STM Türkiye


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Our company was established in 1991 by the decree of the Defence Industry Executive Committee to provide project management, system engineering, technology transfer, technical and logistical support, and consultancy services to the Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in areas that require high technology for the sake of national security.

We have expanded our engineering and technology knowledge we have gained with the critical tasks we have undertaken by taking part in the national projects of Turkish defence industry with significant investments and today; we operate in a wide range of fields including military naval platforms, cybersecurity, tactical mini UAV systems, radar systems, satellite technologies, command and control systems, certification and consultancy. We produce solutions for the needs of civil, public and private sectors of our country with indigenous and critical systems that we have developed using domestic resources. As one of the top defence industry companies in our country, we also contribute to the competitiveness of the Turkish defence industry in the global market and we carry out export-oriented works.

We diversify our technology-based activities for the needs of the public and private sector, with priority in the needs of the defence industry of Turkiye, and we produce a wide range of innovative solutions ranging from civil aviation and agriculture to health and energy.



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HVLAS is Produced through Indigenous and National Means for the First Time​


STM, the leading Turkish company in the field of naval platforms, ensured the production of the Helicopter Visual Landing Aid System (HVLAS), which is used on warships, for the first time in Türkiye through indigenous and national means. The system will be used both on the Turkish Naval Forces’ ships and for naval export projects.

Developing innovative and national solutions in line with Türkiye’s goal of establishing a fully independent defence industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. took another critical step in its indigenisation and nationalisation efforts aimed at naval platforms.

The Helicopter Visual Landing Aid System (HVLAS), which is used on surface warships and has been supplied from abroad until now, is being produced in Türkiye thanks to STM’s indigenisation efforts.

First Export Achieved

HVLAS has been developed jointly by STM and Berkin Defence Engineering, and it can be used on all domestic naval surface platforms, including those developed under the MiLGEM National Corvette Project. STM will integrate the indigenously developed HVLAS aboard two corvettes, which are being constructed under an ongoing export project. Thus, Türkiye will achieve the first export of the HVLAS, developed for the first time by a domestic company using national resources.

Güleryüz: We were procuring from abroad; now we are developing indigenously.

Özgür GÜLERYÜZ, General Manager of STM, stating that STM had achieved many pioneering naval platform projects in Türkiye, from design to turnkey projects, said:

“We nationalise not only the construction of our ships but also the critical systems used aboard the platforms, thanks to our strong local ecosystem. The HVLAS, which allows helicopters to land safely on ships, was previously supplied from abroad as it was not produced in Türkiye. We have developed the HVLAS together with Berkin Defence and thus introduced an indigenous and national product in this field for the first time in Türkiye. Our HVLAS is capable of competing with equivalent products around the world since it makes the work of helicopter pilots easier, allows quick manoeuvres in field operations, and has a progressive and modern structure. It also allows us to further increase the indigenisation rate of our ships that we construct for the Turkish Naval Forces or our export projects. We are currently integrating the HVLAS aboard two corvettes being constructed under an export project. Then we plan to equip our national frigate project, MiLGEM 6-7-8, with this national system. The development of HVLAS allowed us to not only acquire cutting-edge technology capability but simultaneously prevent the drainage of foreign currency from our nation while also bolstering our exports through a high-value-added product. We will consistently share good news about our achievements in naval platforms indigenisation."


Eyes and Ears of Helicopter Pilots: HVLAS

Consisting of visual guidance and flight deck lighting equipment and comprising pieces of software that ensure system equipment to operate in an appropriate configuration,having been developed by indigenous and national means, HVLAS enables helicopter pilots to landing with safely on ships during both day and night operations. HVLAS allows pilots to operate safely at night and at times when visibility is not convenient, minimising the workload of pilots. HVLAS can be used aboard all naval surface platforms, including corvettes, frigates, logistics support ships, or tanker ships with helicopter platforms.



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HVLAS is Produced through Indigenous and National Means for the First Time​

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STM, the leading Turkish company in the field of naval platforms, ensured the production of the Helicopter Visual Landing Aid System (HVLAS), which is used on warships, for the first time in Türkiye through indigenous and national means. The system will be used both on the Turkish Naval Forces’ ships and for naval export projects.

Developing innovative and national solutions in line with Türkiye’s goal of establishing a fully independent defence industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. took another critical step in its indigenisation and nationalisation efforts aimed at naval platforms.

The Helicopter Visual Landing Aid System (HVLAS), which is used on surface warships and has been supplied from abroad until now, is being produced in Türkiye thanks to STM’s indigenisation efforts.

First Export Achieved

HVLAS has been developed jointly by STM and Berkin Defence Engineering, and it can be used on all domestic naval surface platforms, including those developed under the MiLGEM National Corvette Project. STM will integrate the indigenously developed HVLAS aboard two corvettes, which are being constructed under an ongoing export project. Thus, Türkiye will achieve the first export of the HVLAS, developed for the first time by a domestic company using national resources.

Güleryüz: We were procuring from abroad; now we are developing indigenously.

Özgür GÜLERYÜZ, General Manager of STM, stating that STM had achieved many pioneering naval platform projects in Türkiye, from design to turnkey projects, said:

“We nationalise not only the construction of our ships but also the critical systems used aboard the platforms, thanks to our strong local ecosystem. The HVLAS, which allows helicopters to land safely on ships, was previously supplied from abroad as it was not produced in Türkiye. We have developed the HVLAS together with Berkin Defence and thus introduced an indigenous and national product in this field for the first time in Türkiye. Our HVLAS is capable of competing with equivalent products around the world since it makes the work of helicopter pilots easier, allows quick manoeuvres in field operations, and has a progressive and modern structure. It also allows us to further increase the indigenisation rate of our ships that we construct for the Turkish Naval Forces or our export projects. We are currently integrating the HVLAS aboard two corvettes being constructed under an export project. Then we plan to equip our national frigate project, MiLGEM 6-7-8, with this national system. The development of HVLAS allowed us to not only acquire cutting-edge technology capability but simultaneously prevent the drainage of foreign currency from our nation while also bolstering our exports through a high-value-added product. We will consistently share good news about our achievements in naval platforms indigenisation."

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Eyes and Ears of Helicopter Pilots: HVLAS

Consisting of visual guidance and flight deck lighting equipment and comprising pieces of software that ensure system equipment to operate in an appropriate configuration,having been developed by indigenous and national means, HVLAS enables helicopter pilots to landing with safely on ships during both day and night operations. HVLAS allows pilots to operate safely at night and at times when visibility is not convenient, minimising the workload of pilots. HVLAS can be used aboard all naval surface platforms, including corvettes, frigates, logistics support ships, or tanker ships with helicopter platforms.

Can we export to Canada, I think they want it :cool:


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Fin Stabilizing System Produced Indigenously

STM, a leading company in the Turkish defence industry, played a critical role in the development for the first time in Türkiye of the Fin Stabilizing System, which enables ships to operate safely in all weather and sea conditions through indigenous and national means.

Taking an important role in Türkiye’s defence industry and national technology initiative, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. has taken another step in its critical indigenisation and nationalisation efforts in the field of naval platforms.

Having collaborated with its strong ecosystem in the national ship industry, STM has brought to Türkiye a system that has been previously supplied from abroad. STM and Robotek Automation Technologies Ltd. have managed to develop for the first time in Türkiye a Fin Stabilizing System through indigenous and national means. This system enables surface warships to continue their combat missions safely under adverse environmental conditions by stabilizing the forces to which they are exposed due to such external factors as wind, wave, current, and storm.

The design and production phases of the Fin Stabilizing System have been completed, and the system will be integrated aboard two Corvettes being constructed under an export project carried out by STM. This will be the first time a Fin Stabilizing System developed through national resources will be used by a local company in an export project. The system is expected to be integrated aboard MILGEM 6, 7, and 8 ships being constructed under Türkiye’s national frigate project.

“We Prevented the Outflow of Millions of Dollars from Our Country thanks to the National Fin Stabilizing System”

Özgür GÜLERYÜZ, General Manager of STM, pointing out that the fully independent defence industry target is based on nationalisation efforts, said:

“We at STM view it as our national duty to production of the advance technologies as indigenously and nationally in areas currently not manufactured in Türkiye, thereby bringing them to our country. We successfully fulfilled our indigenisation task in the MILGEM project, and increased the localisation rate from 15 percent in the first ship, to more than 80 percent in the last ship. We managed to develop the Fin Stabilizing System for the first time in Türkiye and incorporated it in our export project. This reflects our strong ecosystem. The Fin Stabilizing System, which is mounted on the underwater part, i.e., the hull of ships, resembles the fins of a fish. It has an important role under heavy weather and sea conditions and supports the stabilisation of ships. We have also gained the ability to design fin stabilizing systems in different sizes and capacities for naval surface platforms with different displacements. We also prevented the outflow of foreign currency from our country by eliminating the need for procurement of this system from abroad. We will continue to provide critical systems to the Turkish defence industry and the Turkish Armed Forces.”

Ships will have better performance in rough seas

The national Fin Stabilizing System has been developed to provide resistance to excessive rolling of ships in both directions, allowing the ships to operate safely in rough seas. The system also increases both the safety of personnel and the operational efficiency of platforms and minimises the movements that occur due to challenging sea conditions or sudden manoeuvres that the ship will encounter in cruising and combat situations. The Fin Stabilizing System provides support for helicopter operations as well as weapon stabilisation during firing and for supply, material, and personnel transfer at sea. Its design is resistant to challenging sea conditions and has automatic and adaptive operating features.

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National Systems Protect Warships Against Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Threats​


Türkiye’s first CBRN Detection and Identification System, which has been developed using national resources, is providing round-the-clock protection to warships against chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear threats. The national CBRN D&I System is in operation aboard more than 10 platforms, including Turkish warships and vessels constructed under foreign military ship projects.

Having played a significant role in Türkiye’s “fully independent defence industry” goal by developing innovative and national systems for the Turkish defence industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. is continuing in its efforts to indigenise the production of critical systems.

STM has worked in collaboration with its strong ecosystem in the field of naval platforms to indigenise the production of this critical system in Türkiye, being a technology that previously had to be sourced from abroad. The development of the CBRN D&I System, which when integrated into naval platforms protects them against chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear threats, was launched in 2014 as a collaboration between STM and MAKEL Teknoloji A.Ş.

Integration into National Vessels, Exports have Begun

Developed with contributions by the Turkish Naval Forces, the system was first integrated into the Ada-Class corvettes constructed under the MİLGEM programme – Türkiye’s first national corvette project, in 2015. TCG BURGAZADA and TCG KINALIADA, the third and fourth corvettes to be constructed under the MİLGEM programme, were the first vessels to be fitted with the national CBRN D&I system. Thereafter, the system was successfully integrated into TCG UFUK – the Test and Training Ship constructed under the main contractor of STM, and TCG İSTANBUL, Türkiye’s first national frigate.

The national CBRN system has since been integrated into TCG ALEMDAR and TCG BAYRAKTAR of the Turkish Naval Forces, and into the ships constructed under the Pakistan MİLGEM Project, representing the first export of the system. The system will also be integrated into the two MİLGEM Class Corvettes being constructed under an export project under the main contractor of STM.

High-Level Protection Against CBRN Threats

Conventional CBRN weapons, which are an ever-evolving threat, and toxic industrial hazards are among the primary threats to warships. The indigenously developed CBRN Detection and Identification System allows the detection of chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear threats by vessel commands. The system comprises five different pieces of hardware, including the CBRN Detection and Identification System Main Console, a Biological Agent Detection Device, a Biological Sampling Device, a Radioactive Detection Sensor, and a Detection and Identification Device for Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Industrial Agents, along with other indigenous software.

The system provides a fast and reliable warning in the event of a chemical, biological or radioactive threat being detected by the state-of-the-art sensors, allowing the ship personnel to take the necessary defensive measures. The indigenous CBRN D&I system can operate around the clock in the most challenging of environmental conditions, and can simultaneously monitor for the presence of various chemicals, biological agents and toxic industrial materials. The system can detect and analyze the threatening substance, whether in a liquid, solid or gaseous form, and boasts a broad detection range and a continuous data recording function. Threats detected by the CBRN D&I System can be monitored on both the main console of the system and via the vessel’s Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS).

Güleryüz: System Detects Unseen Threats

Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM, reminding that many critical systems had been indigenised under the MİLGEM Project and foreign export projects, said:

“A few weeks ago, we announced that we had developed a Helicopter Visual Landing Support Lighting System (HEGIDAS) and Fin Stabilizing System for the first time in Türkiye. The first indigenous and national CBRN D&I System of our country has been operating successfully on various platforms since 2015. This system was developed in collaboration with our subcontractors, in accordance with NATO standards, and has been certified by internationally recognized bodies. It has an advanced detection range in recognition of the requirements identified by our Naval Forces. As we can indigenously perform the calibration and maintenance of the indigenous CBRN D&I System, we have not only ended our foreign dependency in this field but have also facilitated the export of the system. We take pride in bringing high value-added products to our country."



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STM ALPAGU Attack UAV, Notches Up First Export Success


ALPAGU, the fixed wing loitering munition system developed by STM, has achieved its first export success.

STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. a developer of national and modern systems within the Turkish defence sector has recorded another major export success in the field of tactical mini UAV’s, further cementing its pioneering position in Türkiye.

A contract has been signed for the first export of the fixed-wing national attack UAV system ALPAGU, developed by STM based on wholly indigenous and national resources, and widely known as "the kamikaze UAV". Having successfully passed all field tests, the first batch of ALPAGU has now been delivered to the undisclosed user country. This adds another domestically-manufactured system to the list of systems that have achieved export successes without yet entering the inventory in Türkiye.

Güleryüz: Countries are Lining Up to Buy ALPAGU

STM General Manager Özgür Güleryüz, referring to STM as a pioneer in the production of tactical mini-UAVs in Türkiye and the rest of the world, said, “Our Tactical Mini-UAV family, which we developed in Türkiye for the first time based solely on our national engineering capacity to meet the needs of our country and military, is achieving new successes with every passing day. Following in the footsteps of KARGU, our rotary-wing attack UAV (Combat Proven Rotary Wing Loitering Munition System), which has been exported to more than 10 countries in three continents to date, we have now exported the first batch of the Fixed Wing Loitering Munition System ALPAGU to the user authority, and our deliveries to that country will continue in the coming period. There has been keen interest in ALPAGU from different continents and countries, as was the case for our attack UAV KARGU and our surveillance UAV TOGAN, and we are currently in negotiations with numerous countries for new deliveries of ALPAGU. There are countries lining up for ALPAGU.”

ALPAGU counting the days until entry into the TAF Inventory

Noting that contract negotiations are underway for the inclusion of ALPAGU in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), Güleryüz said, “After winding up our negotiations, we will deliver a large number of ALPAGUs to the military.

"By equipping our Army with our national technologies, we will continue to contribute to the export targets of our defence sector through exports," he added.

Light, but Packing a Punch

ALPAGU takes its name from an ancient Turkish word meaning “Brave man who attacks the enemy alone”, and is noted for its light structure, dive speed and low radar cross-section, as well as its ability to inflict pinpoint damage on critical targets. It has a range of 10 km, and has been designed to play an active role in counter-terrorism and cross-border operations and in urban warfare. The system has three components, namely a fixed-wing attack UAV platform, a launcher and a ground control station, and has the ability to operate effectively at day or night thanks to its electro-optical and infrared cameras.

ALPAGU can fly for approximately 15 minutes after launch and can successfully track its target through its image-tracking software. ALPAGU can avoid detection by the target until the last moment and the strength of its high maneuverability, allowing its ammunition to destroy its target with pinpoint accuracy. ALPAGU features an electronic proximity fuse and has mission abandonment or self-destruct capabilities, as well as a precision strike capability provided by its image processing-based fire control system.

The system can be easily carried by a single soldier, and can be set up and launched in a combat zone within one minute, ensuring the element of surprise. Operational superiority is assured by its artificial intelligence and image-processing capabilities, its quiet operation and its ability to deliver its carried explosive precisely on target.


Saturation Attack by Four ALPAGUs

ALPAGU’s superior capabilities, and its ability to be integrated into different platforms (land, sea and air), allow it to stand out among its competitors. Four ALPAGUs can attack the same target or different targets simultaneously, operated by a single ground control station.

Only two platforms are being produced around the world with similar features to ALPAGU, which weighs less than 2 kilograms. ALPAGU navigates completely autonomously under the management of the mission computer and flight control system developed by STM engineers, and can detect and destroy targets under operator control based on a "Man-in-the-Loop" principle.

ALPAGU Hits Target with Pinpoint Accuracy in TAF Exercise

ALPAGU received great acclaim after four were observed to the identified target with full accuracy during the Haydar Aliyev Exercise-2023, conducted by TAF in cooperation with the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in Kars. ALPAGU also successfully hit its target during field test carried out at the Aksaray Firing Range.

The development of the Smart Loitering Ammunition System ALPAGUT, which is a larger version of ALPAGU that can carry a larger explosive payload faster over longer distances, is continuing successfully as a collaboration of STM and ROKETSAN.




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Türkiye’s First National Helicopter Securing and Transfer System Integrated aboard National Frigate

Türkiye has for the first time produced a Helicopter Securing and Transfer System through local and national resources for integration aboard Turkish warships, circumventing an embargo placed on Türkiye by foreign countries related to the procurement of such a system. The system has been integrated aboard TCG İSTANBUL, Türkiye’s first national frigate, and thus entered the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces after the completion of acceptance tests.

Developing innovative and national solutions in line with Türkiye’s goal of establishing a fully independent defence industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. has achieved another milestone in its indigenisation and nationalization efforts in the naval platform field.

Türkiye previously intended to procure a Helicopter Securing and Transfer System from Canada for integration aboard the national frigate under construction for the Turkish Naval Forces, but launched efforts to indigenize the system two years ago following the imposition of an embargo on Türkiye by the Canadian government.

Produced with National Resources in Only Two Years

The “Helicopter Securing and Transfer System Indigenization and Supply” project was initiated in May 2021 upon the signing of an agreement between STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. and Altınay Defence under the coordination of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB) of the Republic of Türkiye. The production activities for the indigenous system were started in March 2022 following the technical and design studies, and the system was operated for the first time in September 2022 and subjected to factory acceptance tests in December 2022. The installation and integration of the Helicopter Securing and Transfer System aboard TCG İSTANBUL (F-515) was completed in April 2023 by STM and ALTINAY Defence, under the coordination of Istanbul Shipyard Command. The port acceptance tests of the system were successfully completed by representatives from the SSB and Naval Forces Command.

A Helicopter Using the National System Landed on TCG ISTANBUL

The “First Operation Readiness Test” of the system was successfully completed in August 2023, and the first deployment test was carried out in September 2023 involving an SH-70 Sea Hawk helicopter of the Turkish Navy, which landed on the ship making use of the national helicopter securing system. The system successfully detected the location of the SH-70 Sea Hawk helicopter on the platform and automatically tracked it with the Helicopter Haul-down Device. In the critical and final step of the tests, the SH-70 Sea Hawk helicopter approached the ship and successfully landed on the deck, with visual landing support provided by the system. The helicopter was then secured by the system and transferred to the hangar. After completion of all acceptance tests, the indigenous system integrated aboard TCG İSTANBUL, the first national frigate, constructed under the prime contractorship of STM, entered the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces.

Güleryüz: We responded to the embargo, and we are now looking forward to export opportunities

Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM, stated that they had reached another milestone on the road to full independence for Türkiye’s defence sector, adding:

“Our strong local ecosystem allowed us to indigenize a critical system that was subject to an embargo and to bring it to the Turkish defence sector. The Helicopter Securing and Transfer System, which we have developed with Altınay Defence, has not only provided us with an important capability, but has also ended our dependence on foreign countries for such systems. We have integrated the first national system, which was made available within a very short time, aboard TCG İSTANBUL. We will now be integrating our national Helicopter Securing and Transfer System aboard the vessels of the Turkish Naval Forces, and under our export projects carried out abroad. I wish to congratulate all our stakeholders and all the STM employees who contributed to the development of this system for their contributions in increasing the localization rate of our national ships.”

Helicopter Securing and Transfer System

The Helicopter Securing and Transfer System provides support aiding the safe landing of helicopters aboard ships, securing their position, facilitating their transfer from the deck to the hangar, and vice versa, and ensuring a safe take-off. The system features various sub-components, such as cameras and a helicopter-mounted laser system, and can instantly calculate the position of the helicopter through image processing. This calculated data keeps the rapid-capture device in the correct position, and controls the pilot position lights that keep the helicopter at the correct angle, allowing the pilot to land in a specific area on the helicopter platform. As soon as the helicopter lands on the ship deck, the rapid-capture device engages to instantly capture and secure the helicopter to the deck, which removes the need for personnel to be present in the landing area during a helicopter landing. The system can be safely operated by a single operative from the control point.




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STM Achieved Many Successes in 2023

The leading force in the Turkish defense industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., achieved many successes and milestones in the year 2023, which marks the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye.

STM's Achievements in 2023:


  • TCG İSTANBUL (F-515), Türkiye’s First National Frigate, begins sea trials.
  • The contract has been signed and the first steel cutting have been made for the 6th, 7th and 8th MİLGEM I Class frigates of the Turkish Navy!
  • The keel laying ceremony of the second corvette for the Ukrainian Navy has been made.
  • Our modern platforms leave a lasting impression on the parade to celebrate the 100th Year of the Turkish Republic!
  • Turkish Navy’s Logistic Support Ship TCG ÜTĞM ARİF EKMEKÇİ (A-575) begins sea trials.
  • STM design fleet Tanker PNS MOAWIN, built for the Pakistan Navy, delivered aid to Türkiye following the Earthquakes of 6’th of February!
  • The second submarine in Pakistan’s AGOSTA 90B modernization project was delivered!
  • Final delivery of Section50 (bow section) was made to the Turkish Navy for the REİS-Class submarine programme (Type-214) .
  • System acceptance trials for the modernization project of TCG PREVEZE (Type-209 /1400) submarine, conducted for the Turkish Navy have been concluded
  • STM Undertakes Platform Integration of the National Combat Management System aboard Turkish Navy’s Gür-Class Submarines (Type-209/1400)


  • We enter history as the first company in Türkiye to develop a Helicopter Visual Landing Aid System (HVLAS)
  • Türkiye’s first indigenous Fin Stabilizing System has been developed!
  • National CBRN Detection and Identification System has been developed and integrated into more than 10 naval platforms!
  • Türkiye’s first indigenous Helicopter Securing and Transfer System has been developed!


  • The Attack UAV KARGU has been exported to more than 10 countries.
  • Fixed Wing Attack UAV ALPAGU has been exported for the first time.
  • First export of STM’s surveillance UAV TOGAN! Surveillance UAV TOGAN has been exported for the first time.
  • The Swarm Intelligence UAV Project - BUMIN took part in the TAF-Haydar Aliyev Exercise!
  • TOGAN and KARGU score full marks in the Turkish Armed Forces’ Winter and Free Fire Exercises!


  • Works begin on the development of NATO Intelligence Infrastructure software with the INTEL FS-2 Project!
  • Acceptance tests of simulation-based decision support solution GEMED has been completed and delivered to Turkish Navy.
  • Simulation-based decision support solution, brings new capabilities to the Turkish Navy, has been completed.
  • STM’s Aggregated Resilience Model plays a role in the NATO Crisis Management Exercise!
  • With STM’s Through-the-Wall Radar (DAR), more than 50 lives saved following the 6’th of February earthquakes, occured in Türkiye.



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New Ships That Strengthen the Turkish Navy Assume Their Duties!

STM, Türkiye's naval engineering power, has handed the keys of TCG İSTANBUL (F-515), Türkiye’s first national frigate, and the TCG UTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ (A-575) Logistics Support Ship, built under STM’s main contractorship, to the Turkish Navy.

STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. under the leadership of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB) of the Republic of Türkiye, develops innovative and national solutions, contributing to Türkiye’s vision of establishing a fully independent defence sector, and is continuing its efforts in this regard with the construction of national and modern warships for the Turkish Navy.

A ceremony was held on 19 January, 2024 to mark the delivery of four new naval platforms that will further strengthen the Turkish Naval Forces. “Power in the Blue Homeland: The “New Naval Platforms Delivery Ceremony” was held at Sefine Shipyard in Yalova.

Four New Naval Platform Enter into the Service of the Turkish Navy

The deliveries of TCG ISTANBUL (F-515), Türkiye’s first national frigate, and Logistics Support Ship TCG ÜTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ (A-575), built under the main contractorship of STM, as well as Replenishment at Sea and Combat Support Ship (DIMDEG) TCG DERYA (A-1590), the second largest ship in the Turkish Naval fleet, and the MARLIN Unmanned Surface Vehıcle (USV) all featured in the milestone ceremony for the Turkish Navy.

Attending the ceremony were President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; Yaşar Güler, Minister of National Defense; Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün, President of Defence Industry Agency (SSB); Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu, Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces; Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM; and Celal Koloğlu, Member of Board of Sefine Shipyard, as well as many other guests.

Güleryüz: TCG İSTANBUL: One of the Five Most Advanced Frigates in the World

Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM, stated that STM undertakes significant duties in the construction of national surface and submarine ships for the Turkish Navy, and has contributed to the Turkish economy through its exports of naval platforms to Pakistan and Ukraine.

He said that STM was proud to have been selected as the main contractor in the TCG İSTANBUL project, as Türkiye’s first national frigate, and said:

“TCG İSTANBUL, MİLGEM İstif-Class Frigates have taken their place among the five most advanced frigates in the world thanks to their design and technologies. The targeted localisation rate for the Istanbul Frigate was 75 percent, – a figure that we managed to increase to 80 percent through our efforts under the leadership of the SSB, and TCG İSTANBUL has thus taken the crown as the warship with the highest localisation rate in Türkiye. Our national frigate will serve as an important deterrent for our country in the world's seas thanks to its national electronic warfare systems, which have a high localisation rate, its new generation national combat management system and its ability to launch air-guided projectiles.”

“Logistics Support Ship TCG UTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ”

Referring to the Logistics Support Ship built under another project in which STM was the main contractor, Güleryüz said:

“Following the successful delivery of TCG Yüzbaşı Güngör Durmuş (A-574), the first ship of the project, we are proud to be delivering TCG UTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ (A-575), the second ship of the project to the Turkish Navy. TCG UTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ Logistics Support Ship, named after SAT Commando Lieutenant Senior Grade Arif Ekmekçi who lost his life in the line of duty, will strengthen the supply and logistics capabilities of our Naval Forces, undertaking a broad range of tasks and carrying the cares of the Blue Homeland on its shoulders through its abilities to replenish fuel at sea, and to carry tons of liquid and solid cargoes, with a range of 9,500 nautical miles.”

We are undertaking more than 10 naval projects in 9 shipyards

Güleryüz drew attention to the extent of STM’s activities in the military and naval fields, and went on to say:

“STM takes pride in having successfully contributed to the naval capacity of our country with more than 10 naval platform projects being undertaken in 9 civil and naval shipyards. As Türkiye’s naval engineering power, we will continue to meet the needs of our Navy and the navies of friendly and allied nations with sea-going vessels, from aircraft carriers to modern submarines, meeting the needs of the age and following a visionary and modern approach backed by national means, and to successfully represent our country around the world.”

TCG İSTANBUL, Türkiye’s First National Frigate

The contract for the construction of the TCG İSTANBUL (F-515) – the first ship in the MiLGEM İ-Class frigate project under Phase 2 of the MiLGEM ADA-class corvette project – was signed on 12 April, 2019 between STM and the Defence Industry Agency (SSB). Following the launch of TCG İSTANBUL (F-515) on 23 January, 2021, the ship rigging in a dry dock and port acceptance tests were subsequently launched in May 2022.After the completion of the port acceptance tests, TCG İSTANBUL was put to sea for the first time for Sea Acceptance Tests after a flag hoisting ceremony held on 20 June, 2023.

TCG İSTANBUL joined the 100-ship official parade held by the Turkish Navy in the İSTANBUL Strait to mark the 100th anniversary of our Republic and the 250th anniversary of the Turkish Naval Academy, thus being introduced to citizens and sailors. TCG İSTANBUL was delivered to the Turkish Naval Forces Command at a ceremony held on 19 January, 2024.

Features of TCG İSTANBUL

As the first Turkish frigate designed by Turkish engineers, the structure of TCG İSTANBUL (F-515), as well as that of the other İstif-Class frigates earmarked for construction, will differ from the ADA-class corvettes in their ability to carry and launch homing surface-to-air missiles.

The frigate has been developed for anti-submarine and surface warfare roles, anti air warfare and reconnaissance, surveillance, target detection, identification, recognition and early warning missions, and measures 113 meters in length with a beam of 14.4 meters. TCG İSTANBUL was constructed at Istanbul Naval Shipyard and has been integrated with advanced national solutions, including the ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile and MİDLAS Vertical Launch System (VLS) developed by Roketsan; the Gökdeniz Close-In Air Weapon System and Cenk-S AESA Radar developed by ASELSAN; and the ADVENT Combat Management System developed by HAVELSAN under the guidance of Naval Forces Command. A total of 220 companies have contributed to the project, including 80 subcontractors working on the supply of more than 150 systems.

Eight İ-Class Ships to Be Built

Works on the construction of the sixth, seventh and eighth MİLGEM I Class Platforms, which will be sister ships to TCG İSTANBUL, Türkiye’s first national frigate, were launched in partnership with STM and TAİS in 2023.

A ceremony was held for the first sheet metal cutting of the national frigates (TCG İZMİR, TCG İÇEL and TCG İZMİT) on 10 April, 2023 with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The intention is to complete the construction of the three frigates within 36 months and to deliver them to the Turkish Navy.

At a meeting chaired by President Erdoğan on 3 January, 2024, the Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) decided to extend the MİLGEM project with the construction of four further İ-Class Frigates (numbered 9–12), increasing the number of İ-Class frigates to be built in programme to eight.

Logistics Support Ship UTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ

A contract was signed between the SSB and STM on 9 February, 2021 for the delivery of two Logistics Support Ships to Turkish Naval Forces Command. As the main contractor in the project, STM was assigned responsibility for all programme management, procurement, assembly, ship outfitting, integration, testing and ILS activities.

TCG YZB. GÜNGÖR DURMUŞ (A-574), the first ship in the Logistics Support Ship Project, was constructed in ADA Shipyard, and was delivered to Turkish Naval Forces Command at a ceremony held on 8 December, 2021. TCG UTGM. ARİF EKMEKÇİ (A-575), the second ship in the project, took to the seas for the first time to begin its Ship Acceptance Tests after a flag hoisting ceremony held on 5 July, 2023, and entered the inventory of Turkish Naval Forces Command following a ceremony held on 19 January, 2024.

Named after SAT Commando Lieutenant Senior Grade Arif Ekmekçi, who lost his life in the line of duty, the ship measures 106.51 meters in length and has a beam of 16.80 meters. The ship is operated by an 82-person crew, and features an aft floating system and fleet replenishment capabilities. The ship can sail at speeds of 12+ knots and has a cruising range of 9,500 nautical miles. It is equipped with two 12.7 mm ASELSAN STAMP weapon systems and a helipad that can accommodate a 15-ton utility helicopter. Its logistics capabilities are supported by a crane with a lifting capacity of 18 tonnes, and it can carry eight containers, 631 tons of drinking water, 336 tons of JP-5 helicopter fuel and 4,036 tonnes of F-76 fuel.



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Collaboration Between Academia and Industry Earns Blue Homeland a Critical Local System

STM and the Bahçeşehir University have collaborated in the development of Türkiye’s first “CTD Probe" system using wholly local and national resources. The probe will be used to collect data on the physical properties of seawater onboard oceanographic research and naval platforms. The CTD Probe System, which has succeeded all necessary environmental, factory acceptance and field tests, can now be used for national and international underwater military and scientific projects.

STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., which develops advanced and national solutions as a key player in the Turkish defence industry, has successfully concluded another important project involving the development of a critical system, previously not designed and manufactured in Türkiye, as an output of a collaboration between academia and industry.

Based on its experience acquired through in naval projects as part of an academia-industry collaboration in R&D since 2012 with Bahçeşehir University (BAU) &BAU İnovasyon ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.(BAUMIND) – a subsidiary of Bahçeşehir University – STM has designed the CTD Probe System to operate in the most challenging conditions in all marine environments, with a robust structure, reliable and accurate sensors.

The environmental, factory acceptance and field tests of Türkiye’s first Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) Measurement System, which is one of the most widely used systems onboard military surface/underwater platforms and unmanned marine vehicles engaged in oceanographic scientific research activities in the field, have been successfully completed under the R&D project that was carried out using domestic resources. The product has now been into service in the market.

Critical Importance for Submarines

"Conductivity", "Temperature" and "Water Pressure" within the water column are the basic physical properties of seawater and are measured by precise sensors on the CTD System as real-time, while "Salinity", "Specific Gravity of Water" and "Sound Speed" at a specific depth is calculated by the built-in processor unit. The CTD data is used to establish underwater sound propagation patterns, used in performance modeling of sonar systems.

Unlike similar systems in the world, the CTD Probe System provides real-time orientation information about both the system itself and the platform to which it is integrated by means of its 3-axis inertial measurement unit.

Manufactured Using Domestic and National Resources

Stressing the importance of a qualified workforce and R&D for the defence sector, STM General Manager Özgür Güleryüz said: “At STM, we attribute great importance to collaboration between academia and industry for the training of qualified human resources and the design and production of critical technologies. The CTD Probe System, which we have developed jointly with Bahçeşehir University, is a valuable result of such a collaboration. We take pride in having developed such a critical system, which has not been designed and manufactured in Türkiye before, using national resources and in cooperation with academia."

Stating that the CTD Probe had passed through a series of major tests, Güleryüz said:“The Hydrostatic External Pressure Test, which is one of the most decisive environmental tests for products such as ours, was completed at the facilities of Gölcük Shipyard Command under the General Directorate of Shipyards, which is an accredited institution. It has now passed the field tests successfully and secured a place among the licensed products developed by STM. Before the culmination of this initiative of STM, CTD probes had to be imported from abroad in connection with various domestic and international projects, and there was an additional dependence on foreign suppliers for the periodic calibration of sensitive sensors. It is our aim to see our domestically developed CTD Probe system in use in numerous domestic and international projects, including scientific research activities, but especially in projects carried out by Naval Forces Command in the near future. I congratulate the talented STM and BAU teams who have contributed to the project.”



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Collaboration Between Academia and Industry Earns Blue Homeland a Critical Local System

STM and the Bahçeşehir University have collaborated in the development of Türkiye’s first “CTD Probe" system using wholly local and national resources. The probe will be used to collect data on the physical properties of seawater onboard oceanographic research and naval platforms. The CTD Probe System, which has succeeded all necessary environmental, factory acceptance and field tests, can now be used for national and international underwater military and scientific projects.

STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., which develops advanced and national solutions as a key player in the Turkish defence industry, has successfully concluded another important project involving the development of a critical system, previously not designed and manufactured in Türkiye, as an output of a collaboration between academia and industry.

Based on its experience acquired through in naval projects as part of an academia-industry collaboration in R&D since 2012 with Bahçeşehir University (BAU) &BAU İnovasyon ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.(BAUMIND) – a subsidiary of Bahçeşehir University – STM has designed the CTD Probe System to operate in the most challenging conditions in all marine environments, with a robust structure, reliable and accurate sensors.

The environmental, factory acceptance and field tests of Türkiye’s first Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) Measurement System, which is one of the most widely used systems onboard military surface/underwater platforms and unmanned marine vehicles engaged in oceanographic scientific research activities in the field, have been successfully completed under the R&D project that was carried out using domestic resources. The product has now been into service in the market.

Critical Importance for Submarines

"Conductivity", "Temperature" and "Water Pressure" within the water column are the basic physical properties of seawater and are measured by precise sensors on the CTD System as real-time, while "Salinity", "Specific Gravity of Water" and "Sound Speed" at a specific depth is calculated by the built-in processor unit. The CTD data is used to establish underwater sound propagation patterns, used in performance modeling of sonar systems.

Unlike similar systems in the world, the CTD Probe System provides real-time orientation information about both the system itself and the platform to which it is integrated by means of its 3-axis inertial measurement unit.

Manufactured Using Domestic and National Resources

Stressing the importance of a qualified workforce and R&D for the defence sector, STM General Manager Özgür Güleryüz said: “At STM, we attribute great importance to collaboration between academia and industry for the training of qualified human resources and the design and production of critical technologies. The CTD Probe System, which we have developed jointly with Bahçeşehir University, is a valuable result of such a collaboration. We take pride in having developed such a critical system, which has not been designed and manufactured in Türkiye before, using national resources and in cooperation with academia."

Stating that the CTD Probe had passed through a series of major tests, Güleryüz said:“The Hydrostatic External Pressure Test, which is one of the most decisive environmental tests for products such as ours, was completed at the facilities of Gölcük Shipyard Command under the General Directorate of Shipyards, which is an accredited institution. It has now passed the field tests successfully and secured a place among the licensed products developed by STM. Before the culmination of this initiative of STM, CTD probes had to be imported from abroad in connection with various domestic and international projects, and there was an additional dependence on foreign suppliers for the periodic calibration of sensitive sensors. It is our aim to see our domestically developed CTD Probe system in use in numerous domestic and international projects, including scientific research activities, but especially in projects carried out by Naval Forces Command in the near future. I congratulate the talented STM and BAU teams who have contributed to the project.”

Perfect now we just need a company with sonobuoy experience to create a network of CTD in Mavi Vatan. It’s important to keep an eye on the well being of the sea and seabed etc.

Gathering real time data could be crucial to protecting the sea and our world.

I think it would be necessary to have the TCG pitch in on this global well-being project. It’s very necessary to give TCG some large vessels with oceanographic capabilities. Well a few OPV of Ada class might be a little overkill, so we’d have to find other type of platforms.


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Perfect now we just need a company with sonobuoy experience to create a network of CTD in Mavi Vatan. It’s important to keep an eye on the well being of the sea and seabed etc.

Gathering real time data could be crucial to protecting the sea and our world.

I think it would be necessary to have the TCG pitch in on this global well-being project. It’s very necessary to give TCG some large vessels with oceanographic capabilities. Well a few OPV of Ada class might be a little overkill, so we’d have to find other type of platforms.
CTD is the simplest form hydrographic data, and this sensor is available enmasse, COTS through hundreds of vendors at varying sizes at far great lower cost and i can guarantee this project was a money-rip-up scheme. I see no point in localization through STM for this case, a start-up should have done this alone if there is a potential or unique aspect to it. Why STM does it? "Come look at the AUV i made with the greatest domestic contribution, using a CTD sensor that partly relies on foreign sources for critical parts but anyway".

There are better set of sensors and techniques to be localized.
Micro-size pinger for bottom tracking
Low-drift small size IMU
Maneuvering models for AUVs, digital twin
Coupling with acoustic environment model and acoustic mapping
Bottom mapping, acoustic model updating etc.


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I am not familiar with rules and such for putting out buoysfor scientific purpose.

But assuming that nations respect civilian research project in cooperation with universities and other institutions that share common goal.

it would be necessary to work on a business plan. Find sponsors or investor of sorts and submit a proposal to universities, to state geologist institution.

There should be some benefits of these CTD or COTS surveys that can be monitized. Could even apply for some grants from abroad for this.
My point is to use civilian led project to expand presence, like cancer.

throwing a few million usd/euro a year should not be an issue if proper tax reimbursements are in place.


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STM Will Showcase Naval Projects and Tactical Mini-UAV Systems in Gulf Region

STM, one of the leading companies in the Turkish defence industry, will exhibit its naval platforms and tactical mini UAV systems at the World Defense Show (WDS) to be held in Saudi Arabia.

Having played an important role in Türkiye’s recent breakthrough in the defense industry, STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. offers critical solutions in such areas as naval platforms, tactical mini UAV systems and cyber security. STM, a subsidiary of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Defence Industry Agency, brings its experience, which has been gained through the company’s efforts to meet Türkiye’s needs, to friendly and allied nations through cooperation and technology transfer.

STM will take part in the World Defense Show (WDS) 2024 to be held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, on February 4–8, 2024, to showcase its combat-proven naval projects and tactical mini UAV systems in the Gulf Region.

Türkiye’s First National Frigate to be on Exhibited in Riyadh

At the exhibition, STM will display a model of Türkiye’s first national frigate TCG İSTANBUL (F-515), which is also the first ship in the MİLGEM İstif-Class project. The national frigate, of which STM is the designer and main contractor, has been recently delivered to the Turkish Navy. In addition to Türkiye’s first small-sized national submarine project STM500, the Pakistan Navy Fleet Tanker (PNFT), designed and built by STM for the Pakistan Navy and commissioned in 2018, will also be showcased to the WDS participants.

From among STM’s tactical mini UAV systems, Türkiye’s first national attack UAV, Combat Proven Rotary Wing Loitering Munition System KARGU, which has been exported to more than 10 countries in three different continents; the ammunition drop UAV BOYGA, which has already joined the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) inventory; and fixed wing loitering munition system ALPAGU, which has also achieved export success, will be on display at the STM booth.

Özgür Güleryüz: We’re Willing to Sign Collaborations in the Gulf

Commenting on the WDS 2024 Exhibition, Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM, said:

“The Turkish defense industry has been achieving significant successes in the international arena, and STM plays an important role in this story. We develop innovative and modern technologies with our qualified human resources. We also transfer our capabilities to the Turkish Armed Forces as well as to countries on different continents. We are looking forward to building new collaborations based on our experience in the naval projects conducted for Türkiye, Pakistan and Ukraine, and with our tactical mini UAV systems, which have successfully proven themselves in real combat environments. We are planning to hold important meetings for new collaborations at the WDS exhibition to be held in Saudi Arabia, and we are looking forward to improving the defense capacities of friendly and allied countries.”



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STM's Participation in WDS: Showcasing Türkiye's Defence Capabilities​


STM, one of the leading companies in the Turkish defence industry, continues to exhibit its technologies and capabilities in different geographies.

STM was taken its place at the at WDS-2024 World Defense Show one of Gulf Region most important defence exhibitions, to exhibit its combat proven, ınnovator projects. WDS, was held in Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, between 4-8 February 2024.


STM introduced the Saudi Arabia region to Türkiye's first national frigate project, the İ Class Frigate, the Navy Fleet Tanker Project (PNFT) being built for the Pakistan Navy, Türkiye's first small-sized national submarine project STM500.

From among STM’s tactical mini-UAV systems, KARGU, Türkiye's first national attack UAV that has been exported to nearly 10 countries on three different continents to date; Mini UAV BOYGA with Mortar Payload, which was added to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) inventory 2022; and fixed-wing attack UAV ALPAGU also took their places at the STM stand.

Many local and foreign high-level delegations visited STM's stand at WDS.




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Turkish Navy's Submarines Reinforces with Modern Systems

STM, Türkiye's naval engineering power, has been given system procurement and platform integration responsibility for the Mid-Life Modernization of the Gür-Class Submarines (Type-209/1400) in the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces. Critical navigation, mechanical and communication systems on board the Gür-Class Submarines will be modernised with modern national capabilities, thus extending their service life.

Under the leadership of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, Defence Industry Agency (SSB), STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. – a key player in Türkiye's defence sector and in the development of national-modern technologies – continues to take critical tasks in the modernization of the Navy’s submarines – as one of the key strike power of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Gür-Class Submarine Modernisation Program

An important milestone has been reached in the Preveze and Gür-Class submarine (Type 209/1400) programmes, as the backbone of the Submarine Command in the Blue Homeland. A Contract Amendment adding operations related to the Gür-Class Submarine Mid-Life Modernization Program to the content of the Preveze-Class Submarine Mid-Life Modernization Program, was signed between the STM-ASELSAN-ASFAT-HAVELSAN Joint Venture (JV) and the SSB on 17 January, 2024.

In the first phase of the renewed programme, the JV will modernise some of the critical navigation, machinery and communication systems on board the Gür-Class Submarines. The program, in which STM is undertaking responsibility for system procurement and platform integration, is expected to be completed in 6 years.

STM Entrusted with Submarine National Combat Management System Platform Integration Works

In addition to the procurement and integration activities outlined in the Preveze-YÖM project, platform integration of the Domestically Produced Integrated Combat Management System (MÜREN) aboard the PREVEZE-Class Submarines and ADVENT MÜREN Combat Management Systems aboard GÜR-Class Submarines are also carried out under the responsibility of STM. The Turkish Navy has four Gür-Class Submarines, first of which were commissioned in 2004.

Mid-Life Modernization of Preveze-Class Submarines

In the Mid-Life Modernization Program of Preveze-Class Submarines initiated by the SSB in 2019, acceptance of the Inertial Navigation System, CTD Probes, Chilled Water System and Static Inverters, which have been procured and integrated on board TCG PREVEZE by STM, was completed in 2023, and the modernization of the submarines under the project continues.

The Preveze-Class Submarines Mid-life Modernization Program covers the modernization of 4 submarines, namely, TCG Preveze (S-353), TCG Sakarya (S-354), TCG 18 Mart (S-355) and TCG Anafartalar (S-356) STM is takes the role of coordinator partner in the Project with responsibilities of procuring nine systems, and the platform integration of all systems procured under the project.

Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager of STM, stating that STM is undertaking important tasks in the fields of submarine design, construction and modernization, added: "With our qualified human resources and engineering power, we are carrying out critical works on the submarines of our Navy and our brother countries. As part of the modernization works, we are continuing our efforts to equip our PREVEZE and GÜR-Class submarines, following the Ay-Class submarines, with the most advanced systems. We hope that the decisions taken and our projects will be beneficial for the Defence Industry Agency, Turkish Naval Forces Command and all our stakeholders. We will continue our operations without interruption to strengthen our Submarine Fleet Command, which is advancing 'Silently and Deeply' in the Blue Homeland."

STM Submarine Projects

As part of its design, construction and modernization activities, STM is producing indigenous and flexible engineering solutions for the surface and submarine platforms of the Turkish Navy, and for those of friendly and allied nations, aiming to address specific needs and ensure more effective mission performance.

Undertaking crucial tasks in the submarine modernization and construction projects of the Turkish Navy, STM successfully completed the modernization of two Ay-Class submarines in its role as main contractor in 2015. Continuing its system procurement and platform integration activities as coordinator partner in the modernization of four Preveze-class submarines, STM has also been serving as the main contractor in the modernization of the French-made Agosta 90B Khalid-class submarines owned by Pakistan since 2016. Deliveries of the first two submarines in the Agosta 90B Modernization project have been completed, and STM is continuing the modernisation works on the third submarine in Pakistan.

STM is also playing an important role in the construction of New-Type Submarines (Reis-Class), which will be equipped with an air-independent propulsion (AIP) system. STM has successfully carried out design, engineering and system integration activities related to the Turkish Navy's latest modern submarine design – the Reis-Class submarine, and has completed the domestic production of "Section 50" of the bow, which houses the torpedo tubes (main weapons), becoming one of the few countries in the world that can carry out such a task, and has completed their delivery under the Project.

In other news, the pressure hull test production of the small-sized STM500 submarine designed by STM engineers using domestic resources started in June 2022, and STM’s R&D activities to develop an unmanned autonomous underwater vehicle are also underway.


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