Live Conflict Syria Civil War


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Erdoğan made Peace Spring Operation in 2019 much more harder conditions then this. (Political Pressure and Sanctions) I dont think he will just stop here. we learn what is gonna happen in a couple days.


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There is an unconfirmed deal circulating the internet between HTS and SDF, the major thing is giving the Syrian Kurds a self-governing state like Iraq's Kurdistan, also dismantling PKK.

I won’t share the drafted deal until it’s official.


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Current Syria map:

rebel Syria copy.jpg


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You suggest that the Syrians forgive the Russians who bombed them from the air, razed dozens of cities and hundreds of villages, killed 100 thousand people, and made 10 million Syrians refugees. This is a great idea. I am also in favor of it. But it is unlikely that the Russians will give him a decent price. The Russians have been doing heavy military propaganda for 25 years and they think very differently. They want to restore the Russian empire. This means endless wars. They killed countless people in Chechnya for 10 years starting in 2004. The world fell silent. They attacked Georgia in 2008 and occupied its 2 regions - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Small and weak Georgia could not give a decent response to the invaders on the battlefield, while the international community remained a spectator. International laws were at the feet of Russian soldiers. Encouraged by impunity, the Russians invaded Ukraine's Crimea after 6 years. Again, the same thing happened - no force was found to stop the invaders. 8 years later, Russia invaded Ukraine with 200,000 soldiers with impunity and has been killing people and destroying cities there for 3 years.
Are you proposing that Georgia and Ukraine forgive the Russians and surrender and give their lands to Russia? Doesn't this whet the appetite of Russian militarists? After all, they have openly declared that they will occupy the lands of all neighboring countries and restore the Russian Empire. It's not just about the neighbors, they want to take over all of Eastern Europe, right up to Croatia and East Germany. In addition, the Russians claim the lands of 3 Baltic countries, 5 countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia.
Have you read the November 2021 ultimatum officially announced by Moscow to NATO? If you haven't read it, find it, read it, and then answer me: "Do you still insist on your desire for peace?".
emotions always make everything not propotional. you can read my statement not only for russian case, its in general, for russian which we can assure after these will be vanish fron syrian land, with all of its influences.

Indonesian already faces all of this stituations regarding dutch colonialism, japan occupations, with all tragedy in it. we also had trouble for forgiving, for those two countries have done, almost 30 years we spent to make those forgiveness feeling came and becoming our new ways to create relation with those countries.

But you should remember, what happen in syria its the exacly happen in indonesia before, Assad = Soeharto in indonesia. the hard think that indonesian must face not struggle for independence but what happen in end of 90ties, our countries almost broke in to pieces, become second balkan tragedy. But with the consideration that forgiving is the best way to move forward. we can solve a very hard horizontal conflict between ethnic, etc, even we can solve aceh case that haunting us for over 35 years. now you can see what happen to Indonesia, in 20 years we comeback, becoming one of 20 biggest economy in the world with all of problems in it. can focus to develop our own country. I 100 % aggree with jolani and erdogan, that syria belong to syrian people, and must solve all of his problems by syrian people only, that include all of the tribes in it. weapons do not solve problems.


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you should stop cry baby with every tweet you read, we do not now if this is true...:D
Anything is possible when the US is involved

How many nations were divided, thrown into decades of chaos and blood just because of America?
Just look at Iraq's autonomous kurdistan region...... at first, they just had economic/ruling autonomy but suddenly they declared nearly complete autonomy with an actual kurdish army at their disposal

The current situation is fluid with the US clearly not budging on the PKK issue and the sad thing is that if the US went completely serious, then Turkey wouldnt stand a chance and that is why the PKK/YPG/SDF are stalling for time..... they are waiting for an opportunity to flip the table by finding a reason to convince the US to go ALL IN for the YPG

This game has been played numerous times with many nations; no wonder I cry when I see such news. Moreover, just look at the Blinken's statements:

Why is he acting as if the radical Syrian Shia kurds are like 60% of the population when they arent even 5% of the total population? Hell, majority of kurds in both Syria and Turkey are Sunni but the Sunni kurds of Syria escaped to Turkey when the terrorist YPG took control

What the US wants is an Assad-like state in Syria but more US-aligned rather than Iran&Russia aligned especially when most of the oil reserves are in the territory held by the YPG

And here we go.....They are clearly warning Turkey

US warplanes hit two bridges on the Euphrates River used to enter Deir ez-Zor city
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Scott Summers

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Anything is possible when the US is involved

How many nations were divided, thrown into decades of chaos and blood just because of America?
Just look at Iraq's autonomous kurdistan region...... at first, they just had economic/ruling autonomy but suddenly they declared nearly complete autonomy with an actual kurdish army at their disposal

The current situation is fluid with the US clearly not budging on the PKK issue and the sad thing is that if the US went completely serious, then Turkey wouldnt stand a chance and that is why the PKK/YPG/SDF are stalling for time..... they are waiting for an opportunity to flip the table

Trump doesnt like Kurds.

He greenlighted our militairy operations against them while he was under heavy pressure from both the Congress and Senate and even his own cabinet.

He was also under heavy pressure from the jewish mainstream-press and branded the Kurds during a pressbriefing as “disloyalists who didnt support us in WWII”.😂


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Trump doesnt like Kurds.

He greenlighted our militairy operations against them while he was under heavy pressure from both the Congress and Senate and even his own cabinet.

He was also under heavy pressure from the jewish mainstream-press and branded the Kurds during a pressbriefing as “disloyalists who didnt support us in WWII”.😂
Relying on Trump would be a bad idea. Right now people are numb in the West and nobody cares what happens in Syria so we should seize the chance. Right now i am cautiously optimist about the situation. Lets see what happens this weekend.

Scott Summers

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Relying on Trump would be a bad idea. Right now people are numb in the West and nobody cares what happens in Syria so we should seize the chance. Right now i am cautiously optimist about the situation. Lets see what happens this weekend.

Everything what happens now will lead to the War for Jerusalem, a great war that is foreseen and foretold thousand years ago in different books.

The key places are Damasqus and Dabiq. There will emerge a big army from the South fighting against a much bigger army from the North.


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United states politics are hijacked by Jew financial juntas, they love war so that they can sell weapons and profit, the project Isreal is their to destabilise middle east, they have learnt its a booming market, can steal oil, gas and other resources, sell weopons, because they have the money to buy, to keep the war drums alive, they destabilise,, divide, inflame unrest, the jews have mastered the way of portraying muslims, especially Arabs as barbaric, heartless warmongers, murderous, they use three bs, as ploy buy the arabs just like Egypt and Jordan, or bribe them to keep their rule, just like the gulf countries Pakistan and some other countries, or bomb them to submission like in Palestine, lebonan, Iraq, now in Syria, if you tow their line, even though you could be a psychotic terrorist, they would make you the champion liberelist, if you don't they would demonise you, so there is no way for justice, reasonability, compassion, empathy, or concern for human sufferings, they achieve all this using, human rights, just rule, authoritarian rule, dictator ship, equal rights ets., UNO is a tool for them to achieve their goals using veto power.


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Syrian journalists have taken a panoramic video of the Russian Khmeimim airbase in Syria using a drone. As can be seen from the video, the aircraft are in hangars, but there are no protective nets on the hangars from drones. It is worth noting that there are presumably no anti-drone units at the base, since the drone is freely filming. Currently, the airbase is home to Russian Su-34NVO, Su-24M bombers and Su-35S fighters. Also visible in the frame are two Il-76 military transport aircraft of Russia and one Il-76 of the Syrian Air Force. According to Bloomberg, Russia is close to reaching an agreement with the new Syrian leadership on maintaining two military bases in Syria. If the agreement is concluded, the Port of Tartus and the Khmeimim airbase will remain in Syria.


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