil war.

''Assad could have easily avoided the Civil war if he stepped down and brought in elections and reforms.''

What a fucking joke. Yeah there is a dictator in a Middle East country. Lets try to kill him and even start a civil war that would last 10 years that will totally annihiliate the country and its people if needed. Because you know, those people deserve democracy and shiet. Because democracy is the biggest concern of Erdogan. Inconsistency couldnt have a better example.

''If its so secular why is it backed by the Fanatical Iranian Mullahs.''

Uhmm because everyone else wants a piece of him? He is also supported by Russia and he doesnt reject that because they are Orthodox or whatever.

''As a Turkish person we have to support every Turkic ethnic group. Conquering and imperialism in is our blood. I 100% support Turkish imperialism. Our ancestors were imperialists nothing to be ashamed about.''

I read this part afterwards sorry. Didnt know you were someone to be not taken serious. Just this: We did a great evil to Syrian Turkmens. Forget about the Turkic presence in Syria. That became a phenomenon of history after a 1000 years. It is over. Just like how Greek presence ended in Anatolia same will be the case the moment the war ends. They cant live there now. They are now seen as collaborators of foreign invader Turkey just like how Rums of Anatolia were to Greece.

''If we did not become imperialists the Turks would have got wiped out from history. Either we conquer or we become the conquered. Take a page from history.''

We literally destabilised our neighbour and gave birth to the biggest national security crisis in our modern history since the single party regime times. Erdogan sacrificed an entire country to his ihvanist political obsession.
Your ihvanist ''imperialism'' is about to cost us our natural rights in East Mediterranian due to losing Egypt.

People like you were down with when Turgut Ozal said ''bir koyup üç alacağız''. He couldnt even take a third of a one. Because people like you dont know our yesterday, we are destined to repeat this fate in every 10 years. At least back then there was a Kemalist bureucracy to prevent these kind of crap to a degree. Minister of defense resigned saying I wont send my soldiers without air support. Because today we dont have such a person, we lost 35 maybe more so last year for no reason.

Muslim brotherhood is against imperialism lmaoooooo

You just called me a Ikhwani lmaoo


Im more of a Turkcu not a ikhwani. Supporting Syrian Turkmens and Iraqi Turkmens is in our interests just we support Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis are Shia I still support them. I keep religion private and out of geopolitics because it does not influence geopolitics like in the past. Even though religion is still important today in global politics it plays the least role when you compare ethnicity, race, economy, culture, political, military and economic interests.

Sunni means jack shit the reason why Assad sucked up to Sunnis because they are the majority of the population he even tried to Sunnify the Alawites so they can fit into Syria.

Look at the demographics of this whole Syrian civil war and it was the Sunnis that were affected the most 1st comes Sunni Arabs and second are Sunni Syrian Turkmens.

Im against Secrataranism. We all know the Assad regime is just big secratarian state.

Not one bit is Secular about it.
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Muslim brotherhood is against imperialism lmaoooooo

You just called me a Ikhwani lmaoo


Im more of a Turkcu not a ikhwani. Supporting Syrian Turkmens and Iraqi Turkmens is in our interests just we support Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis are Shia I still support them. I keep religion private and out of geopolitics because it does not influence geopolitics like in the past. Even though religion is still important today in global politics it plays the least role when you compare ethnicity, race, economy, culture, political, military and economic interests.

Sunni means jack shit the reason why Assad sucked up to Sunnis because they are the majority of the population he even tried to Sunnify the Alawites so they can fit into Syria.

Look at the demographics of this whole Syrian civil war and it was the Sunnis that were affected the most 1st comes Sunni Arabs and second are Sunni Syrian Turkmens.

Im against Secrataranism. We all know the Assad regime is just big secratarian state.

Not one bit is Secular about it.

You really expect the lives of those Syrian Turkmens to improve because Turkey armed them? Turkey just made their lives harder in Syria. They wont be able to live in there anymore due to ethnic animousity and untrust. They are going to have to go from Syria, this may end the 1000 year of Turkmen existence in Syria.

What you are is irrelevant, you arent the one making these policies.

Supporting Azerbaijan was actually supporting them. This was not.

''Look at the demographics of this whole Syrian civil war and it was the Sunnis that were affected the most 1st comes Sunni Arabs and second are Sunni Syrian Turkmens.''

You are aware that the country is overwhelmingly sunni right?

''Im against Secrataranism. We all know the Assad regime is just big secratarian state.''

No it is fucking not. His fucking wife is a sunni, his generals are sunni, his minister of defense is sunni. You are literally insulting your own brain by defending this. How can someone believe in such a bullshit when all these things I lined above are the case? Are you like not properly thinking or sth? I said his wife is a sunni. If he was a sectarian his army would coup against him. How can you so blindly believe in a dumbass propaganda?


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You really expect the lives of those Syrian Turkmens to improve because Turkey armed them? Turkey just made their lives harder in Syria. They wont be able to live in there anymore due to ethnic animousity and untrust. They are going to have to go from Syria, this may end the 1000 year of Turkmen existence in Syria.

What you are is irrelevant, you arent the one making these policies.

Supporting Azerbaijan was actually supporting them. This was not.

''Look at the demographics of this whole Syrian civil war and it was the Sunnis that were affected the most 1st comes Sunni Arabs and second are Sunni Syrian Turkmens.''

You are aware that the country is overwhelmingly sunni right?

''Im against Secrataranism. We all know the Assad regime is just big secratarian state.''

No it is fucking not. His fucking wife is a sunni, his generals are sunni, his minister of defense is sunni. You are literally insulting your own brain by defending this. How can someone believe in such a bullshit when all these things I lined above are the case? Are you like not properly thinking or sth? I said his wife is a sunni. If he was a sectarian his army would coup against him. How can you so blindly believe in a dumbass propaganda?

What do you achieve by defending assad.

If we had the vanguard old school kemalists in the military. Assad would have been hanging on a tree by now.

Dont forget who caused this whole refugee crisis when assad started butchering his own people. Who gives a rats ass if his wife is sunni when most of the top positions are taken by alawites. While the country is destroyed and most of the population tries to flee the country.

Thats why Alawites defend assad to the end because his their man I dont see Sunnis defending this man if so there would be no civil war.

Most of the opposition in this civil war against Assad come from Sunnis but you also have Kurds, Syrian Turkmens and Christians. The Fsa even had christian battalions.

Erdogans biggest mistake was beating around the bush and wasting time when assad could have been nailed ages ago.

Now we have the Russians and the Americans inside along with the ypg/pkk and isis. It has become a clusterfck of epic proportions because Assad refuse to give way.

Honestly I dont get how some Turks like you can defend assad.

Our Syrian Turkmen brothers and sisters were getting slaughtered by assad, ypg, russians and isis. They called out to Turkiye for help.

Whenever our Turkic brothers and sisters need help we. We help them!!! Such a shame we cant do anything for the Uygurs. That burns my heart.


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What do you achieve by defending assad.

If we had the vanguard old school kemalists in the military. Assad would have been hanging on a tree by now.

Dont forget who caused this whole refugee crisis when assad started butchering his own people. Who gives a rats ass if his wife is sunni when most of the top positions are taken by alawites. While the country is destroyed and most of the population tries to flee the country.

Thats why Alawites defend assad to the end because his their man I dont see Sunnis defending this man if so there would be no civil war.

Most of the opposition in this civil war against Assad come from Sunnis but you also have Kurds, Syrian Turkmens and Christians. The Fsa even had christian battalions.

Erdogans biggest mistake was beating around the bush and wasting time when assad could have been nailed ages ago.

Now we have the Russians and the Americans inside along with the ypg/pkk and isis. It has become a clusterfck of epic proportions because Assad refuse to give way.

Honestly I dont get how some Turks like you can defend assad.

Our Syrian Turkmen brothers and sisters were getting slaughtered by assad, ypg, russians and isis. They called out to Turkiye for help.

Whenever our Turkic brothers and sisters need help we. We help them!!! Such a shame we cant do anything for the Uygurs. That burns my heart.

I am just copy pasting this from Aydinlik interview with outer affairs deputy minister Faisal Mikdat(who is a sunni):

'' Başbakanlık, İçişleri, Dışişleri, Savunma, Sanayi, Sağlık, Yüksek Eğitim, Adalet ve daha birçok önemli bakanlık “Sünnilere” emanet. Genel Kurmay Başkanı da “Sünni. Hükümette Arap, Kürt, Türkmen, Çerkez, Abaza, Arnavut, Ermeni, Süryani, Rum Ortodoks “Hristiyan”, Dürzi, İsmail’i, Alevi, Sünni ve ateist mezhebinden bakanlar ve yüksek dereceli yöneticiler hükümette temsil ediliyor.

Birçok Suriyeli Türkmen Savunma, Genel Kurmay, Yüksek Eğitim ve Başbakanlık görevi yaptı ve mevcut kabinede halen yapanlar var. Diyeceksiniz ki, devletin en önemli iki kurumu istihbarat ve ordu da “Aleviler” hâkim deniliyor. Bu da doğru değil. Milli Güvenlik Kurulu Şefi, tüm istihbarat kurumların bağlı olduğu üst kurum, Ali Memluk “Sünni” ve Mumluklu. Genel Muhaberat Başkanı Dib Zaytun “Sünni”. Siyasi ve İç güvenlik şefleri “Sünni”. Başbakan yardımcısı, Savunma Bakanı ve Genel Kurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Fahd Jasem Al-Frayj “Sünni”. Ordu komutanlarının %75’i “Sünni”.

Dışişlerinde görevli bürokratların ezici çoğunluğu, yurtdışı temsilciliklerinde Büyükelçi ve Konsolos statüsünde görev yapanların %90’ı “Sünni”. Suriye Evkaf (Diyanet) İşleri Bakanı “Hanefi Sünni. Suriye anayasasına binaen devletin resmi dini İslam, resmi mezhebi Hanefilik. Suriye Parlamentosu Başkanı bir kadın ve “Sünni”. Cumhurbaşkanı yardımcısı bir kadın ve “Sünni”.''

''If we had the vanguard old school kemalists in the military. Assad would have been hanging on a tree by now.''

Those Kemalists wouldnt led our neighbouring country to a such an instability. We destroyed Syria. We created the Syrian Kurdistan. We have ourselves to blame for this.

The refugee crisis, all the humanitarian crisis was caused by the USA. USA first raped Iraq, now raped Syria. The plan is to found Kurdistan in the so called Kurdish corridor. They are simply destabilising all the countries they have on their way to achieve this goal.
Had they succeeded in 15 July 2016, we were the next in the list. In 2011 it was Syria's turn so they went for it. They did their typical allegations about how Assad was butchering, killing his own people; US white helmets went there as ''humanitarian aiders'' and did their work by planting fake evidences regarding the use of chemical bombs: I mean even US public opinion accepts these facts today. In the last CoD game people heavily criticized activision for white washing white helmets.

How can you just miss the pattern? US literally pushed the button for Syria's destabilisation and Erdogan being a puppet of them, aided them to the full extent. It had nothing to do with any humanitarian crisises: Neither Erdogan nor US cares about them, nor it had to do with sectarianism etc.

Jihadist groups, Al-kaida leftovers were brought from Iraq, Turkish borders were cleaned from the mines(the bid was given to an israeli firm), some jihadists were trained in Turkish cities. Assad was demonised in Western media and public opinion and the war to bring him down and destabilisation of Syria was initiated.
ISIS acted as the boogeyman and with the borders cleaned of mines; all the Syrians who were located on the so called Kurdish corridor escaped to Turkey and Erdogan not only not prevented this, but supported this. This was the biggest aid YPG PKK has ever received.
That so called Kurdish corridor was demographically shifted in favor of YPG-PKK.

''Now we have the Russians and the Americans inside along with the ypg/pkk and isis. It has become a clusterfck of epic proportions because Assad refuse to give way.''

Yeah, that must be the sole reason why it has all been a clusterfuck, bravo!
Suprise suprise! The whole thing was set so that it could be a clusterfuck of imperial powers around the globe. We had to help Syria maintaining its authority and political dignity. Instead Erdogan gave speeches like ''we will pray in the Ummayad mosque'': giving the sectarian undertone himself by saying this. We trained jihadists, we became the pawn of the US, we destabilised Syria and we on complete contrast to our own national interests demographically shifted the so called Kurdish corridor. Now fix it if you can. Now we have to scratch our ass a lot to stop US founding a Kurdistan. Oh no, but Assad had to go right? Because he is evil and all shieeet! Because he was killing his people for some reason! Because Erdogan cares about democracy or sth right?!?

''Whenever our Turkic brothers and sisters need help we. We help them!!! Such a shame we cant do anything for the Uygurs. That burns my heart.''

I think they are going to need help after we ''help'' them but I dont know who will help them.


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Seriously in the 2020 Karabag war a piece of shit chpili accuses Turkiye of sending jihadists to Azerbaijan.

We have so called Turkish users on the internet accusing their own country of supporting isis and al qaeda.

I say this you dont earn jack shit by smearing your country.

People who are against Turkiye and the Turks dont look at Erdogan as the enemy they see us all as enemies.

Funny how think that once Erdogan is gone that suddenly everybody is going to love us the next day.

Seriously thank God for the Turkish military if wasnt for them and their sacrifices we would all be pounced upon by hyenas.
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Philip the Arab

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Seriously in the 2020 Karabag war a piece of shit chpili accuses Turkiye of sending jihadists to Azerbaijan.

We have so called Turkish users on the internet accusing their own country of supporting isis and al qaeda.
I mean most Syrian rebels are proto jihadists :ROFLMAO:

Fuzuli NL

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Everyone calm down!
Refrain from getting personal and name callings.
Everybody has the right to share his opinions within the rules!

Philip the Arab

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I doubt jihadists will fight for a Shia Azerbaijan.

If Syrians did go its most likely Syrian Turkmens who did it out of ethnic/racial kinship not religion.
Money will make anyone fight for anything. Just how the world works unfortunately. I remember seeing online that allegedly some Syrians were mad they were going to help shia Azeris.

Many of these guys are extremists who have to get money somehow to feed their families and will take any opportunity they get.
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You just confirmed you are a assad fanboy. Thank you for recycling trash that Turkey supports al qaeda and isis.

Please take the Ataturk picture off your profile. Traitor.

Aydinlik is such a credible source lmaoooo you do realise dogu perincek and his eurasian crowd are pro assad.

Jihadists lmaooo we actually supported the fsa.

In 1999 most Turkish generals supported a war against Syria while politicians backed out.

Guess who these guys were old vanguard of Kemalists.

''Please take the Ataturk picture off your profile. Traitor.'' ''You just confirmed you are a assad fanboy.''
Traitor, Assad fanboy, take Ataturk picture off your profile... I really want to believe you are only a secondary school student. Actually even for a secondary school student this would be very unfortunate. All these accusations of ''traitor, Assad fanboy'' these are the summary of Turkey today.
You are the unfortunate summary of Turkey today.
Monopolising patriotism.

Patriotism, nationalism all of these are in your monopoly right? We cant say a word about the countrys policies because we disagree with you?

I mean kid, I am not saying this in a hateful way believe me but If I were your father I would give you a very clean beating, for your own good. Because this right here, is a bigger priority than talking about Syria, geopolitics etc. You have got a very serious manner of arguement problem. This will come across all throughout your life. Unfortunately Turkeys biggest problem is this right now and you just showed it in the most open way.

Because I dont agree with governments Syria policy you declare me a traitor, pro-Assad and so on. People, am I the only one that is anxious about the future of this kids generation?

You accuse me of being Perincekci, I can accuse you of being a Gulenist because you simply support destabilisation of Syria which serves the most to US and Israel and this would end any environment of discussion.

Anyway, I am not typing these for you anymore, I am just responding for the third parties as I would have no business with someone like you.

Aydinlik made this interview probably for its own political affiliations true. But there are hard evidences given in that interview. It gives you sth calculable not subjective shits like '' Oh all the positions are given to Alawites!'' ''Ouu he kills his people!!!''

I am sceptical of every accusation US and the Western media does because they have a very long list of lying. They accused Iraq of having nukes, they accused Turkey of genociding Kurds, they accused Al Qaeda of 9/11 and so on.
Their white helmets are controversial even in American lands. They promote them as humanitarian help association but it is widely known they plant fake evidences to demonise US' enemies. They did the same in Syria too.

It isnt me that says these, CoDs last game became subject to huge controversies among people of the US simply for white washing the white helmets.

In 1999 the conjuncture was different as Syria was holding the leader of Pkk Abdullah Ocalan. Destabilising our neighbour serves and has served to Pkk.

For Ataturk, I think he would have the same idea with me regarding the ihvanist policies of Erdogan.


''Please take the Ataturk picture off your profile. Traitor.'' ''You just confirmed you are a assad fanboy.''
Traitor, Assad fanboy, take Ataturk picture off your profile... I really want to believe you are only a secondary school student. Actually even for a secondary school student this would be very unfortunate. All these accusations of ''traitor, Assad fanboy'' these are the summary of Turkey today.
You are the unfortunate summary of Turkey today.
Monopolising patriotism.

Patriotism, nationalism all of these are in your monopoly right? We cant say a word about the countrys policies because we disagree with you?

I mean kid, I am not saying this in a hateful way believe me but If I were your father I would give you a very clean beating, for your own good. Because this right here, is a bigger priority than talking about Syria, geopolitics etc. You have got a very serious manner of arguement problem. This will come across all throughout your life. Unfortunately Turkeys biggest problem is this right now and you just showed it in the most open way.

Because I dont agree with governments Syria policy you declare me a traitor, pro-Assad and so on. People, am I the only one that is anxious about the future of this kids generation?

You accuse me of being Perincekci, I can accuse you of being a Gulenist because you simply support destabilisation of Syria which serves the most to US and Israel and this would end any environment of discussion.

Anyway, I am not typing these for you anymore, I am just responding for the third parties as I would have no business with someone like you.

Aydinlik made this interview probably for its own political affiliations true. But there are hard evidences given in that interview. It gives you sth calculable not subjective shits like '' Oh all the positions are given to Alawites!'' ''Ouu he kills his people!!!''

I am sceptical of every accusation US and the Western media does because they have a very long list of lying. They accused Iraq of having nukes, they accused Turkey of genociding Kurds, they accused Al Qaeda of 9/11 and so on.
Their white helmets are controversial even in American lands. They promote them as humanitarian help association but it is widely known they plant fake evidences to demonise US' enemies. They did the same in Syria too.

It isnt me that says these, CoDs last game became subject to huge controversies among people of the US simply for white washing the white helmets.

In 1999 the conjuncture was different as Syria was holding the leader of Pkk Abdullah Ocalan. Destabilising our neighbour serves and has served to Pkk.

For Ataturk, I think he would have the same idea with me regarding the ihvanist policies of Erdogan.

I want to add something important to this. Several publications by university professors note Erdogans relationship with the muslim brotherhood and how he said he would support Assad putting down the rebels if Assad would appoint some Muslim Brotherhood members as ministers (The muslim brotherhood members were currently in exile in Turkey due to rebelling against Assad in the 70's). AFAIK if these professors are gulenists, they were not purged even after publishing this.

Both sources make reference to the same daily milliyet article saying Erdogan gave Assad this assurance. It's since been deleted, but is still referred to in these publications.

Erdogan had to turn around when Assad said 'No', and Erdogan supplied weapons not to the Turkmen. Just to extreme proxies he could incorporate into a proto muslim brotherhood professional army. Groups used as primary proxies such as Sultan Murad and Sultam Suleiman Shah are a band of criminals and don't represent Turkmen, most Turkmen have fled because of the war heating up.

Some of these proxies are extremists, they are rapists, looters and they are promised Turkish citizenship as they fight for Erdogan. They are a national security threat all on their own. Haven't even mentioned Al Qaeda HTS, that is growing next door. The Syrians are not returning like this.
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Foreign Minister Cavusoglu: Turkey, Syria's territorial integrity defense, will continue to fight to protect civilians and terrorist organizations.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: "Russia, Turkey and Qatar, had agreed on initiatives to fight against separatism in Syria"
Turkey, the foreign ministers of Russia and Qatar in joint written statement, stressing their determination to stand up against the separatist agenda in Syria.

The problem with this is it doesn't mean anything, there is the autonomy in the north east and the autonomy in Idlib and you cannot destroy one without agreeing to destroy the other. Last I heard Erdogan wanted an Idlib autonomous zone.

He will never want to look like he 'abandoned the muslims to Assad'. Because Assad won, what will he do with the rebels ? he can't keep finding battlefields around the middle east to send them to so they don't become a security threat to Turkey when they realize what's going to happen. They haven't launched even one, one attack against Assad.
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The problem with this is it doesn't mean anything, there is the autonomy in the north east and the autonomy in Idlib and you cannot destroy one without agreeing to destroy the other. Last I heard Erdogan wanted an Idlib autonomous zone.

He will never want to look like he 'abandoned the muslims to Assad'. Because Assad won, what will he do with the rebels ? he can't keep finding battlefields around the middle east to send them to so they don't become a security threat to Turkey when they realize what's going to happen. They haven't launched even one, one attack against Assad.

It's a difficult situation, but I do not think Assad is capable of making any deals as it may result in him losing support from Iran and Russia. And let's face it none of those who support Assad atm, would want a deal with Turkey as that would lead to refugees moving home and Turkey can move on to next plans.

In the end those who bicker the least and have common interests would/should win out.

Which is why it's important we keep repeating and toiling towards the goal.

TBH I think first step of negotiating is cooperation and Assad isn't even there yet. If Assad/government of Syria made agreements with Turkey, and Idlib returned to Damascus administration for rebuilding and such, Assad would have to show willingness to rebuild and such. after rebuilding and ppl returning to more normal life the final piece would/could be Assad taking over security of the area.

I just can't see how Assad would ever be able to along those lines. The people (not militia) would need to be protected from prosecution. IMO reaching a deal with Turkey is much easier than US/YPG.


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It's a difficult situation, but I do not think Assad is capable of making any deals as it may result in him losing support from Iran and Russia. And let's face it none of those who support Assad atm, would want a deal with Turkey as that would lead to refugees moving home and Turkey can move on to next plans.

In the end those who bicker the least and have common interests would/should win out.

Which is why it's important we keep repeating and toiling towards the goal.

TBH I think first step of negotiating is cooperation and Assad isn't even there yet. If Assad/government of Syria made agreements with Turkey, and Idlib returned to Damascus administration for rebuilding and such, Assad would have to show willingness to rebuild and such. after rebuilding and ppl returning to more normal life the final piece would/could be Assad taking over security of the area.

I just can't see how Assad would ever be able to along those lines. The people (not militia) would need to be protected from prosecution. IMO reaching a deal with Turkey is much easier than US/YPG.

As long as Assad is there I doubt Refugees would want to come back.

If Syria has a future Assad has to go. Him and his whole family needs to F off for good.

It will take 100 years or so to rebuild Syria. The country is destroyed for good.

Honestly I can safely say that Syrians would prefer living under Turkish rule and protection. Fsa themselves have proven they are incapable or ruling themselves.

The opposition we back are too busy killing each other instead of governing. Stupid clowns.


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If Assad stays in power, Turkey should just go on with the integration of North Syria into Turkey itself. We already building schools and hospitals and infrastructure there and the Turkish lira is circulating there. Turkish streetnames and signs are already in the making. Build a great Northern Army and Police Corps and you have a Turkish enclave in Syria. Natural annexation.


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If Assad stays in power, Turkey should just go on with the integration of North Syria into Turkey itself. We already building schools and hospitals and infrastructure there and the Turkish lira is circulating there. Turkish streetnames and signs are already in the making. Build a great Northern Army and Police Corps and you have a Turkish enclave in Syria. Natural annexation.

Seems like it as most Syrians prefer being under Turkish administration over assad rule.


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I want to add something important to this. Several publications by university professors note Erdogans relationship with the muslim brotherhood and how he said he would support Assad putting down the rebels if Assad would appoint some Muslim Brotherhood members as ministers (The muslim brotherhood members were currently in exile in Turkey due to rebelling against Assad in the 70's). AFAIK if these professors are gulenists, they were not purged even after publishing this.

Both sources make reference to the same daily milliyet article saying Erdogan gave Assad this assurance. It's since been deleted, but is still referred to in these publications.

Erdogan had to turn around when Assad said 'No', and Erdogan supplied weapons not to the Turkmen. Just to extreme proxies he could incorporate into a proto muslim brotherhood professional army. Groups used as primary proxies such as Sultan Murad and Sultam Suleiman Shah are a band of criminals and don't represent Turkmen, most Turkmen have fled because of the war heating up.

Some of these proxies are extremists, they are rapists, looters and they are promised Turkish citizenship as they fight for Erdogan. They are a national security threat all on their own. Haven't even mentioned Al Qaeda HTS, that is growing next door. The Syrians are not returning like this.
You can push Assadist propaganda all day long but that won't change the facts that Turkey with its "looters, criminals, rapists" fought against a man and his militias at the moment who are responsible of bombing his own nation to the stone age without discriminating from Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds or any religious group and the same criminals are fighting also far left extremists who bombed one of the most important cities in Turkey, PKK, ISIS and the same HTS that you state Turkey is supporting. Suleyman Shah, Sultan Murad, Hamza Division and many groups ARE representing the Turkmen.

When Russian and Assad planes bombed Turkmen villages along Jabal Turkman the only choice for the local population was to evacuate and the strongest including young warriors stayed to keep the advancing SAA from reaching Afrin, Idlib and also the Turkish border region Hatay which Assad sees as Syrian. When Turkmen warriors were low on numbers and were defending the fronts only by God's will many other groups including foreign fighters reached the mountains and defended the contested areas.

The Syrians are not returning because unfortunately Turkish efforts of disarming and neutralizing HTS in Idlib didn't succeed and on another hand they can't even think about Assad controlled territory because we know and saw very well what happened to opposition minded people in Aleppo and Southern Damascus when the areas were given away after chemical attacks, 24/7 bombings and thousands of civilian deaths including babies. Some of the Syrians that are in Turkey know the smell of barrel bombs and burnt flesh.

Turkey did what it have to be done. The only mistake Turkey did was not to involve itself fully with its resources but letting the US control all the train/supply program and the unconventional operations plan that failed (or was most likely planned to fail). If Turkey took the initiative tragedies like Aleppo, Idlib and the whole sh!tshow in Northern Syria would have been likely prevented and with that Russian intervention limited.


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You can push Assadist propaganda all day long but that won't change the facts that Turkey with its "looters, criminals, rapists" fought against a man and his militias at the moment who are responsible of bombing his own nation to the stone age without discriminating from Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds or any religious group and the same criminals are fighting also far left extremists who bombed one of the most important cities in Turkey, PKK, ISIS and the same HTS that you state Turkey is supporting. Suleyman Shah, Sultan Murad, Hamza Division and many groups ARE representing the Turkmen.

When Russian and Assad planes bombed Turkmen villages along Jabal Turkman the only choice for the local population was to evacuate and the strongest including young warriors stayed to keep the advancing SAA from reaching Afrin, Idlib and also the Turkish border region Hatay which Assad sees as Syrian. When Turkmen warriors were low on numbers and were defending the fronts only by God's will many other groups including foreign fighters reached the mountains and defended the contested areas.

The Syrians are not returning because unfortunately Turkish efforts of disarming and neutralizing HTS in Idlib didn't succeed and on another hand they can't even think about Assad controlled territory because we know and saw very well what happened to opposition minded people in Aleppo and Southern Damascus when the areas were given away after chemical attacks, 24/7 bombings and thousands of civilian deaths including babies. Some of the Syrians that are in Turkey know the smell of barrel bombs and burnt flesh.

Turkey did what it have to be done. The only mistake Turkey did was not to involve itself fully with its resources but letting the US control all the train/supply program and the unconventional operations plan that failed (or was most likely planned to fail). If Turkey took the initiative tragedies like Aleppo, Idlib and the whole sh!tshow in Northern Syria would have been likely prevented and with that Russian intervention limited.

You literally have two people above pushing assad propaganda while smearing their own country.

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