That is your coloured view of Turkey.FNSS or Otokar?
I can not imagine either Otokar or FNSS wishing to give Turkey military might. Add Vestel to that. LOL
It's all about business and if you can deliver a product to the wanted quality the price is always right. You can call them greedy, but let's remember how long Koc and FNSS has been around and worked and delivered to TSK. They're around because they have solid investments that can be sold and they don't build their business on the prospect of selling to the state only.
Especially Vestel considering that only Baykar and Vestel took the initiative to produce UAV back in 2003-4+ without government suport unlike TAI.
I don't need to remind you or anyone else who RTE picked as his favorite.

Sümeyye Erdoğan ile Selçuk Bayraktar'ın nikahından ilk kareler - Son Dakika Haberler
Son Dakika Türkiye Gündem Haberleri - Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın kızı Sümeyye Erdoğan ile Selçuk Bayraktar'ın nikahına katılan davetliler törenin ...