Qatar military aircraft and personnel will be deployed in Turkey
- The number of aircraft to be deployed cannot be more than 36 and the number of personnel cannot be more than 250.
- Turkey will be able to use Qatar's transport planes
- Technical Regulation will remain in effect for 5 years
- DDUI (Permanent Diplomatic Flight Permit) numbers will be used for training flights planned to be performed in Turkish Airspace. The said DDUI will be renewed every year. It starts with the DDUI KAT/001 issued for the year 2020.
Katar askeri hava araçları ve personelleri Türkiye'de konuşlanacak
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükumeti ile Katar Devleti Hükumeti Arasında Katar Askeri Hava Aracı ve Destek Personelinin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Topraklarında Geçici Konuşlanması Konusunda Teknik Düzenleme"