TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions


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Turks in Syria


Syrians in Turkey



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Arabs and Persians are the religious scholars and scientists.

While the Turks are the Warriors and soldiers of the Islamic World.

Who fought the crusaders the Turks and who fought the Mongols its the Turks.

Crusaders and the Mongols suffered a lot of their defeats from the Turks. Where were the Arabs and the Persians they were all missing im action. I dont deny Arabs and Persians serving as soldiers but I cant find one Arab figure that was important in the Crusades. Saladin was a Kurd or a Turk depends on the source itself but Saladin was not an Arab.

Its the Turks that are saving the Syrians themselves.

Im not saying Arabs are inferior or subhumans. I dont believe in that master race nonsense. Lets be honest with ourselves the Turks have kept their fighting prowress until today and have been admired and respected for it while the Arabs fell off for centuries it makes sense they have no stomach to fight whatsoever its cut and run.

There are exceptions like Abu Tow. A true warrior.


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Guys like tnis i would deported momentaliry to the assad or to fsa hts camps to deal with them,idiots.

Men are watching like pussies man. We have gone soft.

Seriously man do this in some rural village in Turkey see how they stick a rifle up your ass.


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Probably because they are similar to them, this is some party site i suppose...


Azerbaijan Moderator
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I can sympathize with being a refugee. I really do. It's not technically their fault that Syria ended up becoming such a mess (unless they were one of the ones joining up with the likes of ISIS/PKK who then tried to claim innocence). But come on, being a refugee should come with 3 points:

1) You are a lower priority then the country's actual citizens. You will be helped to find a livable wage to survive and shelter and that's it.

2) Your stay is temporary and you are a guest that should be doing everything in your power to get back home safe.

3) You are to respect the host country's laws and institutions.

Bonus - if you are an able man and not a woman, a child or elderly, then you are at the bottom of the priority pile. If you are not taking care of your family in the process, it is assumed that you can struggle for your freedom against Assad. We'll give you a gun, a knife and grenades. Now go and fight. This last one is especially notable for the amount of male migrants. If I was president, I wouldn't let them in no matter how much they beg unless they can provide rock-solid evidence of a valid reason to come.


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I can sympathize with being a refugee. I really do. It's not technically their fault that Syria ended up becoming such a mess (unless they were one of the ones joining up with the likes of ISIS/PKK who then tried to claim innocence). But come on, being a refugee should come with 3 points:

1) You are a lower priority then the country's actual citizens. You will be helped to find a livable wage to survive and shelter and that's it.

2) Your stay is temporary and you are a guest that should be doing everything in your power to get back home safe.

3) You are to respect the host country's laws and institutions.

Bonus - if you are an able man and not a woman, a child or elderly, then you are at the bottom of the priority pile. If you are not taking care of your family in the process, it is assumed that you can struggle for your freedom against Assad. We'll give you a gun, a knife and grenades. Now go and fight. This last one is especially notable for the amount of male migrants. If I was president, I wouldn't let them in no matter how much they beg unless they can provide rock-solid evidence of a valid reason to come.

I believe the elderly, women and children are refugees.

But grown men nah. You know the grown men left their wives to languish in the camps.

Imagine that leaving your wife behind!!!


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Germany spent 23,1 billion euros on refugees in just one year and 0,3 billion euros on flood victims. You can see the outcome.

German right is rightfully angry.
Still, this women says they did not get hot meal in a week, that was my point. For the country like Germany that is embarrising, i know that eventually the victims will be compensated and settled but this first responce is apparantly bad.


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Alright so would it be racist of me to point out that the entire fucking country has been overrun with Afghans, Somalians, Iranians, Central Asians and etc. Put aside the Syrians, why are they all coming to Turkey of all places suddenly. I went to Karaman and had trouble finding Turkish speaking people. Jezus Christ that's my take away from my stay in Turkey this year. I don't mind immigration but this shit is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much. We definitely have an extra 10 million expats at the very least in the country.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Alright so would it be racist of me to point out that the entire fucking country has been overrun with Afghans, Somalians, Iranians, Central Asians and etc. Put aside the Syrians, why are they all coming to Turkey of all places suddenly. I went to Karaman and had trouble finding Turkish speaking people. Jezus Christ that's my take away from my stay in Turkey this year. I don't mind immigration but this shit is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much. We definitely have an extra 10 million expats at the very least in the country.
no, it would not, Turkey is not obliged to carry refugees burden by itself, it is too much for anyone actually but you should be prepared for even worse influx from Afganistan, Erdogan made big mistake when he signed agreement with EU, now your hands are roped. Best option on table is expanding teritory in Syria but for that you will be condemned and sanctioned from left and right around the world. On the bright side this is obvious war on Europe by USA to keep them occupied so if you can there get some diplomatic support then maybe you could make some bold moves in Syria, otherwise really bad situation. And beside current influx you should be prepared for continuos flow of migrants in next decade at least.
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Alright so would it be racist of me to point out that the entire fucking country has been overrun with Afghans, Somalians, Iranians, Central Asians and etc. Put aside the Syrians, why are they all coming to Turkey of all places suddenly. I went to Karaman and had trouble finding Turkish speaking people. Jezus Christ that's my take away from my stay in Turkey this year. I don't mind immigration but this shit is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much. We definitely have an extra 10 million expats at the very least in the country.

They are trying to reach Europe.

Even the refugees know Turkey is too poor lmao.

Seriously Erdogan got screwed by the EU. Erdogan is too stubborn due to his high horse bs of how he is the saviour of the Ummah.

Honestly by forcing refugees to stay is making shit even worse you cant force people to stay at one place forever.

Turkish people should be pissed off at Erdogan and the EU for screwing them over.

This has to be one of the biggest screw overs in history.


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I know act like a racist ahole at times on this forum.

I do sympathise with the refugeea but also the Turkish public.

Its draining resources, Turks have to compete with refugees for jobs. Refugees work for cheap.

Then you have a country that is going economically shit with unemployment and high rates of inflation.

And the government is ignoring the wishes of the people the same officials that were elected to serve the people.

The Atmosphere is toxic and its reaching breaking point.

I tell you one thing when Turks get pissed off they get really pissed off. Their patience has already thinned out.


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Only shit I see is terror groups and other countries exploiting this for their own gain against Turkiye. Turks need to be vigilant. Every time our Turkish honour and help always gets exploited every damn time.

Countries like USA and Russia will bomb the fck out of any country while they dont have to live with consequences remember who is the cause of this.

Russia in its history always used refugee crisises as a weapon of war.

Biggest thing we all ignore while other countries take in refugees the USA and Russia TAKE NONE

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