ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ: Προχωρά άμεσα ο εκσυγχρονισμός ρουκετοβόλων RM70 για τον Ελληνικό Στρατό - Πτήση
Το Ελληνικό Πυροβολικό ετοιμάζεται για ένα άλμα δυνατοτήτων, προωθώντας τον εκσυγχρονισμό μέρους ή και όλων των ενεργών ρουκετοβόλων του Πυροβολικού. Όπως είναι γνωστό, το Πυροβολικό εξετάζει εδώ και πολύ καιρό λύσεις πάνω στον εκσυγχρονισμό των εκτοξευτών, και τελικά αποφασίστηκε πως πρέπει να...

Google Translation Following:
The Hellenic Artillery is preparing for a leap of potential, promoting the modernization of part or all of the active Artillery rocket launchers. As it is known, the Artillery has been considering solutions for the modernization of the launchers for a long time, and finally it was decided that it should be double, that is, in the vehicles / launchers, but also in the ammunition.
We do not know what the decisions of the ES are on the issue of vehicle modernization. There could be a complete change of the platform, with some completely new ones. However, what is certain is that a new shooting computer will be installed, which will allow the rapid ordering, shooting, and departure of the vehicle, while there will be digitization of the shooting control units.
We also do not know what decisions have been made on the issue of ammunition. The HQ has a huge stock, as a result of the smart choice of system back in 1994, which remain operational. The HQ does not intend to replace / modernize all this ammunition, but it also wants a large number of new rockets, which will allow it to strike more accurately, at greater distances.
The total cost of the program can reach 200 million euros, an amount that is completely reasonable for the capabilities it will offer to the Hellenic Artillery. It should be noted that the Artillery is not only interested in the volume of fire they can offer, but also in the accuracy of the emitted fires.
Very often we put various videos from the operations in Ukraine, where the Ukrainian artillery causes disproportionately large losses to the Russian invaders with very targeted fire. The Greek Officers of the Defense Army want to be able to hit any target with powerful but also accurate fire. And let's not forget that rocket launchers also serve the islands, a field where the Turks have begun to shrink...
Note that our site does not have a particular preference in choosing the company that will do the modernization, as well as will supply the rockets (or will modernize them). So, in the past years we have made presentations on any proposal or idea that is circulating in the market, or had come for presentation at the General Assembly. In this way we will continue to present the defense programs of our Armed Forces.
We will come back with new information on the subject, as the issue of Modernization will enter the Parliament in the coming days, in the Competent Committee of Armament Programs. It is expected that very soon we will have data and decisions for the modernization of MLRS. We will return to the subject very soon.