Live Conflict Syria Civil War


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A summary of Erdogan's statements today (the Mecidiye Anthem in the background while reading would be a suitable option) :

There is a new political and diplomatic reality in Syria. And Syria belongs to Syrians with all its ethnic, sectarian and religious elements.

It is the Syrian people who will decide the future of their country.

We are aware that the separatist terrorist organisation acts with the eagerness to grab a log from the flood.

As Turkiye, I would like it to be known that we will not allow any move that would jeopardise our national security and interests.

The support of all responsible actors and international organisations for the protection of Syria's territorial integrity will be the best way forward for our entire region.

Syrian lands are saturated with war, blood and tears. Our Syrian brothers and sisters deserve freedom, security and peace of mind in their homeland.

Turkiye's sole aim is the welfare and well-being of the Syrian people in all its segments.

This was always our aim when we opened our doors to our brothers and sisters fleeing from massacres and persecution, and when we extended our hand to find a solution to the Syrian crisis.

However, the Damascus regime could not realise the value of Turkiye's outstretched hand and could not understand what it meant.

Turkiye is on the right side of history today as it was yesterday.

Turkiye is on the right side of history, where peace prevails, where no one is excluded, where no one's rights and freedoms are violated, where no one is persecuted, where different identities live side by side in peace, without discriminating between Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, Alawites, Sunnis, Alawites, Christians and Sunnis.



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Russian websites report that Sergei Lavrov, during a meeting in Doha, asked Türkiye Foreign Minister Hagan Fidan for security guarantees regarding two Russian military bases in Syria :)

Beklenen bir şeydi ama daha ilginç olanı Türkiye'nin bunun karşılığında ne talep edeceği.
No flight zone removed ? Or possibly permission to relocate S400 to Azerbaycan ?


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What betrayal? We haven't even fired a shot yet. A weakening superpower and a country full of Neanderthals are blaming us for not getting their act together with a man at the helm in Syria who has lost all sense of reality.
Worse still, they are complaining! That we should keep us quiet while they want to backstab us.
These people really have a character problem, that's why these countries will never be able to form a real coalition, against NATO.
China<->Russia<->Iran<->North Korea they all deeply distrust each other. The only thing they have in common is their dislike of the USA and his war/economic policy.


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While southern rebels have reached Damascus, Russian warplanes still targeting SNA and protecting YPG/PKK-held Manbij with airstrikes. (bunların ben ak...)
If Russian doesn’t stop, they will lose Airport and sea port !


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Calm down Dear, Syria is not Northern Iraq.

There are a lot of tribes, few to none mountains and they have no majority.

PKK/YPG terrorists living in a dream. A bitch's dream of course, they are seperating their legs whoever whisper a nice words to their ear. One day they will awake and cry why they were cheated, AGAIN.

BTW: "There is nothing can happen in these soils which Turkiye does not hug" -Süleyman Demirel, 50 years ago
Yeah but YPK-PKK does have bigger mountains in syria and thats (USA)
Remember to you month ago a anka drone shoot down by USA when flying in ypg zone .
I dont know what Turkiye-USA relations are but that YPG should be wiped off the map before its too late .
And what is holding Turkiye doing so ? (USA of course)
Can we blackmail US with their bases rasar and incirlik base ?
Or they will reapond with sanctions?!
Very hard situation for Turkiye and future of that region .
They take control half of syria and most of oil zones that can keep with money all pkk and finance their terrorist acts 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


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One year old me would never believe that the Syrians will unite again and rise against Al-Asad . But the men did it and soon Syria with its historical importance will be back to us

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ spoke about Levant and it’s people and how they will be part of are fate in the end of time

Allah bless the Syrians


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I understand the reason he and the Turks are happy right now, but one day they will understand the reason the ancient Greeks depicted the goddess Νίκη, Victory with winds. What we see happening in Syria right now might just be like a movie trailer for what will happen to a certain neighbor of Syria one day. There are many people who would prefer to see whatever happens to Syria right now happen to that neighbor, and I don't even mean the obvious Greeks, Kurds or Armenians.
YOLO, enjoy your victory until the goddess Νίκη decides to spread her wings to fly to another nation(s).
By the time the 'goddess' Niki decide to spread to another nation ( Turkiye ) I hope Erdo will gone , Nationalism will come to power and Turkiye will be NUCLEAR Power + Biological weapons that are capabable to END THE HUMANITY if 1 cm² of TURKIYE is at danger . 🇹🇷💪🇹🇷
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If that is true, Mr. Paksoy is a very reliable US correspondent btw but I can't be sure, Esad has sold out Iran.


BREAKING NEWS Assad has requested assistance from the Biden administration and Trump separately Despair has wrapped around the chimney •He asked the US to stop the opposition's march to Damascus in exchange for "distancing Iranian militias and Hezbollah" •He also sent a Christian leader to Hungarian leader Orban and conveyed a message saying, “If radical Islamists seize power, the situation of the Christian minority will be bad.” •Orban to convey this message to Trump — Bloomberg


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