Southeast Asian countries edging closer to the US


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A fear of China encroaching on territory pushes a number of countries to improve ties with the Biden administration
A US V-22 Osprey takes off from the USS Wasp, a US Navy multipurpose amphibious assault ship, during annual joint US-Philippines military exercise on the shores of San Antonio town, facing the South China sea, on April 11, 2019. Photo: AFP / Ted Aljibe
After a slow start, there are signs that the Biden administration could potentially nudge Southeast Asian countries toward a tougher stance on China.
With the Asian powerhouse aggressively pushing the envelope across the South China Sea, smaller claimant states are becoming more receptive to stronger cooperation with the United States in order to protect their legitimate interests.
Throughout the past decade, Vietnam has been the only Southeast Asian nation that has consistently welcomed warmed ties with the West to counterbalance China. But other regional claimant states could soon do the same.
After months of tough negotiations, Manila is set to retain the crucial Philippine-US Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), which is essential to sustained and large-scale American military deployments to Southeast Asia.
The final text of the re-negotiated agreement is only awaiting the signature of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who, in his twilight year in office, is facing widespread anger at home over his Beijing-friendly policies.

Malaysia’s Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, a former defense and interior minister with deep experience in dealing with Beijing, filed a diplomatic protest and demanded China explain the “breach of the Malaysian airspace and sovereignty.”

“Malaysia’s stand is clear – having friendly diplomatic relations with any countries does not mean that we will compromise on our national security,” Hishammuddin said in a statement, indicating no softening in the country’s stance in the South China Sea despite the abrupt change in government last year.

China has insisted that the PLA airforce maneuvers were a routine operation that “strictly abided by” international law without prejudice to the sovereignty of neighboring countries.

Likely taken aback by Kuala Lumpur’s decisive response, China’s foreign ministry was quick to emphasize cooperation, and maintained “China and Malaysia are friendly neighbors, and China is willing to continue bilateral friendly consultations with Malaysia to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.”

Malaysia’s opposition party Pakatan Harapan, which took a tough stance against Chinese predatory investments as well as aggressive maneuvers in the South China Sea during its brief reign from mid-2018 to early 2020, urged the government to adopt a “clear action plan” in response to an incident that “raises concern” over Beijing’s intentions in the disputed areas.



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A fear of China encroaching on territory pushes a number of countries to improve ties with the Biden administration
A US V-22 Osprey takes off from the USS Wasp, a US Navy multipurpose amphibious assault ship, during annual joint US-Philippines military exercise on the shores of San Antonio town, facing the South China sea, on April 11, 2019. Photo: AFP / Ted Aljibe
After a slow start, there are signs that the Biden administration could potentially nudge Southeast Asian countries toward a tougher stance on China.
With the Asian powerhouse aggressively pushing the envelope across the South China Sea, smaller claimant states are becoming more receptive to stronger cooperation with the United States in order to protect their legitimate interests.
Throughout the past decade, Vietnam has been the only Southeast Asian nation that has consistently welcomed warmed ties with the West to counterbalance China. But other regional claimant states could soon do the same.
After months of tough negotiations, Manila is set to retain the crucial Philippine-US Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), which is essential to sustained and large-scale American military deployments to Southeast Asia.
The final text of the re-negotiated agreement is only awaiting the signature of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who, in his twilight year in office, is facing widespread anger at home over his Beijing-friendly policies.

Malaysia’s Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, a former defense and interior minister with deep experience in dealing with Beijing, filed a diplomatic protest and demanded China explain the “breach of the Malaysian airspace and sovereignty.”

“Malaysia’s stand is clear – having friendly diplomatic relations with any countries does not mean that we will compromise on our national security,” Hishammuddin said in a statement, indicating no softening in the country’s stance in the South China Sea despite the abrupt change in government last year.

China has insisted that the PLA airforce maneuvers were a routine operation that “strictly abided by” international law without prejudice to the sovereignty of neighboring countries.

Likely taken aback by Kuala Lumpur’s decisive response, China’s foreign ministry was quick to emphasize cooperation, and maintained “China and Malaysia are friendly neighbors, and China is willing to continue bilateral friendly consultations with Malaysia to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.”

Malaysia’s opposition party Pakatan Harapan, which took a tough stance against Chinese predatory investments as well as aggressive maneuvers in the South China Sea during its brief reign from mid-2018 to early 2020, urged the government to adopt a “clear action plan” in response to an incident that “raises concern” over Beijing’s intentions in the disputed areas.

Here is the problem, if the US isn't able to show a strong defiance and challenge China in SEAS and support an ally (e.g. Philippines with their current issues) then US can't really promis anything to the other nations in the area. Why, because PH is in the right, but China still encroach their territory.


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Here is the problem, if the US isn't able to show a strong defiance and challenge China in SEAS and support an ally (e.g. Philippines with their current issues) then US can't really promis anything to the other nations in the area. Why, because PH is in the right, but China still encroach their territory.
How is it you define USA showing defiance and challenge? The US imo had done what needs to be done.

  1. FONOP's , check
  2. Military exercise in the first and second island chain, check
  3. Carrier deployment, check
  4. Taiwan strait passes, check
  5. Issuing statements rejecting China's claim, check
And many more, now the question is, what have ASEAN state have done to ensure their own security, last time I check nobody is seriously modernizing their military, while in the Philippines, Duterte is busy pleasing his Chinese idols, while vilifying and antagonizing the USA. The treaty between the USA and PH only applies if Philippines is attacked by a foreign power.

To be honest the PLA's military activity in the region are actually the biggest driving force of ASEAN countries recent cozying with the USA.


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How is it you define USA showing defiance and challenge? The US imo had done what needs to be done.

  1. FONOP's , check
  2. Military exercise in the first and second island chain, check
  3. Carrier deployment, check
  4. Taiwan strait passes, check
  5. Issuing statements rejecting China's claim, check
And many more, now the question is, what have ASEAN state have done to ensure their own security, last time I check nobody is seriously modernizing their military, while in the Philippines, Duterte is busy pleasing his Chinese idols, while vilifying and antagonizing the USA. The treaty between the USA and PH only applies if Philippines is attacked by a foreign power.

To be honest the PLA's military activity in the region are actually the biggest driving force of ASEAN countries recent cozying with the USA.

ASEAN should never rely on another power. Lets be honest the USA and China are only looking out for their own benefits. I hope for the best for ASEAN countries if they work together also strenghten themselves militarily, economically, politically and diplomatically along with solving disputes among each other no doubt the future will be bright also send a message to China and the USA we are not pushovers and we deserve our place on the table as equal partners.


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How is it you define USA showing defiance and challenge? The US imo had done what needs to be done.

  1. FONOP's , check
  2. Military exercise in the first and second island chain, check
  3. Carrier deployment, check
  4. Taiwan strait passes, check
  5. Issuing statements rejecting China's claim, check
And many more, now the question is, what have ASEAN state have done to ensure their own security, last time I check nobody is seriously modernizing their military, while in the Philippines, Duterte is busy pleasing his Chinese idols, while vilifying and antagonizing the USA. The treaty between the USA and PH only applies if Philippines is attacked by a foreign power.

To be honest the PLA's military activity in the region are actually the biggest driving force of ASEAN countries recent cozying with the USA.
Those only benefits US presence in Japan and Korea, not truly helping for SEA situation.
US should make generous offers to hold those countries closer and eventually to convince them for a greater collaboration, at least should negotiate for an among them for the future.
It is a long shot game and it will be late if actions are not taken sooner.
Because i don't see any chances of these countries being aware and coming together apart from those ASEAN meetings or games, somebody should orchestrate a negotiation in deeper level for military and unified defenses-logistics.
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ASEAN should never rely on another power. Lets be honest the USA and China are only looking out for their own benefits. I hope for the best for ASEAN countries if they work together also strenghten themselves militarily, economically, politically and diplomatically along with solving disputes among each other no doubt the future will be bright also send a message to China and the USA we are not pushovers and we deserve our place on the table as equal partners.
Correct, there will be no Joe ,billy or John fighting and dying for ASEAN, every country is responsible for it's own safety. This is what many country in ASEAN lacks, basically this is the product of 70+ years of US supremacy in the Pacific, where US led security is thought to be granted. Now that China is rising so fast many are not ready.


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Those only benefits US presence in Japan and Korea, not truly helping for SEA situation.
US should make generous offers to hold those countries closer and eventually to convince them for a greater collaboration, at least should negotiate for an alliance between them for the future.
It is a long shot game and it will be late if actions are not taken sooner.
SEA could help themselves by steadily equipping and arming themselves, even if ASEAN would never managed NATO/QUAD style cooperation, by strengthening themselves they could minimize miscalculation.

The US should make a counter offer to China's BRI or OBOR, many in the region are very wary about China due to their closely tied and dependant economy. This I argue would be much more beneficial and useful in the long run than freely handing out F-16s.


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Correct, there will be no Joe ,billy or John fighting and dying for ASEAN, every country is responsible for it's own safety. This is what many country in ASEAN lacks, basically this is the product of 70+ years of US supremacy in the Pacific, where US led security is thought to be granted. Now that China is rising so fast many are not ready.

SEA could help themselves by steadily equipping and arming themselves, even if ASEAN would never managed NATO/QUAD style cooperation, by strengthening themselves they could minimize miscalculation.

The US should make a counter offer to China's BRI or OBOR, many in the region are very wary about China due to their closely tied and dependant economy. This I argue would be much more beneficial and useful in the long run than freely handing out F-16s.

US supremacy came at the cost of the nations in the area pretty much financing US, and the governments in return becoming corrupt. The US didn't really do anything until some leaders started doing thorough clean up.

I believe Duterte was vocal in the past, but I do not believe that has been the case the past 2 years. US with Biden granting export of ATAK to PH is the first step. I did share a bunch of articles about US building a naval base on some island belonging to PH in the SEAS. Though nothing new ever since it was announced.

I think the lacking cooperation in SEAN is the problem. They are aware of the issue, but I fail to understand why they don't cooperate.


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US supremacy came at the cost of the nations in the area pretty much financing US, and the governments in return becoming corrupt. The US didn't really do anything until some leaders started doing thorough clean up.

I believe Duterte was vocal in the past, but I do not believe that has been the case the past 2 years.
While I do agree that the US had plundered the region riches, that's also not correct to say that we're financing the US.

In fact many major ASEAN state had their economies roaring while being a close allies of the US.

In fact Indonesia is soooooooo much better economically under Suharto (a staunch US ally) compared with Sukarno ( a staunch Soviet and China allies).

That applies also to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.


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I believe Duterte was vocal in the past, but I do not believe that has been the case the past 2 years. US with Biden granting export of ATAK to PH is the first step. I did share a bunch of articles about US building a naval base on some island belonging to PH in the SEAS. Though nothing new ever since it was announced.

I think the lacking cooperation in SEAN is the problem. They are aware of the issue, but I fail to understand why they don't cooperate.
Duterte had been a disaster for Philippines national interest especially when it comes to security and the territorial integrity of the country. He called himself an inutile in font of China, and he seems very proud of it.-_-


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I think the lacking cooperation in SEAN is the problem. They are aware of the issue, but I fail to understand why they don't cooperate.
ASEAN was also cooperate militarily when Indonesian Military was still commanded by Gen. Maraden Panggabean to counter communists intrusion on Cold War era. Now, ASEAN are more about economic and cultural cooperation. We are lack of hawkish military officials now, at least publicly.


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Duterte had been a disaster for Philippines national interest especially when it comes to security and the territorial integrity of the country. He called himself an inutile in font of China, and he seems very proud of it.-_-
He's pretty down to earth. But I think he's aware that he can't do everything himself and that's why he has smarter people. I think what's important is what he does.

I believe his cleanup was very necessary since the senate and corruption has run for too long. If he's instilled some patriotism into people and the new generations coming after him then he's done a good job. Previous PH leaders neglected Mindanao even though the region is rich on ressources.

I think the support Philippines is receiving atm from Japan, US, etc. is proof that the nation is really poor and can't do it without support.

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