The bridge over the River Indus


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Over the next few weeks a major event is about to take place. The completion of the bridge over the Indus River just north of Mianwali as part of the M-14 motorway from Islamabad to DI Khan. This will be a profound moment as it will help to lay one of the major portions of the Western Corridor of the CPEC which will connect Gwadar on the Arabian Sea, north into Balochistan, then pass through south of Khyber Pakhtunwa a region which has been hitherto neglected into Potohar plateu of Punjab and finally Islamabad thus connecting it to the national motorway hub.

Over the coming years not only will it give Pakistan a alternative north-south economic corridor to the already existent eastern corridor which terminates at Karachi but it will bring economic opportunities along the entire Arabian Sea/Iran, Baloch, tribal Af-Pak region but it will finally provide Gwadar with a hinterland and traffic. Thus far the Port of Gwadar is almost a isolated island.

As the western corridor infrastructure is completed all of Afghanistan, western portion of Pakistan, Central Asia and even Chinese Turkestan will come within the ports hinterland. To be sure it will require another decade for the economic and trade linkages to take root along the corridor but the lattice will have been laid out.

Although I have a thread on CPEC western corridor but I feel this bridge is such a vital piece in the bigger picture it deserved it's own thread. To give you idea of the change that will come about the erstwhile tribal areas are now going to be 4 hours drive from Islamabad when they used to be 8 hours. Even Quetta, Balochistan will be with 8 hours drive and Port of Gwadar within the reach on the same day from Islamabad. Once fully completed Gwadar will actually be a economical alternative to Karachi.

The location within the wider Western Corridor

Indus BR 1.png

A close up of the location with KPK on the west side and Punjab on the right bank of Indus. The population around the bridge is mostly Pakhtun although it falls within Punjab boundary. As you move east the mix begins to tilt toward Punjabi majority. For instance Kot Gulla is Punjabi whereas Bani Afghan displays the majority. Note this is on the east side of the Indus. Many Indians are under the false illusion that the ethnic fracture between Pakhtuns and Punjabis runs nicely on the Indus River with each in a tidy west bank and east bank of Indus split.

M-14 bridge.png

Going back to the bridge which is eight lane, divided barrier structure and nearly 1.5 miles long.



Once over into Khyber Pakhtunkwa M-14 is almost complete thus by August 2021 Islamabad - Yarik-DI Khan and Quettam Balochistan will be connected. I really look forward to doing this route once Pakistan comes off the red list. The region is very Mediteranean looking with olive, orange, lemon etc groves.

And I genuinely think this will augur social, economic and political change in this neglected region of Pakistan even if it takes decade to really consolidate the effects.

@mulj I tag you as you have faith in Pakistan despite what the media says.
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Thx bro, as it is said roads are civilisation..., i have impression that you are near with finishing many basic infrastructure/energy projects besides roads which should provide foundation for significant leap forward.
Regarding my faith in Pakistan future sucess, it is rational, 200 mill nation can not be contained in perpetual trouble, pure logic dictate that someone will emerge to lead people and make corrections, now it is IK and what he need is time and calm surronding and be prepared for some medling if he shows to much results in short time.


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Thx bro, as it is said roads are civilisation..., i have impression that you are near with finishing many basic infrastructure/energy projects besides roads which should provide foundation for significant leap forward.
Regarding my faith in Pakistan future sucess, it is rational, 200 mill nation can not be contained in perpetual trouble, pure logic dictate that someone will emerge to lead people and make corrections, now it is IK and what he need is time and calm surronding and be prepared for some medling if he shows to much results in short time.
That is what we need. Time under PMIK. Behind the negative hype you hear major overhaul is taking place. The biggest problem has been the previous corrupt governments left massive debts which are eating into the budget and squeezing developent funding. Loans are not in themselves bad providing they have a positive effect. But sadly that was not the case with previous governments.

The major emphasis of PM IK government has been -

  • education - schools, universities and education for all
  • health- free health care for all. This has already partly been done through insurance health cards.
  • transport infra - motorways, roads, rail
  • dams - ten new dams are either under construction or about to be started
  • industrial zones - two major zones are up and going
  • etc

The problem is this will take time to consolidate and move forward. It can't be done in two years or even 5 years. I reckon it will take about 10 years to bring real change.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
That is what we need. Time under PMIK. Behind the negative hype you hear major overhaul is taking place. The biggest problem has been the previous corrupt governments left massive debts which are eating into the budget and squeezing developent funding. Loans are not in themselves bad providing they have a positive effect. But sadly that was not the case with previous governments.

The major emphasis of PM IK government has been -

  • education - schools, universities and education for all
  • health- free health care for all. This has already partly been done through insurance health cards.
  • transport infra - motorways, roads, rail
  • dams - ten new dams are either under construction or about to be started
  • industrial zones - two major zones are up and going
  • etc

The problem is this will take time to consolidate and move forward. It can't be done in two years or even 5 years. I reckon it will take about 10 years to bring real change.
10 years are nothing, what i especially like about his approach is ecology projects and various agricultural initiatives, the second one should provide sooner effects for elevating people from dire poverty and potential hunger crysis, really important thing for short term stability and breathing space for dealing with more complex issues ahead.


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A defining moment in the construction of the western corridor which will open up Gwadar direct to Islamabad along a 600 mile axis on the west side of Indus River running along the Af-Pak region is about to take place. Last missing section in the 1.5 mile bridge is being worked on.



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The second bridge over the mighty Indus River as part of CPEC and western corridor connecting Khyber Pakhtunkwa province with Punjab province is nearing completion at nearly 1.6 miles length which will carry the M-14 motorway south toward Gwadar on the Arabian Sea.



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Great news. The two sections of the bridge have linked up thus connecting Khyber Pakhtunkwa with Punjab. This now will open direct westerly route all the way south to the Arabian Sea port of Gwadar.



Think Tank Analyst
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United States of America
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Over the next few weeks a major event is about to take place. The completion of the bridge over the Indus River just north of Mianwali as part of the M-14 motorway from Islamabad to DI Khan. This will be a profound moment as it will help to lay one of the major portions of the Western Corridor of the CPEC which will connect Gwadar on the Arabian Sea, north into Balochistan, then pass through south of Khyber Pakhtunwa a region which has been hitherto neglected into Potohar plateu of Punjab and finally Islamabad thus connecting it to the national motorway hub.

This is a big deal indeed!


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The bridge over the Indus is almost complete. M-14 motorway will open by 1st of October this year. This will mean a major portion of Western Corridor will be in place. Islamabad to DI Khan, KPK, to Quetta, Balochistan and Gwadar on Arabian Sea will become reality. The western axis of the country will see immense change come about. This video is intersting in that it shows how wide Indus is at full flow in south of Khyber Pakhtunkwa.


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