Organization of Turkic States


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Don't talk rubbish, Palestinians are in the similar position that you were while Armenians were in Karabakh.
That time the same Erdogan helped you.
It not matter of someone liking or not liking someone in one particular place but when someone like you or this so called Asena Great, and God knows who he is, are trying to find any sort of sympathy for your " ideas" even if it means to justify 120k likes on telegram channel for the burning children alive then it is not for patriotic reasons.
If it was , then, you can say it without sympathising with such things.
Actually, you have nothing to say or think of note. It is just pathological hate for Islam.
I don't know, your real name but whatever it maybe, it is Tommy Robinson.
Just like any other pseudo right wing European lumpen proletariat.
You ain't even a right wing nor Patriots, just Zionists.
You are just like Evangelical Christians, more Jews insult them , more they like them.
This joker Asena ,
Interestingly enough, you have nothing to say how Jews killed millions of your fellow Turkics in Soviet Union yet after 3 day of start of the war, you had all " documentation " ready to use against Palestinians?
I am not particularly fan of Arabs, but anyone who is not a Jew and support " Amalek killers" is kinda pedo.
Pedo? Morality of killings the kids is openly admitted, even there's a guy here who does that.
So you are like the company that you keep . No mystery there

I have no idea how Erdogan’s media has convinced millions that Azerbaijan was/is the “weaker side” in the conflict with Armenia.

I mean look at social media. People think that Armenia would take Baku if not for Turkey. Don’t know if one shall laugh or cry.
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Oh, what a state my beloved thread has become. Please calm down. If anyone is still angry, please take a close look at my PP.

mehmed beg

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I have no idea how Erdogan’s media has convinced millions that Azerbaijan was/is the “weaker side” in the conflict with Armenia.

I mean look at social media. People think that Armenia would take Baku if not for Turkey. Don’t know if one shall laugh or cry.
Please spare me of the heroic narrative.
I am not a child not to know that Azerbaijan needs Israel. In all my time here i never ever mentioned Azerbaijan in the negative context.
Even the ex general secretary of Hezbollah, Mr Tufeyli knows the position and situation of Azerbaijan.
I have a problem, when certain people go out of they way to suck up to Israel, even that is kinda ok.
What's not ok is giving some kind of props to Israelis in regards of Palestinians. As someone knows, I am not in modern sense of word Islamist but to prop the people who do or talk unprecedented crimes and frankly perversion is disgusting.
All of that because " They don't like you " . Let's not go further as it is in itself a paradox.
Other thing is , Israel doesn't help you for free , do they?
As i already told you, in that regards I understand your position.
Other particular thing is , everyone talks about necessity of sucking up to Israel. Like they are Santa Claus?
Turks wouldn't be power if they were cucks. I am not saying that Turkey needs to fight isreal, far from that as it is illogical, I am not even completely for embargo , why not take 7bn from Israel but like it is prestigious to be a cuck?
And as you see it , Israelis openly despise Americans, what do you think, that they think of you?
It is in the core of their minds and they aren't even trying to hide it.
The majority what is said from the people of this strange mind is Zionist, truly it is.
Repeating the narrative of Shapirro , Radio Genoa etc.
Truly I don't understand you, if you abandoned religion, fine by me but to make drama and deranged hate? Do you have respect even for your great grandparents???
That someone from Turkmenistan uses every single opportunity to spit on religion?
Enver Pasha fought for them and died, Enver would hang him for those words? What? He is bigger nationalist then Enver????
What kind of nationalist is that????


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If you read my previous comment, I wrote that what Israel is doing at least amounts to ethnic cleansing, if not genocide.

When it comes to state policy, I ask you what Arab countries are doing, who are also next door in addition to being much larger countries. Specifically Egypy and Saudi Arabia. They are the ones that can theoritically make a difference. Azerbaijan can realistically achieve nothing even if it suddenly assumed anti-Israeli position.

Or maybe you think that Azerbaijan supports Israel’s position? Azerbaijan recognizes Palestinian state.
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People are going miles these days in order to legitimize the Muslim Brotherhood mad man ideology and when countries are looking from the perspective of their own and logical interests they are mad. Why? Because these people are not preparing to be a part of the army of Mehdi. This is bordering mental illness.

Anyone knowing even distantly the culture of the Central Asian/Turkic republics have to be mad to believe that any sane government there will follow a foreign policy based on a religious motive. The local people in these countries probably annually consume more vodka than you consume water. I don't understand how can one think of the Turkic Council in this way. This is the reason why Turkiye's interaction with the MENA region must continue independently of its relationship with the Turkic Council and whatever initiative there is regarding Palestine must be done within the frame of the reality of the human catastrophe and injustice happening there instead of "come gardash, we will be doing the jihad bidhnillah against the murtadeen in Quds. Ready your himar and take Aybuke so she can make ayran on the way inshaallah". Absolutely ridiculous if you think this is a good offer for the average Kyrgyz fella.

I also see the likes of comments like "do you realize that Israel is aiming at land grab from Turkiye"... is it by 3024 or later? Israel has a small chance of land grabbing the tunnels in Gazza by the looks against guys that were living in a 45 km2 open prison armed with modified RPGs, t-shirts and Shamaghs, supported by some of the most sanctioned governments in the world and you are trying to convince me that in 50-100 years they will land grab the Levant and come for Turkiye with their current ~9.5 million population? The chance of 6.5 million Bulgaria (1/3 Turks and 1/3 Gypsies) claiming Tsarigrad (Istanbul) as their capital or Armenia conquering Ararat (Tanri Mountain) in this timeframe is bigger.

But wait 😲😲😲

Nikolay Mladenov, an ex-Bulgarian MoFA is a jew... The Illuminati planned it all along. Tomorrow I start bringing the suicide bombers from Fatih so Misak-i-Milli 2024 Balkan Edition ez.

Guys, please go watch some Hamas sniper videos, some nice RPG shots, even some Iranian missiles if you wish and calm down. The Kazakhs or the Uzbeks are probably on their 6th spirit by now and are preparing for sleep. I don't recommend you consuming alcohol, but there are enough enjoyable and calming things. I like baklava, dry fruits, nuts etc.



15 1,640
@Okaber @Anastasius dont take that pelikan islamist seriously he is a none turk anti turkist who is trying to do as much damages as possible between nationalist and hide behind Islamism. just for letting you know with whom you are dealing with after the earth quake AKP islamist sent syrians to girls dormetory in mersin where they rape a turkish student girl. when i upload a video from mersin's girl dormitory where the girl was screaming @Bogeyman calmly quote me and said yeah it wasnt a rape but the girl was doing prostitutions. and this the same anti turkis who do masturbation for iranians videos and now is doing provoction here to do as much damage as possible dont take him seriously dont feed his trolling

pelikan group is a sub-organization of SETA which is run by albayrak family
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