Source 2:18 - Arif Karabeyoglu, general manager of DeltaVWorlds biggest hybrid fuel engine as of today. Great achievement.
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Source 2:18 - Arif Karabeyoglu, general manager of DeltaVWorlds biggest hybrid fuel engine as of today. Great achievement.
miguyan2000 is taking the project more seriously than Roketsan and DeltaV
TUSAŞ prepares for new satellite exports
TUSAŞ Space Systems Deputy General Manager Dr. Selman Nas answered questions from an AA correspondent about the work carried out at the Space Systems Integration and Test Center and the company's activities in this area.
The company has operated for 16 years, voicing space within Section Nas, was shown very great improvements in this time if already Turksat 6A satellite prior to the flight model, engineering model integration, assembly, test activities is being carried out, he said.
Stating that the communication satellite project produced for TurkSat AŞ is continuing successfully, Nas also stated that they are conducting communication satellite work for the International Sunday, which will soon turn into a brand, working entirely with an electric propulsion system. Nas said:
"We are developing through GSATCOM Space Technologies Inc., which we have established in partnership with INVAP, based in Argentina. We had a client. We're going to build a communications satellite based on the satellite we developed for the ARSAT operator in Argentina. A communications satellite capable of high data transfer. In the international field, our GSATCOM company made an export. We see this as a very important, successful event from our point of view in the space field. We have entered into tenders in other countries. We recently established gsatcom, just over 2 years ago. We entered into a communications satellite tender in Kazakhstan, we brought it very well until the last moment. We are pursuing other opportunities in the international arena. Other countries also need communication satellites. We're looking for opportunities to make offers there. We will soon begin negotiations on a similar communications satellite. After the second satellite, there will be a sequel."
Ready for duty in the country
Nas, which stated that they plan to make the satellite very quickly, said that because its mass is low, two satellites can be sent with the same launcher. Nas stressed that compared to traditional large satellites, they can produce satellites with high capacity for more than 15 years, much more cost-effective because the launch and production costs are low.
Nas, which stated that they are also conducting negotiations for such satellites domestically, said that they have gained all the capabilities to make communication satellites with domestic facilities. Nas made the following assessments:
"Our army needs a communications satellite. It is possible that we can give it with this kind of solution. Our operator in Turkey needs to upgrade some of its satellites before 2030, after 2025. We've also had discussions about them. There are opportunities. Considering that our competence is formed in both chemical and electric propulsion systems and that we have the capacity to produce cost-effective solutions and fast, we are at a point where we can meet the needs of the country. It's obvious on observation satellites."
Selman Nas noted that they cooperate as high as possible with companies and institutions in the country in satellite projects.
TUSAŞ yeni uydu ihracatına hazırlanıyor
Türkiye'nin ilk uydu ihracatına imza atan Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii (TUSAŞ), yakın zamanda bu başarıya bir yenisini eklemeye hazırlanıyor. - Anadolu Ajansı