Russia-China Military Alliance Talk Grows to Counter U.S. Pacific Plans


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Russia-China Military Alliance Talk Grows to Counter U.S. Pacific Plans
ON 6/28/21 AT 6:06 AM EDT

Russian officials and state media have suggested Moscow may form a military alliance with Beijing and Delhi in response to claims that Washington is attempting to form a military bloc against Russia.

RIA Novosti, a state-owned media outlet, reported on Monday that Washington had deployed hundreds of thousands of military personnel, carrier strike groups and warplanes into the Asia-Pacific region, which would "become an analogue of NATO in Asia."

The report said that this bloc, though intended to contain China, will also "seriously affect the security of Russia."

"They need a wide bloc that would cover the entire western part of the Pacific," Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov was quoted as saying.

"Of course, this threatens Russia. After all, everything is happening on our eastern borders. US actions could lead to the creation of a Russian-Chinese military alliance. The question for India is to go over to the side of the Americans, with rather grave consequences for themselves, or to support Russia.

The report said the recent moves in Asia were similar to the North Atlantic Alliance that began at the end of the 2000s.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2008 proposed organising the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with the participation of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India in the early stages. Other Asian countries then joined, including South Korea and Vietnam, which borders China.

The United States is accelerating the formation of an anti-Chinese coalition based on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, the report said, citing the General Directorate of the Russian General Staff.

It also accused the U.S. of "actively influencing" India.

"In addition to Australia and Japan, special importance is attached to the involvement of India in this format, which traditionally builds its foreign policy independently," Admiral Igor Kostyukov, Head of the Russian General Staff's Main Intelligence Department, is quoted as saying.

To woo Delhi, American lawmakers will need to "play on the long-standing Indian-Chinese contradictions", Konstantin Sokolov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, told RIA Novosti.

"There is nothing unexpected in this. India and China are the main ones in the region, the rest have a supporting role. And the goal of the United States, as always, is to fight with someone else's hands, not to waste its own resources. Military support, security, including information, is a secondary issue," he said.


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