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Gokturk-1Y mockup

Gokturk-1Y domestic camera module (~0,3-0,5m resolution)

Imece satellite

Imece satellite 0,7m National Camera

What is most important about IMECE is that it is using Turkish sub-meter camera, Gokturk-2 was using a South-Korean camera module.
View attachment 17332

With improved sub 0.5m Camera module already on the way :)
View attachment 17333


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I hope one day we can launch telescopes for space observations too. Which are pretty much larger versions of earth observing cameras. Probably as part of our space weather observation program.


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Türk Nano Technology Firm in NASA's Mars Studies Competition First Prize

According to Teknopark Istanbul description, young entrepreneurs are established by Rona Gürçay and Tanra Gürçay and provide raw material to various sectors by producing R & D studies in Teknopark Istanbul's incubation center in Cube Incuion.

In the epidemic in the period of international accredited laboratories by the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) on 99.99 percent of the evidence of 99.99 percent of Nano silver sprays developing long-term protection and maximum effective hygiene solutions with the company, strategic nano technologies will also make studies to the world league.

Nanosilver, which operates in Teknopark Istanbul, held in the 11th International Nano Technology Conference in the United States, he won the "Research Award of the Year". The 6th World New Technologies Conference was later held with innovative production techniques in the "Research Award of the Year" was Nanosilver. After these rewards, the success of the world in the world, Nanosilver, NASA has received a prize in another Mars Studies competition.

After the prizes he received "Nanosilver in the" Nano Silver of the Surfaces of Space shuttles and the equipment used in the "Nano Silver Purification of the Equipment" and the Nanosilver developed with NASA in the projects will contribute to the Space Agency, which developed in NASA.

In addition, the technologies developed by Nanosilver in the projects will be used in Mars research.

Managed to produce "titanium DSA Electrode Coating" to produce a small number of countries

According to the description, Nanosilver operating in Technopark Istanbul where new and advanced technological studies are maintained without the speed, it provides raw materials to various sectors by producing genius metals in Nano dimensions, managing to produce very few countries, which can perform very few countries. Synthesized with ecological technologies, during and after production, no residual, waste, chemical; The company producing real nano metal raw materials in the purity of 99.99 percent, developing nano products with advanced technology with these raw materials. Materials generated by nanosilver; Medical, robotic, space research, food, tourism, textiles, durable consumption, treatment systems, agriculture and livestock are used in many sectors, among the advanced materials that are not available.

Hygiene robots and Nano hygiene sprays offer solutions to the outbreak

Hygo Nano silver hygiene spray of Hygo Nano silver hygiene spray is very great interest in the world health organization in epidemic period. In terms of cost, products that are accessible by each sector of society provides very great advantages in every aspect of imported counterparts. Nanosilver performing specific productions for different needs of different sectors also offers solutions to different problems. The Hygo Hygiene robot, which develops with Nanosilver's Bizero Robotics firm, makes common contacts sterile by coating the Nano silver spraying of social areas such as mass transportation vehicles and shopping centers. At the end of April, the Hygo hygiene robot will be used in Istanbul after Istanbul, thanks to the formula containing small silver grains from 50 nanometers, the entire bacteria and viruses are ineffective.

"Nano silver technology is used in space research"

Nanosilver Top Manager (CEO) in the statement of the point in Tanra Gürçay expressed that the next R & D steps are working with 3D printers.

The project's knowledge and technology transfer is made from Istanbul Technical University, gürçay, "This methods and techniques produce nano silver with techniques of Turkey's first and only company. We are currently conducting 14 R & D projects." used their statements.

Gürçay, "Nano Silver Technology in Space Research is used in extraterrestrial asset investigations, no microorganisms have to be moved to space. This reason is that the vehicle surfaces are covered with nano silver. The nano silver technique we have developed to NASA, and the first place we have developed. In the space studies of NASA, the surface coating designs will be used in water treatment projects. Nano silver allows the fluids in very large volume. " found in the assessment of

"The whole electrode is domestic, national and the cost is 50 percent less"

Teknopark Istanbul, Gürçay, "Teknopark We are carrying out strategic importance for our country in Istanbul. We managed to produce Titanium DSA electrode coating technology with very few countries in the world by developing the original production technique. We take great demand from our domestic firms importing the material. All of the electrode is 50 percent less than domestic, national and cost imports. " statement


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It doesn't matter how big is the engine you can easily scale it up what matters is what technologies are used. Roketsan showed us an advanced composite solid fuel rocket engine with vector control capability. Roketsan showed us the capability to design multiple-stage rockets with different propulsion systems(solid and liquid fuel). Roketsan showed us successful stage separation, and tomorrow you might see payload maneuvers in space. Roketsan executed some maneuvers in space with a payload to test the reaction control system(RCS). I don't know if it will be shown tomorrow but the info is %100 solid.


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Roketsan Atmaca Elementary School Curriculum (School from the video)

1st Grade
Addition, Subtraction, Clock Math/Modulo Arithmetic, Compliments, Bases, Electronics Basics with Arduino, Fun Python Projects

2nd Grade
Multiplication, Times Table, Repeated Doubling Multiplication, Fractions, Division, Divisibility Tests, Inequalities, Interactive Webdesign with JavaScript

3rd Grade
Decimals, Powers, Roots, Primes, Infinity of Primes/Euclid's Theorem, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, GCD/LCM, Euclid's Algorithm, Proof of the Irrationality of √2

4th Grade
Algebra of linear equations, Functions and Graphs, Method of Coordinates, Systems of Equations, Fundamentals of Computer Science, C++/Lua Programming

5th Grade
Logic, Proofs, Sets, Combinatorics, Discrete Probability, Geometry (The First book of Euclid's Elements), Trivial group theory. Mechanics, thermodynamics. Digital simulations with C++ using open source graphics libraries

We need a curriculum like this, if we want to reach our engineer count goals. We need quality engineers. TAI is also opening schools curriculum also should somewhat like this. They need 10000 engineers.

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