TR Türkiye's Somalia Operations


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Expect many more of these attacks. Turks should not be in these hostile zones. It's better to let local people manage these while we keep a distance.

If we can't contribute to increasing the safe zones and keeping them safe then at the end of the day we're just contributing to avoid worse scenario.


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Kınalıada is not being deployed to Somalia as part of the martime deal with Somalia. She’s on her voyage to Japan with port visits to nearby countries. Mogadishu is one such stop. Next stop is Maldives.


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Both article cover the same story, but with a months break, lol.

An interesting article.

An Effective Emirati Training Model

Parallel training efforts by the United States, the European Union, Turkey, and Britain have generally fallen short because most SNA brigades are, in fact, clan militias beholden to the interests of their respective elders. As a result, SNA units—no matter the quality of their training—have mostly pursued clan interests and proven ineffective at fighting al-Shabab, especially outside their own lands. Alongside the Danab Brigade, only the Turkish-trained Gorgor special forces are truly capable of offensive operations, but Turkey has not taken sufficient steps to protect it from political misuse. In the case of Danab, the United States has circumvented this problem by recruiting cadets from a diverse array of clans, setting up a command-and-control system insulated from politics, ensuring on-time pay, and training carefully vetted cadets separately from the regular forces.

The UAE has implemented similar measures for the units it trains, including by intentionally maintaining multi-clan representation among its trainees. It also names combat veterans to lead units and monitors new units through a continuous retraining program at Camp Gordon. Finally, it provides on-time salaries at about twice the regular SNA rate.

Well the above excerp pretty much matches the talk I had with a Somali about how Turkish government isn't ensuring proper diversified troop training, but are handed tribal and clansmen and such.
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