TR Politics


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Lmao.. From a guy who said A lot of people are either becoming Deist or Tengrist..


His wrong most people in Turkey are becoming agnostic or athiest.

Its a global trend.


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As I said before the trend started with the age of enlightenment and industrial revolution that ushered the modern age.

I said this so many times even on PDF. Many Muslims, Christians and other people who believed in a religion did not believe it can happen. Well in the past I did not believe it now I do we are dying off like dinosaurs.

Islam might be the fastest growing religion in the world. I said this to so many Muslims dont celebrate what eventually comes to the top must go down.

We are going to decline like Christianity the difference is Islam has stronger foundation than Christianity and Judaism so its going to be hard for it to collapse. The decline will be slow maybe even fast we dont know.

All I know for sure is religion is dying off. The national identities which people hold dear yeah thats dying off too.

The plan is to create a new global order. This is a not a conspiracy.


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You want to protect Kazakhstan??

You should rally against Liberalism and Leftism not Islam.

You might be a Tengrist but most Central Asian Turks are Muslims and hold Islam really dearly.

I said this before I know Muslim Turks and Tengrist Turks dislike each other due to religious differences but I rest assure we are both on the chopping block.

Our future is not good. Plus even before AKP came to power Islam was already declining in Turkey. Declining of religion is a global trend thats why Tayyip said he wanted make a pious generation believing he could reverse the trends

How is Islam pro lbgt when most Muslim countries either execute or throw them to jail??

You mean Bachabazi?? Bachabazi is a homo practice mainly done in Afghanistan.

Its not a Islamic or even a Turkic practice. This filth comes from Persian culture.

Mate, what do you not understand about what I'm saying. Liberal-leftists are weak. They are pathetic, they will never gain a major foothold in the Turkic world. They are destroying the west with their LGBT bullcrap along with letting in refugees.

Can't you see that the same is true with Islam in the Turkic world? Islamism casts aside race, and introduces the idea allowing anyone of the same religion to enter. Have you not seen what type of humanist bullcrap AKP is spewing now? They are calling those who are against the refugees FASCISTS. COME ON MATE, what type of nationalist are you?

Islam is alien to the Turkic world, we should return to our roots. I don't care what type of excuse you give me, Islam is just Arabism disguised as a religion. Why can't we have the Ezan in Turkish? Why do so many refuse to read the Turkish Quran (because it can only be read in Arabic[!!!])? Ask yourself these questions before being a self-proclaimed TURKIC NATIONALIST.

Saying that "Turks have been Muslim for 1000 years so it's okay" is plain wrong. Nihal Atsiz was correct, our culture & religion should be purely Turkic, not based off a 1400 year old Abrahamic religion.


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Mate, what do you not understand about what I'm saying. Liberal-leftists are weak. They are pathetic, they will never gain a major foothold in the Turkic world. They are destroying the west with their LGBT bullcrap along with letting in refugees.

Can't you see that the same is true with Islam in the Turkic world? Islamism casts aside race, and introduces the idea allowing anyone of the same religion to enter. Have you not seen what type of humanist bullcrap AKP is spewing now? They are calling those who are against the refugees FASCISTS. COME ON MATE, what type of nationalist are you?

Islam is alien to the Turkic world, we should return to our roots. I don't care what type of excuse you give me, Islam is just Arabism disguised as a religion. Why can't we have the Ezan in Turkish? Why do so many refuse to read the Turkish Quran (because it can only be read in Arabic[!!!])? Ask yourself these questions before being a self-proclaimed TURKIC NATIONALIST.

Saying that "Turks have been Muslim for 1000 years so it's okay" is plain wrong. Nihal Atsiz was correct, our culture & religion should be purely Turkic, not based off a 1400 year old Abrahamic religion.

You cant discount 1000 years of Islamic Turkic history.

Perhaps because Islam was revealed in Arabic who is stopping you from learning it in another language??

Arabic has always been the official language of Islam when Turks took up Islam they had no problem in learning it actually its only today that Turks make it a problem. Every religion has a lithurgical language for Islam it is Arabic for Catholics its Latin for the Orthodox its Greek.

Islam is for the Arabs hence why they only form 20% of the population.

If Islam was for the Arabs I dont think Bilal the Abyssinian and Salman the Persian would have been accepted as Muslims.

If Islam was for the Arabs it would have stayed in the Arabian peninsula and become more of a etho religion like Judaism.

Blaming Islam for what akp is doing is a dumb excuse. They are a political. Politicians are opportunists they will use whatever.


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Most are becoming Deist.

Ultranationalists are becoming Tengrists.

Ultra nationalists will still be outnumbered. I said this before most of the youth are embracing these ideologies its liberalism and social democrat/leftism which in turn is making them athiest or agnostic.

Most liberals all around the world support refugees.

Why does AKP keep them because they are following the dumb eu deal or are trying to shift demographics to create a new voting base.

Whats the religious thing to it well Erdogan is trying to show the world and the Islamic World that he is protector and saviour of Muslims. It works for his image.

As I said before its all politics. Erdogan is an opportunist since the economy is going shit he knows his opportunities are running out to fix the economy and to solve the refugee problem.

AKP has already lost its good will to voters.


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You cant discount 1000 years of Islamic Turkic history.

Perhaps because Islam was revealed in Arabic who is stopping you from learning it in another language??

Arabic has always been the official language of Islam when Turks took up Islam they had no problem in learning it actually its only today that Turks make it a problem. Every religion has a lithurgical language for Islam it is Arabic for Catholics its Latin for the Orthodox its Greek.

Islam is for the Arabs hence why they only form 20% of the population.

If Islam was for the Arabs I dont think Bilal the Abyssinian and Salman the Persian would have been accepted as Muslims.

If Islam was for the Arabs it would have stayed in the Arabian peninsula and become more of a etho religion like Judaism.

Blaming Islam for what akp is doing is a dumb excuse. They are a political. Politicians are opportunists they will use whatever.

Well then the Turks deserve better than to take up a a foreign religion. We have a great history, a great language and a great culture of our own. Our story goes back thousands of years. We only accepted Islam because we were outnumbered.

You must realise that our enemies always use Islamists to their advantage. They've done it countless times in Turkey. They have funded Islamist terrorists across the world, which just leads to instability and destruction.

Watch these:



The Post Deleter
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I live in Turkey and I never said that the Central Asian Turkic countries are better. I said that AKP is f*cking Turkey up.

KKF is twisting the truth here... Many Kazakhs don't know much about Turkey but they are getting more educated about it everyday.

It was Nazarbayev who founded the Turkic Council, don't forget. I hope one day we form a proper union, but I can tell you something, Turkey needs to get rid of these refugees. Luckily in Kazakhstan, Kazakhs are having more babies than the Russians. Birth rate of Turks in Turkey is low, Kurds, Syrians and Afghans are having a lot more babies. Could you imagine, if Turkey keeps these refugees, 50 years in the future they will become a big burden not only for Turkey, but the entire Turkic world (if we have visa-free travel, etc.).

I want good for Turkey and Kazakhstan. Having lived in Turkey for a while now, and watching the refugee situation get worse is saddening. There's a lot that I can complain about when it comes to Kazakhstan, but the refugee problem in Turkey is as bad as it gets and I will not stop raising my voice about it until it is solved.
if you name yourself ''TURK'' Nazarbayev deserves lots of respect and a special place in our hearts.


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Well then the Turks deserve better than to take up a a foreign religion. We have a great history, a great language and a great culture of our own. Our story goes back thousands of years. We only accepted Islam because we were outnumbered.

You must realise that our enemies always use Islamists to their advantage. They've done it countless times in Turkey. They have funded Islamist terrorists across the world, which just leads to instability and destruction.

Watch these:

We accepted Islam due to political reasons no the Arabs did not conquer us. They conquered the Central Asian Iranic peoples when they reached the Turks they did fight each other but did not conquer or hold land as the Central Asian Steppes was considered the frontier for the Arabs they mainly had skirmishes with the Turks until the Turks themselves became Mercs for the Arabs after that the Turks became elite soldiers for both the Arabs and the Persians guess what who took power in the end it was the Turks

Seriously one of our greatest Turkic figures were Muslim.

Also religion does not change a persons race or ethnic group. You are forgetting the Turks are a nomadic culture we always embraced and took up foreign stuff all the time whether we liked it or for political reasons.

Ziya Gokalp said the Turks are rich in culture but not in civilisation.


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Man remember the time when a non Muslim in the Middle East and Europe converted to Islam.

And term made for it was called Turning Turk. So when a person during the 1400s until the 1800s converted to Islam they called that person a Turk.


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Also religion does not change a persons race or ethnic group. You are forgetting the Turks are a nomadic culture we always embraced and took up foreign stuff all the time whether we liked it or for political reasons.
Brother you are naïve if you think religion doesn't change ethnic groups... Islam has Arabized numerous ethnic groups. It has changed the way they dress, act, speak, write and more. You probably went to a religious school as a child or something, because you seem very attached to Islam. It is perfect in your mind, so it seems like it has been engrained in your brain. I digress.

Modern day Turkey is suffering a non-military invasion under the guise of "helping our Muslim brothers". If AKP wins again, expect these Syrians, Afghans, etc to gain citizenship. Turkey's ethnic makeup could potentially be completely destroyed because of Islam, tell me again about how it does not change a race/ethnic group?


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This thread is for Turkish politics and internal issues! Keep history out of this thread. Let's talk about things concerning Turkey today. Thank you!


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Merkel and Kurz are laughing, EU are determined to keep Turkey as a source of cheap labour, refugee and plastic waste dump
so, you should direct yourself towards others who does not want that, it is real politic,


“Turkey has nothing wrong with the faith of the Taliban. I think we can get along better"

Welcome Afghani brothers, Turkey is your second home.

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Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu claimed that there has not been a serious wave of immigration from Afghanistan to Turkey yet, and said, "The people coming from Afghanistan and Pakistan are our people."

Soylu: if you find a better migration management that works as well as ours in the world, i will change my name

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The Post Deleter
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They realy became delusional. they are commiting political sucide. I am sure everyone knows the first part of Goebbels famous qoute yet the rest of his words are even more important

''If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State''

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