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What. The. Actual. Fuck.Filthy radical kurds in Paris are shouting we are "PKK" and that is why Iam always saying that the Kurdistan issue became more of like a religion and any party, such as the HDP, should have its members executed
They instantly blamed Erdoğan and Turkey just a few minutes after the first reports emerged. After that, they claimed that the perpetrator, William M. was actually named William Mehmet. Now they claim these riots were "provoked" by Turks making "pro-turkish gestures" with french and western Media picking up and spreading that narrative.What. The. Actual. Fuck.
They were prepared for this, didn't they?!
We need to urge turkish citizens to not intefere with these riots and keep their distance, unfortunately population wise they are much larger than us in europe . You can beat 1 beat 2 but we are human too we have limits , it is best to stay away from these rioters. Not because of fear of our own lives but for our families these people are animals children women doesnt matter for them. I understand seeing these flags and people can tempt us to intefere but nothing can come from our hands right now. The government that crushed the skull of asala is in the past unfortunately. 2 days ago if i am not mistaken a turkish university student was shot in the skull in france, the press claim it to be dispute but who knows the reality of it. Right now, apart from london there doesnt seem to be much activity here in the UK , it could change anytime though their population in the past 2-3 years has increased substancially .Those in Europe , keep yourselves and family safe and a baseball bat near the door and bedThey instantly blamed Erdoğan and Turkiye just a few minutes after the first reports emerged. After that, they claimed that the perpetrator, William M. was actually named William Mehmet. Now they claim these riots were "provoked" by Turks making "pro-turkish gestures" with french and western Media picking up and spreading that narrative.
Luckily, their stupid decision to riot, pillage, destroy property and attack French policemen pretty much invalidates that narrative. However, there are reports that PKK sympathizers from other European countries plan on traveling to Paris to take part in the riots, as well as some heads of these networks stating that they plan on "creating more chaos" in the following days.
@Vergennes ,Macron even apologized to them.
Whats going on in France?