Le Maroc déploie son armée près de la frontière algérienne - VIDEO
Les Force Armées Royales auraient été déployés en grand nombre près de la frontière algérienne pour contrer...

Morocco Deploys Its Army Near The Algerian Border
By Oussama

The Royal Armed Forces of Morocco have reportedly been deployed in large numbers near the Algerian border to counter possible threats, says Sawt al-Maghreb.
The Royal Armed Forces have reportedly been deployed in large numbers near the Algerian border to counter possible threats. pic.twitter.com/gAuCSbwtC8
- Sawt Al-Maghreb (@SawtAlMaghreb) August 30, 2021
Algeria breaks diplomatic relations with Morocco
Algeria severed diplomatic ties with Morocco on Tuesday, citing what it called "hostile actions" by its most populous neighbor with whom it has enjoyed strained relations for decades.
Speaking at a press conference in Algiers, Foreign Minister Ramdane Lamamra accused Morocco of using Pegasus spyware against its officials, of supporting a separatist group and of failing "bilateral commitments", in particular on the question of Western Sahara.
"The Moroccan kingdom has never ceased its hostile actions against Algeria," he said, announcing the immediate end of relations. Each country's consulates will remain open, however, he said.
Morocco's foreign ministry was not immediately available for comment, but King Mohammed VI publicly called for improved relations with Algeria, including in a speech last month.
While the border between the two North African powers had been closed since 1994, they have maintained diplomatic relations since 1988, when they were reestablished following an earlier dispute.
Morocco has said for years that it wants the border to be reopened. Algeria said it should remain closed for security reasons.
Algeria last week said the deadly forest fires were the work of two groups it called terrorists, including the MAK group which is seeking independence for the Kabylia region and which, according to Algeria, was supported by Morocco.
Algeria recalled its ambassador last month after a Moroccan diplomat in New York called on the Kabyle people to have the right to self-determination.
Morocco for some insidious reason pretended to offer to send aid to fight the fires, but there has been no public response from Algeria.
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