PKK terror against its own people - Press release of Yezidis in GER


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Germany - Press release:

- Recruitment and abduction of Yezidis by the PKK in Shingal;

The Central Council of Yezidis in Germany calls on the PKK leadership to release the Yezidis it has abducted without delay.


Something that is deliberately concealed and hidden in the European and Western media, as it does not serve the agenda of the politics and geostrategy of the European states and secret services.
The PKK has started to forcefully recruit child soldiers and men in the Shingal region, probably to use them against Turkey.
PKK now acts 100% like ISIS but is not condemned in the media to the same extent.....
The same way the demonstrations of Kurdish Mothers in Turkey get completely ignored by the western media outlets -




translation will be added
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The whole Text translated by me

Press release

Recruitment and abduction of Yezidis by the PKK in Shingal.

The Central Council of Yezidi in Germany is calling on the PKK leadership to release the Yezidi people it has kidnapped without delay.

Düsseldorf –

After the terrorist organization, Islamic State was militarily defeated, the PKK established itself in Shingal, the home of the Yezidi, and especially in the mountains of Shingal. It is financially supported by the central government through the YBS (branch of the PKK in Shingal) by receiving a lump sum for each fighter. With this money, Yezidis are first recruited for the fight in Shingal - with the promise to prepare them militarily against a renewed attack on Shingal. However, these young fighters are sent against their will to the Kandil Mountains, the headquarters of the PKK, and indoctrinated there militarily and above all ideologically. Yezidi have been taking to the streets in Shingal for weeks, demanding that the PKK bring back their children. Dr. Said Saydo - himself from Shingal - says: "The PKK initially tempts Yezidis to train them only militarily in order to be able to defend themselves against a possible attack by the IS. They would also receive a monthly salary that they could use to feed their family. After they have agreed to the recruitment, they will be responsible for ideological indoctrination in the remote and impassable Kandil Mountains. From the date of consent, they cannot return. Anyone who dares to flee anyway will be punished. Either death or prison. After ideological indoctrination, they are then used everywhere, for example in Turkey, Iraq, or Syria. To make matters worse, many of the recruits are still minors."

Dr. Saydo further says: "I expect the PKK leadership not to abuse Yezidis for their struggle. The whereabouts of Yezidi must be reported immediately to their families. Those who do not wish to join them must be released immediately. Underage children must be handed over to their families without any ifs and buts. According to our information, some families have had no contact with their children recruited by the PKK for years. They do not know whether their children are still alive or are being held in one of the prisons.

Glan Aldonani, member of the board of ZED adds: "Iraq is urgently called upon to assume its governmental protective function for its citizens, otherwise we must turn to the international community to protect ourselves. Dr. Saydo added: "We are also very concerned that Arab PKK fighters are in the mountains of Shingal, which according to our information leads to considerable tension in the local population. The recruitment of children under the age of 15 is also considered a war crime. We will not tolerate this and we will stand by our people unconditionally, no matter how difficult and dark the times. "




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One of the most interviewed and heard delegates of the "German Bundestag" (Parliament) - belonging to the party "DIE LINKE". The media ascribe her Turkish roots.



The most quoted critic of Turkey, member of the German Bundestag (parliament) and initiator of the "Armenia-resolution", the classification as "genocide"...
Turkish roots are attributed to him. He is/was chairman of the party "DIE GRÜNE" (an eco-party)
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