The Swedish Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons, 1945–1968: An Analysis of the Technical Preparations


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Swedish nuclear-weapons plans are analyzed during the period 1945–1968. By the end of this period, Sweden had in place a nuclear program capable of producing nuclear weapons within a few years. But for a combination of reasons—among them rising public opposition to nuclear weapons, tension between civilian nuclear power goals and the goal of maintaining freedom of action with respect to nuclear weapons, the US policy to discourage the Swedes from building the bomb, and strengthening of international nonproliferation norms—the program was abandoned in 1968 when Sweden joined the Non-proliferation Treaty as a non-weapon state.


Swedish nuclear plans have generated rumors over the years, catching the attention of both national and international media from time to time.1 Questions about the status of these plans have been raised ever since the Swedish parliament decided to shelve the nuclear option with the signing of the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968. Why was the nuclear program terminated? How advanced were Swedish technological preparations for the production of nuclear weapons?2 Can the Swedish case serve as a convincing example for other nations with nuclear weapons ambition to abandon them? This article recounts, in broad terms, the history of nuclear weapons research in Sweden, its aims and results regarding technological preparations. How was research organized? With which companies and research institutions in Sweden and abroad did the responsible organization, the Swedish National Defence Research Establishment (FOA), collaborate? The focus in this article is on the technical aspects of the Swedish nuclear plans, even though other aspects of a possible Swedish nuclear weapons acquisition are touched upon.

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