It is not that costly, We can simply use sensor and weapon suite of I-Class to derive a larger ship with %20-30 increase at the price and add one more X-band radar in rotating configuration to provide better coverage etc.
Most of the cost is made up by propulsion, gensets, sensors and weapons. Rest is common ship equipment (but certified for military use). Even by opting for 2 + 2 DE instead of 1GT + 2 DE and RENK CODAG gearbox we would save money.
The point is, Navy has evaluated possibility of such a design few years ago for the emerging needs, however higher ups (in the ministry - government) have ignored it.
If we sorted out Arrowhead deal, that would take 4 years to commission the first ship with customization.
Urgent needs? Navy is so far the best organization to plan their needs from years ago. They knew they were going to need a platform to escort Anadolu since 2010s. It is about higher ups.
The point is even the news sources are reading this forum to extract information and to write articles, how funny right? We write something here then in 30 mins they come up with an article which is again, re-posted in here as a "reliable source"
