Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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It's pretty simple actually, just like how the actor said. You attack my soldier, you're a terrorist. ethnicity doesn't matter.


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Ottomans tolorated feudal rule to keep the fringes of a vast empire under control (a direct cause for centuries long de-centralization). From late 1700s on, this situation turned out to be a greatest headache for the Sultan, as regional rulers (called Ayan in literature) came to deny central authority, time and time again. In brief, last three hundred years of the empire was the very scene of this struggle, between the Sultan and feudal rule.

However, Ottoman administration had no intention, nor the appetite to clash with those feudal lords and use up the already scarce resources. Despite reforms well into the republic, this has been the setting for Kurdish majority east of the empire.

When nationalism hit the eastern boundaries of the empire, contrary to general belief, Kurds and Arabs initially remained loyal to the caliph. Armenians were the first to abandon the ship. It is WW1 and the immediate aftermath that had brought a seperation in minds, fueled by the allied West. And the German cross Ottoman officers were wearing in their quest to recruit men to fight the caliphs’ holy war!

Ottomans had to centralise the local rulers had too much power and their own armies.

A lot of the times the Ottomans usually crushed them but once the 1800s set in they could no longer control and crush then revert to back to where it was.

Best example is Muhammed Ali Pasha who elimnated his opposition then took control of his army. As he got stronger he was in a position to defy the Sultan.

Ottomans centralising their empire took examples from France and Germany. France easily centralised itself with one identity and language. Ottomans tried to do the samething albeit intergrating everybody with the notion of being Ottoman.

Arabs and the Kurds majority of them were loyal to the Empire until they abandoned ship.

Nationalism was last to reach the Muslims of the Empire. Turks in short tried to keep whatever was intact of the empire even they realised the empire can no longer be saved as the heartland was invaded.


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'Hope for a solution arose in Syria'​

The 6th round of talks of the Syrian Constitutional Committee started at the United Nations (UN) Geneva Office. While the committee negotiations were held under the mediation of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, the main agenda of the 6th round meetings was announced as 'the drafting of the new Syrian constitution'.​

19 October 2021 02:50Updated: October 19, 2021 02:56
'Hope for a solution arose in Syria'

The parties responsible for the writing of the constitution, consisting of representatives of the Syrian government and opposition, as well as non-governmental organizations, met in Geneva, Switzerland.

The 6th round discussions of the Syrian Constitutional Committee at the United Nations (UN) Geneva Office began under the chairmanship of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir O. Pedersen.


Within the Syrian Constitutional Committee, a 45-member commission consisting of the government, opposition representatives and non-governmental organizations will work on the draft text of the new constitution. Commitment to working together and methods of working together are planned to be discussed at the meeting.


UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen, who held a press conference on the issue yesterday, said, "We are starting the drafting process for a new constitution in Syria for the first time."

Emphasizing the humanitarian situation in terms of the urgency of a solution in Syria, Pedersen said, “There are more than 13 million Syrians in need of humanitarian aid and nearly 90 percent of them live below the poverty line. I explained the situation in my last briefing to the UN Security Council. "I reiterate that we need to come together now in the Security Council and start a real process for the benefit of the Syrian people to advance this process," he said.

What kind of roles the results of the talks that started in Geneva will play in the future of Syria will depend on the reconciliation of the parties and their compliance with the agreement.

The European Union (EU) Foreign Action Service announced that the EU is pleased with the start of the Syrian Constitutional Committee meetings and that there is hope for a solution in Syria.



"İdlib Sarmada şehrine Suriye Ordusu'nun düzenlediği İHA destekli topçu, roket atışları ve Krasnopol güdümlü mermileriyle yapılan bombardımanda ölen narko cihatçı ihvancı Tahrir el Şam teröristleri için tabut ve kefen dahi Türkiye'den ücretsiz yollandı.
Bunların Konya Belediyesine ait olduğu iddia ediliyor.
Narko cihatçı ihvancı teröristlerin ölüsü için bile sizin vergileriniz harcanıyor.
Medya ve iktidar da sizleri yok oraya harekat yok buraya top attık orayı burayı fethedeceğiz diye halkı kandırmaya devam ediyor.
Bunlar yaşasın, bunlarla devam eden yüz milyar dolar seviyesini bulan malum ticaret de devam etsin üstüne de halk vatan savaşı diye gaza gelip iktidar bunu kendine dayanak noktası olarak kullansın diye son sürat uğraşılmaya devam ediliyor."

"Even the coffin and shroud were sent from Turkey free of charge for the narco-jihadist ihvan terrorist Tahrir al-Sham terrorists who died in the bombardment of Idlib Sarmada with the Syrian Army's UAV-supported artillery, rocket fire and Krasnopol guided bullets.
It is claimed that these belong to Konya Municipality.
Your taxes are spent even on the dead of narco jihadist ihwan terrorists."

vatan savaşı.exe


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Turkey’s presidency submits motion on Iraq, Syria​


Turkey’s presidency submits motion on Iraq, Syria

The Turkish presidency on Oct. 20 submitted a motion to parliament to extend the state’s authority to launch cross-border military operations in northern Iraq and Syria for one more year.

The motion, which was submitted by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government, had previously allowed the Turkish military to carry out cross-border operations from Oct. 30, 2020 until Oct. 30, 2021.

The motion underlined that the developments in the regions adjacent to Turkey’s southern land borders and the risks and threats posed by the ongoing environment of conflict increasingly continue.

Turkey attaches great importance to the protection of the territorial integrity, national unity and stability of its neighbor Iraq, said the motion.

“On the other hand, the continued existence of the PKK and ISIL elements in Iraq, attempts against ethnic-based separatism, and direct threats to regional peace, stability and the security of our country. Terrorist organizations, especially PKK/PYD-YPG and ISIL, continue their presence in Syria in the areas adjacent to our border, continuing their actions against our country, our national security and civilians.” it was said.

The motion drew attention to the fact that the terrorist organization PKK/PYD-YPG continues its separatist activities in Syria, it was explained that measures were taken in line with the legitimate national security interests in order to preserve the peace and stability established in Turkey’s areas of operation.

It stressed that the risks and threats targeting the activities related to the establishment of stability and security in Idlib within the scope of the Astana process continue.

Within the scope of all these developments, “necessary measures in line with our rights arising from international law is of vital importance for our national security,” against any action that may pose a threat to the national security, aimed at disrupting the territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria and creating illegitimate fait accompli in the field.

During the parliamentary session, lawmakers will debate on whether the same motion should be extended, or a new motion should be drafted.

Since 2016, Turkey’s Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations in northwestern Syria have liberated the region from YPG/PKK and ISIL terrorists, making it possible for Syrians who fled violence to return home.

Turkey has long decried the threat from terrorists located on east of River Euphrates in northern Syria, pledging military action to prevent the formation of a “terrorist corridor” there.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women, children and infants. The YPG is the Syrian branch of the terrorist organization PKK.


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look, in the past, before any Turkish commence there's usually some high level talks between the Turkish side and Russia/USA, if this operation is imminent why haven't we seen any talks ??


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look, in the past, before any Turkish commence there's usually some high level talks between the Turkish side and Russia/USA, if this operation is imminent why haven't we seen any talks ??
There was a meeting in Sochi with Russia and Iran. Now we are waiting a meeting with Biden within a month.

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