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Either you have trouble understanding or you keep manipulating the forum persistently.

I just used the following expression:
There is no false infos in what I wrote. The messages I gave here as a footnote are about a terrorist you claim that they are not in boğaziçi events, and about demandin letter which was published by Boğaziçi solidarity.

If sharing content from social media lowering credibility, you've shared more tweets here than any of us. Although many of the messages you shared weeks ago were content that tried to impose the idea that these actions were purely a student initiative, as time passed, we saw how these events were poisoned by some organizations and individuals. It doesn't matter if you don't confirm this. You can bury your head in the sand as much as you want. This is not our problem. However, you cannot insult people, accuse them of lying, You should know your limits.

As a matter of fact, you are the first that openly lie or try to impose these propagandas on the forum agenda, And accordingly, When you see content that you do not want attack the reputations of the people here and accuse them of lying. You do not respect the forum or us. I wonder how much lower more you can get.

I also carefully follow that the moderation still does not interfere on this style, although it warns. So the warning was made against us and the former moderator was exempt.
The reason to i wrote that was your attitude that completely ignored these activities during the events.


And my previous message from it is as follows. I said that while You accuse everybody of being part of something or being troll of somewhere, these people refrained from responding to you in the same way.
Madrigal is not a pro-akp account. Stop lying about us or our friends.

Your behavior is the typical 'akp'lisin yaniii' syndrome.

Stop manipulating the debate by portraying people as members of a governing party. Although other members criticisied you on this issue just a few pages before, you still insist on this habit.

I really can't understand. Are you defending the tweets written by this terrorist? Or are some of the lawyers, journalists and MPs who defend him who try to market him as a democracy fighter? Or are you blaming those who saying that terrorist elements and their related grey-organizations should be seperated.

You've accused many of us with lying in this forum. You even compared me with Iranian trolls. Sana kalkıp ağzını topla terbiyesizliğin lüzumu yok, demedik. Ancak sanırım durum yanlış anlaşıldı. As people treat you with respect, you literally going beyond moral foundations that what you blame people and use it as a defense method.

Shall we respond with the same method, so I have nothing to talk to someone who defended/(or pretending not to be) this PKK supporter in this tittle just weeks ago. What you are doing is moving to partisanism. Be careful.

First of all, you are the one who conducts the discussion through individuals. It is obvious that you are not familiar with forum culture. Finally, you try to attack my personality with enough dishonor by taking my deceased mother to your mouth. You first compared me to the Iranian trolls for I wrote something here, then accused me of lying with lots of people. Also, you attacked my friend's credibility because I translated just sentences into English under the content I shared here, although everything is true in it. When you persistently try to personalize the discussion, I used my right to answer only once. Not for me but my friend. But now you're over the line.

I repeat that what I write is usually not lengthy and consisting of a few paragraphs of content that shows how I look at the topic. This is the first time I have been subjected to such stupid criticism in a forum. Moreover, by a member doing the same. It's your problem that you insult what I write, or making fictitious accusations.

I will not enter into this discussion, which is not relevant to the context of the subject because, just two days ago, moderation explained that They will not let turn this forum into another shithole. I will not be part of a forum where members and even their families are allowed to part of this 'non-'discussions, by Moderation. I don't have time for such things.

@Cabatli_53 @Webslave @T-123456
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Please refrain from personal attacks and stick to the topic. False allegations and information is not welcome. Terrorist propaganda will be dealt accordingly. If you have any complaints everybody is free to give us a message in a civilized way so we could sort everything together with a dialogue.

Some messages are deleted with the aim of preventing escalation on personal level.



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I just got spammed by my uncle 14-15 pictures....

Stuff like this... I think it’s good to remind voters of what their elected leaders are doing or have done when no one can hold them accountable.


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Man I’m still having a hard time understanding when Melih went astray... he even came to my cousins wedding some 15+ years ago...


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I used to be a totally mental hater of Erdogan. I still am dont get me wrong. But after talking to some kids from TGB(for foreigners, basically Eurasianists/anti-Atlanticists) despite I disagree with them on the real intention of Dogu Perincek, they helped me realise Turkey has been surrounded in all these years.

Erdogan acted together with the globalist/Atlanticist/pro-US elements between 2002 and 2015. Despite Erdogan hails from Erbakan's political school(''milli görüş'':national view) he actually changed his uniform and even said ''we removed our national viewer shirt''.
Because traditionally Erbakan didnt have ties with US and liberals. Liberals have always been the assets of US within the country.
In order to prevent the confusion for non-Turks, by liberals I dont mean ''liberal'' liberals. These people called themselves liberals and they consumed liberalism in Turkey in early 2000s even earlier.

Gulenists(a cult founded by US, its leader right now Fetullah Gulen lives in Pennysylvania, US under Cia protection), ''liberals'', Erdogans party: AKP and PKK(and its foot on the assembly who cant denounce PKK: HDP) worked together between 2002 and 2015. Against whom? Against the Kemalist bureucracy and the army, also Mhp, the nationalist party, Erdogans current political ally I might add.

Though it seems Erdogan and Gulenists fell off earlier than the others. It is a bit blurry but some people point as early as 2011 when Gulenists demanded their own deputies from Erdogan. Then Gulenists attempted to take over MIT in 2012 by setting up Hakan Fidan. MIT: Turkeys national intelligence agency. They say Erdogan called him and told him not to go (to the prosecutor). Anyway then we saw Erdogan waging war on Gulenists by targeting their private courses and schools in 2013. Then Gulenists caused Reza Zarraf-Halkbank event at the end of 2013. In 2014 ''Mit trucks'' event happened which is the reason to this day people accuse Turkey of aiding ISIS. It was actually also a Gulenist move. In 2014 also Erdogans tape records were shared in social media accounts exposing his corruption. In 2015 4 prosecutors including Zekeriya Oz, the infamous Gulenist prosecutor who took duty in infamous Ergenekon and Balyoz suitcases, were extracted from their duty. Finally in 2016 the infamous coup attempt happened in which the assembly was bombed and about 250 people lost their lives.

Pro-liberal US media while approaching this coup sceptical, calls bunch of Trump supporters taking selfies in the congress building a coup attempt, domestic terrorism, 5th column and so on.
Compare: (assembly getting bombed by F-16s)

Anyway, about the main opposition party: CHP
In 2010 Gulenists revealed a porn casette allegedly between CHP leader Deniz Baykal and a female deputy of Chp. Since then Kilicdaroglu is the leader and he has dragged the partys character to a completely different place. He made cooperation with HDP, basically PKK's foot in the assembly. Some people, like my father call this a political strategy due to natural limitations of CHP's vote poll but combined with how Kemal came with a Gulenist operation I think it is obvious. Kemal also ended the democracy within party, CHP was the only party with inner democracy in Turkey, he created his own crew. He took people like Sezgin Tanrikulu a person named in Wikileaks as a CIA agent. Even his code was exposed: TR705. A similiar casette operation was made against MHP leader Devlet Bahceli too but he resisted. When the government was asked to remove these casettes from media due to violating personal life, Erdogan infamously said: ''these are not private, these are public, public!!'' This shows us in 2010 Erdogan and Gulenists made an operation together against the opposition parties.

What did Erdogan do when he was aligned with these pro-US structures?

For Gulenists, he gave them university, high school, state officership, military school entrance exams questions. So that they could place their own men to state institutions, academy and the army. Imagine, millions of childrens hopes were stolen.

In those military schools Gulenist teachers woke non-Gulenist students in the middle of the night and gave them orders like push ups so that they could break their will. Keep in mind you have to pay a huge compensation to the state in order to quit the school. It is such a large compensation money that families had to sell their houses. Imagine those families who sent their children to those schools with big hopes and had to sell their homes for nothing at the end. Imagine the pressure on those children. For this I will always hate US. I hope China destroys their hegemony. I wish pain upon them.

In the infamous Ergenekon and Balyoz suitcases (prosecutor was infamous Gulenist Zekeriya Oz whom I mentioned above) many soldiers were thrown into jails for allegedly having plans to collapse the government. Some of them suicided due to pride: Ali Tatar.

''Liberal'' journalists like Taraf Newspaper journalists, Ahmet Altan etc clapped these events shouting Kemalist bureucracy is being wiped out! They were hand in hand with Gulenists. They were making corner posts about ''how ruthless Kemalist crew in the army prevented soldiers with faith climb up in the army'' what the army was doing was preventing Gulenists.

Erdogan infamously said ''I am the prosecutor of this trial'' as a political support.

In 2010 Erdogan went for a constitution campaign. Gulenists worked harder than Erdogan. Later on Erdogan admitted this constitution favored Gulenists to climb up within the states administation and security. Hdp and ''liberals'' also supported this constitution with the infamous slogan :''Not enough but yes!''

Now lets talk about HDP-PKK. Erdogan supported solution process between 2009 and 2015. Even before that he always gave messages of this. This was actually a hoax. It was an opportunity for PKK to strengthen itself. PKK was practically finished in 2000 actually. They literally revived it over years. Gulenist confessors also admitted they aided PKK in all these years. As I said all of these are hands of US from somewhere or another. So it is natural that they supported each other. Today Gulenists who fled the country or basically live in another countries make PKK propaganda: number one example: Ahval News.

Even destabilising Syria was part of this. Jihadists were supported, Syria was destabilised, Syrian border was cleansed from mines(the bid was given to an Israeli company note that Israel has always been supportive of a Kurdish state) so ISIS being the boogeyman and borders being clean 5 million people escaped and the demographical structure of so called Kurdish corridor in North Syria became available for a Kurdistan. Turkey shot itself in the foot, in fact I would say emptied a magazine to it.
PKK gained a foothold in Syria, called itself YPG so that US could get away with political backlash by supporting it.

In fact I forgot to mention when Erdogan first came he advocated for Turkey to join US in the Iraqi war. This failed due to CHP's opposition in the assembly(one might assume this may have been a reason to Gulenists porn cassette operation to opposition parties). Over this US did the infamous hood event in which Turkish soldiers were put bags on their heads. This created a huge turmoil in the country(still is remembered with hatred) and CHP asked AKP to give a diplomatical note to US. Erdogan mocked this saying ''what note shall we give, a musical note?''

In 2015 Erdogan almost lost the elections. He couldnt form the government on himself. At this point something odd(or seemed odd at the time) happened. MHP leader Bahceli allied with Erdogan for him to form a government. Since then he is making Erdogan fight against PKK.
Selahaddin Demirtas, leader of HDP who previously supported Erdogan became his enemy. Since he was confident during the solution process and didnt deny his links to PKK he was thrown at jail.

This is the story of how a US collaborator politician: Erdogan became a pro-Eurasianist folks.
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She should suffer the consequences.

Free Speech mis you either use it responsibly or suffer the consequences. Bizim degerlerimiz var.
Sad to see this, either mentaly challenged or someone who is high on drugrs, can not see other rational explanation for behaving like this.
Is it true that one of the martyred persons were archiitect of turkish drone usage doctrine?
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Sad to see this, either mentaly challenged or someone who is high on drugrs, can not see other rational explamation fro behaving like this.
Is it true that one of the martyred persons were archiitect of turkish drone usage doctrine?

He was good friends with selcuk bayraktar and supported the use of drones especially technology to give the edge to our soldiers.


Oppositioner journalist and tv proggrammer Levent Gültekin has been attacked by 25 bandits. İt's shame of Turkish democracy. Frequency of attacks on oppositioner media shows how much pathetic and looser the ruling parties.

Philip the Arab

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Sad to see this, either mentaly challenged or someone who is high on drugrs, can not see other rational explanation for behaving like this.
Is it true that one of the martyred persons were archiitect of turkish drone usage doctrine?
You don't think you should be able to say anything about anyone and not be arrested? Americans can criticize anyone and not get arrested. Hell, check Twitter and you will see people insulting Iraq and Afghanistan vets who died. :D


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You don't think you should be able to say anything about anyone and not be arrested? Americans can criticize anyone and not get arrested. Hell, check Twitter and you will see people insulting Iraq and Afghanistan vets who died. :D

We need another century of enlightenment before we get there. Don't know the specifics of what is discussed here, but we have many people that are easily offended by basically anything. Says a lot about insecurity, especially when it comes to my fellow men vs. women.

Fuzuli NL

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Turkey needs to enforce harsher measures of fines/punishment to ALL crimes of violence.
It's just embarrassing how many people get attacked for the stupidest of things. (See: Cig köfte aciili diye dayak yedi)


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Turkey needs to enforce harsher measures of fines/punishment to ALL crimes of violence.
It's just embarrassing how many people get attacked for the stupidest of things. (See: Cig köfte aciili diye dayak yedi)

You need to start at school level and teach this to young pupils in order to make a change, because their family members at home from a different generation will have their own wrong opinions on violence.

Last week I saw a video of a guy beating up a shop employee maybe 18-21 because his cig köfte was spicy when it shouldn't have been.

Philip the Arab

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What stipulations do you think there would have to be for UAE and Turkey to normalize relations?


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What stipulations do you think there would have to be for UAE and Turkey to normalize relations?

In order to understand that, we would have to understand what the motives are behind the scenes. Is it really the Muslim Brotherhood that is the main issue, is it personal between the countries leaders? Is it Arab vs. Turk? It has been stated a couple of times that Turkish interference in Arab countries is not welcome by publications in the region.

Right now it looks like the UAE is opposing Turkey everywhere, in every conflict even with no MB involvement. And I dont see anything that our government currently can offer except for limiting the MB support and the UAE has splendid ties with Greece, Israel and Egypt or Sissi deep in the pocket. I think that the UAE is currently in a more advantageous position.

At the same time I dont know if it's even wanted, because for Erdogan us vs. the world is exactly what he wants to keep his support in the nationalistic spheres of the country.

Maybe if Saudi Arabia pulls their strings in the UAE we could see some improvement, because it looks like Saudi Arabia is open for a new chapter with Turkey, but the UAE is still standing by their hardline position. Or maybe if Sissi agrees to talks with Turkey, that could also lead to some reshuffling.

What do you think?

Philip the Arab

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In order to understand that, we would have to understand what the motives are behind the scenes. Is it really the Muslim Brotherhood that is the main issue, is it personal between the countries leaders? Is it Arab vs. Turk? It has been stated a couple of times that Turkish interference in Arab countries is not welcome by publications in the region.
I think it is MB influence mainly that the UAE is worried about, reading publications about MBZ tends to spell out that his biggest fear is MB gaining influence in the region again. Arab vs Turk is a patsy used to gain support among other govs and population.
Right now it looks like the UAE is opposing Turkey everywhere, in every conflict even with no MB involvement. And I dont see anything that our government currently can offer except for limiting the MB support and the UAE has splendid ties with Greece, Israel and Egypt or Sissi deep in the pocket. I think that the UAE is currently in a more advantageous position.
UAE has taken a enemy of my enemy approach to pressure Turkey into being stretched thin so their support for MB in Libya is weakened. At the same time, UAE has just recently withdrew from Libya which begs the question of motive for their exit. It has also exited Yemen, and recently restarted relations with Qatar in January.
At the same time I dont know if it's even wanted, because for Erdogan us vs. the world is exactly what he wants to keep his support in the nationalistic spheres of the country.
I think Erdo wants governments that toe his policy, but I'd prefer a joint policy that allows regional peace. In conflict zones one side gaining all the power means that stability will not be achieved.
Maybe if Saudi Arabia pulls their strings in the UAE we could see some improvement, because it looks like Saudi Arabia is open for a new chapter with Turkey, but the UAE is still standing by their hardline position. Or maybe if Sissi agrees to talks with Turkey, that could also lead to some reshuffling.
UAE has more soft power than Saudi Arabia currently in my opinion.
SIsi, and Qatar is likely the medium that will allow normalization between the UAE and Turkey if it ever happens.

In my opinion it would be beneficial for all sides to talk about how they are going to fix their relations. UAE isn't in Libya anymore so that should make it a lot easier for everyone. I also think that the UAE would be better off allying with Azerbaijan to access its energy market.

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