Battery Management System Architectures For Unmanned Air Vehicles: A Strategic Issue
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It's near hypersonic.Experimental Investigation of Sonic Transverse Jets in Mach 5 Crossflow
Experimental investigation of surface flow pattern on truncated cones in Mach 5 flow: Influence of truncation ratio
Penetration Characteristics of Air, Carbon Dioxide and Helium Transverse Sonic Jets in Mach 5 Cross Flow
Penetration Characteristics of Air, Carbon Dioxide and Helium Transverse Sonic Jets in Mach 5 Cross Flow
An experimental investigation of sonic air, CO2 and Helium transverse jets in Mach 5 cross flow was carried out over a flat plate. The jet to freestream momentum flux ratio, J, was kept the same for all gases. The unsteady flow topology was examined using high speed schlieren visualisation
TEI is conducting experimental studies for hypersonic speeds (probably for scramjet engines).
Erinc Erdem
TUSAS Engine Industries - Cited by 835 - Compressible Flow - Experimental Methods in Aerothermal Sciences - Gas Turbines - Ground
@Combat-Master @Zafer @Saithan @nakaFH @Yasar @Kartal1 @Cabatli_53 @Nilgiri @yakusha @TheInsider @Fuzuli NL @Test7 @mulj @T-123456 @Stimpy75 @Stuka
These scientists have worked for 1.98 mach speeds. However, the subject of the engineer at TEI was for 5 mach speed. A speed of 5 mach is considered the beginning of the hypersonic speed regime.Prediction of Transverse Injection of a Sonic Jet in Supersonic Crossflow | Request PDF
Request PDF | Prediction of Transverse Injection of a Sonic Jet in Supersonic Crossflow | Navier-Stokes predictions of mixing by a sonic jet injected into a Mach 1.98 crossflow are presented. The injection is transverse, typical of a... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on
How do this and @Bogeyman post differ.
Both are about an objects behavior during supersonic speed, no ?
I am making a flying machine myself and every gram of weight saving pays its dividends. I am not using high end anything but one of these days I will want to make the random holes the learned men/women are making. So I save the link and the PDF for reference. Thanks.Weight reduction of an unmanned aerial vehicle pylon fitting by topology optimization and additive manufacturing with electron beam melting
TAI's additive manufacturing article on pylons for Aksungur
@Combat-Master @Zafer @Saithan @nakaFH @Yasar @Kartal1 @Cabatli_53 @Nilgiri @TheInsider @Fuzuli NL @Test7 @mulj @T-123456 @Stimpy75 @Stuka
In other thread they say its not AESA, here it says its Aesa radar technology* Near Field Radar Cross Section Test Facility – NFRTF project ongoing. Non-Linear Component Detection System - Long Range (NLJD-LOR) technology was won.
* The installation of the National Joint Electronic Warfare Data Bank was completed by the TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Advanced Technologies Research Institute (İLTAREN) and handed over to the Turkish Armed Forces.
In the operations of the Turkish Armed Forces; It used both airborne and land-based electronic warfare systems extensively to determine the positions of air defense systems, subvert communications infrastructure, and undermine the systems' ineffectiveness and their inability to respond to SİHAs.
While E-7T, MİLSİS-23U, MİLKAR and ANKA-I UAVs take command in the air, MİLKAR-3A3, MİLKED-4A, KORAL, REDET, VURAL (REDET-II), KARAKULAK (MİLKED-4A2), SANCAK Systems like (MILKAR-4A2) were used.
In order for the systems to be used effectively, continuous training must be carried out. Because before an electronic attack (ET) can be carried out on a radar, the information of the target radar should be collected and then suitable electronic attack methods should be investigated. In this regard, the National Joint Electronic Warfare Information Bank, which will collect information on electronic warfare under one roof, has been completed and the infrastructure of the General Staff has been provided.
* The first, electronic support, and electronic warfare Pod qualification tests
In our country the National electronic warfare pods and a national platform, and this is
F-16 aircraft were developed and flight-test activities planned for 2022.
Also this project have been successfully achieved desired results.
F-16 aircraft electronic warfare Pods (EHPOD)
View attachment 52111
MEHPOD Indigenous Electronic Warfare Pod
View attachment 52113
MEHPOD is an indigenous Pod System developed to provide protection and survivability of Fighters against RF Guided Threats.
• Electronic Protection against RF guided threats,
• Easy Integration to Fighters as a Standalone Pod
• Threat detection, classification and identification in E-J band
• RF energy transmission enabling deceptive and noise jamming techniques in a dynamic threat environment
• Tracking and jamming the threats autonomously
• Phased array antenna and solid state transmitter architecture (AESA)
• Fully programmable Mission Data File architecture
• Instanteneous Frequency Measurement (IFM),
• High-sensitivy Superhet Digital Receiver,
• Digital RF Memory (DRFM),
• Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA)
• Active Electronic Scanning Array (AESA),
• Aerodynamic Design with low drag index
• Qualification and Certification
• Self-contained ECS and Power Systems
I will continue to stand by,
MEHPOD is a different product from EHPODIn other thread they say its not AESA, here it says its Aesa radar technology