identity of terrorist revealed
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first PKK terrorist was ali örek member of HDP
second PKK terrorist was Mine Sevjin, former HDP Hakkari central district co-chair
the question is why no one point this out that the terrorist had HDP past and why there is no top to bottom search on HDP members
This is even worse than Sultan Vahdettin and Damat Ferit Pasha surrendering to the Allies after Ww1.
This even worse than Vienna 1683.
If the Turkish people dont take it to the street artik.
Its all over. People care more about Tayyip than their own nation. This cant be forgiven.
I hope akp, chp and mhp are happy. Man I feel like soldiers are gonna revolt. There will be mutiny one former Turkish officer who retired said. If Ocalan get released on the streets we will shoot him and lynch him.
There will be a mutiny or revolt..i wont be surprised if soldiers turn rogue start a rebellion. Thousands of soldiers got killed their deaths will all be in vain.
ofc they wont we as nation always relay on individual heroism to carry us from crisis to crisis will these lone wolf act and do that is necessary or will they watch as regime change happening. in these times they fear nothing more than these lone wolves who act alone and willing to sacrifice everythingMate I don’t think people will revolt unfortunately. Seeing how we got fu**ed during 15 years and nobody did nothing. People will only revolt when they’ll be hungry.
This is even worse than Sultan Vahdettin and Damat Ferit Pasha surrendering to the Allies after Ww1.
This even worse than Vienna 1683.
If the Turkish people dont take it to the street artik.
Its all over. People care more about Tayyip than their own nation. This cant be forgiven.
I hope akp, chp and mhp are happy. Man I feel like soldiers are gonna revolt. There will be mutiny one former Turkish officer who retired said. If Ocalan get released on the streets we will shoot him and lynch him.
There will be a mutiny or revolt..i wont be surprised if soldiers turn rogue start a rebellion. Thousands of soldiers got killed their deaths will all be in vain.
Law proposal that will immediately release APO.
Legislative Proposal on the Amendment of Certain Laws in order to Abolish the Prohibition of Conditional Release in Aggravated Life Imprisonment and to Provide the Possibility of Conditional Release in the 25th Year
With the proposal, it is aimed that those who have been sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment or whose death sentences have been converted to aggravated life imprisonment will benefit from the conditional release provisions starting from the twenty-fifth year of the execution of their sentences.
It is in the Justice Commission.
It seems that the shit is real.
My condolences to those who were victims of the attack and their families.
Exiling individuals isn't a good punishment; it allows them to work with foreign governments and establish foreign officers to finance their activities back home.
The best way forward for Turkey is to redistribute the population of Southeast Turkey to other parts of the country by eliminating the Kurdish population's majority ethnic stronghold; you essentially eliminate the roots of the Kurdish question, thus destroying any future possibility of a separatist state.
It can also be done in a somewhat humane way.
something, something "we wuz muslim brothers n shit, the jews aimt to divide the ummah and are the real threat!!!1!!" islamist akp logic and "we want to be a multicultural european wannabe state" chp logic, which is of course an Ideology purposefully spread and funded by EU "think tanks"/NGOs/Propaganda Mouthpieces to destroy Turkish national cohesion and carve it up for exploitation.Who on earth plotted such a filthy deal? The US? It feels as if they are telling Turkey to go into a never-ending spiral of war in Syria against Assad and Russia
Hopefully rot in hell they have of course done a bear service to the Kurdish/Turkish population in Turkey....HPG/PKK officially claimed the attack.
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I wonder how long until a TAF squad or several goes rogue and launches an "off the books" operation into US/Russian/PKK territory and racks up as many kills and destroyed infrastructure as they can before AKP can react. You can't tell me that there aren't soldiers in the ranks thinking about it.President Erdogan:
“Our Air Force and MIT Directorate responded to this vile attack by destroying terrorist targets in Syria and Iraq, and did not leave the blessed blood of our martyrs on the ground.”
Look at this statement and read it at least 5 times. The head of the country says that we gave the response to an attack against one of our most critical companies in the capital city of Turkiye and the martyrdom of 5 of our citizens including engineers by hitting control points, cement and flour manufacturing facilities. Not only this is the response, but according to him it is "more than enough".
This is the type of people who are controlling the Parliament.