TR Special Operations Forces and Tactical Response Teams


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I think our Armed Forces need a bit more structure especially regarding SF/SOF units. Instead that the Special Forces Command recruits all the new personel the Commander/Chief of Staff (Land Forces) should try to form a SF branch under the direct command of the Land Forces like the Navy and Air Force. Example: If the Naval Forces need reconnaisance on the ground they can send their own guys (SAT) but if the Land Forces need to do the same they have to rely on the General Staff (Special Forces Command) which is independent and not aligned to any other Command of the Armed Forces, there is always the possible risk of communication/decision problems.

The Special Forces Command under the General Staff should better act more like the US JSOC where the creme de la creme of the various branches come together, train, share their experience, plan and conduct (highly complex) joint operations.
This can happen, but it will be a long process.

We can start by asking who are the Commando personnel? Commandos are not SOF, but are also not a regular infantry. They are special operations capable light infantry.

In order to fill the need for big number of professional personnel the Ministry of Defence decided that they will transform regular infantry brigades into Commando brigades. This resulted in Commando brigades with low quality of training and experience compared to the known Commando standards becoming basically an operational unit "over night". There are personnel who didn't even finished Commando Basic Course and got the right to call themselves Commando and use the blue beret.

These newly established Commando brigades should be restructured as a regular infantry (mechanized, motorized etc), but the training standards of professional personnel under these brigades should go up and they should receive specialized counter-terrorism training. This would allow for the establishment of highly professional infantry that will be able to conduct operations as enablers for the dedicated elite light infantry which would be the spearhead, a highly maneuverable force supported/enabled by heavy infantry and fire support. People not knowing what Commando means in TSK probably think that all of the military operations done in recent years are done by "Special Forces". This is not true!

There are 5 Commando brigades in my opinion who are the elite of the Turkish Land Forces. These are:

1st Commando Brigade (Airborne) Kayseri

2nd Commando Brigade Bolu

3rd Commando Brigade Siirt

4th Commando Brigade Tunceli

Mountain & Commando Brigade Hakkari

Among these brigades I think 1st Commando Brigade (Airborne) Kayseri is the best candidate for the possible Special Operations Brigade (Ozel Harekat Tugayi) to be formed. It has both highly trained Commando personnel, the airborne operations capable component, training grounds, everything. All of the members of the Special Operations Brigade would take the Commando Specialization Course and would concentrate at direct action, conter-insurgency, counter-terrorism and special reconnaissance operations. Due to the fact that the tradition of this unit comes from an Airborne unit, all of the operational personnel must go trough static line military parachute training. Military free fall teams should be kept. Basically this brigade will serve as the main SOF deployed alongside our Commando brigades in counter-terrorism missions like the ones in the north of Iraq.

What I think is we can go with a Land Forces Special Operations Command (Kara Kuvvetleri Ozel Harekat Komutanligi) which would include the Special Operations Brigade (ex 1st Commando) and a dedicated air fleet unit comparable to the current Special Forces Command structure.

The rest of the 4 Commando brigades should act within the concept of elite light infantry just as the Ranger Regiment of the US Army.

The Special Forces Command was established as an unconventional warfare heavy force in mind which would be able to conduct large variety of special operations independently. It has very serious structure including units with specialized designations as highly trained combat diver/SCUBA and free fall teams. They accept personnel from all the branches of the Armed Forces and have established structures which would support its work including Intelligence Branch for example. It is very different structure from all we know within the Armed Forces and the Command carries strategic importance due to both the highly trained personnel, the technical capabilities and the power it carries. This is why it is directly tied to the General Staff. Due to the different operational profiles of all the specialized units inside it also has a very high number of personnel which is thought to be ~10.000 people.

We know that in times of crisis the Special Forces Command can utilize other SOF units from different branches within the scope of special operations so it kind of serves the purpose of SOCOM. Apart from all of the SOF units in the different branches of the Armed Forces and Gendarmerie, the Special Forces Command should also be able to take command of the 4 Commando brigades under the Land Forces Command. It should exist as the primary unconventional warfare force with a structure specially thought for this purpose and the unified command of all of the Special Operations Forces in the Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie.

What I think of the Special Forces Command is that it should stay with its structure and independent air fleet under the General Staff, its personnel should be reduced to ~3000 operational elite warriors (HQ and supportive roles are not included), formed within regional commands. Every personnel should be highly trained in unconventional warfare operations with advanced cultural, language, specific environment skill/mission set training depending on the needs of the regional command in which the personnel is deployed. There should also be the old system of mobilization reserve personnel (White and Black) of which the identities should be kept by the Special Forces Command and periodic instructions and training should be provided depending on the role of this personnel. The service should be formed with representatives in different provinces depending on the need. There should also be the independent logistics and inventory which are renewed regularly.

The Special Forces Specialization Course should be slightly reformed and after deployment in a team in regional command the personnel should receive the regional command's specific training course. All of the Special Forces personnel should be trained to conduct unconventional warfare, direct actions, special reconnaissance, counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism, foreign internal defence operations and go trough a military static line parachute training as a joint characteristic of the Special Forces soldier. Out of these common specializations there should be dedicated teams trained in other doctrinal missions such as information operations, counterproliferation of WMDs etc and other insertion methods.

Special units within the regional commands should be formed on the basis of method of insertion and particular skill/mission set needed for particular type of scenarios depending on the environment and geographical specifics where the regional command is tasked.

Each regional command also should posses a highly trained urban warfare SF unit. All of the special forces personnel taking place in a specially designated unit (based on method of insertion or skill/mission set) should also receive other training out of its tight specialization and have personnel trained in at least one more insertion method out of the already predefined insertion methods of their team within the regional command (cross-training).

Within the Special Forces Command there should be an already established Special Missions Unit. This SMU force will be put under a Command. This Command would be able to use all of the resources of the Special Forces Command and it will be able to recruit personnel from all the SOF units from within the branches of the Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie. It should have ~150 special forces personnel split into teams, specially trained in specific skill sets, methods of insertion and should be specially designated according to the needs of the SMU and type of the team. The primary missions of this unit would be counter-terrorism, direct action, hostage rescue, special reconnaissance and counter-proliferation of WMDs. Its training and mission may change depending on the needs of the Armed Forces. It will serve in a comparable way to the US Delta Force and will be able to utilize units from all of the SOF and elite light infantry units of the Armed Forces and Gendarmerie as support forces and enablers.

While many of the things listed above already exist, there is a problem in the structure and the TSK's strategy on creating operational units. TSK is in a period where it needs both quality and quantity while quality in the Commando units is getting lower with the newly introduced Commando brigades while quantity is going up. Such a restructuring is also hard to happen while the units which need to be restructured are 24/7 on operational deployments abroad. I hope things move to a different concept, but with all these operations... I am not sure.


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This can happen, but it will be a long process.

We can start by asking who are the Commando personnel? Commandos are not SOF, but are also not a regular infantry. They are special operations capable light infantry.

In order to fill the need for big number of professional personnel the Ministry of Defence decided that they will transform regular infantry brigades into Commando brigades. This resulted in Commando brigades with low quality of training and experience compared to the known Commando standards becoming basically an operational unit "over night". There are personnel who didn't even finished Commando Basic Course and got the right to call themselves Commando and use the blue beret.

These newly established Commando brigades should be restructured as a regular infantry (mechanized, motorized etc), but the training standards of professional personnel under these brigades should go up and they should receive specialized counter-terrorism training. This would allow for the establishment of highly professional infantry that will be able to conduct operations as enablers for the dedicated elite light infantry which would be the spearhead, a highly maneuverable force supported/enabled by heavy infantry and fire support. People not knowing what Commando means in TSK probably think that all of the military operations done in recent years are done by "Special Forces". This is not true!

There are 5 Commando brigades in my opinion who are the elite of the Turkish Land Forces. These are:

1st Commando Brigade (Airborne) Kayseri

2nd Commando Brigade Bolu

3rd Commando Brigade Siirt

4th Commando Brigade Tunceli

Mountain & Commando Brigade Hakkari

Among these brigades I think 1st Commando Brigade (Airborne) Kayseri is the best candidate for the possible Special Operations Brigade (Ozel Harekat Tugayi) to be formed. It has both highly trained Commando personnel, the airborne operations capable component, training grounds, everything. All of the members of the Special Operations Brigade would take the Commando Specialization Course and would concentrate at direct action, conter-insurgency, counter-terrorism and special reconnaissance operations. Due to the fact that the tradition of this unit comes from an Airborne unit, all of the operational personnel must go trough static line military parachute training. Military free fall teams should be kept. Basically this brigade will serve as the main SOF deployed alongside our Commando brigades in counter-terrorism missions like the ones in the north of Iraq.

What I think is we can go with a Land Forces Special Operations Command (Kara Kuvvetleri Ozel Harekat Komutanligi) which would include the Special Operations Brigade (ex 1st Commando) and a dedicated air fleet unit comparable to the current Special Forces Command structure.

The rest of the 4 Commando brigades should act within the concept of elite light infantry just as the Ranger Regiment of the US Army.

The Special Forces Command was established as an unconventional warfare heavy force in mind which would be able to conduct large variety of special operations independently. It has very serious structure including units with specialized designations as highly trained combat diver/SCUBA and free fall teams. They accept personnel from all the branches of the Armed Forces and have established structures which would support its work including Intelligence Branch for example. It is very different structure from all we know within the Armed Forces and the Command carries strategic importance due to both the highly trained personnel, the technical capabilities and the power it carries. This is why it is directly tied to the General Staff. Due to the different operational profiles of all the specialized units inside it also has a very high number of personnel which is thought to be ~10.000 people.

We know that in times of crisis the Special Forces Command can utilize other SOF units from different branches within the scope of special operations so it kind of serves the purpose of SOCOM. Apart from all of the SOF units in the different branches of the Armed Forces and Gendarmerie, the Special Forces Command should also be able to take command of the 4 Commando brigades under the Land Forces Command. It should exist as the primary unconventional warfare force with a structure specially thought for this purpose and the unified command of all of the Special Operations Forces in the Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie.

What I think of the Special Forces Command is that it should stay with its structure and independent air fleet under the General Staff, its personnel should be reduced to ~3000 operational elite warriors (HQ and supportive roles are not included), formed within regional commands. Every personnel should be highly trained in unconventional warfare operations with advanced cultural, language, specific environment skill/mission set training depending on the needs of the regional command in which the personnel is deployed. There should also be the old system of mobilization reserve personnel (White and Black) of which the identities should be kept by the Special Forces Command and periodic instructions and training should be provided depending on the role of this personnel. The service should be formed with representatives in different provinces depending on the need. There should also be the independent logistics and inventory which are renewed regularly.

The Special Forces Specialization Course should be slightly reformed and after deployment in a team in regional command the personnel should receive the regional command's specific training course. All of the Special Forces personnel should be trained to conduct unconventional warfare, direct actions, special reconnaissance, counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism, foreign internal defence operations and go trough a military static line parachute training as a joint characteristic of the Special Forces soldier. Out of these common specializations there should be dedicated teams trained in other doctrinal missions such as information operations, counterproliferation of WMDs etc and other insertion methods.

Special units within the regional commands should be formed on the basis of method of insertion and particular skill/mission set needed for particular type of scenarios depending on the environment and geographical specifics where the regional command is tasked.

Each regional command also should posses a highly trained urban warfare SF unit. All of the special forces personnel taking place in a specially designated unit (based on method of insertion or skill/mission set) should also receive other training out of its tight specialization and have personnel trained in at least one more insertion method out of the already predefined insertion methods of their team within the regional command (cross-training).

Within the Special Forces Command there should be an already established Special Missions Unit. This SMU force will be put under a Command. This Command would be able to use all of the resources of the Special Forces Command and it will be able to recruit personnel from all the SOF units from within the branches of the Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie. It should have ~150 special forces personnel split into teams, specially trained in specific skill sets, methods of insertion and should be specially designated according to the needs of the SMU and type of the team. The primary missions of this unit would be counter-terrorism, direct action, hostage rescue, special reconnaissance and counter-proliferation of WMDs. Its training and mission may change depending on the needs of the Armed Forces. It will serve in a comparable way to the US Delta Force and will be able to utilize units from all of the SOF and elite light infantry units of the Armed Forces and Gendarmerie as support forces and enablers.

While many of the things listed above already exist, there is a problem in the structure and the TSK's strategy on creating operational units. TSK is in a period where it needs both quality and quantity while quality in the Commando units is getting lower with the newly introduced Commando brigades while quantity is going up. Such a restructuring is also hard to happen while the units which need to be restructured are 24/7 on operational deployments abroad. I hope things move to a different concept, but with all these operations... I am not sure.
I think perhaps kommando as we know it is being transformed to hopefully something a kind to US rangers as you mentioned. I did have a suspecion than Kommando was being watered with quantity, and I’m kinda sad to hear that’s the case.


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The Commando Brigades didn't needed the quantity, the focus should have been to increase the quality in training and equipment of the already existing Commando Brigades. A soldier from the 19th Commando Brigade (Balikesir) is not equal in standard of training and experience to a soldier from the 1st-4th or Hakkari Commando Brigade who are non-stop in combat, that's actually a insult to every operational Commando who earned their Blue Beret.

Instead forming new Commando Brigades they should have focused on the Infantry, increase their quality and interoperability with Commando Brigades, Reservists and Gendarmerie. You are a country in non-stop conflict, train and arm your operational units don't waste your ressources on Commandos deployed in the Marmara region for example.

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Within the scope of the "NATO Special Operations Component Command Certification" activities of the Special Forces Command, 2 SAT Teams were dispatched to Izmir and Istanbul to participate in the Anatolian Leopard-2024 Exercise, which was carried out between 20-31 May 2024 and 3 SAT Specialized personnel were dispatched to the Special Forces Command HQ in Ankara.

Within the scope of the exercise training and certification activities were carried out on Special Reconnaissance and Intelligence Collection, forceful VBSS, Beach Reconnaissance within the scope of the Preliminary Force Operation, Simulative Radar Destruction within the scope of Direct Action Operation and Underwater Attack against the an enemy ship in a port.



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With the latest Supreme Military Council decisions here are some of the important changes concerning the Turkish Special Operations Forces.

The new Commander of the Navy SOF (SAT) is Admiral Eren GUNAY. It is known that he graduated from the SAT Specialization Course as the best performing trainee.


There are some changes within the Special Forces Command too. While I didn't feel the need to list most of them, I want to touch upon one of these changes.

Coloel Bulent AKDENIZ was promoted to the rank of a General. He was transferred from the General Staff Counter-Terrorism Perfection Center Command to the position of Special Forces Command Staff Director.

He was previously serving as NATO Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism Commander, Land Forces Command Intelligence Operations Plan Officer, International Special Training Center (ITCS, Germany) Training Division Commander, Special Forces Command Operations Plan Officer and also instructor.


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The Turkish Special Forces team and also the Commando team showed great performance in the Europe's Best Sniper Team Competition and respectively took the gold and silver.







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A ceremony was held on the occasion of the graduation of the Special Forces Specialization Course.

Minister of National Defence Yasar Guler:

“Dear Guests, My Heroic Arms and Colleagues, I greet you with love and respect. I would like to express my great pleasure in being with you at the graduation ceremony of our Special Forces, the apple of the eye of our Heroic Turkish Armed Forces. At the beginning of my words, I would like to heartily congratulate our Maroon Berets who have successfully completed the challenging training they have received and have earned the right to graduate; I hope that their badges will bring good luck to them, their families and our Armed Forces.

We are in a period where serious and sensitive developments are taking place in many regions, especially in our nearby geography, and risks, threats and dangers are increasing accordingly.

In such a sensitive process, our Ministry of National Defense and Turkish Armed Forces, whose duties and responsibilities have increased, are carrying out their most comprehensive and effective activities since our War of Independence. Undoubtedly, our Special Forces have an exceptional place with the great responsibilities they have undertaken and the successes they have achieved in the execution of these activities.

Indeed, in this process where our Armed Forces have achieved historical successes in the fight against terrorism and entered places that were said to be inaccessible, our Special Forces have made vital contributions to these successes as one of the indispensable force multipliers of our Armed Forces and continue to do so. On this occasion, I congratulate our Maroon Berets, who have written many heroic stories, for their high determination, effort and courage; I kiss their eyes.

The existence of our Special Forces, which stand out among its peers in the world, adds strength to the power of the glorious Turkish army. In fact, war doctrines and combat concepts are changing with the effect of developing technology every passing day. Therefore, the existence of a force such as Special Forces that can perform critical and asymmetric tasks is also gaining great importance. It is a necessity for our army to have highly qualified personnel as well as to be equipped with the most modern vehicles, weapons and equipment. In the victorious past of our heroic army, which is one of the strongest armies in history; our Special Forces, which are our source of pride with their high warfare capability, discipline and success, are in a distinguished position.

It is certainly a great honor for each and every one of you to be a member of such a distinguished union.

However, your responsibilities are also great because extremely difficult tasks await you. In this context, I would like to give some advice to you, my valuable comrades in arms and colleagues: A Special Forces personnel must have both high physical capabilities and always be ready for difficult tasks with their knowledge and skills.

In the tasks you will undertake, you must demonstrate team spirit on the one hand, and on the other hand, display your individual and professional skills at the highest level. However, do not forget that no matter how talented you are, strategic thinking, rational behavior, patience and perseverance, and most importantly, high willpower, determination and excitement must be indispensable.

Because Maroon Berets; are not the ones who fill the gaps, but the ones who cannot be replaced. Therefore, you should constantly renew your knowledge level, always work for the better and always be one step ahead. You should definitely value every experience you will gain from your duties. Because learning and competence are issues that do not accept stagnation and must be constantly developed. On the other hand, consider every obstacle you encounter as an opportunity to show your talents and learn from what you have experienced. Be smart and brave in times of danger, quiet and determined in times of trouble, and cautious in times of comfort. Every moment you wear the maroon beret will be the occasion for many memories that you will be proud to remember.

Therefore, perform your duties with a high sense of belonging, desire and joy. Because if you cannot be a peaceful, healthy and happy individual, you can neither meet the expectations of your commanders nor your comrades-in-arms. The burden on your shoulders is certainly heavy, your duty is quite arduous, but it is also sacred. As the heirs of this great heritage, the glorious Turkish flag and our precious homeland are now entrusted to you. I sincerely believe that you, our heroic Maroon Berets, can overcome all kinds of difficulties; I wish you great success in your duties.

Turkiye, which is located in a very critical geography due to its location, provides significant contributions to international security, peace and stability in line with its deep-rooted state tradition and strategic approach. Our country has become an indispensable and effective actor at the negotiation tables, both in the eyes of the relevant countries and in international platforms, in preventing crises in our region.

Therefore, in order to protect the rights and interests of our country in every field and at the same time to maintain its international influence, we must first and foremost be strong militarily.

In this historical period when we begin the second century of our Republic and within the framework of our 'Turkish Century' goals, while we work with determination and resolve for a bigger and stronger Turkiye and Turkish Armed Forces, our Special Forces, one of our most important pillars, are also a distinguished part of this historical mission.

How happy we are that these heroes, for whom you have never withheld your support, are standing before you today wearing their badges with the justified pride of being Special Forces personnel. No matter how much you boast about them, it would be insufficient. The valuable contributions of you, our precious families, are indispensable to us in their success. I thank you for your support and present my respect and gratitude.

With these feelings and thoughts;

- Our Maroon Berets who successfully completed the Special Forces Specialization Course,

- In addition, on behalf of myself and the Ministry of National Defense, I once again congratulate the Guest Military Personnel who came and graduated from the friendly and brotherly countries of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Libya.

I would like to thank wholeheartedly all the distinguished trainers and personnel of our Command, especially our Special Forces Commander, who contributed to the training of our personnel. In closing my remarks, I would like to congratulate our Special Forces and Land Forces, who brought us the championship in the 8th European Best Sniper Team Competition, held in Germany and attended by 36 teams from 19 countries.

On this occasion, I respectfully commemorate all our statesmen and commanders, from Mete Khan to Sultan Alp Arslan, from Fatih Sultan Mehmet to Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and until today.

- We remember with mercy and gratitude our dear martyrs and our heroic veterans who passed away;

- I express my respect and gratitude to our veterans and the precious families of our martyrs and veterans.

I greet you once again with love and respect. Heroic Members of the Brave, Dear Maroon Berets, may your path and fortune be clear, your wrists strong, and your sword always sharp.



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Special Forces Command OKK personnel during one of the first CQB courses organized in Turkiye.


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