What do you achieve by defending assad.
If we had the vanguard old school kemalists in the military. Assad would have been hanging on a tree by now.
Dont forget who caused this whole refugee crisis when assad started butchering his own people. Who gives a rats ass if his wife is sunni when most of the top positions are taken by alawites. While the country is destroyed and most of the population tries to flee the country.
Thats why Alawites defend assad to the end because his their man I dont see Sunnis defending this man if so there would be no civil war.
Most of the opposition in this civil war against Assad come from Sunnis but you also have Kurds, Syrian Turkmens and Christians. The Fsa even had christian battalions.
Erdogans biggest mistake was beating around the bush and wasting time when assad could have been nailed ages ago.
Now we have the Russians and the Americans inside along with the ypg/pkk and isis. It has become a clusterfck of epic proportions because Assad refuse to give way.
Honestly I dont get how some Turks like you can defend assad.
Our Syrian Turkmen brothers and sisters were getting slaughtered by assad, ypg, russians and isis. They called out to Turkiye for help.
Whenever our Turkic brothers and sisters need help we. We help them!!! Such a shame we cant do anything for the Uygurs. That burns my heart.
I am just copy pasting this from Aydinlik interview with outer affairs deputy minister Faisal Mikdat(who is a sunni):
Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’nun Slovenya’da, “Suriye’de kapsayıcı, mezhepsel olmayan ve laik bir yönetim gerekli. Esad konusunda tavrımız sürüyor ama Esad’ın destekçileri yönetimde olabilir” demesi üzerine Aydınlık Gazetesi yazarı Mehmet Yuva, Suriye’nin mevcut yönetiminin zaten Suriye’yi...
'' Başbakanlık, İçişleri, Dışişleri, Savunma, Sanayi, Sağlık, Yüksek Eğitim, Adalet ve daha birçok önemli bakanlık “Sünnilere” emanet. Genel Kurmay Başkanı da “Sünni. Hükümette Arap, Kürt, Türkmen, Çerkez, Abaza, Arnavut, Ermeni, Süryani, Rum Ortodoks “Hristiyan”, Dürzi, İsmail’i, Alevi, Sünni ve ateist mezhebinden bakanlar ve yüksek dereceli yöneticiler hükümette temsil ediliyor.
Birçok Suriyeli Türkmen Savunma, Genel Kurmay, Yüksek Eğitim ve Başbakanlık görevi yaptı ve mevcut kabinede halen yapanlar var. Diyeceksiniz ki, devletin en önemli iki kurumu istihbarat ve ordu da “Aleviler” hâkim deniliyor. Bu da doğru değil. Milli Güvenlik Kurulu Şefi, tüm istihbarat kurumların bağlı olduğu üst kurum, Ali Memluk “Sünni” ve Mumluklu. Genel Muhaberat Başkanı Dib Zaytun “Sünni”. Siyasi ve İç güvenlik şefleri “Sünni”. Başbakan yardımcısı, Savunma Bakanı ve Genel Kurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Fahd Jasem Al-Frayj “Sünni”. Ordu komutanlarının %75’i “Sünni”.
Dışişlerinde görevli bürokratların ezici çoğunluğu, yurtdışı temsilciliklerinde Büyükelçi ve Konsolos statüsünde görev yapanların %90’ı “Sünni”. Suriye Evkaf (Diyanet) İşleri Bakanı “Hanefi Sünni. Suriye anayasasına binaen devletin resmi dini İslam, resmi mezhebi Hanefilik. Suriye Parlamentosu Başkanı bir kadın ve “Sünni”. Cumhurbaşkanı yardımcısı bir kadın ve “Sünni”.''
''If we had the vanguard old school kemalists in the military. Assad would have been hanging on a tree by now.''
Those Kemalists wouldnt led our neighbouring country to a such an instability. We destroyed Syria. We created the Syrian Kurdistan. We have ourselves to blame for this.
The refugee crisis, all the humanitarian crisis was caused by the USA. USA first raped Iraq, now raped Syria. The plan is to found Kurdistan in the so called Kurdish corridor. They are simply destabilising all the countries they have on their way to achieve this goal.
Had they succeeded in 15 July 2016, we were the next in the list. In 2011 it was Syria's turn so they went for it. They did their typical allegations about how Assad was butchering, killing his own people; US white helmets went there as ''humanitarian aiders'' and did their work by planting fake evidences regarding the use of chemical bombs: I mean even US public opinion accepts these facts today. In the last CoD game people heavily criticized activision for white washing white helmets.
How can you just miss the pattern? US literally pushed the button for Syria's destabilisation and Erdogan being a puppet of them, aided them to the full extent. It had nothing to do with any humanitarian crisises: Neither Erdogan nor US cares about them, nor it had to do with sectarianism etc.
Jihadist groups, Al-kaida leftovers were brought from Iraq, Turkish borders were cleaned from the mines(the bid was given to an israeli firm), some jihadists were trained in Turkish cities. Assad was demonised in Western media and public opinion and the war to bring him down and destabilisation of Syria was initiated.
ISIS acted as the boogeyman and with the borders cleaned of mines; all the Syrians who were located on the so called Kurdish corridor escaped to Turkey and Erdogan not only not prevented this, but supported this. This was the biggest aid YPG PKK has ever received.
That so called Kurdish corridor was demographically shifted in favor of YPG-PKK.
''Now we have the Russians and the Americans inside along with the ypg/pkk and isis. It has become a clusterfck of epic proportions because Assad refuse to give way.''
Yeah, that must be the sole reason why it has all been a clusterfuck, bravo!
Suprise suprise! The whole thing was set so that it could be a clusterfuck of imperial powers around the globe. We had to help Syria maintaining its authority and political dignity. Instead Erdogan gave speeches like ''we will pray in the Ummayad mosque'': giving the sectarian undertone himself by saying this. We trained jihadists, we became the pawn of the US, we destabilised Syria and we on complete contrast to our own national interests demographically shifted the so called Kurdish corridor. Now fix it if you can. Now we have to scratch our ass a lot to stop US founding a Kurdistan. Oh no, but Assad had to go right? Because he is evil and all shieeet! Because he was killing his people for some reason! Because Erdogan cares about democracy or sth right?!?
''Whenever our Turkic brothers and sisters need help we. We help them!!! Such a shame we cant do anything for the Uygurs. That burns my heart.''
I think they are going to need help after we ''help'' them but I dont know who will help them.